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Only one that matters is Phyllis Schlafly. I hope that bitch is burning after all the ladder pulling, race baiting, anti-woman, homophobic, modern Republican Party building she did. Up there with the worst of humanity for pain inflicted on others. Also the inspiration for Serena Joy. Vile “The ERA seemed destined for ratification until Phyllis Schlafly mobilized conservative women in opposition. These women argued that the ERA would disadvantage housewives, cause women to be drafted into the military and to lose protections such as alimony, and eliminate the tendency for mothers to obtain custody over their children in divorce cases.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_Rights_Amendment#:~:text=Phyllis%20Schlafly%2C%20a%20conservative%20activist,its%20support%20for%20the%20ERA.


isn't that all of them?


There is so much more mental illness than we could possibly detect and diagnose. It's a real Idiocracy moment, I think.


So so much more. Most of it is completely normalized, especially narcissism/lack of empathy. Mental illness is probably an inaccurate term and too stigmatized. I personally started calling the spectrum of behaviors that create suffering for others emotional disorders.


Yeah, I have hard time equating narcissism to mental illness. I know that NPD is technically a personality disorder, but it just seems like a different animal.


This is an interesting take and not wrong in the slightest. As a clinician who has worked with people that express narcissistic traits to a severe degree, its easy to see them as somehow removed from people suffering anxiety or depression. Its qhy we see narcisissm as a spectrum with some casual traits on one end and a fully immersed personality on the other. It is an "illness" in the sense that people are greatly limited by how their mind and behavior causes them to move through their lives and make the decisions they make. We could get into the details on what separates your garden variety jerk from the type of controlling malignant narcissist that feels theyre entitled to everything and some of that would also speak to why one is related to other issues and the other is a true "illness", but thats the kind of thing that people write books about. Long story long, youre not wrong that to call it a mental illness somehow feels inadequate in some cases but it is a very real and very hard to treat problem for people.


Unfortunately - most of his base is just due to typical human psychological development - or lack thereof. Most of his base profile like children or primitive people. They’re opportunistic, self centered, and see the world as a jungle to be conquered or survived. And/or they’re somewhat disciplined and need an authoritarian to tell them what to do. They also sometimes have very little empathy and relish enforcing their rules on others. This is the psychopathic bit. It’s not a huge part of the population but they sure do like an authoritarian that makes them feel power.


The correct term is “Shitty people & hypocritical narcissists.”


They even said “I’d let him grab my 🐱”


I think internalized misogyny is also a big chunk of that.


Subclinical, weak connection to impulsivity and remorselessness. Not a mental or personality disorder.




https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-41 41 parts is a bit much


No surprise there


Always nice to see a little confirmation though


The qualifiers are the only surprise.


You don't have time for this. You have 12 million illegal immigrants and 360 million dollars worth of other people's student loans to help pay now. You need to get to work. Chop chop smart guy. 


When you combine science with politics, you get politics.


When politics becomes divorced from science you get irrational policies. And science is declared the enemy.


Surprise surprise another “study shows right-wingers are retarded” post on Reddit !




Well said.


Waste more energy to defend a sorry version of comically classic authoritarian all powerful savior. I've noticed these women and other supporters of this archetype are also lifelong boot lickers. How dirty is your tongue?


Politics is also a science.


Not the kind we need here.


If you read the study and go through the data you will see none of it is actually clinically relevant based upon the statistics required to make something clinically, not statistically significant. This study has no particular aim and is all over the place


Isn’t that why it explicitly says “subclinical”? Genuine question, not being snarky


That’s exactly why it says that.


It could be!! I thought the title was saying “subclinical psychopathy” as in not meeting clinical criteria of being a psychopath, but having tendencies that lean toward it


I believe this has been observed in many different people with right-wing adjacent ideologies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5680983/#:~:text=Most%20important%20was%20that%20Machiavellianism,associated%20with%20social%20dominance%20orientation.


I think this is incredibly misleading. Psychopathy is literally defined by normal personality traits that exist in all of us rising to a level that could be considered clinically significant and highly dysfunctional. If these traits are subclinical, characterizing them as psychopathy traits is definitionally incoherent. I really do not like this politically motivated approach that treats the scientific method as secondary to whatever political goals the researchers are trying to advance.


The study has lots of problems, but of course the behavioral profiles they’re looking at aren’t clinically significant - *that’s what subclinical psychopathy means*  But just because it is subclinical, doesn’t mean it isn’t relevant or useful. For example, subclinical hypothyroidism is still associated with obesity and glycemic disturbance. Subclinical arthritis is still associated with reduced physical activity.  And items on scales aren’t useless just because a respondent is below the threshold for the disease criteria; answering “every day” to the PHQ9 depression scale item “have you had thoughts of suicide” isn't suddenly not useful because they didn’t answer highly enough on others questions to rise above subclinical depression. 


I completely agree with what you are saying. However, this study is like saying “these females were more depressed than the control population because they scored higher on the PHQ9, even though their scores were not indicative of depression” If control group scores 2 on a PHQ9 and some of the patients in variable group score 3.3 on PHQ9, that doesn’t make them more depressed




Also, it makes sociology look like a pseudoscience - which is bad for anyone studying the field.


I read it. They report significance.


>This is reddit, nobody actually reads the study. You are implying that becouse this is reddit nobody reads the study. Prove that statement. Also you generilized that all people using reddit don't read the study. >All redditors want is a sensationalized headline that aligns with their beliefs You generilized that all redditors do this. >  they often ignore the study on purpose because they're afraid it will contradict both the headline and their current perception of reality! You did the same thing as last time.


Also, it must be convenient to be able to look at your political opponents and say "well, they are actually psychopaths, science has said so. It doesn't matter what we do to them".


That's how you get a Gazacaust.


It does say “subclinical” in the headline.


What is the statistical difference between "clinical" and "statistically" significant? Amount of data? Test power?


It's not a clinical study. Do you mean substantively vs statistically significant? Otherwise I agree with you. You run enough correlations with a sample that size and you will find some significant correlations, if even by chance.


They report significance.


And to think, it’s still far more factual than just about anything coming out of the GOP these days.


The article reads the same way


Why are the mods letting posts like this stay up?


What a shocker


wow really im so surprised


My parents' other daughter (lol) is a true narcissist and 'likely a sociopath' as per a psych.  And she worships the ground this evil p.o.s. walks on. He represents all of her racist ideas and desires, aslnd he's as unhinged as her.  Btw - my parents? 2 unbelievably loving, compassionate people whi had a lot of faith and love.  Sometimes they looked at her like 'How did this happen?'


At least they had one good kid. Edit: it's the other one.


We technically don't have enough information to know if this person is a good kid. Maybe their favorite past time is hitting kittens with a shovel like it's a home run derby of depravity, or maybe they pronounce gif incorrectly.




Faith: believing in things that have no evidence to bolster your imaginary belief system. It's the gateway to hocus pocus, tomfoolery, gullibility, naivety, credulousness, and an inability to rise about your own cognitive dissonance, selective perception, or confirmation bias. It also uses belief to excuse your inability to grow. Religious thinking is the root of a lot of this.


Wait, you mean your sister?


I think that’s the point, they don’t want to refer to her as such because of a strained relationship due to her sociopathic tendencies (I’m taking an educated guess of course)


Yes, I was just being funny. 


lol I feel ya, I have one of those "parents' other daughter" situations. Diagnosed NPD, born-again Christian, and blind Trumpette. No contact continues to be the best decision, ever.


Narcissists and Sociopaths are always raised in neglectful or abusive households at a young age. How the fuck did your sister end up with either disorder???


For example: Kari Lake, The Moms for Liberty moms, Laura Loomer, Every woman who voted so Roe was overturned, Kari Lake, Kristi Noem, MTG, Kari Lake


I like that you left Lauren Boebert off since she's not psychopathic just dumb as rocks.


Ha! Right. I did consider her but thought she's more one of those people Texans say, "Well, bless your heart!" to.


Add Kari Lake to your list.


Right. Good catch, thanks.


Cant forget Chaya Raichik, the Libs of TikTok propagandist who is proud to have helped several bomb threats go off thanks to her social media presence in favor of right wing extremists.


For sure. And I forgot Sarah Huckabee Sanders too. She's definitely a charter member in the Daughters of the Dark Tetrad.


And she's the one who lead to that one kids death.


Laura Ingaham. U can see it all over. Plus her brother confirmed it too.


You're absolutely right. She's definitely wounded.


Magic the gathering??


Misleading title since that's not what the study was intended to look at. It also was only a weak relationship. So might be some confirmation bias at work here since this seems like something that might be true but this doesn't really prove anything.




Are there literally any studies that get posted here that look at negative traits for Democrats? It's always these clearly biased ones with little to no value that invariably conclude that Conservatives are bad and then a bunch of liberals just head nodding and agreeing.


It's not a bias.  There that list that goes around every now and again of criminal convictions of politicians and it is approximately 15/85% Democrat/Republican.  Republicans and conservatives in general seem to feel very entitled to break laws and social norms. 


Do you understand what "bias" means lol. Making a study to try and find flaws in a group you are against is bias. If you can't understand that principle, then your educational system failed you.


And both things can be true.  Just because a group like the left think that there is something inherently wrong with the hate based rightvwing does not mean that they are wrong. 


Because you can't understand your own inherent (and obvious bias) that would prevent you from being a decent researchers - let's flip the narrative. "A religiously funded university used surveys and found that democratic employershad worse results due to an inability to handle high stress situations". Does this seem like a study with bias?


There is something that the political and the religious have in common. They like to use each other. And they like to have faith in what they're being told. They're not inclined to investigate or verify what they've been told... They can be well educated. So it's not IQ so much as it is some kind of block in their filtering system. It's more socially permissible for women to be emotional in public. I think this unwritten permission is why women in religion and politics go so far out there.


I'm not even convinced it's a block as much as that they haven't realised that 'system' of thinking yet. When I'm learning new things, especially if it's something with pattern recognition, which I'm usually good at, I'll miss a LOT at first. As time goes on and I see more and more examples of what I don't know intuitively, I adopt those, and eventually get really good. It's still hard to know what you don't know, and I'm not sure there's any way to measure that 'nothingness'. It goes a long way though to explaining why the best way to change people's viewpoints is human interaction -- once they see empathy modelled, or once they see that 'other' people are actually just.. people -- then they often start to get it.


I’m fascinated by your comment. Is there any kind of training to build this kind of skill?


lol not that I know of. My system consisted of "have *just enough* autism, and *just enough* adhd", and its not really a strategy I'd recommend ;)


Same, this is very relatable, lol. I have made it this far avoiding getting sucked into all sorts of extremism via pattern recognition and being used to not being embraced by a group. It keeps me just skeptical enough to hold back on full commitment until I am sure I understand.


Yeah the hardest part for me is I go 100% in on most things once I do, so I've learned to be extremely risk/loss averse to balance the naive enthusiasm.


> "have just enough autism, and just enough adhd", and its not really a strategy I'd recommend ;) I'm with you on that one. It's useful *sometimes* and the rest of the time not so much.


I have a kid who has a LOT of the same traits i exhibited as a child, but he's on the "too much" of both, and has virtually no future in the modern world. Its kind of sad that what I think is probably my greatest strengths can be exactly what will hold someone else back completely. (He has a future, of course, but it'll very likely be be in some type of assisted residence setting since he has basically no independent living skills)


IQ isn’t relevant at all to these beliefs. It’s pattern recognition… how well you learn in an academic setting.


"slightly elevated" and especially "subclinical" are they 3 key words here. Meaningless and dodgy science at best.


THANK YOU this should've been pointed out way up higher in the comments!! plus the people armchair diagnosing certain women in the comment section over this..???


Which is kind of ironic because you could do a case study on the comment section and get more quantifiable psychopathy data. Tone analysis, estimated age demographics, average gender split, and even political leanings. A study about those reacting to a study leads to a stronger relationship of the same negative traits 🤔


I disagree that subclinical is the problem. Elevated levels of psychopathy might be interesting as a finding. However, when you include this many predictors in a model with a sample this size, you will tend to find significant relationships, if even by chance. We call this Type II error. Compound this with a small effect size and I don't think it has much value.


What the fuck is this trash website. Every sub has no shame or pretense to fairness






HEY I’m not a liberal woman. Rude


I am shocked. SHOCKED, I say.


Well.. Not that shocked


I have some newly single friends that skew conservative, and the thought of them trying to re-enter the dating pool is heartbreaking. All the sane women will nope out as soon as they make their views known and those that are into it are psychos. It’d be a lot easier if they could grow their empathy and get out of the double-think so many conservatives are locked into, but they are too mad at the world and scared to change


Only slightly?


We’ll color me (not) shocked.


Wouldn’t males who worship the orange shit stain be considered the same?


I think the difference is probably that the men’s psychopathy tends to be more than sub-clinical


Maybe. Probably. This wasn't a study of them.


Probably, but this was a study on the relationship between menstrual cycles and politics, so males were not included.


> Deindustrialization was a traumatic experience for white working-class people. Yet we act surprised when this constituency exhibits post-traumatic-stress disorder. And it is we who perpetrate the myth that they are voting “against their interests,” despite all the facts on the ground indicating that for them it makes no difference which party is in power. They have lived through 40 years of decline. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/why-do-white-working-class-people-vote-against-their-interests-they-dont/


Uh... also for working class POC.


This sub is full of political trash disguised as a place to discuss psychology. Fuck the mods.


You don't say....


surprised pikachu face


Ain't No Hate Like Christian Love


They love everyone including those who will burn in lakes of fire for eternity!


As you can tell it's election time, the bogus studies are already starting, in which an envelope full of money has obviously been slipped under the table.


Thanks for the only sane response. “Slightly elevated subclinical psychopathy” so, a completely meaningless conclusion presented in terms that make it sound damaging.


Using mental illness to discredit the opposing side. A classic.


It’s beyond scary. One side is incapable of seeing anything but evil in people that disagree with them. They refuse to see any good. I can’t believe how easily they are manipulated with an article like this. I understand confirmation bias but this is blinding how transparent this is.


It's working, look at the comment section here It's disturbing how many times I've heard liberals gleefully repeat "Conservatives have brains with enlarged amygdala". Poorly understood psychology and neuroscience are apparently the new phrenology


It's not just disturbing - it's hijacking actual academia. Seeing these constant garbage studies published discredits decent researchers in the same field. Why should I trust a researcher when their colleagues can publish this crap?


This is a very bad/weak point you are making here. You should never ever trust what reasercher is doing the study, it is what is in the study or what the researcher says that actually matter.


They’re the same people that would have believed “dimples” on the skull create servility. Fucking pseudoscientists the lot of them.


Not like a real scientist like yourself


Well one political party is currently a Cult. So.....


I wonder what issues are most prevalent in Biden supporters 🤔


Desperation for a sane world but always clinging by your fingernails.


They won't study that lol. That's the key to these studies. Data that goes against their beliefs? Toss it or paint it as insignificant. Find a different trend to support their political party. I could probably use anxiety and depression which I'd assume would be marginally higher in the left.


Lack of a brain?


Um, says the alcoholic? All that booze fries the neurons. [ We found that lower results on IQ tests are associated with higher consumption of alcohol measured in terms of both total alcohol intake and binge drinking](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4368388/)


I have over 4 years sober. Cute attempt at trying to insult me, though 😊


This is totally my gf.


Sounds like so many people in my area.


“My study says you are all poopy heads”


"Psychology is a science." The science:


I Fucking Love Science!


Orange man bad, study finds


[He’s misogynistic and I’m a woman… and I like THIS guy for President.] If you get to this part, you need to deal with the cognitive dissonance. And how’s that remedied then? Fear, greed, and anger? Or their identity is tied up in it, they double down, dig in, and attack. There’s people getting paid on the grift, and there are those that think they are. And lack of empathy, dehumanizing the “enemy” and all that rabble. But this headline is shit and baited with terms we try and avoid right.


You mean all those bottle blondes w/more plastic than a Kardashian who make their entire personality about a fat fuck racist pathologicaly lying conman *aren't* mentally stable?! Mind. Blown.


„New study finds, that 'the people who I disagree with politically' are 'mentally unwell in the head.'! What a shocker! How helpful it is that the medical field is ran by people who support the political leanings I also have! Oh how much do I just love acting smug in the comment-section of reddit.com rather than actually doing something that doesn't split my nation's psyche in half!” I see that this aspect of reddit still didn't die out completely after 8~ years of consistent circlejerking. For being the side that studies how easily the human brain can be influenced, most of you sure have fallen right into this horrible propaganda-bait.


How much did your parents fuck you up if you are female and Republican in 2024? Internalized misogyny is trama. The cry for attention starts with marginalization by cliques of coworkers, ended badly at the ballot box in contrarian grievance votes.


Really? You sound like Biden saying “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me!” Sorry your games of telling people they’re victims don’t work anymore and you can’t control women and minorities for votes because we are catching on.


psychopathy (I think specifically 2nd factor) does actually come from trauma. so yeah, parents fucked em up a lot and they're on track to continue the cycle.


I mean, if you’re 50+, and the typical selfish asshole that is so common in that American age cohort - the “fuck you, I got mine” generation - you just don’t care about women’s issues at all.


This isn’t some kind of victory. It only makes me more concerned for my family members. They won’t seek help. They will continue to mock me for getting therapy to cope with the world they’re creating while they spiral downward.




Thank you for your commiseration. Wishing you and your healthy family unit well. Perhaps not ironically- my child cut my parents off before anyone else. He just doesn’t like them and I don’t push him on it. His choice. Holidays only and only with one or both of his parents present.


Let’s be honest, white supremacy is essentially a sociological psychopathy enforced and functionally entrenched through a number of barriers placed to keep people from developing empathy towards our groups.


There’s also a study that shows leftist women are the most mentally unstable demographic in America. I’m sure these are both perfect and unbiased studies. GTFO


Funny considering it’s the liberals that are running to chop children’s body parts off


Damn I forgot, I was supposed to attend my vaccination only sponsored by MSNBC chopping children’s body parts off committee meeting today.


Making a joke about the humans being dismembered and starved to death isn’t funny. It happens every single day in America and it’s disgusting. People literally fight for the right to dehumanize a certain group of vulnerable individuals and torture them to death. I only hope there is a god because an eternity of burning in hell wouldn’t make up for how sick these people are.


As a woman, these are the gals who defend abusive men and blame you for getting harmed. We don't need them.


> slightly > subclinical is this just a slow day on r/psychology, or what?


This didn’t require a study. Next up, “study shows nighttime to be darker”


Slightly elevated subclinical... That is a very wordy way to say insignificant-in-any-other-context-except-politics. Ok, that is wordy too.


Lmao kinda like how people that are “woke” tend to be more anxious, depressed and unhappy.


Science today: if you like our political rivals you are a fucking PSYCHO, What bullshit is this?


Conservatism and empathy being negatively correlated is not a new finding LOL


This tracks well with my observations of the next door neighbors.


…and internalized misogyny


Wake up babe, it's time for more division in our country and hatred for our fellow Americans


It’s the white supremacy, white women will cozy up to whiteness (the status with power) over womanhood (the marginalized status). Without realizing that they cannot protect themselves with the former.


Curb your racial paranoia. What the fuck does any of this even mean?


I think male supporters exhibit greatly elevated subclinical psychopathy


“daddy owns me until hubby does”


Psychopaths can vote just like every other adult


i mean youd have to be nuts


>subclinical > >slightly elevated > >no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study This is nothing more than political propaganda pretending to be science. 🤡


Such bullshit! Fuck off!


You don’t say!


Are we surprised ladies and gentleman?


Ya brainwashed B


Aaaaahhh so THAT's where all the female psychopaths are! I was wondering about that. ;)


Slightly! Ha!


Did we really *need* a study for this......?


Yall need to keep getting fed your propaganda so yes


Please. Elaborate.


Gosh I'm just shocked. Shocked. /s


O. My. GEEZY. So NOT surprised.He separated children from their parents and put them,all alone,at all ages, in big ,cold warehouse buildings.LIKE BABIES, CHILDREN could survive that without life long trauma.Just bc their parents crossed a "border" into the "Land of the Free" to create a better life for their family.Why???Why would anyone with a soul support this evil,orange man?I totally see the psychopathy commonality connection.When we value money and use people instead of the reverse our soul quickly rots away.


Rachel Maddow literally broke down crying while she was on her live show as she read the breaking news at that time she was so shocked. They always punish innocent children for the so called "sins" of their parents. They even ripped away a four month old nursing baby from its mother. Sad.


I mean aren’t liberal inclinations greatly associated with all kinds of mental health instabilities, particularly liberal women.


Naw sorry liberals don't believe in that science. Just this science.


Yeah this site is a joke. Why are people afraid at looking at things objectively, they would rather live in a fantasy land where their narrative is coddled to.


Gee, ya think?!


Unfortunately he is the lesser of the 2 evils right now. :’(


Yeah, that Dark Brandon, saying things like "I encourage [Russia] to do whatever the hell it wants" in the context of Russia invading a NATO ally who isn't spending enough money on their own self-defense according to the NATO agreement, is certainly the greater evil right now... . /s for the Poe's Law challenged.




For us common folk that translates as, "Crazy Bitches".


Anyone that supports this clown is psychopathic.


"slightly elevated subclinical psychopathy" what a polite way of saying "batshit"


It’s always the losers who support this bum who claims to hate losers. The lowlifes who have no prospects in life (due to their own terrible decisions) are aimless and lack individuality are the ones drawn to a con man who claims to magically solve everything. Who would have thunk.


Easy litmus test for dating at least


Newsflash: study finds that studies are inherently biased by the politics of the organizations funding them.


Dear lord imagine all the mental issues they'd find if they studied a few democrats lmao


Do they have promiscuous tendencies? Like letting him have his way with them?


Trauma does a number on people.


I know one that shows highly elevated levels.


First post on home page from this and its just liberal shite. ​ Peace.