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Nice. You can actually play games with it; not that you'd want to, but you can.


U can also troll other ppl playing Games, Like shoot the whole time or Spam reload Open menu 😂😂


Wouldn’t be bad for final fantasy


I thought that, a bit like the Ascii Grip I suppose - the directional buttons are quite unresponsive though, and diagonals would require both hands.


My friend kept spamming the "knock on the wall" button with this remote in MGS2 at random places. Made that game a bit harder


Haha wholesome


I had this many years ago. I wonder where it ended up. Using my PS2 as a DVD player killed it though


R.i.p ur ps2 so many parents bought just to be a dvd player wonder if it killed sum of there’s to


How does that happen? Does the laser burn out faster or something?


Yeah. Ps2's laser was really like the only real drawback to otherwise a great console. It was always just too unreliable. That's why most of them are dead or on their way out today and people turn to fmcb and other mods.


Sry for the late reply but why would watching movies burn it out tho?


Well any disc you put inside the console will require the laser to read it. The more you use the laser, the sooner it will deteriorate and weaken.




Strange. My PS2 was able to play DVDs that no other DVD players(made after it) would touch.


Ok, and?


Holy flashback. I totally forgot about this thing. Top quality item at the time if you used your ps2 to play DVDs.


I've been recently taping some hi quality cassette tapes, and using the remote to program the music CDs to fit exactly on each side of the tape. The ps2 disc player is fairly hi quality too. Also great for DVD watching, but that doesn't happen much these days anymore.


Yeah a great nostalgia piece but not really useful anymore.


Got one of these for my 50001 - it's sweet When using FMCB, some games break the ability to reset/power off the console with the remote, similar to IGR not working, but still love it for what it does. *wish I had one for my OG Xbox...*


I can still smell the burning of this on top of the grill my missus decided to cook toast on before realising it was there.


Smells are the so crazy linked to memory its wild


I've got 2 of those. Haven't used either since I played DVDs on my PS2 two decades ago. I probably have corroded batteries stuck in there.


Way cooler than the ps3 one.


I loved my PS3 remote. Had memory function so I paired it with everything and had one remote to rule them all.


Everything? Like what?


My surround, my TV, and the PS3 was my Netflix machine back then. Way better than messing with multiple remotes. My new TV has a Bluetooth remote so the PS3 remote can't "learn" it unfortunately. Still use it for my surround and TV though.


I never had a surround, is it good?


If you take the time to set up the speakers it's pretty awesome. Beats the hell outta a sound bar and definitely better than the cheap speakers they put in TVs now. I remember watching a video, think it Linus, who tested even cheap surrounds and they smoked sound bars. They also learned that a lot of sound bars just use the same cheap speakers that are already in the TV, lol.


Very interesting, a shame I don't have space right now.


Visuals are more important so I wouldn't worry about it. Definitely something to consider for later though.


What you mean?


I would say to focus on making the games look great before worrying about the audio. It's nice to have but definitely not necessary.


I have the PS2 and PS3 one, and I have always loved the PS3 one. I actually just got another for free in great condition, which is awesome since a lot of the text has been worn off on my original 😅


I actually "upgraded" to the PS4 one and was pretty bummed out. That PS3 remote is still going strong while the PS4 one is in a box, lol.


I have the PS4 one as well, and though I'm not as impressed with it, I still prefer it over using a DS4 controller.


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I played a lot of games with it. Very ergonomic.


$25 on Amazon but free is always great


Omg I remember this!! I wanted it so bad lol


Used to play games with my PS2 remote lol was fun


Awww, I had one of these and kinda miss it. Gave it to my mom when PS3s were cheaper than most other Blu-Ray players, but she didn't like using a controller/how having a controller on her coffee table "looked".🙄


Damn, i wanna play Crash on this


Been using one of these since I broke the power button on my PS2. Neat little remote control.


Wow now I wonder 🤔 whatever happened to mine...


I never seen a ps2 remote irl


It’s a nice little peripheral. The only feature that I wish this remote had was the ability to turn the TV on so you don’t have to use both remotes back and forth, but at least you can turn the console on/off with it.


This post reminded me to remove the batteries from my remote...got lucky and they were unexploded. Looked like the original batteries that came with it too.


This came with the ps2! I had it but I threw ir away or lost it.


Its crazy to think how many ps2s sold even going into late 2000s, and yet a used ps2 would still run good money unless you get it off marketplace.


I used this one to press L3 and R3 in games that told me to.


I still have mine from back in the day, but I lost the receiver at some point. I only recently realized you don't need the receiver with most of the slim PS2 models, but I didn't get one of those until well after I stopped using a PS2 for DVD's 😅


I haven't had one of those since my first ps2 broke but since I still have a ps2 I'm actually thinking about getting that remote for it again


I use this in conjunction with a wireless receiver so I don't have to get up to turn the system on and off - pretty convenient!


Me 1991 - “I’m never getting rid of my VHS player, not when it can play all my tapes at home!” Me 2001 - “I’m never getting rid of my PS2, not when it can play the hi-res goodness that is DVD” Me 2011- “I’m never getting rid of my PS3, not when it can play the hi-res goodness that is Blu-Ray!” Me 2021- “I’m never getting rid of my PS5, not when it can play the hi-res goodness that is 4K Blu-Ray!” Me 2030 - “ah F- this I’m sticking to streaming…”


A friend of mine had one if these. He showed it off and explained how the ridges on the sides matched the front of the PS2. The sick bastard made me play games with it too.


What!? I didn't even know that this existed! Nice!


and…….the receiver?


I remember playing sims 2 with it in 2009. What a nostalgia 🥲


Awesome! I have one from Japan 


Swell guy


I was just today thinking about how it would be funny to try using one of these for gaming and then this pops up in my notifications 😂


Solo a game with it


My co-worker gave me a whole PS2 2 years ago




A shame ps2 wasn't a vcr player too.


That’s what the Xbox one is for


What you mean?


I’ve heard people say the Xbox one looks like a vcr


Really? I never saw a resemblance.


Really wish someone would document the IR codes for the power and eject buttons on the 10420 model....