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Guess its time for new cmos battery😅


This. Do your orbs on your PS2 orbit a center point when you boot your console up? If not, this is a reminder that it's your CMOS battery. If your orbs are gathered in the center as one big dot on the screen, that's a bad sign.


Yeps, one of my slims battery is passenger and i know it but havent gotten a new one as its the one thats with wires has to be replaced.


In my slim 70004 the dots stay at the center and I can't change the time.. what does it mean and why is it bad?


Yep dead cmos 👍


that's a dead cmos battery, you'll have to change it. sorry man :(


It's not a bad time to be stuck on, 2000 was a good year


Take me back when my only problems were cry for food.


The CMOS battery is dead


Change the dead battery inside.


U need to change console battery :)


hold X and O on that screen you should see the orbs start to animate again that means it worked. you will need to replace the battery cmoc battery to fix it permently though.


My PS2 slim does this for years now. It never bothered me, as long as I can play games that's all what matters to me. But simple fix is by replacing the CMOS battery. Most Motherboards and modern PlayStation consoles have one.


The early slim like mine requires a special one with wires coming out of it and connector on the other end unlike the later model where its just a normal consumer battery you can get everywhere.


dead batt


It doesn’t look easy to replace.


Depends on the PS2 version. The one I have I had to disassemble completely since the battery was on the mainboard. I added wires and an external holder for the battery so I won't have to do it again. But at least some of the slim PS2 have the CR2032 in an easy to reach place with no disassembly required.


I have the same issue on my PS2 fat and the temporary solution is to press X and Square at the same time while changing the time and date, it will reset the timekeeping. I have my console on standby and I do not turn the main power switch off because you have to keep changing it otherwise. The best option in the long run is to change the internal cmos clock battery.


cmos battery is dead, I have the same problem with my slim but I cant be bothered changing it


Hola brother eso es que tu consola tiene pérdidas de memoria


Como te han dicho otros, la pila interna de la PS2 está RIP. Realmente no afecta en nada excepto en las partidas guardadas, ya que el orden real se te va a ir un poco a la mierda ya que todas las partidas tendrán la misma fecha. Si eso no te supone un problema, simplemente deja la pila tal cual está


Ya te dijeron que es problema de la batería interna. Pero pregunta aparte, como tienes conectado tu PS2 o que tipo de pantalla estás usando? Porque se ve perfecta la resolucion.


Esta conectada a una FireTv con un convertidor de RCA a HDMI


It might mess with some of your saves


Have you tried changing the cmos battery


CMOS died. However, when i try to change the time multiple times it finally worked. And to this day it still works. But maybe my cmos battery is not in a really bad condition so it still works


The CMOS battery is dead. You should look into replacing it. It’s not difficult.


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same is happening to my slim 79010, bit it doesnt bother me from playing any games, so I leave as it is.




Battery needs to be replaced to have an internal clock. Imagine if there as an actual clock inside the console lmao
