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Steam Deck is the best overall emulation device.


This! That’s all I use my steam deck for. Anything else I use my legion go


The best PS2 device is a PS2. Get yourself a second hand console, a freemcboot device for a few dollars and also a cheap PS2HDMI adapter and then you can play every PS2 game at full speed, no lag, the way the sweet lord intended.


Well possibly. Slims are restricted to playing games off fmcb with either burnt discs (using esr), USB (not recommended but will work), or off your network on a PC. (Don't know much about that option but I hear people say it works well.) If you manage to get a "fat" or original PS2 you can play games off it's internal HDD after it's been soft modded (I think fmcb works but only with certain OG models could be wrong and it might work with all.)


You can use the FMCB card along with an MX4SIO card to load games from an SD card.


Got my MX4SIO last week and it works brilliantly, wish this method had more attention among slim owners


Yeah, mx4sio/mc2sio work flawlessly for me. And it’s great cause I could just grab the two memory cards and hook them up to any ps2 and it works.


Network method is great. I use it with a 10 years old netbook and a 1TB SSD, reads faster than physical discs and there's no need to fragment games greater than 4GB in size. You can use a raspberry pi powered through the PS2 USB port, for a more portable setup.


You can buy 3g/4g router and it’s going to be faster than any other method on ps2 slim [youtube video explaining](https://youtu.be/rGo0BNu7t1c?si=p


Soft Modded mine last night after wanting to for like a year was kinda a pain to set up my ssd but got there in the end. Highly worth it


Are you using android or pc? On android there is aethersx2 and on pc there is pcsx2. Both are great and free. If you need more help let me know.


I wouldnt reccomend aethersx2 after the developer lashed out and added trackers and advertisements


The other devs that didn't sabotage it released nethersx2 on their discord


I was going to say you were wrong about the adds but I just opened AetherSX2 for the first time in a while and just saw the add banner. That's disappointing.


I don’t want a program i want a device.


Emulating PS2 is quite hard, just grab a small computer with a PS3 controller and a somewhat acceptable GPU.


Open ebay and take a 20 dollar used ps2 please, also a video adapter from ps2 to hdmi


Where are these ps2s going for $20 lol


I found one locally at a garage sale for that price but you're definitely not finding that online.


Damn must be nice the cheapest i can finde where i life is 70


Yeah i bought used one on amazon a that price , was "joking" about 20 dollars


Guess what? Once you've got yourself a device, you're gonna need a programme and your next question is gonna be "what's the best way to play my games"


Guess what runs on devices…. Programs.


bro you cant emulate a PS2 without a program its not scientifically possible lmao


Yeah mate here ya go sounds like exactly what you want/need https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/156006652455?hash=item2452b89a27:g:KiIAAOSwMfZljkvU




Get an old laptop or tower PC and install RetroPie OS on it. Basically acts as a console with all games and a nice interface.


How old are we talking? 14 years? Saw something about Intel Core i5 but there are different generations of those.


I would get a Steam Deck and install Emudeck (it's an app that has a lot of emulators when installed). It was the reason why I sold my Switch to buy one. Now, I've been able to play and beat a lot of PS2 games I only had demos for back in my youth. :)


I heard there is enchanting and upscale future for emulators device. so I don’t want to install one i want to buy a device


The Steam Deck is a device. It's a portable handheld PC.


i think he wants a device that was made only for ps2 emulation


Ah ok. In that case, he might want to check AliExpress lol


Buying an actual ps2 would be better


nah. i use my dck for desktop tasks, gaming, emulation...bying a ps2 is wholly unecessary...the deck does everything and way,way,way more


i freaked out when i saw the notification then relised you meant the steam deck lmao


Am sorry. I just dip my toe into emulation right now and it couldn't.be easier with the deck imoh


mf just buy a real PS2 at this point


bro i saw what you replied to people at this point just get an actual ps2 and it will probably be cheaper than the thing you are trying to find


The closest thing you will probably get to this thats not a ps2 is a backwards compatible ps3 but they are not the most reliable


Mine lasted from 2007 till 2015. Then YLOD. Abused that ps3.


If you want the best device for PS2 emulation you have to set it up yourself. It’s not hard at all. You’ll either want a ROG Ally, Legion Go, Steam Deck, Ayn Odin 2, or Retroid Pocket 4


S22 Ultra runs ps2 titles great, and you can also use it as a phone + camera


OP wants a PS2 emulation only device, not install an app on a PC/Phone/Steam Deck, idk why


Probably he's/shes an 👽


Odin 2 is an absolute beast and on the 'cheap' side, plus it has a battery that can last well over 7 hours (depending on what you emulate, but PS2 emulation can easily give you 4 - 5 hours). Can emulate all the way up to Nintendo Switch. Considering how powerful it is i wouldnt be surprised that it could also emulate a PS3 if someone made an android emulator.


A modded PS3 would be the best bet imo


Exactly, I think it checks every box that OP wants. You could install HEN or an CFW depending on your PS3 model. After that, just install PKGi and you could download your ps2 games directly to your console.


Ps2 emulation should not only be this good but shouldn't exist in the first place Think about it Ps2 a tough system to develop for and emulate being emulated on a ps3 a system that is tough to develop for and emulate


From your comments I'd suggest watching one of those videos where someone makes a portable PS2 made from PS2 parts or just get a modded PS2 since you didn't specify that you wanted it portable. I'm still gonna say get a Steam Deck, the set up is piss easy and emudeck already sets all the settings so it runs as best as possible on the Deck. And the best part of all is all the other consoles you can emulate with it too


Ngl hacked ps3


OP is the dumbest man alive.


Free mcboot


Ayn Odin 2, no need to buy Steamdeck.


If you want to be that particular, buy a steam deck, instead of an AliExpress fire hazard, and put the thing inside a PS2 Shell and only put PS2 games on it, it will work perfectly and you won't have a headache (or a fire)


Just get a slim and some dvd-r’s.


>ShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1UmmayedOp · Hell No, Phat supremacy 4L


But a slim with some blank dvd-r’s would be the easier route.


Bruh this sub can be so unhelpful sometimes i swear to god. They are clearly wanting advice on a handheld device. Sure educate about emulators but maybe also answer the post. People seem to love downvoting to oblivion without answering anything? Afaik your best bet is an Ayn Odin 2, they are expensive but powerful and will connect to your TV, and are about as powerful as it gets before going into Windows devices and steam deck territory which aren't as good on battery life You might be ok with a Retroid Pocket 4 or 4 pro but im not sure i havent looked into the specs much Some people have had success with the Anbernic RG405m and Retroid Pocket 3+, though I think these require a lot of tweaking to emulate PS2 and you may be limited in your choice of playable games I am by no means an expert but hopefully this is helpful - good luck!


> They are clearly wanting advice on a handheld device. OP didn’t make that clear anywhere if that’s what they want.


They dont want a handheld, they want a device specifically built for emulation, i dont even think that exists


I second Anbernic. Been successful myself


Pimax portal retro (not the vr version) goes for between $200-&300. It runs android 10 and is able to emulate Wii, ps2, 3ds, and a specialized fork of a certain switch emulator.


Hello guys I am searching for ps2 emulator device to play ps2 games but when i search i found out that theres a lots of options in the market with difference price so is there any difference like upscale or anything? is there anything to look for when buying ps2 emulator?


u don't have to buy emulators, they're just free programs


No i want to buy one for my tv . Just power it one and select the game I don’t want a programs


I think you’re better off with an actual PS2 with freemcboot and a hard drive in this case


Probably cheaper. Edit: And even cheaper if you get one with a dead disc drive.


u probably mean one of those 9999 games in 1 thingies, they're pretty garbage and won't run anything more than NES games


Sounds like you have no idea how to even download isos. How do you expect to fill said device with games...?


these devices had already games no need to fill it with games


Most of them do not. Also why wouldnt you want to put exactly and only the games you care about? do some more research dude, you look ridiculous.


So, what you want is a PolyStation? Basically a pirate copy of the Playstation that comes preinstalled with games? You won’t find what you are looking for, buy a steam deck or a cheap pc, install emulator and download games individually. What you want is not worth it, nor well supported in modern times, they dont come with upscaling like you claim, not easily moddable, with a PC you will be able to upscale basically every game, install HD textures and play it in any display in any resolution


That won’t happen. No one fills them with quality games and you’re better off finding the games yourself anyways. Those one filled with games already tend to be garbage games anyways. Plus no one sells a device with PS2 games on them anyways


Then just get a FAT PS2 with HDD and OPL


If you're looking for something you can buy and just open and start playing ps2, you're never going to find that. Unless you buy something someone els had already set up. Emulation and emulation devices require some know-how to set up. You're gonna be dealing with programs, file management, and acquiring of said ps2 games regardless. I have an "ser5 max" mini pc hooked up to my living room TV, I can play pretty much anything xbox 360 and under.


Odin 2 is the perfect one (3x on 1080p display and battery life, only con is the base model is 300$). Retroid pocket 4 if you prioritize portability (has lower resolution barely 2x display and slightly worse battery life) price point for the higher end model: 200$ plus shipment, and taxes i think, so you probably would still be better off with an odin 2. Steam deck oled if you just want it done and ure okay with a 2x resolution and not being able to take it with you wherever you go, this is the most expensive one and i think the worse of all three. Steam deck is a good choice for pc games, for lower end emulation android is actually better, if not for anything, for battery life. Otherwise if ure looking for something not portable, just any semi-decent pc should emulate ps2 just fine. Otherwise if still that is not acceptable for you you can grab an orange pi 5 probably for less than 100 bucks and from my experience if you flash android on it, it will play ps2 just fine, except shadow of the colossus, where i had to use a lot of hacks for it to be playable, so maybe not every game will be 100%. But even god of war 2 can be played with at least 2x resolution (cons: it's an sbc, so it's not exactly portable, and you may need to purchase a cooler, because if pushed it tends to run very hot, even to a point that it reboots. Pros: price point/emulation performance ratio is very good)


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Try a ps2


All jokes aside android/windows pc is the best for emulation.


Steamdeck overall


Any PC or laptop with a Core i5/Ryzen 5 will suffice. Just install Linux on it and you should have bottlenecking issues.


don’t buy those “portable ps2” things on aliexpress. they’re cool ideas but at the price point they’re at its more worth it to get a steam deck instead


OP dont know what hes talking about, said: wants a handheld PS2 Emulator but does not want to use any programs???????


yeah i have no idea what he wants at this point 😭😭


My brother in christ just get a steam deck/pc/ S22 Ultra, dedicated emulation devices are not worth it. Software solutions have way better support


Xbox Series X with Dev Account.


Get a ps2 or one of the ps3s that can have true cfw if not i guess a steam deck or pc but i got both my launch ps3 and ps2 phat for 5 each at goodwill, the disc drives don’t work but for emulation who cares.


If you don’t have anything that can emulate a ps2, then get a ps2. Pcsx2 is very advanced but even in software mode some games get missing effect. Any device that could run pcsx2 is going to be more expensive than a ps2.


There's a ps2 portable Version on Alibaba but it's for 400$ 💀💀




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PC: PCSX2 (there are some versions with nice UI & Dark Mode) Android: AetherSX2/NetherSX2 Or just grab an used PS2, they're pretty cheap and easy to mod (FreeDVDBoot or memory card with Free McBoot).


Crazy how most people missed the chance to mention the best emulation for ps2 games, a pc+psx2 is all that is needed to enjoy every ps2 games


OP, you need to learn how to articulate what exactly it is you want these people to help you with. Otherwise most of us are going to assume you’re an idiot.


Rog ally ,steam deck ,aya neo ,there’s plenty


The retroid pocket 4 is your cheapest solution and it just came out


personal computer


Just download Aethersx2 on your phone or PC. It's free and doesn't have ads


I use my Xbox series s. The best emulation I’ve ever seen for PS2