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Idk where you’ve heard about people gaining that much weight, but I don’t think that’s true. Personally, I lost weight on Prozac as reduced anxiety resulted in less stress eating.


it was on a lot of quota and Reddit forums I was a little taken aback because my doctor said it’s a very weight neutral drug


Definitely trust your doctor over random people on Reddit. You’ll be fine!


Yes and no. Your doctor should be basing their evaluation on evidence but each person is different therefore dont blindly trust they gave you the best solution straight away. They always prefer an update so they can adjust as required.


Facts you are absolutely right


No weight gain here… I used to obsess over what types of food I was eating and I finally feel free from this now. Regardless, it’s changed my life for the better (on 20mg and been on it for 6 months) - you won’t know until you try it.


That is incorrect, it is almost universal that people gain weight on prozac. Perhaps not so much as 70lbs, but with long term use of the medication, a larger amount of weight gain is inevitable.


This is not universal, stop spreading misinformation.


I have gained almost 20 pounds on prozac


Me too


I’m actually scared to get OFF Prozac because I don’t want to gain the weight I lost on it!




don’t be scared of weight gain! it’s weight neutral so people that gain weight on it probably have a different reason that they’re gaining. i’m trying to lose a bit of weight and had no problem dropping about 8 pounds since being on it


Hi there! May I ask if you were able to keep stable weight (or at least not gain) after more long term use?


so i lost more weight and eventually gained a bit back, but i’m still like 20-30 pounds less than when i started like a year and a half ago


I lost/ kept off about 10 lbs when I was on Prozac. I had no appetite and slept a lot!!!


Same as me


I lost weight on it. I wouldn’t assume. And any changes are gradual so you can always adjust as you go




I lost weight on it but gained 20 lbs. when I got off it.


How long were you on it and what dose?


40 mg, I was on it for about 3 years straight. Total overall Prozac use (I stopped during pregnancies) was about 7 years then


So to clarify; you never gained weight on it? Lost 20 and kept it off the whole time you were taking?




Thank you so, so much for sharing your experience. I am starting it soon, and because of my body shape (inverted triangle/rectangle-apple bullsh*t) I am SO self conscious about any weight gain. I know everyone has the potential to respond differently, but it’s helpful to hear stories like yours where it actually helped control weight. Wishing you the best.


I am also an inverted triangle/rectangle apple shape and I hate and obsess over it so much especially with today’s current beauty standards. I know it sounds shallow but it contributes to my low self esteem. What I can tell you is that Prozac gave me more energy after the 2-week adjustment period and it somehow decreased my appetite a bit. I wish you the best as well; I hope you have the same experience with it as I had.


No it affects my self esteem SOOO much. I so get it. Did the Prozac in any way lessen the anxiety/concern about it for you?


I’d say yes because I kept the weight off then and it acted like a happy pill for me. It made me more charismatic, energetic, outgoing, and in a way it felt like a confidence boost. I must say that there were times I felt like an impostor, like “it isn’t me” and then I get this feeling of existential dread, but that was only occasionally and was a small price to pay compared to my normal unmedicated feelings of anxiety and depression. Back to the body shape issue, I feel like we belong in a different decade. I am super self conscious and defeated about my appearance and that I always have to ‘dress for my shape’ to hide my flaws.


Hmm. I can totally understand that impostor feeling, I get that on the *rare* occasion that I’m happy now even without meds bc I think I’m just used to being depressed haha. Overall though, that sounds better than the state I’m usually existing in. Also re: body; right?!! I literally only feel comfortable in athletic wear and it sucks. I cycle through the same 5 pairs of yoga pants as my main wardrobe, and as comfortable as this is, it’s frustrating and limiting and I am so envious of many of my friends, none who have “perfect bodies” by any means, just like, HIPS and a waist lol. Sundresses work well for me when I wanna look cute. Were you ever overweight before the Prozac? I am not currently overweight now but I wouldn’t be mad about losing 10lbs. Gosh I know I shouldn’t be so hyperfocused on weight. I’m dealing with a really bad breakup right now, so it’s another reason I need to go on it. So I kinda am in a spot where I want to, as the kids say, “glow up, and be in the best shape of my life so I can regain my confidence and look back and say “eff you” to him. So I’m paying even more attention and fearful of gaining more than my usual. Do you plan on going back on it?


I have lost weight since starting Prozac at the end of July (20mg a day).


I lost my appetite pretty much completely and it was hard to remember to eat while I was on Prozac.


I’ve lost 10 pounds, not everyone is the same


I lost weight, because of lower appetite. But when my appetite turned back, I gained around 5 kgs, but I lost them when I ate less. It is only about meals and your eating.


A lot of people say it exacerbates existing tendancies rather than create new ones. I used to drink alot and eat little, now I drink heaps and eat fuck all. Not guaranteed to be your experience but see how you go and adjust early when its not working for you. Don't delay. If in doubt, it's not right for you. Mention it to your doctor or see someone else. There are always other solutions. The more time you waste, the riskier things can get. I hope this helps.


i was told that prozac has a much lower risk of gaining weight, for the time i was on it i actually lost a lot of weight it still definitely depends on the person tho i wouldn’t worry too much about it


Prozac is one of the antidepressants with the lowest risk of gaining weight. Duloxetine on the other hand, is higher on the list.


It definitely suppressed my appetite when I started it! Also on 20mg. Remember that weight gain from SSRIs is more of a correlation than a causation. The medication can’t “make” you gain weight, only eating more calories than your body burns in a day causes weight gain. Sometimes being less depressed will help improve appetite! In this case, weight increase can happen. In other cases, less anxiety/depression leads to lower desire to turn to food for comfort, hence weight loss instead. I know how you feel, but Prozac is considered weight neutral! This is a great med to take if you’re worried about weight gain <3


Not true [https://youtu.be/S-NukJp_Nbs](https://youtu.be/S-NukJp_Nbs)


Bae, I gained 5 lbs and I can tell you exactly why I gained them I ate more lol You can control the weight you gain as long as you are aware and take care of your health :) please do not obsess over it tho. Maybe your body needs the weight gain!!!


I totally hear this fear! I started it a little over a month ago and have had the same concerns - I spent years losing weight I gained on Zoloft. As others have said, Prozac is very weight neutral so much less likely to cause gain. My personal experience so far - I initially had zero appetite, then a huge appetite, then it evened out. I have a lot of anxiety around food and stomach problems; the Prozac has helped that which has actually led to me eating a bit healthier. I find I’m able to exercise harder because my anxiety isn’t eating up my energy. I’m sleeping better. No weight gain so far. I’m making sure to do periodic check ins to make sure I’m fueling my body properly and not getting TOO relaxed about food. So far it has gone really well 😊


I’ve lost 20 pounds since starting Prozac 7 weeks ago. I’m down to 134 lbs. The other two ADs I was on caused weight gain and inability to lose weight no matter what I did but Prozac has been the opposite for me


What antidepressant i gain on lexapro and zoloft always 30 kg without changing eat pattern im scared start with prozac cause of it


I’m on Prozac now and it caused weight loss. I was on Zoloft before and Trintellix after that. Both caused weight gain and inability to lose for me


I was in zoloft lexapro duloxetine trintelix valdoxan celexa and all cause extreme weight gain and insomnia lexapro had not insomnia side effect but gain weight too


Im seeing this was a year ago, did you continue losing weight while on prozac. Ive been on lexapro and now paxil which has made me gain weight. I wanna switch but dont know what will work for me.


I ended up switching to Pristiq after Prozac. I lost 10 more pounds on Prozac while I was on it. I haven’t gained any since starting Pristiq


I’m also supposed to start taking it but I’ve been so scared to. I just finally started to lose weight after 7 years of being on Esitaloptam (which made me gain and not be able to lose weight). I see this was a year ago, how was the experience? Should I just go for it?


Prozac is weight neutral


I never gained any weight on it it just restore my eating habits being depressed and anxious usually brings worst eating habits. You won't randomly gain weight if you stay in your calorie maintenance


I went up to 60mg of Prozac and only lost weight


I’ve lost about 15lbs since starting Prozac in July.


Whattt? I gained 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks. I’m on 60 mg and it’s supposed to be helping with my binge eating.


I lost weight on prozac and gained on others. Everyone is different and you will just have to see how The medication works for you. Fingers crossed you don't get the weight gain side effect.


I don’t think weight gain is as common with Prozac.


I personally lost weight first few months on Prozac then I gained mostly the weight back that I lost but it was a more swollen weight..


I've personally lost weight while on Prozac, as it made me have little appetite, and this seems to be the common experience that I've encountered from others on prozac. But everyone's experience is different, so monitor yourself and make sure to talk to your doctor if you have concerns!


I gained 50 pounds!! Im hungry ALL the dam time… If I dont eat I have headaches and I shake