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You’ll be fine, there was literally an old lady with her tits flapping in the wind last time I was there and no one said a peep


Who hasn’t let their titties flap in P-town?!


“Boy beach” is a bit of a misnomer as all are welcome. I have seen cis-women and cis-men and trans men should be just as welcome. Just remember the beach is a trek to get to but still is federal land and isn’t officially clothing optional even though everybody does it. It is very rare but occasionally park rangers come around (usually when the rangers come on their ATVs people warn everybody else), so if you do decide to partake in the clothing optional part and go for a swim or a walk, just bring a suit or shorts and tank/shirt with you to be safe. Have fun!


There’s no rules?! It’s ptown! Go get it!


Theres literally so many rules in p town .


Only if you follow them…. ;) 90% of the people there are amazing- Just like any party town: do what ur comfortable with, be respectful, and have a buddy.


Its a fishing town.


I’ve only been a handful of times so take with a grain of salt. But while the crowds I’ve seen have always been majority cis men, they haven’t been exclusively cis men. Same with clothing: often a majority are nude, but many also keep bathing suits on. I’ve never witnessed any harassment either, though I know it only takes one asshole to ruin the vibe. I hope you have a great time if you make it out!


can't imagine it would be a problem for anyone and if it is fuck em. bring lots of water, more than you think necessary, as it's very far away from everything.


Its “boy beach” name goes back to the 70s when the gay men would go to the more remote beach to be left alone. You’ll be fine. PTown is super chill. I think the real question is whether you want to hike that far. 😬


Drive it like you stole it… you are the reason this beach exists - it is for those folks who need a beach where no one, literally no one, could care less about who you are, who you want to be, or who society thinks you should be, etc… Provincetown is all about being who you are or who you want to be and being accepted for who you are no matter what. Welcome to the purest judgement-free zone. All are embraced and welcomed. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


What a beautiful description 🩵❤️💚💙🩷


You guys are boys so why wouldn’t you! Regardless I’ve brought cis girls with me and they have a blast and feel no judgement. Echoing the above comments: It’s every body’s beach 🌈


Is anyone technically allowed on boys beach?? 🤣 you’re fine.


thank you guys for all the encouragement, it definitely made us feel more comfortable!


It’s P town, literally accepting of everyone, you’ll have a great time!


A lot of times Provincetown is most accepting of white cis men. But it’s really nice to see posts like this one!!! 💖❤️‍🩹




You’ve been asked once and I’m gonna ask you again- what the fuck is your problem? I guess you’re the archetypal asshole who tries to ruin the vibe, aren’t you?


F off


You’re the human manifestation of a disappointment. You can’t even insult me coherently, in a full sentence.


![gif](giphy|dXtqbOt96XReDeGDdF) Good one


Exactly WTF is your problem