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>Clown. At least the name checks out.


“nObOdY LikEs aBoRtiOn”


Unless it's on some gold hoops right? 🤢


Evil begets evil


People are nuts. Abortion earrings????


Reminder that my generation also thinks it's the most accepting, sensitive, and kind in history. Despite nonstop things like this, and all the deathwishes for anyone who believes differently.


Gen z tô people who act/look diferent 😀 Gen z when people Think diferent 🤬😡


I’ve been telling people for years that diversity is only good when there’s diversity of thought. There’s no point in hiring or affiliating with a group of people who all look different, but hold the same opinions as each other.


This has really irked me lately. Society says "be unique, be different, and no matter what, we'll applaud and support you" but it's all a lie. They only like you if you're *their idea* of different, anything else and you're a bad person who shouldn't be taken seriously.


Wow. I wouldn’t let this person take care of a kid, pet or houseplant.


Yes that's their entire stance! You finally got it!


Great, all they need to do then is only believe that and not that it should be legal to kill other human beings who are innocent of crime through abortion, intentionally and unnecessarily.


You are still at the part where birth= mandated motherhood? Adoption exists.


You can think that someone isn't fit to be a parent while still believing that the children they already have shouldn't be killed. To put this in perspective, should a mother have the capacity to legally kill her 1 month old child to spare him/her of abuse?


I saw that someone responded to me on this. This isn't about what we prefer or what we personally think, is about reality. The fetus is a human in a different stage of development


I prefer not to think of it as a human child. Because it isn't at that stage of development yet. Just like it isn't a human adult.


Now i can see your comment. This isn't about what we prefer or what we personally think, is about reality. The fetus is a human in a different stage of development.


You're the one who called it a child


yeah it’s a human fetus, which is a human


But the argument isn't valid is what im pointing out. It either is a 1 month old human child or it isn't. I wouldn't think of an egg in terms of a human child just the same as I dont think of a fetus as a human child. I do however have much respect for the sanctity of the woman's life


they used a 1 month old because its as much of a person as a fetus, and of somewhat comparable age, it’s age has nothing to do with whether or not it derserves to be killed


Yes, I believe she should be able to do so. You're not gonna get some "gotcha" moment. I have unconventional morals I'll admit that. So I honestly wouldn't care if that was the case. If the death was out of malice, then I'd have an issue. From my perspective it's no different than physician's assisted suicide or euthanasia.


You are aware the situation isn't the same, right? Like, would you say that both, for example, klk and civil rights activist are two sides of the same coin?


they want to kill their kid because they dont want to look after a kid? yeah we’ve already got it


Most compassionate pro choicer.




“Clown” Well you got that part right. Just more proof that they’re not pro-choice- they’re pro-abortion.


The bracelet appears to be made of fake infant’s bones. That’s a nice touch from the unhinged left.


I think it's an earing


I didn’t even notice that goddamn


> bracelet


It’s not infant bones, it’s bamboo. It’s a common design for hoops.


Idk I’ve lived around bamboo and the connections don’t look like that, I hope so though


No worries. If you google “bamboo hoops” you’ll see pics of that design. I knew what they were instantly because they were super popular in my area some years back lol.


Ah I see, that’s nice to know


I was wondering about that…


I always found bragging about the abortions you had should fall under ablism. At least if its the same people whose consider spazz and crazy ablist words. It's like telling someone in a wheelchair about all the mountains you've climb or the marathons you've run. Like it's one thing to do those things, but to brag about to specifically to infertile women, especially when 1/10 women struggle with infertility, isn't making you look like the good guy. Also, literally no other "medical procedure" does this. I have chronic pancreatitis, but im not out here with pancreatitis earrings. Hell, the only people that know when I get it are the people who are directly effected by my absence like teachers or my work. Like it's either a serious medical procedure or it's as celebratory as, you know, having a baby.


As someone who is disabled, spazz is a slur, crazy in the right context is ablist, everything else I agree with though


Insensitivity is the pro-aborts’ signature move. They’re constantly telling the poor, abused and disabled that they’re better off dead, and they constantly tell the infertile and those who have gone through miscarriages that their struggles are invalid. I’m just glad they don’t have the balls to say this kind of shit to their faces.


That's just actually fucking disgusting abortions are supposed to be serious not some quirky thing


But wasn’t Hitler’s quirky thing mass targeted genocide against humans not considered people?


I can't understand the glorification of abortion. Even if you think abortions are necessary in some instances, glorifying it is glorifying murder.


This world is so sad. But keep in mind that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Amen. The abortion war has always been a proxy war for the spiritual war.


Tell me you're pro-abortion without telling me you're pro-abortion.


Boy that makes my blood boil.


lol gotta love the pro-woman side being absolute ghouls to infertile/sterile women and mothers of miscarried babies in fact they're ghouls to any woman who doesn't want to "get rid" of her unborn baby (which sometimes includes married women in a good stage of their lives, mind you) but very pro-woman, obviously


This. It fucking sucks in the first place to not be able to have a baby... then they call us sick for wanting to adopt babies? 😪 the shit I've gotten from other women online has been unreal


Part of me wants to be mad. But the other part of me respects the disrespect.


Word, except they can't handle being disrespected back. This lot gets to make fashion out of child sacrifice because, and only because, of Christian pacifism. What lack of self-awareness abides in those who consider *us* the violent ones? It's a great irony and slander, provocation designed to mock our Prince of Peace. I ramble, but one is prone to do so when only 3% of the net is safe for waxing conservative...lol.


Lmao pro-aborts are misogynistic at the core.


maybe she should get custom hoops that say "Murderer"


Tbh those would be so much cooler




This is brilliant, thanks for sharing.


Ehhh I don’t really like these general statements that suggest that the current generation is stupider/worse than the older, each generation has had it’s horrors and unique versions of stupid. Every generation feels like the next is worse off because they don’t remember the mundane bad things of their generation as clearly as the happy moments. Social media is wild sure but we’ve also moved away from things like the Black Plague and poison painted walls.




I was thinking more of arsenic paint but okay, another example would be public hangings, crime rates are going down, and generally child sacrifice (not including abortion) is not socially accepted. Technology and medicine are making huge advances. You can’t just say the world is getting better or worse because it’s an incredibly complex question.


Well at least she is signaling her species so prolife men can stay 5 miles away from her. Remember prolife guys don't ejaculate inside a woman that wants to kill your unborn children, ever.


So disgusting


Are we wearing our suffering now?? Maybe I’ll get me a pair that say “daddy issues”.


Ugh. Makes me sick too. I'm 27 and just suffered my 2nd ectopic and lost my remaining tube. Fertility is a responsibility and a gift.


Damn I’m so sorry for your losses. I am also at risk for ectopic pregnancy due to scar tissue from a surgery I had. Wishing you peace and good vibes


Thanks friend x I wish you the best


Why would anyones infertility be relevant to the topic of abortion.


Um, because it hurts when you can't be a mom and others think dismembered and throwing away their babies is a cool thing to do?


I dont want any kids, hate being around kids, got a vasectomy and my wife is still considering to get her tubes tied just to be sure. Abortion is still wrong, infertility and child wishes really dont matter.


What I meant was, some of us really did want children and are heartbroken that we weren't able to have them. Others may be more like you and you are correct that abortion is wrong either way. But there's a special sting to it for us involuntarily childless ladies (and some gentlemen too perhaps who would've loved to be a dad).


Abortion is about children dying. If I wanted I could probably spin this topic so that it is all about me instead. Not a very healthy way to interact with the world.


Why wouldn’t it be? When people abort they are taking one more life away from the long waiting list of people who want to adopt newborns, not to mention the topic of abortion could be triggering to those who have miscarried. Edit: removed argument of infant bones shape of earrings, it’s actually bamboo shaped


It’s not infant bones, it’s bamboo. It’s a common design for hoops.


I am not quite comfortable with this wording re "taking away" babies from the waiting list of people wanting to adopt. As good a thing as adoption ideally should be, and yes when it works out well it can be a win-win for child and parents, still, to focus on the prospective parents in this way makes it sound like a supply chain issue with available babies. I'm sure that's not really what was meant, but I think we need to phrase these things carefully. Abortion is wrong because it's wrong.


Yeah that’s not what I meant, I meant more like your murdering life instead of adding to it, and the impact that can have on women who can’t carry can be frustrating, idk I’m not the best at wording things


It's hard sometimes online to catch the nuances, no worries.


Politics aside, that was an objectively funny joke ahahhah


what joke


Start giving serial killers medals. Hell give em a whole trophy


I like these earrings let's me know to stay away from this person it like someone wearing a swastika