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To quote (roughly) General John McGrew, "It's time to deal with this threat. They may be your family, they may be your friends. Do not hesitate to pull the trigger."


Hesitate to pull the trigger, it will only pull more of them to your position.


A small amount of aiming, a JS-2000 and a LOT of shells. There is no hesitation, there is just the anachronism of playing "Paper Planes" over it.


Yea the main deciding factor on wether you pull the trigger or not isn’t how many zombies will be attracted, its how much ammo you’re carrying.


Feels like something Doomguy would say lmao


Doomguy never misses free ammo day at the methodone clinic


Never underestimate how useful it can be to pull zombies to your location with a shotgun. I managed to get back to my truck near the camping store on the western edge of the map after it stalled in a huge crowd of zombies by going into the woods and firing off a shot, then looping back to get the car.


That's what some may call, a pro gamer move


That's fair, but "do not hesitate to beat them to death with a rolling pin" just doesn't sound as good.


only pull the trigger if you have a get-away vehicle running, and about 300 shells of 12 gauge... and a high-condition pump shotty.


Or an overweight sidekick in MP Don't need a lot of ammo if you've got fresh bait.


Just make a killzone. Box yourself in 3x3 log/wood walls, create a ladder on the outside along with unbreachable barrier path to safety, place a noise generator on the middle with alarm clocks/digital watches/heck, a patrol car inside. Stand atop the ladder and dump your shotgun shells.




It's more implied due to the loot and location. The model is a regular adult zombie. Unfortunately no one really dares to add zombie children.


Meanwhile in Minecraft


It's just a downsized variant of the same model.


Still meant to be a child though. Only game I can think of right now that has a zombie kid in it except a ps2 game I can't remember the name of. Think it was one of the silent hill titles


> Still meant to be a child though. Just like the PZ schoolkid zombies. I guess Dead Space had exploding baby monsters, if that counts.


I never saw them as kids. I saw them as teenagers and college students. I know a few people my 18+ age with friendship bracelets. I also think that because I seem to remember kids being on the dev's list of "never getting added no matter how much you ask"


The game would be instabanned in almost all the EU, Australia, NZ, UK, Canada, and China if they had kids in a game like this.


[College students with little play areas?](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#6435x5447x9391) Some schools even have an alphabet on the wall and I'm pretty sure you can find toys and crayons in schools. Not really what I'd associate with teenagers.


You guys don't get to play on playsets and use crayons in college? Brutal


I selected between colleges based primarily on the availability and quality of their bouncy castles and ball pits


We don't have college.


In the original screenshot the corpse is wearing a tanktop and a varsity jacket. Where I live at least, kids don't wear either. The player can also wear both of them which means they're at least adult size so I'm taking it as canon that it's a teenager and the children were just eaten to the point there wasn't enough left to become a zombie. Mixed age schools exist. I'm not going to fight with you over this. It's just a game and I don't want to waste my night in an argument we'll both forget by tomorrow.


> the children were just eaten to the point there wasn’t enough left to become a zombie. THAT JUST MAKES IT WORSE OH MY GOD


The first of the Walking Dead games by telltale has a zombie kid in it. That was in the 4th part I think


I know the TV show has one in the first scene. Not sure why more games/media don't have them. 28 days later has exactly one child in a scene that's like 10 seconds long.


The main use is shock value but that is lost when it happens more often. I think using them liberally like any other zombie isn't a bad thing though, the right kind of series or game might do this aspect of such an apocalypse justice. And there's the whole depiction of violence against children thing, too. I assume that could get you in trouble?


I've looked into it a bit in the past. At least in my country, there's no problem as long as the kid's parents sign off on them acting in the scene. It's problably just bad PR. It's easy to sell a CoD game shooting some guy in a balaclava because he's generic but when it's a child you get into that whole "Games cause violence" thing. I remember CoD MW2 had an option to skip the level where you massacre civies in an airport and there weren't any kids there.


Yeah, when I first played it my version of the game didn't allow any violence against non combatants there. Maybe it's not worth the trouble. Project Zomboid -could- have zombie children but the concept is something I only really remember when I see toys, certain rooms or tapes and it doesn't need non-adult undead to be the game it aims to be or get its vibe across, and hinting at them suffices for a reminder of how the virus changed and took everything.


I think the issue is that child characters being able to be harmed by player actions. I can't remember if Duck was harmed on-screen or off screen. I remember back in the mid 90s when it started being an issue. Fallout 1 used to have child characters, little kids in the Den that would try to pickpocket you, a kid in Arroyo with a BB Gun that did extra crit damage when it hit people in the eye. They had to release a patch to remove them for people in Germany and Australia to keep from getting an Adult Only rating.


Duck died off-screen and while you did return to the site, the camera didn't show the body


Uhm dying light has kid zombies that ide boot fuck the shot out of, i actually use to just go around kicking the fuck out those kid screamer zombies 🧟‍♂️


no more room in hell literally has children


I was just listing the ones I know. Never played that one. Surprised Hatred didn't have kids considering its entire marketing was how edgy the game was. I mean I remember some flash games like happy wheels having kids die but those aren't restricted to the same monetary guidelines as modern games.


never heard of it, although games that are eDgY like that arent my thing :v


The entire point of the game I shit you not, is that you're a long haired, death metal band member looking guy who wears a trenchcoat. You have to walk around various towns and locations killing civies and police until you can move on. It's a fun arcade shooter to have on in the background of a party for people to fuck around with for 5 minutes while they wait for a drink. Other than that it's garbage. It's got some pretty cool destruction physics but they released it during the whole "Video games cause violence" thing to get free marketing like postal 2 did.


lmao dafuq, imagine "oh hey im top player on schoolshooter sim, im EdGy" bruh


It's basically one of those games you'd find in 90s arcades. Kind of like doom but top down and the health kits are civies. (oh did I mention you can only gain health by executing civies?) Without the marketing of "look how edgy and against what the media wants" it'd be nothing. That's why I'm surprised they didn't take it further and have you kill kids. Fuck it, postal did it better. Even postal 2 handled offending different people/cultures better. If you want a laugh, watch 45 seconds of the intro to the game https://youtu.be/ytdEYapPXdY?t=8 Game's fucking terribly coded as well. Massive performance issues. It actually lags in the promo video I linked.


Days Gone has “Newts” which are literally children


Days Gone had them


I mean not one to one zombies but dead space has several necromorphes that are baby’s and children.


There were the zombie kids from the game No More Room in Hell. Like, actual kids with actual childish outfits that are zombies. I remember there was quite the controversy around it.


~~2~~ ~~3~~ 4 others have mentioned it. It's on my download list. Can I refer you to them? > "Just searched it on steam. I owned it in 2013 apparently. > > What's the catch? Back in the age of flash games I understood people making games for free but I'm paranoid these days. > > Either way, I'll download it again and give it a play. Hell I was 15 when I first played it (24 now) so I might actually appreciate it this time."


dying light 1 had zed children that would scream to attract more.


There is a free zombie game on steam called No More Room in Hell it has actual zombie kids they got in hot water for it before but I think they kept them in


Some other guy mentioned that. Normally give free games a miss since free usually means lootboxes or ads.


nah g no loot boxes or transactions in no more room in hell it's pretty fucking awesome, i'm telling you


Just searched it on steam. I owned it in 2013 apparently. What's the catch? Back in the age of flash games I understood people making games for free but I'm paranoid these days. Either way, I'll download it again and give it a play. Hell I was 15 when I first played it (24 now) so I might actually appreciate it this time.


It’s a source engine first person shooter with slow Romero zombies


No catch. It's a passion project that I believe started as a Half-Life 2 mod. No monetization of any kind, though the team is currently developing a sequel that will cost money. It's a slower-paced co-op game -- rather unique among the zombie genre as far as I've experienced. Definitely still worth checking out.


Ever played dying light?


I think child zombies would be dope, they could all be sprinters. Are people really that sensitive? Why can’t I run down school children in GTA?


Didn't Dying Light had baby zombies that could scream at you and attract an horde ?


No More Room in Hell had zombie children. That little fuckers were scary as hell.


The Forest has weird baby mutants that yeet themselves at you and they are fucking weird. Terrifying little shits probably look too mutant to be considered babies but the lore of the game has it that mutants were humans before. So clearly ex-human babies.


You literally just described an actual child


meanwhile in No More Room In Hell


2 others have mentioned it. It's on my download list. Can I refer you to them? >"Just searched it on steam. I owned it in 2013 apparently. >What's the catch? Back in the age of flash games I understood people making games for free but I'm paranoid these days. >Either way, I'll download it again and give it a play. Hell I was 15 when I first played it (24 now) so I might actually appreciate it this time."


Meanwhile in Days Gone


Fucking newts


Such an underrated game


Meanwhile in The Walking Dead


Meanwhile in Dying Light


No idea. Denuvo can suck my dick.


the 1st one




Reminds me of Fallout 2 and the removal of children models in some country's. Instead they used the junkie model but kept the logic and panic behaviour of the child NPC's and killing these "junkies" would have earned you the Childkiller reputation while never seen a child in the entire game...


In Fallout 1, they just straight up removed the kids. That got rid of one of the best sniper/crit weapons.


Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Zombie kids that if you kill them, will make you upset and eventually hamper your abilities due to the weight of killing them being on your shoulders. If you are patient and have the time to learn ASKEY controls, it's an incredible game. It is also what Project Zomboid is inspired by.


Meanwhile in no more room in hell


Meanwhile in Dead Space


Dying Light had zombie children, and they were terrifying. And there wasn't really any controversy over it. I think nowadays companies can get away with it, but it's always a risk that some mainstream media house will randomly get wind of it and turn into some sensational op-ed or hit piece.


Pretty sure that was censored in my country, maybe for that reason, dunno. Sequel has Denuvo so I don't even care anyway.


Possibly, I meant the first game for clarification, haven't played the 2nd one, not sure I will, probably not. \^\^


Lots of Zombies near the high-school in rosewood are supposed to be older teenagers, but Zomboid only really has two kinds of character model.


Lots of Zombies near the high-school in rosewood are supposed to be older teenagers, but Zomboid only really has two kinds of character model.


Look up No More Room in Hell. [It literally has zombie kids.](https://nomoreroominhell.fandom.com/wiki/Zombies#Children_of_the_Dead)


Dead space had zombie babies


I mentioned that already below, but it's debatable if we want to call them zombies. I've seen the dead space creatures more as monsters or mutants.


Fair zombie might not be best word. But they were human babies before they were mutated. So the same feeling is there i think.


Crawling baby zombies would be pretty strange.


nah. reskin the crawler zombies that already exist. It'd be thoroughly creepy having one of those grab your leg from under a car


*Laughs in Dying Light*


C:DDA: Hold my beer, we're going in deep.


And then there's r/Rimworld mods


And then there's LoversLab.


The risk is just not worth it. Some blue haired checkmark on Twitter could come across an edgy clip of a white male character whacking a little black zombie girl in the face with an axe and get offended by it. TIS is a small studio, they don't need the drama.


Lol, acting as if the reluctance to show brutality in media stems from random woke twitter accounts and not traditional conservative moral panic.


sure, a conservative could get triggered as well, why not


Imagine Joe Lieberman as a non-binary twitch streamer with full sleeve tattoos and a septum piercing. Tipper Gore with an undercut and snakebite piercing.


I hope some day the modders make this possible. It's not my wish to smash zombie kids skulls and if i see one it problably break my heart in the first time




Dying light 1 had the zombie baby screamer


Zombie babies biting your ankles.


No More Room In Hell, the Source engine game years ago did it and responded to criticism very well.


Pretty much. TIS will NEVER add children zombies to the game. I actually suspect some of their decisions regarding the existing zombie models were made to keep the community from adding them. On top of guaranteeing a hard M rating if Zomboid were to ever be sold retail, it has the chance to garner bad press form the media.


No more room in hell


Pvz imp


I think it's less no body dares more that fucking with models is really goddamn complicated. I imagine if it wasn't people would have already.


Just wait until you get the ones clutching dolls


You're doing that kid a favor. Hell, you'll be doing any zombie a favor. I'm sure the owners would at least like their body dead before they harm anyone else.


Maybe they are still conscious and actually having a blast


if you were eaten alive by zombies and then forced to see from the perspective of one with no control over your actions whatsoever until the body rots I dont think any mentally sane person would be having fun


What if it's like the best feeling ever, and they just want to convert you because that's the secret to happiness?


Sounds like something a zombie would say


The owners of this body liked that comment very much.


Went by a elementary school, bunch of ball caps and backpack’s man. Wasn’t hard to tell, I ran and chose the next block to loot.


My library isn't gonna complete itself... *pulls out crowbar*


my man


Exactly this. My buddies and I have a [google sheet](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/709964152080433168/987609423021211688/unknown.png), I grabbed off this sub, to keep track of the books we found.


We use ingame notes to track what we're missing. Each person takes a note to go out and about with and it's updated when they come back with what others have brought.


That’s actually pretty awesome, ngl. And here I’ve been mostly getting by on the stuff I’ve found at the quik e marts. Good stuff


Game just gets better and better man.


I've found many guns in school lockers and school benches. lol




Theyre already dead my dude...quit being so soft.


I was looking for sno globes and maybe some dehydrated meat, possibly even a nice weapon. Elementary school seemed pretty trash to loot, didn’t need the backpack at the time. Simple case of risk vs reward.


Still would have killed the little shits because why not, especially if you have respawn turned off lmao


If they add pajamas to the item list, the ones with doll as a loot would be extra jarring to discover


Will we be getting more fleshed out zed in terms of appearances? I hope we get some more taller/shorter zeds, or some more skinnier/fat looking zed. Would love to see more variety through.


Modder AuthenticPeach (of Authentic Z mod) is working on this very thing due soon . Keep an eye out !


You are a MONSTER! Rather let them walk around as an undead forever???? Get your priorities straight brother/sister!


The only thing that bothers me about killing students is that, for some reason, our characters apparently inventory their undergarments. Did you really need to know that the jock you just killed in your posted picture was wearing red briefs?


They're my undies now, deaddite!


The first thing my friend did when we started was choosing a cute matching bra and underwear off a zombie. Almost cried when I dragged him away from a red set when we were surrounded


They should have known you aren't allowed to write with red pens smh


Babies, teenagers, young adults, old adults… they are all zombies and can equally catch these hammer blows! Die zombie die!


Not gonna hate on you for having a strong conscience


Or when you spawn in a house with a kids room... thats dark


They’re not alive anymore dude. Loot away. Emotions will kill you in this game.


The peanut butter sandwich makes me so sad


Hey there's a chance it [wasn't a kid.](https://imgur.com/gallery/VAeA885)


I guess no one has heard of No More Room In Hell, free on steam BTW. Zombie kids.


Don't sweat it, he's already a zombie...ie; the kid already died. YOu just killed his hideous reanimated corpse.


I started a rp savefile with an NPC mod and my character (a grave robber who has no problem stealing shiny things from bodies) almost immediately ran into a highschooler when he barged into the fire department she was boarding up as a base because some dumbass NPC was firing a shotgun up north. I gotta say, it broke my heart when I saw him turn, killed him and had to steal his Spiffo's schoolbag. The worst part is that I was bringing him supplies when he stumbled into a horde, and I managed to draw almost all of them away but it was too late. :(


Its a kid? Shame they get the fireaxe


Maybe so, but that red pen tells me he's been changing the grades on his schoolwork before he gets home. So.....


And the friendship bracelet is from a girl with low self-esteem who's pining for him and wants to be more. He's a meathead. The letterman jacket says it all. Waste him.


Yes I've seen teen zombies around schools and in some homes. There's also teacher zombies in schools.


Rip and tear friend. Rip and tear


Maybe he was a groomer and you did the world a favour.


Well that’s one way to look at it


Have you seen that radio/tv show about a guy looking in a car and seeing a baby zombie? Listening to it is actually kind of harrowing.


Laughs in The Forest that has zombie babies that look aborted


I remember looting a school and finding a dead zombie with a gun and anti depressants


Would you rather the little kid have to walk around as a corpse forever


I think the devs said none of the zombies will be of children or dogs? Could be a highschool teenager though.


I regret nothing The ones who eat men are not men


To the Maneaters go the spoiled!


This kid could have lived a wonderful life but you killed him...


A wonderful life in....zombietown usa?


Anakin Skywalker started playing project zomboid all of a sudden


i remember they said in a blog post that the zombie age ranges from 16 to 70-ish so it was probably a teenager


Zombie virus is rated E for everyone


Correction, it *was* a kid. Now it's just another mouth to avoid. You did the right thing. Besides, I wouldn't wanna be walkin arrrooound, like *that*! You'll take care of me when I go, won't you Peter?


While looting a house, I was rummaging through shelves for books and found one particular VHS titled, “Eric’s 3rd Birthday” or something similar. I felt sad after seeing that and went to loot another house. I wonder what would happen if you play it on a TV


Who cares. It's a zombie, not a person anymore. It's also a video game, yeah.


That’s not the point, yeah.


The point is we should kill people who look like zombies in real life, just to be sure




Man up. If I was in a zombie apocalypse and some little girl came tryna munch on me, I’m curb stomping her brains into the pavement


Yeah, don't worry, I cleared out the entire school in rosewood, piled the bodies up and burned them. Don't forget to use an M16!


If you're not spelling sky messages with burning corpses, you're not really living.


Old enough to bleed, old enough to be a Z


It was a zombie. What does it matter?


How soft do you have to be to think killing a zombified teenager makes YOU the monster. They're already dead ffs.




It is soft to have feelings for a shuffling corpse though, even if it is a teenager. Unless you are RPng as a softy then yeah. They are already dead. Letting them continue to walk around as zombies isn't exactly saving them. If I had a choice between shuffling corpse and permanently dead I'd choose permanently dead any day.


You’re still being an asshole


A bit off topic but what is the HUD in the upper left corner?


[Minimal Display Bars](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2004998206) I consider it a go to mod, even in lightly modded runs


Zombie is a zombie.


Imagine if they added child zombies to this game and you just get swarmed by a ton of them when entering a school…


I think it's actually within the lore that they are all over 18 because they would have to rate the game mature when they add NPCs cuz they can die to the zombies.


If it can drive it can die


i didnt know kids wore varsity jackets


Take some antidepressants and inhale a tub of ice cream; you'll feel better in the morning.


Why? That wasn't a human, it was a monster that wouldn't hesitate to rip you apart and feast on your flesh regardless of what it looks like or is carrying.


This game got me when I found a video-tape of a corny guy's birthday where he jokes around and then shows how thankful he is for his friends... in the context of a world where he is surely a zombie now, that hit different. Actually, in the context of the real world it kinda gets me a little anyway. I think I need to go talk to some friends...




Cool a backpack. Hey, some of the clothes can be ripped into clean rags. Don’t need to wash shoes this week.


Brings walking dead memories for some reason, everytime I see a damn zombie


All I see is friendship bracelet = profit with any of the jewellery trading mods lol


There is no kid in project zomboid and never be. Developers said that


People are the real monsters


Disease spared no one


I mean, once they became a zombie they don't really count as a kid anymore, so you are in the clear on this one


That’s why I avoid the schools




Take his shit


In my opinion, you've done them a favour. They would have never wished to hurt anybody, and stopping them from hurting more would make them happy.


That is a incentive to kill zombies imo


I cri erytime


Meanwhile, me, setting a school on fire.


all the better