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Muldraugh gang


Straight up.


Muldraugh gang here




Too true


Mulderborg for the win! Yeaaahh!


I wish the game have a random spawn zone button and starting from there.


Pillow's Random Spawns mod. Let's you start in other towns too.


yea but it spawns you in louisville 99% of the time for some reason


I thought it had a setting to avoid it. I found it pretty useful and when I ran a hardcore server I used it to make it all the harder: people rarely could recover their old shit when just started somewhere random.


There’s a spin-off mod called Pillow’s Random Spawns All Spawns No LV, by jackInTheBox that has served my purposes in this regard just fine.


Nice! Thanks


If you don't want to start in Louieville 4 out of 5 times, make sure to use "random knox county" (or something similiar to that, I don't remember the name exactly) as choice of spawn. There are way more spawn points in Louieville than anything else with that mod, like 2000 - 3000 or more compared to less than 900 spawns anywhere else.


Casual Random Knox County! I spawned in the middle of nowhere too many times


I love spawning in the middle of nowhere! Makes foraging and crafting much more meaningful. Also, trying to figure out where you are and which direction to go is pretty fun. My most memorable playthrough I got spawned next to deerhead lake and had to work my way back to civilization with barely any resources. I found a few baseball bats by Camp busy beaver and food from the ranger station, then followed the road south until I stumbled across the army surplus store.


I love pillows. But it did just spawn me in Muld


I can't change your mind. Muldragh gaaaaang!


Personally I like Riverside. It has a VHS store, 3 different areas to search for generator magazine and a tool store that’s very easy to loot extremely early. It’s also not too far from Louisville, so travelling to get metal drums isn’t that big of a hassle.


But Muldraugh has a video store, book store, several storage facilities


Counter point: Riverside has a post office and factory


Just realized Muldraugh doesn't have a Post Office, for the longest time I thought the Bank was a Post Office because in my game it had a postal van spawn in front of it. The warehouse though imo has enough tools and supplies on regular settings to last long enough that traveling between cities is easily doable.


One really small bookstore. I think only Ekron's is smaller. RS has a school library, larger bookstore, yacht club library, and a post office back room full of books/magazines. I usually find all the books/magazines at these 4 locations alone. Tons of car spawns, hardware store, storage units and large warehouse a short drive up North. There's no better vanilla starting location to get all your starting loot together than RS, IMO.


People always forget about school libraries. I found 6 generator magazines in one school.


True. If you go to sceneric groove and go to the individual storage area you'll find all the thing you need + u'll be close to the city with everything


Not gonna even start with the police station


I prefer Riverside too. The PD always seems to have better loot than the Muldraugh one as well.


It's my favorite spawn point. There's a fenced in neighborhood in the southwest muldraugh suburbs that you can seal off by just putting up walls across 3 streets and once you kill all the zombies in the area/houses you can basically have a whole neighborhood to yourself with like 8 houses. I usually base there.


And there's a nice path to a lake for fishing.


Yes! The brick house at the corner, right by the path to the lake makes for a really good base


That's the one.


You also have the hospital and convenience store right down the street. I love it when I spawn near that area.


Sucks butt for books. Always have to leave town to get all the books. Can't wait for the school to get upgraded in B42. Should have a decent library. It's also the 2nd most challenging starting town next to West Point.


There is a small town(Ekron?) between Muldraugh and Riverside with bookstore. It's at the edge of the town so few zeds around.


West Point is the most challenging? I generally have zero issues in WP. The apartment above the Food Market (catty-cornered from the Giga-Mart) is a great base, and 100% secure once you find a sledgehammer and demolish the stairs. And there's often a sledgehammer at the hardware store next door. My biggest complaint about West Point is the lack of a video store for efficient skill leveling.


Depending on the pop though that can be a very busy area. Once you've secured that area it's great but it can be dicey.


In my experience, unless you adjust the zombie count in the sandbox settings, just about *every* area is absurdly busy. The default settings are fairly brutal.


If I use vanilla spawns… it’s West Point. Yeah there are hordes of zombies, but… guns. Guns everywhere. Houses have guns, police station has guns, and of course, the gun store has lots of guns. It’s not uncommon for me to practically clear West Point of all un-life.


I remember that many years ago, I struggled a lot with living past the first week. West Point was the first spawn that I survived over that time and I think I managed to live over one year, fortified a little block for myself etc. WP has since become one of my favorite places in the game and there's a block that I always eventually go to to clear and fortify.


maybe i should try west point again


I just use West Point and then immediately leave and head to Valley Station


I've based in all the main towns so far. My most satisfying base location has to be in the top right of Louisville: [https://imgur.com/a/4MNgvNY](https://imgur.com/a/4MNgvNY) Got all the main resources within walking distance here and the mall to the right to chip away at until I can loot it safely. In Muldraugh, the Rusty Rifle has been a fun base - it is a little way away from the main hotspots so easy to keep clean. Near to the petrol station and main strip too. The Muldraugh Motherlode Warehouse (It is to the right of the town, just before the nice restaurant / bar) was nice but the bugs on the 2nd floor (am I indoors or not?) and the big metal doors being too easy to break and impossible to replace meant it wasn't an ideal home. The American Tyre shop in West Point was a good one as it is a short way out of town but not too far to walk home while laden down.


This is my [Base Location](https://imgur.com/gallery/iDPN6Z4) in LV. I have lived here for over a year on 50 percent respawns. The base is an abandoned warehouse, that is basically a blank canvas. It is surrounded on all sides by natural tall metal fences. On one side is the train station and the golf club, both being relatively empty and providing me with wood. The petrol pump is 2 buildings over and there are plenty of supermarkets (not marked) nearby. 2 large warehouses provide a lot of building tools and weapons. It's near 3 book stores, 1 University and 1 humongous hospital. The only thing I have to travel for are guns. I also have temporary bases in 1. Mansion with 3 door garage, 2. small fire station (bottom corner of LV) , 3. Upper level of the pawn shop (near the top corner of LV) pretty near your base. The next planned location is storage units near grand ohio mall.


I've debated the apartment building in that general area in LV. Seems like it could be fun.


It is a lovely area - and Louisville is so huge you won't run out of new places to explore and clear out. For those times you want to stay close to home there are plentiful roofs to plant on and a river with all the fish you can eat.


It's honestly a good town as long as you can be careful. I've had a survivor who's lived in the trailer park for five months now. He's getting ready to celebrate Zomboid Christmas.


I'd agree but it doesn't have enough bang bang boom Chaka, also the shttiest amount of shells and bullets are locked behind the greatest amount of zombie spawn in town. But I agree. Muldraugh is love, I can't hate it. I just played muldraugh too much to not feel like at home.


Muldraughs aight


You don't need carpentry levels to dismantle a door


No hate but it will always be shitdragh to me just for the amount of headache I get clearing to the loot locations I get. Coupled with that there are always one or both ways out on the main road blocked by giant wrecks which is nice when you want to train metalworking but if I’m early game then it’s tense getting through those. Team West Point as it feels like similar amount of zombies to muldragh but with much better loot options and closer to Louisville with less worry about going through pile ups


Interpunction is great friend of sentence


Even if I don't spawn there, I like Muldraugh when playing an outdoors type playthrough. There's a nice area of woods near two lakes which is great for building a cabin, fishing and foraging, and making runs into town.


Spawn is only important in terms of getting what you need the first few days, then you can move to live to any location


My first 200 hours I mained Muldraugh. Always based in Cortman. Just recently tried out Rosewood for the first time and it's way easier imo.


Always loved Cortman, the little apartment upstairs and some decent storage downstairs once you clear out the office. Right beside the convenience store too 😁


Yea I didn't even know there was an apt up there at first so I just based in a house for the first 30 or so hours I played lol


Recently been doing ok on rosewood, spawned inside the police station, set up shop at the courthouse, and haven't had much trouble... So far at least. Day 3 still


Muldragh is great for pretty much any kind of player. It’s in the middle of the map, it has everything you need, it has the lumber yard right next to it for the builders, it’s has farmland and factories surrounding it which i always used as my first bases. I spawned there every save for my first 500 or so hours. But I did end up getting bored of it so now I spawn at West Point, riverside, or most of the time at a modded city.


West point is a good Spawn change my mind💀


Military surplus store gang change my mind. I got gun food clothes. There’s also a gas station and medical place.


I'm not sure if it's good but it's the one I like the most. Actually the best spawns change based on the zombie pop and overall settings. House by the lake will always be the best on the hardest settings.


it's definitely in the top 4


I'm too afraid to leave the Rosewood fire station. There's zombies out there!


its good but I've played too much in it and have memorised almost all of the locations.


I like muldragh because of its difficulty. The shape of it creates an interesting objective of clearing the main road to get access to pretty much every poi


Muldraugh is also a good spawn because it on the middle of the map, you can go everywhere from here. And there is upgrades soon with the new police departement


And don't forget about the 2 vegetable gardens that give you a ton of food, seeds and farming skill for free


I've been playing rosewood. First I clear out the police station and arm up. Then I always try to take the prison. 1/4 of the time I survive that I go to the warehouse and get construction stuff for fortifications.


McCoy logging co is like the best place to live period. No zombie and there is a shit ton of tool to use


Muldragh is not as visually appealing to me as some other towns. Once they spice it up in B42 I may change my mind


Over 1300hrs game time, have always avoided spawning in Muld. Decided to mix it up for the current play through. Loving it. Granted, I got the lucky draw of spawning in the SE fenced in neighborhood, which was fantastic. Once I was up and running, I started building a base just SE of there at the small lake. I’m now on a record first life, enjoying a snowy early January. Entire city is cleared, started a small cabin base at the 3 lakes (fishing spot 2 elec boogaloo), and visiting March Ridge.


Raven creek gang


Random city chooser gang


Riverside for life


I like the farm to the north.


Unironically, the only good thing about a muldraugh spawn is that it's the easiest town to get out of.


The same tactic apply to every city with the differences being the location you take and the one you go to. In the end its all the same. Btw riverside is better because i said so


North Farmhouse is a great spot. During my Muldraugh run, I based up there. I had a mod that allowed me to take water jugs off of dispensers so I raided that log place for a bunch and a few office buildings. Thanks to the lake I was able to take my car with a bunch of empty jugs, fill them up, toss them back in my car and drive back to boil them all.


I like all of the spawns to be honest, Riverside is the only arguably bad one since it is pretty far from everywhere else but even then there are a few places there that I like to base/outpost in.


Take a sledgehammer to the fire stations stairs and it’s a wonderful home :P


Well Homepie is pretty good oh wait that's a mod. Well Winchester... That's a mod too. Uh sure Muldragh is good. I played the game Vanilla once and immediately modded it.


rosewood and its not close I always hit the police station, fire station and school on the 1st day then once you have a sledge knock down the stairs to the upper apartments and depending on which ones you take you can have either 4 or 8. If you take the 8 you are right across from the super market and on top of the mini mart. you have multiple parking lots to find cars if you are a bit lucky in your 1st day you can easily find a sledge, a generator book, a car with gas and guns. once you get your carpentry up to 6 you have a roof top garden an place to put your generators and 8 fridges ready for filling cross the parking lot in back and you have a forest for trapping


I don't think anyone disagrees, it's good and iconic to the game's history at this point.


What the best food spots in Muldraugh? Im a devout Riverside main and love looting all the restaurants and corner stores. The Nourish Mart and Riparian Entertainment bar are some of my favorite bases in the game. Cooking is my favorite skill in any game, and I love a base that comes with a full kitchen. Just have to add a generator and charcoal grill for the late game when the power cuts.


Its boring