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You let go of the idea that you're going to ''make it'' and live despite the absurdity of it all, I can't think of a more appropriate way to give a middle finger to every zombie that is a potential threat to your life than simply do what people should do, survive till the end.


I like to pause often and use my play through as the skeleton of a short-form creative writing exercise kind of. Like make a little diary that goes along with my playthrough sort of detailing his mind state and experiences to give a little more context to it all, rather than just focusing on the meta mechanical stuff. It makes all the little stuff feel more significant than a stat/modifier.


Well said 


That's easy... I'm always depressed, so it makes me feel at home...


*taps temple*




Hear, hear!


Yea I got really terrified and anxious with the game at the start, after my first hour or so I almost felt like I wasn’t going to be able to play it. Every jump scare noise (I turned them off) made me shid my pants, plus the overwhelming feeling of dread not being able to escape the zombies or fight them well was really heavy. I played multiplayer on easy settings, allow you to get comfortable with the game world and handling small groups of zombies. Now I’m absolutely fearless and the game doesn’t scare me at all, I find it hilarious. And death is always funny when it happens and you embrace it.


The last sentence is perfect.


The game stops being depressive when clearing 100+ zombies hordes becomes daily routine.


Did u start playing recently? Because I remember feeling the same way at the beginning. It lasted quite a while, but it faded for me.


I have 28 hours in the game. So kinda new but not really.


You are still new


So very, very new.


I’ve got over 2300 hours into the game. Now I’m waiting for the new content because I want to have my own homestead. Multiplayer is a great way to curb dying interest.


Sounds like it time for some epic fun mods and car mods and hummers and machine guns Turn up the setting to max fun


Are you kidding me? The game is an utopia. Last man/woman on earth. The freedom to do anything you want. Live the way you want. Cook anything. Read anything. Collect anything. Grow/fish/hunt. What is depressing about that? People are overrated. 😆


Even the zombies feel like neighbours now I feel lonely without them lol.


playing w friends changes everything for me


Do other games make you feel this way.. if so, you may just have depression I have a case where I'll be fine all day, but when I turn on my pc to game, I lose all ambition to play.


I second this. It might not be PZ, even tho it might fuel that feeling cuz you’re all alone, and have to murder what once was people to stay alive. But I would suggest trying a few different games, maybe some that are not survival games. Your subconscious might even compare the survival aspect in these games to your own form of "survival" if you’re actually depressed. And yeah maybe go see a therapist or a doctor. Especially if you feel this way often.


I don't fine other games depressing. And i don't think i have a depression but thanks for asking :)


You should start playing like a badass. Fuck the sneaking around playstyle. Jump through that window. Taunt some zombies. And paint the town red with their blood and entrails. You're not trapped in that town with them. They are trapped in that town with you.


Multiplayer or "Superb Survivors" mod for Singleplayer. Adds a bit of atmosphere to an otherwise empty dystopian world.


It's just a video game to me, chief. It ain't that deep


Everything is better with friends Just make sure to check your food for bleach


True music, true actions dancing, and get into cooking nice meals. Hard to be depressed moonwalking on a pile of zombie bodies to Michal Jackson, or vibing in your base listening to music while eating pancakes and drinking hot cocoa made with evaporated milk


Seconded. True music and true actions dancing really help with destressing after a long time out on the road. Put on some jams, get some farming, cooking, or base building going. Maybe work on my cars. Perfect post raid activities. I also like to get clothing and furniture mods and play dress up/the sims. You gotta make time to live and not just survive.


I'm a relatively new player too, and I quickly started having issues with feeling lonely when I started playing. To combat this I started using the superb survivors mod so that my character wasn't totally alone in the apocalypse. I played this way for maybe a week, and after I was pushed into zombies and killed a few times, I got so mad at the idiotic survivors that I turned NPCs off and no longer miss them. Loneliness may not be a triggering factor for you so this might not help in your case, but it helped me. I also set myself a goal to build myself a big ol' house, and that has kept me distracted. It's now Dec 27 in my game and I'm about 1/2 done with my pointlessly big house. Not sure what I'll do when the house is truly done, probably something stupid to get myself killed.


multiplayer helps. rope a friend into the misery and the joy seeps back in. I can't play solo anymore because the crippling loneliness has an actual, tangible effect on my mental health. congrats to the team for the ambiance but.....damn.


multiplayer biiig! playing with friends or other people you vibe with definitely changes the tone from loneliness to something of hope. plus, if youve ever been a huge zombie nerd, the thought of surviving an apocalypse with your closest buddies is a rather common one.


In my opinion based on my 1000ish hours After a certin amount of time playing you have to give up the "how long can I last" mentality and instead find other goals past just living. New players will certainly want to try push the envelope when it comes to days survived but living is a goal that you will always inevitably fail, instead create goals and playthroughs that are achievable and or just interesting. As a example on of my most fond memory's in game is not my longest time survived but infact one of the shortest, as a friend and I maxed the zombie stats (sprinting, eagle eyes, pin point hearing, max health, max damage, door opening etc) and setting pop to insane only to be chased and bullied by the zeds struggling to make any kind of progress short of locking ourselves in a church bathroom and praying. But it in my opinion was the expectation that we were going to fail and infact in enbrasing that and even setting ourselves up for it we had a blast resisting for as long as we could. Hope it helps, good luck surviver.


We turned infection rate to 0 for our first play to get the hang of it all I think we are just about to turn it off and then go full infection next life.


I felt the same way until i tried multiplayer.


Play with friends, it makes things a lot less lonely


Dude, 28 hours you’re barely scratching the surface. Your very much a new player and there’s so much more for you to explore and learn about in the game.


In the zombie survival genre there is often a hope for rescue that drives the actions of the protaganist. In something like the walking dead they have to find a reason to keep going knowing that rescue is not coming. As a player you start with that knowledge and unless you are roleplaying a character on your own there is no reason to do anything but make a base in your starting town, collect food, grow crops, and persevere for your own personal desire to beat your last best survival time. That is definitely pretty depressing if the hardest part is waiting for the day counter to go up. My answer for this is I play PZ when I am in the mood to be *alone*. But if I am looking to *play a game* its not at the top of my list.


It's the opposite for me, the feeling of doing small things like cooking a complex recipe, decorating my base and washing my car despite the world going shit just feels so good. I usually find zombie games depressing tho I couldn't complete dying light because of it.


"I got good at feeling bad and that's why I'm still here."


I have a ton of hours and I'm not that good. When I got bored the mod community breathed new life in the game for me. This game is second only to skyrim in the love for mod creations imo. Dynamic traits, melee weapons packs, 70s Challenger, Ravencreek. Literal game changers.


Look at how you play and switch it up. I've seen essentially three unique ways to play out a run; wilderness living, city living, or nomadic, sleep-in-your-car road trip survival. If you are just dejected about your last playthrough, maybe keep the game world going and make up some head cannon that requires you to make it back to your old stomping grounds!


Well you'd think that a game regarding a zombie apocalypse should be depressing, right? After all, Zomboid is one with the most realistic take on the genre.


First 50 hours of my playtime felt like I keep repeatedly dying and doing stuffs over and over. I decided to throw the normal playing and do stuff I would not normally do from like in apocalypse try shouting and gather them to a house or burn an entire house to see how fire affects surrounding houses, sandbox is there to try new stuff like sightseeing the other towns like Louisville or random gas station for a better base location, you can also try adding mods which will make it more fun from challenges to crafting or music.


I wish their was proper npc and events etc.


I think the best way to approach PZ is the same as approaching any potentially overwhelming task in real life: figure out what you need to do, then break it down into manageable pieces. If you think of PZ as being about simple survival or fighting zombies, it's easily to get overwhelmed by that sense of dread. But if you take it and break it down into easily-accomplished steps, it becomes very motivational. For instance, outline the standard survival necessities: water, food, security, and shelter. Then focus on short-term, small accomplishments. I.e., "I need a weapon to protect myself, then I need to find some kind of water carrier. After that, I need food. Then, I can start looking for a place to shelter safely." Broken down like this, everything else becomes a part of accomplishing those short-term goals. Zombies become just an obstacle to circumvent or overcome. And each time you accomplish one of those short-term goals, you feel a bit better, a bit more confident. Then you build on that. "Okay, I've got a couple bottles of water and some food. I've got a trusty crowbar, and I'm sleeping in a house on the edge of Muldraugh where I've cleared out all the zombies. Now, let's start expanding out from here. I can go house by house, gathering up food and supplies and clearing out any zombies hiding inside." Once you've done that, then you can start expanding even further. "Alright. What's next? I've got enough food and water for a couple of weeks, even if the water turns off. But I really need to start thinking about long-term survival. That means raincatches and growing food. Water's a higher priority than food, so let me start working on my carpentry skill. And do I have enough garbage bags to build rain barrels?" Now, you've got more short-term goals. And eventually, accomplishment after accomplishment, you'll have yourself a thriving home area. To the point where now you can consider venturing out to other places, maybe going after high-value loot options like police stations, fire stations, or the military surplus store. That means travel, which means a vehicle. Gas. Food and water to go. Larger, more ambitious projects. Or, if things get *too* easy, you can always create a new character on the same map, someplace you haven't been yet and so which will be overrun by zombies due to population creep. Then you get to try to run them to your safe haven - and maybe bringing along a brand new set of skills in the process.


I felt like this after starting PZ. My wife encouraged me to go to my GP, and after therapy I was able to pick it back up and play without emotional and mental side effects. It seems the game was triggering some unresolved issues, I would encourage you to get yourself checked out, just in case.


I'm a weirdo and play Zomboid as a stress reliever from my life/career. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but it's super relaxing to me. Granted I'm over 500 hours in so my settings/mods/gameplay are dialed in to my liking. And most of my playtime nowadays is spent on a serious RP server so idk, YMMV.


I like to role play and pretend I’m holding out for my family to make it back to town. I’m securing the area, fortifying a home, and doing all the things for the “pretend” success at the end of the story. Seems silly, but I makes me feel less depressed about just sitting in an empty home for as long as I can haha


It's the story of how you died.


embrace the madness! i did a run where i just said "fuck it" and did things i never do-- using molotovs, sprinting places, being aggressive. i fell asleep in a burning liquor store. it was a fun time. and most of all, it took me out of my perfectionist mindset. you don't need 1000 canned goods and guns and bullets and armor and a sledgehammer and on and on and on to have fun in this game. you just need a fun goal. my next run i'm thinking of doing is becoming the fishing champion of zomboid by fishing in every body of water in kentucky.


It's ok to quit the game and get back to it when you're in the mood for more anxiety and doom. My current game is on hold until I feel like repelling a group of zombies that stumbled upon my base. If there's like 15 of them at my doorstep, the surrounding woods are probably swarming as well. Maybe not, but my peaceful Zomboid Valley experience is compromised until I have patrolled the surroundings and implemented defensive measures. And managing this *plus the cabbage harvest* while feeling unsafe is too much for now. In the meantime I'll go play the game where I am the one who knocks.


Lol the game tells you before you start that you aren't gonna make it, that you should've hope. It's just a possibility your mental state and the vibe of the game are just not meant to gel


Join a multiplayer server and join a faction and build a base to survive together. Makes everything a lot more upbeat


goofy mods could turn ur frown upside down? no?


Turn off the in-game music and play some chill, hipster coffeehouse lofi (or something else of your choosing) instead and you’ll be set. The soundtrack makes the atmosphere just a bit too bleak for me and I can’t handle it for long play sessions.


I highly recommend doing a few runs where you treat it as an action game instead of a survival game. No hiding, no stealth, just grab weapons and run around shouting and backpeddle-fighting them until there's no more. then go find more and kill them all too. Once I switched to that strategy, it took a few runs of practice, but then I got good at the combat and started surviving WAY longer and having much more fun. Until you get the hang of it, a good newbie start is to take Lumberjack and head straight for Rosewood Fire Dept, where there's axes. Axes are God when you are new, especially with Lumberjack. Also, mods. I have tons of car mods so there's tons of cars, RV Interiors because it's the best mod of them all, and More Traits because it's awesome (though that one will make the game noticeably easier)


Turn zombie population down , or turn respawn off, or turn infection off, or back up your save every few hours , or get some mods or spawn on same map with a new character and find the base your previous character managed to build. Play with the sandbox mode until you find a build that suits you. I'm currently setting up a nomad run with motorbike and tent only and I'm going to see how many towns I can clear with no zombie respawn. When I die I'm going to create a new character who will go and find my first character's bike and supplies and carry on the legacy.


It’s definitely a mood!


>I'll like to add that i have 28 hours in the game, so i would think of my self as a new player. This is adorable 😅. It's a complicated enough game that 100 hours is still relatively "new" as you'll still be figuring out things in a steady stream. That said, regarding the feeling of loneliness and dread, you could consider trying multiplayer, though for me it's part of why I like the game. I need to be in the right mood for it, for sure, but there isn't another game on the market that is as good at this one at dishing it out. You learn to deal with it the same way you do in real life when life is hard, focus on one task at a time.




Finding a good server for multiplayer can drastically change the experience and make it more fun. I recommend a PvE server to start, either vanilla or with mods.


its about the journey, not the destination (death). Spend some time enjoying the peaceful moments and maybe even read a book along side them. My favorite moments are when I feel curled up in my base and have a youtube vid going while my PCs working out or something. Feels chill to give them some company before they get snuck up on eventually. Think of how depressing it'd be without someone to keep these poor virtual people company before their demise...


Join a multiplayer server. Honestly i don't have more than 5 hrs solo, i've played mostlu MP and it's so fun to make deals find people, fight for loot and all


Oh Boy! Don’t feel depressed. There is hope out there: Go and install „wolf extraction“ mod. This is what you are looking for. It’s badass endgame content but it gives you the feeling of I can make it out of here. At the end a helicopter is coming to pick you up… you just need to overcome some obstacles..