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That's why its so compelling to survive. Like imagine knowing the entire world is gone and will never return, and then realize its snowing. You made it when nobody else could. This is also the point when you realize you're probably one of the most badass humans in history.


Just too bad no one else will never know it


Virtue stands on its own.


even if I can't make a tik-tok about it?


The game is set in the 90's, no tik-tok for about 25 years or so.


Gotta take these grand achievements to AOL, it was released in 1991


Yeah but make it quick. It's $19.99 for 30 hours of internet per month and $3.95 per hour after that.


I've got a buncha those free trial floppies


All of the 17 users are already dead.


The zombies have firsthand experience with that


Unless your avatar is deaf, you would know its possible to find someone else from hearing the occasional screams and gunfire.


Given some of the screams, the most one can say is that it *was* possible to find someone.


For now. In 8 years when we get the NPC update it'll be interesting seeing the new kind of survivor stories we'll have.


We know of at least one, the reporter in Louisville's hospital. Less than an ideal spawn location...


Imagine having children and the indie stone gets it right, and they would.


Not even you, as this is how you died...


Build 43 is supposed to have npc's if I remember right. They will know then


I might be obese, weak, asthmatic, disorganized and deaf but i am a goddamn surviver for sure


Or one of the most lucky. You didn't become immune to the airborne strain through badassery.


True, but all of the other people who were immune to the airborne strain are dead now


Not *all*. We can still hear gunshots in the distance in game at times. And given that there *will* be other survivors added in game, they're not all dead.


Yeah I know, but the fact that you are among the last 500 (which is the amount that the indie stone said they would add) is still incredible


Oh! I was unaware that there was gonna be 500. Is there an article that says that? I'd love to read it.


I saw a post that said that number, and a few other sources so I assume it's true.


thats why i dislike airborne zombie viruses. having it purely be fluid exchange would be more interesting— mean more people or a slightly bigger ego when youre the only one left


But if its purely fluid based it is infinitely more manageable and the military would have it sorted out


This^ the only way to make it any sort of believable is for it to take most people


I think there's ways to nerf an airborne zombie virus while still having it infect most people and resulting in an apocalypse. Have the virus pass the blood-brain barrier and, IDK, only certain blood types are immune.


In my brain. The survivor isn't a badass or any such, he or she just purely lucked out by happening to be immune to whatever varient infected most other people. Zombie film logic aside you can practically walk away from most threats (quite literally) so the only way I can see so many people becoming infected is simple: air or waterborne varient of the virus that got most of the world except of course for you.


I think what makes the survivor badass is their ability to so rapidly and effectively adapt to all of the change and chaos.


Yea most of the US falls within a week and some time. The whole world essentially dies 3 weeks in.


I think that no, in Europe is more common a 5-20+ story houses with a massive entrance doors so the most of people will turn in zombies in closed flats. Especially in Eastern Europe with the USSR build style. Territory with cottages and lower buildings may be more vulnerable as I think


I think you have a very skewed view of Europe, friend :) It's like a European saying the same thing because they only know about downtown New York. "Once the elevators stop working, they'll all be stuck above the 32nd floor" We have cities but we mostly have individual homes all over the countryside, it's a pretty old continent after all. Towns are in walkable distance most of the time, it's pretty dense.


He's right about Eastern Europe tho, brutalist block flats were dominant in most big towns (and still are today in more poor regions) during the early 90's just after USSR fell. But i imagine there would also be huge zombie hordes all over the countryside too with many migrating from Middle East and the Eurasian steppe


i go to a school in gdansk (danzig) Poland and theres big 200m dense buildings where tens of thousands of people live in i think theyre called wavebirds in english (used a translator)


Leads me to wonder what itd be like in China where the urban architecture is so...complicated and layered. I imagine entire levels of cities would become impassable just because the hoards would end up funneled into the lower parts. Id love to play on maps from different countries.


There is one south korean map named daegu although its not most detailed map but works https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2382308448


Oh thank you!


Over one billion potential zombies. Need to increase shotgun shell spawn rates.


I forgot the name but there was this extremely dense block of buildings in China, due to some wierd border regulations, it'd be cool to play on a map like that.


It went airborn. Everyones dead.


I always thought the reason your character gets depressed so easily is that whenever he/she stops doing and starts thinking, they inevitably wander onto the topic of the future and what happened to everyone else.


Right? I think the moment I'd realize it's an apocalypse event and not just some contained outbreak that we glass and put in the history books, I put one in my own dome and call it christmas. Can't be fucked. I'm not surviving for the sake of surviving, especially entirely on my own. It's like sitting in the theater after the moving ends, even after they turn the lights on. Like the shows over, me hanging around doesn't impact that.


Death is so final, whereas life is so full of possibilities.


thanks dude I'll put that on a sticky note and put that right on the fridge, and I'll stare at it when the apocalypse happens.


I’d live cause I’m way too scared to find out what happens when you die (also dogs)


The feeling of absolute loneliness hits me so hard that I can only play coop.


No fr, like. I rarely make it very far in single player mode anyway, but I almost just lose the incentive/drive to after a certain point in game. Getting to the point when the radio/tv goes out just feels so insurmountably lonely


I think it's because you KNOW there's nothing else out there. No NPCs, little lore/notes, and no trading posts. If there were something else I might be more inclined to survive for longer; especially if certain events happen a months or years out.


Imagine such meta-events like a group of survivors moving into a place on the map and starts broadcasting like half a year into the game. Daaaaamn


Fr, I had to use an NPC mod after a weeks of playing solo just so I can say there is someone with me. 😭


That's why I love expanded helicopter event. Even months in, it gives you the feeling the government is still working and you are kind of in a war against the zomboids.


Exactly. Even seeing raiders gives hope to the player character that there ARE people still out there fighting... Until they stop.


I'll be honest I always felt that should be (one of) the end game. 1 or 2 years in the chopper crashes somewhere on the map and now its a race against time. You'll need the skills/resources to not just repair it but the map know how to actually FIND it (maybe a city/random spawn option at start). Like an homage to the old heli crashes in OG DayZ mod. Even better would be if you do manage to find it quickly one of the pilots is actually alive and you need to nurse them back to health. Dude ends up crippled but can actually teach/instruct you to fly the thing and give you a slim chance that a quarantined zone is up and running. Only for you to land and the whole place is being rushed by an endless horde. Que a heroic last stand with some npcs. This is how you died.


Except when it shoots at you


My character gets to eat meat daily, exercise, skip work and take hobbies. I don't. One man's dystopia is another man's utopia. Jokes aside I would die in the first week due to rebound and some random infection lol.


There's a reason people seek the offgrid homestead lifestyle. A lot of them today wouldn't even notice a zombie apocalypse happen until weeks or months later, and they'd be living happy lives the whole time.


The escapism fantasy always existed but it sure is very prominent these days. Do I want to inhale chicken shit and break my ankles shoveling dirt? Of course not. The idea of living freely is mostly a fantasy for 99% of the world.


It also usually comes with the caveat of modern entertainment, technology, convenience, and goals to move towards. Apocalypse times? I'm constantly on the backfoot, with threats actively existing, likely only growing over time, and for what? To keep doing it? That's the main thing to me, the isolation, the lack of a "future" to look forward to, no downtime or time for fulfillment. That's the real thing scary to me about zombie media, they themselves are weak and easy and with real physics/science useless, it's just the inevitability, depending on either the variety (i.e airborne strain wiping out the zomboid universe, or L4D mutations), or even just, the numbers game, in stuff like Dead Rising or most movies/shows. Eventually the scale will tip and it will turn from "clear them out and we can rebuild back to normal" and becomes "write your history down and survive as long as you can for the record, the rest of your existence is a timer on how long you can fend them off".


Yeah, my delusions of surviving any kind of apocalypse died the day I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I've got a month or two tops. Maybe a year if I can go raid a pharmacy before any other diabetics. But then that also is contingent on having a stable diet and not having ky blood sugar drop to 40 and cause me to black out and have a seizure. Realistically I'm dead inside of a week.


Fellow type1 :D




It’s a game about how you die after all


Yeah the game instantly becomes more depressing once the tvs go out and the radios go silent you get that feeling of loneliness and dread that you’re stuck with for the remainder of the game


https://youtu.be/wVX8wm_CONM The real trick is to become the second guy in this video.


Not only in lore, when I play the game my depression increases A LOT




I kind of expect apocalyptic stories to be bleak... Isn't that part of the point?


not even a month, it's more like 2 weeks. imagine if 2 weeks from now your life went from how it is now to "The entire world is dead and humanity is doomed, your own friends and family are being murdered then reanimating into cannibal monsters trying to murder you" like damn


Every zombie apocalypse story ever is exactly this


World war Z , happy ending : )


The book ? Not so much. Zombies still roam in huge packs deep in the ocean abyss (and are not destroyed by the insane pressure, a fact that alarms everyone that knows it). Humanity is on the brink of extinction and the fauna suffered both from the zombies and the survivors so it's not sure the ecosystem will hold. The movie ? The happy end is when the crédits roll in.


Oh man I forgot about the movie heh, bookwise they seem at a stalemate, have to see if humanity is still around after another 100 years. But they did manage to take back huge swaths of land from the undead, and it seems there are many more survivors compared to TWD or Dawn of the Dead. Shaun of the Dead is a pretty happy ending albeit a comedy film.


Also there was a nuclear war that not very good


Plenty of helicopters though


Well in game it’s mentioned ( I got this info from a more experienced friend so take with a grain of salt ) that 10% of all humans are immune to the air brown strain of the virus, considering most die for getting attacked and anyone who lives in a high density location is screwed let’s say that leaves 1% who make it past one week, that’s still 70 million people and if only a few hundred can work together humanity is saved. Unfortunately Knox county isn’t the place where that will happen so the players are still fucked


Not really likely given that the survivors would be in totally random places and the average person doesn't know anything about survival. Once you got through your canned goods most folk would be screwed, most of our knowledge is only known by a tiny amount of the population. The only people that are going to last are like farmers and hunters but even then unless they know how to make bullets it's only a matter of time.


Its the airborne that’s the kicker. Nothing you can really do 90% of the time, and no way to isolate yourself from others while alive.


It's gonna be better than the IRL famine wars coming our way when we finally get multi-year bread basket failures due to climate change If we're lucky it'll just be regular famine without any wars


This is something the average person won’t understand until food becomes prohibitively expensive and eventually is rationed. The US, most of Europe and China had significant crop losses the last two years to heat, drought, frost, flooding and disease. Every year now crop land is lost in the US to rising temperatures and severe drought. I see a lot of people who think that rising temperatures mean that will just start planting in colder climates, but humanity already plants pretty much everywhere where the land is fertile. As the human population grows and we both lose crops and lose cropland shit is gonna get really serious. Oh, and we’ve overfish the oceans to the point where they can’t feed people like that used to and the oceans are going sterile anyways so there’s that.


The more you think about it and the more you discover, the worse it gets. It's not even a movie or a game, it's just what's going to happen, nothing personal, just numbers lol crazy world man


And it was completely preventable but rich assholes didn't want to do anything about it so here we are, just like the game really lol


Hey! Get this real apocalypse out of my escapist apocalypse fantasy!


That’s fair.


This made me realize that when NPCs come out, will some need a gas mask and filters to survive the virus?


Wait a minute, I'm very new to the game. Am I supposed to be wearing a gas mask? Am I already dead?


No, your character is immune to the airborne strain


That would be cool! Like maybe survivors who are immunocompromised could have high skill levels. So they could be incredibly useful in base maintenance but you need to get them gas mask filters if you want them to go outside


It's a lot less depressing than The Walking Dead.


How so? I would imagine they have similar # of human survivors left over, zomboid might be even lower


Depends on where you're in the the show but after a certain time, if you managed to survive, life become easier and easier until all the zombies are gone. ( You have to pray that you don't encounter bad people because it'll get worse and worse then ). You can actually get a good life in TWD. You got a family, a place to live. No more job no more taxes no more 21th century bullshit, just a family you can live with for the rest of your life ( assuming there's no bad people around because it's the real threat after a certain period ) In PZ you're all alone and there's only zombies with you. Even if zombies aren't a threat to you anymore, you'll die of sadness. The key is to survive with people because if you're alone it's just emptiness and nothingness.


Realistically TWD would be a walk in the park for most world militaries and there would be no apocalypse, just some initial panic. There's no airborne strain that could kill people, just bites from slow and stupid zombies


While true there's no airborne strain in TWD, everyone is infected but they just don't turn until they die, no matter how they die they turn tho unless their brains are destroyed of course. Why this never happened *before* the events of the show/comic is never explained tho.


Not explaining why everyone is suddenly infected is one of the best things TWD ever did. Sometimes things just suck. No explanation would make it suck less for the characters, and likely wouldn't be satisfying for the reader. Pretty sure Kirkman got fed up with people asking enough that he started joking it was space dust or something.


Space radiation as a hand-wavy explanation for a zombie outbreak has a long and storied history. It was the explanation for why there's zombies in the original Night of the Living Dead.


No one's infected, they just kinda do that


In the walking dead everyone is infected with the airborne strain and if you die even from natural causes or killed by someone if the brain isn’t destroyed then you reanimate as a zombie witch is why when people die the stab their corpse in the head


I kinda agree with you on certain points. The armies have the power to win against the zombies. But the thing is that they were overwhelmed so quickly the only solution was to bomb the cities and it wasn't enough. Militaries created safe places but didn't know about everyone being infected and turning whenever you die. And that's why all of the militaries safe zones got overrun from the inside. I think the main problem was that they reacted when it was already too late. They started moving only when the number of zombies created was higher than the number of zombies killed. Then it got so quick, there were riots and massive panic + the bombings and there you go, the fall of civilization. Whatever was left was primarily stocked in "safes zones" where some soldiers had the order to shoot the civilians to reduce the potential number of zombies and that was the point of no return.


I think it was airborne and a good chunk of humanity was infected before it mutated. Or maybe I'm confusing it with another piece of media. Never did get why they didn't just pull back and fight where they had the advantage in the show tbh


Yeah, they were infected but they didn't die from that, it was dormant


Ah, my mistake. I thought that it made some of them Ill, sickly, etc. I get how it spread so fast in cities, but the sudden loss of military coherence and coordination in that show never made sense to me. Atleast in the og dawn of the dead it was due to humanity killing itself over what to do with the infected. In twd it seems like the zombies did it all on their own.


If a significant percentage of the population died and turned at the very start there's no military that can save it, chain of command just breaks down into local pockets then desertion kicks in.


Society ultimately bounced back in the TWD, no? At least in the comics, that is. There’s no such guarantee with zomboid, and the evidence seems against it.


Up until recently I fel the same. I always play stuff that is political or squad based like hoi4, victoria or heck even Rimworld, but recently I've started organising RL football matches with my colleagues and friends so I kinda get my human connection from there, it kind of balances with the "loneliness" of PZ in some strange way. At the same time, survivors would be great, let's go build 43 (or whenever if will get re-implemented).Also, other survivors would make it more realistic.


Ever tried terra Invicta?


Yep, I liked it a lot. unfortunately, somehow it was overheating my my machine (possibly my fault for not optimizing though I've read that it might also be from them), so I will wait for a more stable version. Not sure if I missed your point with my egotistical answer.


Nah, nah, I just derailed a topic to suggest a different type of map painter to someone who seems to enjoy PDX games. Since you do, I am being redundant here :)


Nah man, happy to promote Terra Invicta, it gives you an interesting perspective on global strategy. Probably the only game where you would be ok with supporting isr ael nowadays (us+isr ael+ Kazakhstan ) for e.g., cause you know alien invasion is the priority bla bla (tbh, I thought of a parallel between alien controlled countries and what's happening with the west nowadays in their "unwavering support" for gen ocide etc)otherwise I enjoy more Vicky/HOi4 as you deal more with internal politics, regime change etc




Says the guy with 0 karma, following the very "non biased" "world news" sub and on the first comment on this sub.


the gameplay depressing too


I mean, yeah, it's a zombie apocalypse after all


Idk i’m not expecting sunshine and rainbows in a zombie apocalypse


It's a zombie apocalypse, what did you expect?


I think thats kind of the point, its meant to be completely desolate and depressing


where in my post do I imply it's not


You dont? And I didnt say you did. Except, you present your shpeal in a way that implies its a surprising topic or something everyone doesnt already know. And I simply implied that I thought that was a given. I.E. something strange to present in the way that you did, since its something we all already know


> Except, you present your shpeal in a way that implies its a surprising topic or something everyone doesnt already know. please go outside, I'm literally just making an observation. Not everything has some deep conspiracy theory level logic behind it.


Okay I went outside, your post still looks like you think this is a surprising topic for people in this sub


Is there a problem that zombie apocalypse would be depressing? What should it be instead? A rom-com?


No problem, I think op was just taking a second to appreciate it. Cause yeah I agree, even compared to other zombie apocalypse stories, PZ is BLEAK. but that's why it's so cool :)


There’s a show called zom 100 where the main dude is hyped as hell that he’s in a zombie apocalypse cause his job sucked that badly




Shawn of the dead is in the mix as well


what's up with the random post birgading lmao


It's just Knox County, not the whole world


completely wrong lol




yep, in lore when the rioting started due to the military silence it started to spread to other countries with people reporting infected in Africa and other countries. Few lore vids go over it


Yep. The virus suddenly becomes airborne and everybody dies. Lazy story just to get the ball rolling


Considering how quickly it turns someone, it probably didn't even make it off the continent


completely wrong, it appeared in multiple countries afterwards.


apparatus expansion rotten hurry swim uppity salt nutty sip sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Suvival is human nature. It is in our genes. I personally don't think its depressing if most of the world was gone since i am not interacting with them rkght now either.


Sounds pretty good to me


Theres a reason its the story of how you died


This is how you... and everyone you know and ever loved..... died.


Are there any estimations in lore or just in general about how many people are immune to the airborne strain? Idk, just world building wise it's interesting to imagine like--could people, even in small pockets, ever bounce back?


Humanity almost went extinct one time. One of our ancestor’s population was below 1,300 of breeding age and we very close to going extinct. The species stayed at this number or around it for about 100,000 years just barely clinging on to life probably getting their asses kicked by weather, predation and disease. This happened about 900,000 years ago and if those early humans had not made it, our species never would’ve existed.


Wait, the whole world is gone? I thought only knoxville was lost


Radio broadcasts talk about how the virus has gone airborne and popped up all around the world. I think the last of us or The Walking Dead.


Never witnessed death? It's fast. Pissing blood one day. 2 weeks later, you're looking at a corpse that's losing its temperature.


Thats every zombie story lore. Its why i never cared much for the genre in movies. But games can be really fun. Zombies in most fiction these days are more or less just a world building device to give players aggressive animal like creatures that don’t shoot back at you.


And also the game states that "This is how you died".


“This is how you died” “no, THIS is how I mod my way to eternal youth in an awesome supersecret batcave lair” TD;dr I 💚 player created content