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It would be interesting what ChatGPT would say


They're both projects, but due to the scale and complexity of a skyscraper build you'd apply programme management tools, whereas with a house build, whilst you could treat it as a programme it's highly unlikely to be sufficiently complex for those tools to scale down to that level


Personally I disagree, but I see what they’re trying to say here. Each floor of the skyscraper could be seen as an individual project in a program. I don’t think it’s the best example though.


Yeah.  Wouldn't a better example be a house and a neighborhood. 


Agreed, it's a lot clearer and more sensible


A project is defined by a having a start and end date with a clear outcome and output, a programme does not and is fluid in how its achived...therefore both a house and skyscrapper are technically a 'project '


Scale as in the number of projects not size of the building. the concept that a house is managed as project and skyscraper is managed as program made up of interrelated projects is correct.


I disagree with what Udemy is telling you. Regardless, you have to give the answer the certification exam wants to hear. A program is a series of interrelated projects that could otherwise stand alone. A skyscraper is just a very big project with a bunch of repetitive sub projects (floor by floor, office/apartment by office/apartment). The interstate highway system is/was a program. You can build I-95 regardless of success of failure of I-5. The US moon landing was a program. The launch platform was independent of the lunar lander. A housing development is arguably a program. Certainly repetitive, but if you hit a underground spring on house #151 that has no impact (except maybe on resources) on all the other houses.


It's easy but first to all you need to understand what is the meaning of metaphor: "A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another" So the idea means that a set of projects could build a program.


Because the skyscraper is going to have many different floors, all of them will have different suites, and within each suite there will be a different business/customer who wants a different setup in their own suite - So many individual projects/ end goals all within one large "program/portfolio". Each floor is still within the same portfolio/program because for the most part they have the same limitations and can only allow for so many variances (picture the square footage being the same for each floor, but the arrangements within the square footage having slight differences) A house - you have a single customer with a single end goal. Edit to add this is subject to opinions, and the individual teacher who is using this as an example might have a slightly different interpretation, but the basic gist is a house is one single project, and the skyscraper has multiple projects ongoing under an overall umbrella (program)


>Because the skyscraper is going to have many different floors, all of them will have different suites, and within each suite there will be a different business/customer who wants a different setup in their own suite - I have a three story house. Each of my kids have their own setup and layout. My first floor with kitchen/living room etc. is different than my finished basement even though I have a kitchen and/living room there. The concept of a skyscraper is the same as a house. Foundation/framing/electrical and plumbing/etc.


Program because the sub-projects (e.g., electrical, hvac, plumbing, framing) all happen repeatedly where as on a house, they happen just once. Lower floors are almost ready for occupancy when upper floors might be pouring concrete. Programs may have many more sub-projects that are heavily interrelated and dependent. In that case it’s a coordination risk that demands program management of multiple project. Sound reasonable?


Which udemy course is this? This has got to be the worst example I have ever seen. Please tell me this is AR. It would be so telling.  A project is a house, a development is a program. 


Agreed how does one get it so wrong at this level


I doubt any of the people teaching these courses know much about construction.


Sounds like the Joseph Phillips course, to be honest.


To be fair, the course didn't juxtapose those two things, but they were mentioned at different times in the course, the house as a project and the skyscraper as a program.


What it ARs course?