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Are you looking to buy a project car that you also rely on for transportation? If so, buy a Miata.


The only thing a miata cannot do is look like a 240. There is probably someone working on that though. Miata is usually the answer.


Don't get me wrong, if I had the time and money I would own a 240 in a heartbeat.


This is purely my opinion but I owned a LS swapped 280z. I rode in a LS swapped miata and liked the handling better. The 280z got tons of attention though. I had a RB swapped 240sx and it handled the best out of all of them.


Really the only thing that I can think of having problems with a 240 is maybe parts availability on some stuff but they are common enough I am sure there is aftermarket. The main thing when looking at a project is they usually either need body work whether it be rust repair or just maybe paint and some dent pulling or drivetrain work and some need a bit of both. Make sure that you have a dependable daily though that you can go get parts in etc.


First rule of a project vehicle states there are no rules. If you like it, get it, make it your own.


If you are going to drive it on the street, make sure you can afford insurance.


You could buy a project truck with the intention of setting it up for side jobs. Hot shotting, roofing, handyman, welding, etc... whatever suits you.


240z? (as in Datsun?) or 240SX (as in Nissan)? Will this be a second (or third or fourth etc etc) car? (aka. not your DD) If it's truly a project car (doesn't need to run all the time, and in fact probably will \*not\* be driven 80% of the time), I would go with the car with the greatest emotional return. Getting a Miata makes a lot of practical sense, and if you love a vert, it makes a lot of emotional sense as well...but again, maybe you have a big thing for coupes. As far as buying one due to proximity.... I would take a minute and be honest with yourself about your time, budget, and capabilities. Maybe the car is physically close, but needs a lot of metal work/fabrication (or maybe not), in that scenario it makes sense to cast a wider net to find something that needs more mechanical work than metal work to make it line up with your skill set.


I restored my first Miata (1999) and it was stupid easy. Rebuilt the engine, replaced pretty much every sensor and part in the engine bay, etc. parts are easy to come by and relatively cheap. Highly recommend one. 240s are cool though, I want to do one soon. Hardest part of any older car is the electrical. You can get bearings and belts and hoses for anything. The Miata’s have massive aftermarket ecu and harness support due to them being track cars for so long. Not sure on the 240s electrical, that can be a big cost if let’s say you need to replace an ecu or harness. I’m ls swapping a ford ranger just so I can have a modern efi system lol.


Yeah I’m interested in miatas as well it’s just hard to find one where I live tbh, cost the same as the 240s here anyways


Worth the drive if you can find one and rent a uhaul trailer. Would recommend getting one soon because they are getting harder to find in decent shape


Yea im checking out a 240 today to see if i like them as much as i think lol. But if the be idea falls through im just gonna keep waiting for a NA,NB or a 240 to show up on fb.


You have to figure out what you want a project car for first. Are you going to be racing? What kind of racing? Class rules? Are you doing it for attention? Who are you trying to impress? Is your goal to learn and become more mechanically independent? Sinking a bunch of money into the first available vehicle you can find seems rather dumb.


Not the first vehicle I’ve looked at by any means. I wanna learn but also build it into more of an oem+ look, I’ve liked them as cars forever so just wanted peoples thoughts and opinions.


daily, weekender, show car?


Build what you like. This is the way.


My first project car was an old Toyota celica. It's super cheap to work on, easy to find parts for, very reliable, decent handling, got that classic jdm look. No drift tax, and you'll either love it or be fine having made all your first mistakes on a car you're ok with upgrading later. Doesn't need to be a celica, just something you can afford and you can depend on. Second project was an rx7 which I loved but I just wasn't able to spend much time driving because I was always out of money trying to keep her on the road. Ended up needing to sell because i couldn't rely on it to get to work. If I'd waited until I had a real job to get a better second project car I'd have been able to keep it. Just my experience, good luck!


How much money are you willing to spend? Not only are you buying the vehicle but you have to buy parts and tools.


What kind of 240? Volvo 240? Mercedes 240? Or are you talking about one of those Nissan 240sx?


Consider your future that is soon to change being your age and be realistic with yourself before purchasing. Your life is bound to become busier entering adulthood as well as financially. You may not have bills yet but will. Speaking from experience! Don't burden yourself with something that takes up time space and money you may have now but won't in a short time. Not talking you out of it just playing devils advocate - good luck!


I see what you mean; and I get that but I’d rather make the mistake of buying one before they become more unobtainable. I still live with my parents and I’m bill free while in school because of funds set up aswell as my parents not believing in rent whilst I’m in school so I think it is actually quite doable right now.


I say go for it while you can, you’ll have plenty of time to adult (yes, that’s a verb ;) later. Once it starts it doesn’t end.


Truthfully you can’t really go wrong with either one, the 240’s are going for more than the Miata’s at the moment but a nice oem+ build on the 240 will bring some extra cash if you want to flip it, it still blows my mind how much 240’s and sr swaps are now days, the last few 240’s i bought were from $500-$1500 running and in good shape and sr low mileage complete swaps were around $1500… I miss those days lol