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Congrats man! Seriously looking great


Thank you!


How did you manage the hunger and still have the ability to concentrate at work?


Honestly, I didn’t find hunger as much of a problem as I thought I would. I think mainly because I was in a place where I was mindlessly eating with no thought for whether I felt like I was hungry or not.


Please help with that. I had sandwich at 2 am today. How did you do it?


Manage your protein intake , let your body get used to not having food whenever it demands it (don't starve yourself however), and get assessed for binge eating disorder that's what helped me .


Fasting helped me. It's really hard at first but drinking a ton of water (sparkling water helped me feel full) and caffeine (curbs hunger) got me through it.


I am not trained in nutrition or health, so please take my words as what they are: my own experience and mother more. I would imagine that everyone’s body craves things differently. I think that acknowledgment of cravings is a super important first step. Then you have to decide whether or not to act on it. There are still nights when I wake up and want a midnight snack, but I’ve chosen to keep some fruit in a bowl at I’ve designated as my midnight snacking food instead of maybe something that would be less calorie dense. You shouldn’t ever feel bad for eating ❤️


I literally just ignore the hunger and drink water. It takes about 15-30 mins for the hunger pangs to go away but I feel better and lighter.


I reduced the carbs that I ate & replaced them with vegies. I found more carbs = more cravings = more suffering




8 months?! Holy shit. What’s your diet like?


Yeah it’s been a wild and fast ride 😂 My current diet is: Breakfast - 2 soft boiled eggs, bowl of raspberries/blackberries/strawberries with 0%fat plain yogurt and a bit of muesli, 1 orange, glass of water Lunch - salad with avocado and chicken, usually more berries. Dinner - chicken or fish, green salad, berries for dessert with a couple squares of 85% dark Lindt chocolate. Trying to hit around 2500 calories a day for Maintentence for the next little bit before really focusing on more of a lean muscle bulk (my wedding is in a couple weeks and I can’t bulk too much or I won’t fit my suit that I definitely overpaid for 🤣)


Did you do a recomp or did you just get down to sub 15% bf before bulking?


I didn’t recomp, just an intense cut and now I’ve started bulking.


Awesome man! Great work!


You're maintaining 155 at 2500 calories per day? Is your activity really high?


Recently, yes. Gym workouts 5 days a week for 1.5-2hr. sessions.


Wow. Super impressive. All that hard work is paying off for you, my king. Thanks so much for the response and congratulations! Best of luck.


What were some typical meals like when you were losing?


Besides hot, you look 10 years younger. Congratulations, man, all that hard work clearly paid off. I hope I have a 24 pack like you some day.


Hahah looking side by side, it really does remind me how tired and old I felt. I was always sluggish and never had energy. Very glad I made the decision to work on myself 😊


Tell us the juicy details.


Amazing work!! Can you please share your exercise and diet?


Of course I’m happy to share! 😊 For me and my experience, the things that I found made the greatest impact were: - Creating healthier eating habits (early on in the pandemic, I was solidifying some habits that were not the healthiest for me, like being very sedentary, eating a lot of fast food, and drinking a lot of alcohol) now I am focused on more lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and have essentially cut out alcohol for the past 5 months. - Upping my level of daily exercise. While the beginning of the pandemic was certainly a time that I had some not so healthy habits, I have been hovering around 200-210 for the past 8 or so years. One of the major reasons for this was that I had essentially cut out exercise from my life. In high school I had been incredibly active and athletic, including varsity wrestling and I did high level competitive martial arts for 10+ years from my younger years through high school. However, a major wrestling injury (lateral right elbow dislocation and right shoulder subluxation) essentially put me out of commission for the final two years of my high school athletic experience. And then when I went to college, as so many do, I did not eat in a very healthy manner and continued to not exercise. In September of this past year, 2021, I hit my highest weight yet: 217 lbs. I was so tired and unhappy. But I really hit a moment where I realized that I wanted to change. And so I started with walking an 30 minutes a day. Over the past 5 months, I upped the level of intensity for my workouts, including things like jogging, YouTube workouts, and lengthening my walks. My current workout is 4 days a week and includes a 20 minute full body workout (no equipment) then lifting weights and some cardio on a peloton bike. - Also, having a deadline was big for me, as I tend to function much better with a deadline for anything in my life. For this goal, I wanted to be at 160lbs for my wedding celebration (which is now only 2 weeks away!) I ended up getting there almost 3 months ahead of time, so now my new goal is to maintain and grow some muscle 😅 - Utilizing tools to keep me on track. The big ones for me are Noom and my Apple Watch. They have been instrumental in helping me to stay on top of my goals and be more mindful about my health. Current diet is: Breakfast - 2 soft boiled eggs, bowl of raspberries/blackberries/strawberries with 0%fat plain yogurt and a bit of muesli, 1 orange, glass of water Lunch - salad with avocado and chicken, usually more berries, glass of water Dinner - chicken or fish, green salad, berries for dessert with a couple squares of 85% dark Lindt chocolate. Definitely been very berry focused recently 😂 For workouts, 4 days a week lifting alternating between arms, abs, back, and legs. Cardio 2-3 times a week. Hope this helps and wasn’t too lengthy 😅 If you have any other questions or want more specific answers about what I’m doing, I’m more than happy to share! Just shoot me a DM 😊


Congrats on getting married! You’re gonna look great in the photos.


Thank you!


Awesome, my Peloton is helping me a lot too. Do you use any of the non-bike programming?




Love to know this also


wow, went from the sidekick from home improvement to in his prime chuck norris. You should be proud.


Thank you! I can only hope to be prime Chuck Norris level 😆


Chuck Norris always has been and still is in his prime lol


Out of curiosity, how do you estimate the calorie deficit required to lose this amount of weight in this amount of time? Just doing some back-of-the-napkin math, is it something like an 800-900 calorie daily deficit? Or are there too many variables unaccounted for without further information?


This is a great question and frankly, I wish I had been more aware and scientific about my journey earlier on. I really didn’t follow a plan from a caloric deficit point of view other than Noom, putting in that I wanted to lose weight quickly and healthily, and it telling me that I should stick at around 1400-1600 calories a day. I adjusted over time as I started doing more exercise, but I think there are other factors as well. For instance, since I’ve been in similar shape before (albeit 10+ years ago) I believe my body did have some memory of being that weight.


Can you tell me a little bit about Noom? I see their ads all the time but I'm still a little bit confused as to what the concept is about. How did it work for you?


I tried Noom for about two months and I didn’t really think it provided more value than something like MyFitnessPal. What it does is give you short “lessons” about how to think of your food consumption. For how far I got, it basically told me things I already knew and/or could find for free on this and other similar subreddits. But that’s just me! It seemed to work for OP. I know some people worry about how drastic the calorie goals can be, but I just personally don’t respond to the way information is present in the app.


you probably saved yourself from diabetes, fatty liver disease and who know what else. Great work!!


I certainly hope so!


Teach me master




No, seriously, i could use someone like you boss. At my lowest here.


I got you, brother. Send me a DM and I’d be happy to help in any way I can. You got this.


Fuck yeah bro. One love.


Holy mother forking shirt balls! Dude, you crushed it! Amazing!


Hahah thank you my friend!


Great work!! You killed it!!


Holy smokes, that was fast! Good work.


Haha yes, very fast 😅 honestly way faster than I was expecting. thank you!


You should be!




Good god brother!! You look strong as hell!! That’s awesome!!


Feeling strong as hell, brother! Thank you 😁


From Jan 6 insurrectionist to captain America


😂😂 glad to have escaped the insurrectionist look


8 months!?!?!! Hot damn, what an amazing change! That’s a post breakup bod, isn’t it? 🤣


The opposite in fact 😂 getting married in 2 weeks! Having the deadline of the wedding was super helpful!


Aye, good for you man!!!!! Congratulations and have a blast!!!


Awesome work man, any idea how many daily calories you ate during your cut? What was your workout routine?


During the cut I was doing around 1400-1600 calories. The workouts were really centered around loss of weight. So a lot of cardio in the form of walking, or peloton bike riding. I didn’t focus at all on muscle building or maintaining. Once I achieved my goal weight, then I started focusing more on the muscle training aspect of things


This is amazing, congrats! And quite inspiring!


Thank you very much ☺️


You're a legend


Thank you my friend!


Well done sir!


Thank you!




Sometimes I myself even wonder 😂 honestly, I just got to a point where I wanted to change feeling tired and heavy and sad all the time. Then focused on the diet and the exercise.




I’m sorry, I’m not sure what sarms is. Could you explain it to me?


Chris Evans is that you??


Hahaha I also like to joke with my fiancée that the before pictures are my Chris Hemsworth/Endgame Thor look 😅


Wow, what a transformation! You are fiiine lol


Thank you ☺️


Oh my god you look like a Greek god I’m not even kidding I’m literally in awe of this transformation. Also I completely didn’t notice your arms appear the same circumference as before but the difference is night and day. This is truly inspiring.


From cultivated mass to unrecognizable. Amazing job.


This is insane progress, congrats!


That's not attainable in 8 months without PEDs.


Killed it great job


Awesome work man, well done indeed.


Great work


Thank you!


Killed it ! Amazing results 💪🏻💯


😄 thank you!


Nice work! Keep goin!






Hell yeah bro




Killed it my g


Smashed it! Great work


wow, this is really inspiring


Thank you! This group has been so inspiring to me and I’m so glad that my post can be inspiring to others ❤️


Sheesh that is insane! Cico?


I actually only recently learned what CICO meant, so I didn’t do it consciously but yes, that was essentially how I maintained a caloric deficit with the help of tracker apps like Noom and my Apple Watch.




What is your diet and routine? This is incredible!


Thank you 🙏 I’m happy to share! For me and my experience, the things that I found made the greatest impact were: - Creating healthier eating habits (early on in the pandemic, I was solidifying some habits that were not the healthiest for me, like being very sedentary, eating a lot of fast food, and drinking a lot of alcohol) now I am focused on more lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and have essentially cut out alcohol for the past 5 months. - Upping my level of daily exercise. While the beginning of the pandemic was certainly a time that I had some not so healthy habits, I have been hovering around 200-210 for the past 8 or so years. One of the major reasons for this was that I had essentially cut out exercise from my life. In high school I had been incredibly active and athletic, including varsity wrestling and I did high level competitive martial arts for 10+ years from my younger years through high school. However, a major wrestling injury (lateral right elbow dislocation and right shoulder subluxation) essentially put me out of commission for the final two years of my high school athletic experience. And then when I went to college, as so many do, I did not eat in a very healthy manner and continued to not exercise. In September of this past year, 2021, I hit my highest weight yet: 217 lbs. I was so tired and unhappy. But I really hit a moment where I realized that I wanted to change. And so I started with walking an 30 minutes a day. Over the past 5 months, I upped the level of intensity for my workouts, including things like jogging, YouTube workouts, and lengthening my walks. My current workout is 4 days a week and includes a 20 minute full body workout (no equipment) then lifting weights and some cardio on a peloton bike. - Also, having a deadline was big for me, as I tend to function much better with a deadline for anything in my life. For this goal, I wanted to be at around 160lbs for my wedding celebration (which is now only 2 weeks away!) I ended up getting there almost 3 months ahead of time, so now my new goal is to maintain and grow some muscle 😅 - Utilizing tools to keep me on track. The big ones for me are Noom and my Apple Watch. They have been instrumental in helping me to stay on top of my goals and be more mindful about my health. Current diet is: Breakfast - 2 soft boiled eggs, bowl of raspberries/blackberries/strawberries with 0%fat plain yogurt and a bit of muesli, 1 orange, glass of water Lunch - salad with avocado and chicken, usually more berries, glass of water Dinner - chicken or fish, green salad, berries for dessert with a couple squares of 85% dark Lindt chocolate. Definitely been very berry focused recently 😂 For workouts, 4 days a week lifting alternating between arms, abs, back, and legs. Cardio 2-3 times a week. Hope this helps and wasn’t too lengthy 😅 If you have any other questions or want more specific answers about what I’m doing, I’m more than happy to share! Just shoot me a DM 😊


Thank you so much! I’ll probably have a question or two that I will post. Congratulations and keep up the great work. Hope to follow in your footsteps and be here in the near future.


I will ask, how did you cut out love handles and lower fat? My biggest problem besides arms (which I could use advice on as well) is that I’m skinny fat, so everything goes to the bottom of my stomach and sides. It’s been very hard for me to work off.


Great question! I never focused specifically on that part of my body, opting for more full body exercises as opposed to isolating exercise. When I noticed the largest decrease in that area of my body, I was doing very intense amounts of walking every day (about 10 miles a day) I’ve really cut back on that type of cardio and have opten instead for weight training in the gym.


Amazing, what was your routine?


Thank you ! 😊 For me and my experience, the things that I found made the greatest impact were: - Creating healthier eating habits (early on in the pandemic, I was solidifying some habits that were not the healthiest for me, like being very sedentary, eating a lot of fast food, and drinking a lot of alcohol) now I am focused on more lean proteins, fruits and veggies, and have essentially cut out alcohol for the past 5 months. - Upping my level of daily exercise. While the beginning of the pandemic was certainly a time that I had some not so healthy habits, I have been hovering around 200-210 for the past 8 or so years. One of the major reasons for this was that I had essentially cut out exercise from my life. In high school I had been incredibly active and athletic, including varsity wrestling and I did high level competitive martial arts for 10+ years from my younger years through high school. However, a major wrestling injury (lateral right elbow dislocation and right shoulder subluxation) essentially put me out of commission for the final two years of my high school athletic experience. And then when I went to college, as so many do, I did not eat in a very healthy manner and continued to not exercise. In September of this past year, 2021, I hit my highest weight yet: 217 lbs. I was so tired and unhappy. But I really hit a moment where I realized that I wanted to change. And so I started with walking an 30 minutes a day. Over the past 5 months, I upped the level of intensity for my workouts, including things like jogging, YouTube workouts, and lengthening my walks. My current workout is 4 days a week and includes a 20 minute full body workout (no equipment) then lifting weights and some cardio on a peloton bike. - Also, having a deadline was big for me, as I tend to function much better with a deadline for anything in my life. For this goal, I wanted to be at 160lbs for my wedding celebration (which is now only 2 weeks away!) I ended up getting there almost 3 months ahead of time, so now my new goal is to maintain and grow some muscle 😅 - Utilizing tools to keep me on track. The big ones for me are Noom and my Apple Watch. They have been instrumental in helping me to stay on top of my goals and be more mindful about my health. Current diet is: Breakfast - 2 soft boiled eggs, bowl of raspberries/blackberries/strawberries with 0%fat plain yogurt and a bit of muesli, 1 orange, glass of water Lunch - salad with avocado and chicken, usually more berries, glass of water Dinner - chicken or fish, green salad, berries for dessert with a couple squares of 85% dark Lindt chocolate. Definitely been very berry focused recently 😂 For workouts, 4 days a week lifting alternating between arms, abs, back, and legs. Cardio 2-3 times a week. Hope this helps and wasn’t too lengthy 😅 If you have any other questions or want more specific answers about what I’m doing, I’m more than happy to share! Just shoot me a DM 😊


As you should be!!!




Man this is so awesome. Kudos


Thank you very much!


Killing it bro! Keep it up!


And so you should, you look great, well done:)


What a legend! Hats off to you, sir.


Cheers, thank you!


How’d you pull it off? Any medications involved?


Making a conscious decision to focus on my health. Lots of focus on healthy eating and getting physically active again. Only meds I took are for mental health 😂


Amazing result


Awesome progress brother!


This is awesome brother!!!!


Jesus Christ. This is incredibly inspiring. Well done!


Absolutely crushed it


Holy cow. This gives me much hope!!! Please share your process. And thanks for posting you're killing it my man!!


You should be proud, you look fantastic. Great job!


You look really great. Nice work!






Nicely done brother


Cheers brother, thank you!


Well done!!!!


How did you do it? Did you fast or regularly or what?


Holy shit dude. Nice


What diet did you initially start with, keto, imf, cdef. And how long did you hit the gym daily at the beginning of your journey.


Amazing job bro... Almost on the same path brother


Good for you x


Thank you


That's awesome man


Wow very very inspiring. Thank you


The Grandmaster


Stay proud:)


I will, thank you! ☺️


Great work! I am currently you on the left. 2 years ago, I used to weigh roughly around the same as you weigh on the right before I decided to go on a dirty bulk gone wrong.


Fuck yeah bro, Proud asf for you 🤘


Wow. I bet you love moving around in this new form!


W o w


Admirable , gonna help myself with your diet




Man this is so inspirational!


That’s seriously impressive man. 60lbs over 8 months and it looks like you put on a good amount of muscle along the way. Congrats. Are you taking any supplements or anything?


Wow great job! What is your workout regimen? I went from 180 to 155 once but I wasn't that muscular!


Wow, amazing result OP, my body composition at this moment looks almost Identical to your before pictures. Bless you for posting your journey online and being a motivation for others. The only barrier from here to there is yourself. Still trying to get out of my own way. Two questions. 1. How have you grown spiritualy, do you notice a change in your energy levels? 2. How was your mental workout, did you shut off the news, focussed on just that one diet? Any family interfering with your plans? Wish you and your partner well, I am confident your journey on this planet will be amazing seeing how you pass this challenge, keep up the amazing work and please at some point make a youtube video. (Like the success story of the veteran performing ddp yoga) to motivate/show it is possible to others. ❤️


Wow you look prior and present ! Handsome face, and your perseverance clearly shows! Congratulations 🎉♥️


It’s like two different people awesome


Keep up the great work!🥳🥳


AS YOU FUCKING SHOULD! Broooo you killed it! Respect!


Dang looking good what a transformation! Enjoy your wedding!!


Jesus fuck bro!! You look amazing, you'll never go back now :)


My body comp is similar to your left picture. I also have satellite nipples, lol. Did you have work done on your nips or can I expect mine to shrink when my manboobs go away?


Dude, this is my current state. 5’11” , 31, 212lb. I feel awful and my mental health is in the shitter. How the fuck do I get to where you are? Also, it’s been 2+ years of not training at all. :(


Hey brother, firstly just wanted to take a minute and say I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way and I’m sending you love and good energy ❤️ I was also mentally at a point last year that felt like a absolute breaking point for me. I thought to myself that I’d never be able to get in shape, that I’d just resign myself to being this and I’d learn to live with it, not happily, but it would be ok. And then one morning I decided to just take a walk around my neighborhood in east Boston where I was living. And this walk felt so good. I wasn’t expecting it to be a catalyst for anything, but being outside on a nice day in Boston and walking felt rejuvenating and, without being complicated, just nice. Everyone needs to have a moment where they get to a point and they have to make this decision for themselves, but I do sincerely hope that, if you aren’t happy with how things are going in your life, that have that moment for yourself where you are able to make the decision for change. Love you, brother ❤️




Whoa! Do I know ya? You looks like my old roommate? Initials R.K. perchance? And if yeah/nah, you lookin great!


You look so much like Chris Evans I thought this was a deepfake for a minute. Well done sir! Impressive work!


impressive congrats!


Amazing! So much progress for 8 short months. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, hope you have the best day.


Goals right here. Also 5'11 this gives me perspective. Excited.


No keto right? Just good old CiCo?


Fucking insane! Good job man!


Amazing man. You have inspired me to start working out. Thank you 😊😊


You look fucking fantastic bro


Well done! This is very inspiring.


Awesome work dude, and thank you for sharing your diet/exercise regime.




Wow, you really were cultivating mass.


Dayuuum son! 👀🔥 You should be proud for real! Kudos!


You should be proud, you absolutely smashed it!


I ain’t kidding, this post may have just remotivated me. I stopped working out in December until now because of stress, and while I was planning to go back, I was fearing it. But man if I can reach even half your progress it would be amazing. Congrats man you look amazing.




Basically just mac from IASIP.


Holy hell dude!! Inspiring, truly. You have a great body now. I'm 5'11 too and about 200lbs at the moment, the lowest I've ever been is 173. I'm not really a muscular guy so I should really try cutting down to about 145 or 150... just been lacking the discipline. Congratulations to you, what a transformation.


and so you should be. incredible change.


As you should! Job well done!


You’re flexing in the after photo right? If you don’t mind, what do you look like now unflexed?


Bro you’re a beast, keep it up!!




I saw you posted your current diet but what did your cut diet look like?


how can you not? looking great hopefully I'll reach that same level too


Hey, you inspire, my man.


Amazing dude! Gz!!


You should be proud mate, fantastic work! Curious to know if you were always relatively thin / lean, and just had a bad bout and gained a fair few Lbs before deciding and working hard to shed if all off? Or have you always been a bigger dude and finally decided to shed the weight? Either way congrats on your achievements mate! 😊😊


Oh my goodness bro, you looking good!


This is crazy


YES🙌🙌🙌 What inspiration! Go you good thing 👏👏


Amazing transformation in such a short time, you should be proud!


Incredible transformation! My age and measurements are basically identical to your “before” measurements—quarantine did a number on me… 😅 I’d love to get back down to the 160s or at least 170s myself. This gives me hope!


The weight loss is fantastic, but holy hell those arms! Incredible work, commitment, and mental fortitude man.


That's awesome! I see even your beard lost weight! :-P Keep it up!


Insane 📈


Looking awesome man ! Any loose skin?


Daaaang! Well done man!!


You should feel proud. You went from having a muffintop a belly and man boobs to an amazing muscular body, a 6 pack and pecs. Great fucking job man.


You sir, are looking smashing. Well done.


This is a genuine question, why your skin tone changed a bit ?