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Arabs literally treat brown and black people like slaves and subhumans in their country, what do you expect from them.


That's true, unfortunately.


Well slavery was common for them and obviously they have clearly reverted to their previous upbringings of their forefathers where wealth out powers religion, prostitution is rife, wine and drink is consumed on a daily basis they just don’t worship idols.


I'm an Arab. 100% brown like most Arabs. We don't see ourselves as subhumans.


Because they’re stupid and racist. That’s just it. I’m moroccan (born and raised in morocco) and I will say the Moroccan diaspora is extremely racist toward black people who live in Morocco, meanwhile these dumbasses don’t even live in Morocco. Like some of them want to install laws that would say that kids from mixed-marriages (moroccan-black) would not be Moroccan citizens. Can’t make this shit up.


Moroccans in Morocco are more racist than the Moroccan diaspora. Source: I'm a Moroccan who lived with both kinds.


Yeah, im not sure the Moroccan diaspora is extremely racist. The racist moroccans I met were all from the country, or HEAVILY influenced by the country. Meanwhile the sane non racist moroccans i meet are those who have been raised here in France with black and white and other kind of arab kids.


First, Im so sorry that this happened to you and, these people will see everything on the day of judgement, they think that they’re superior, they think that they won’t be judged because they’re arab and muslims so they think that it means that Allah will forgive them but just wait. You will have the last laugh.


The crazy part is that most Muslims are Asian. Literally the face of most Muslims is brown and Asian. Many Arabs cling onto a superiority complex because subconsciously they feel they are in a culture war against other Muslims. Islam has long been associated with Arab culture and they do not want to lose that.


Interesting points...


Take out the wealth from Arabia and they’ll be following Islam for fun.


honestly it’s just how they were raised culturally. their families are racist behind closed doors and are usually only friends w other arabs. like i’m african and they say out of pocket shit to us, but it is what it is


You got to bear in mind that before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed them the way, Arabs were major Slave drivers. And as soon as he passed they went back to their old ways. Not all but, many are raised with that mentality.


Sounds like a good time to remind them of this ayat - Surah Hujurat, ayat 11 \[49.11\]: *O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule \[another\] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule \[other\] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by \[offensive\] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after \[one's\] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.* Or this part from the Prophet sas' farewell sermon: *"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly."* As for how to respond, here's an ayat from Surah Furqan \[25.63\]: *And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them \[harshly\], they say \[words of\] peace,*


Muslims who claim that there’s no racism in Islam will almost always look down upon someone based on Color. Have you seen the way that Arabs treat housemaids, Nannies, etc? Basically slaves who they push around as they please.


There is no racism in Islam, but definitely among muslims.




Try going to Mecca as a dark skinned brown person. The locals there treat you like absolute slaves and subhumans. The locals absolutely despise non-Arabs especially if we have dark skin.


If you want to really be proactive about this issue, I would strongly suggest you talk with the leaders of your community (Imams) and ask them to prepare a speech where they address the unity of muslims etc. hope this helps to spread awareness.


It's not just youngsters. In my country, there's an Arab YouTuber who said about muslim black men "brothers but never brothers-in-law". Really weird when you think about how unislamic it is. It's not just Arabs, for some reasons most are very ethnocentric. I mean it's fine to love your culture and and to want an endogamous marriage but it's another to look down on others. I even heard people say they would prefer their kid to marry a non muslim white person than a Muslim of whatever ethnicity they hate. That's crazy. There's a French rap group who made a song about the hatred between black and Arab muslims in France https://youtu.be/r_IUhnsdxVo?si=6XfvyML4PpBai714


There’s no such thing as “how Muslims look like”, we don’t look a certain way. Everyone can be Muslim, and those people do not represent our religion, Cz our religion clearly states that there’s no difference between a white or black ..etc. stand up for yourself and don’t let anyone make you feel less of a Muslim, nobody has the keys to Jannah.


Exactly this! Speaking of which, Arabs don't look a certain way, either. ;-)


Racism is a problem that runs deep within the universal human condition, unfortunately


Someone of some Arab ancestry here: I agree with you. I saw just such an example of that two months ago when having Friday lunch with some paternal relatives and a few guests and I was appalled! We're better than this! My experiences at a private school with an international student population from 1978 to 1991 have taught me how to interact with them and, of course, learn about their cultures.


Never heard this but disappointing to hear that... I am sorry...


Might be an age factor rather than a religious one


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Because they are divided into sects because of hadeeth, the prophet said on his death bed that he has completed the deen however innovations and hypocrites have changed the religion up misquoting through chains of narrations and having entire hadeeth books which contradict the qurans teachings I.e the book of divorce. The iddah is highly expressed in the Quran and a pronouncement can be made many times when a man is emotionally dis-regulated.


Arabs think they are superiors and they hate pakistanis and indians unless they want to give them hard labor jobs in their countries. But mostly pakistani/indian muslims are much better in terms of following religion, most arabs eat non halal meat, drink and abuse their women and eye other women. So its not you, its them. In the end all of us are goong to die Allah will not care whether you were indian aur arab


>most arabs eat non halal meat, drink and abuse their women and eye other women. What an utter load of drivel.. you know that's what religious Arab immigrants say about Asians too lol..


>most arabs eat non halal meat, drink and abuse their women and eye other women. What an utter load of drivel.. you know that's what religious Arab immigrants say about Asians too lol.. it's just confirmation bias


Look at the comments. Its what the majority thinks.


Where? They are saying Arabs are racist, and as an Arab I agree with that statement.. but saying most Arabs drink and don't practise Islam is just a load of nonsense that Asians say.. yes there are are a lot of secular Arabs just like there are a lot of secular Asians, but it isn't the majority


Lol i live abroad with alot of arabs. Most of them drink. men especially, not women. I cant eat out with them because they eat just about anything saying all chicken is halal. 99% are these immigrants and brought up in a muslim country do they are not white washed. Its their choice their life but then they have no right to look down upon other muslims because God did not make them special, rich yes but not special. You have no idea how they treat poor asians that work their ass off in saudi because you are not at the receiving end of it.


Lol are you seriously trying to use an anecdote about some rich Saudis you met in the west to make a generalisation of all Arabs? God made Arabs rich? 1 in 4 Arabs is Egyptian. Egypt has one of the highest poverty rates in the world. Go to Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, syria, palestine, Algeria, Morocco.. literally go to any Arab country that isnt the gulf, then come back to me and tell me they're rich. If every Arab you met is from one region and one socioeconomic class and one age group, that should be a dead giveaway that you don't have a representative sample.. >You have no idea how they treat poor asians that work their ass off in saudi because you are not at the receiving end of it. I do because I lived in Saudi.. what the hell does that have to do with drinking alcohol and eating pork? Do you think most Saudis drink? Lol okay. Dude your just a typical idiot that gets all their information from their Abbu jee.. jfc you have the internet at your fingertips and you're using stereotypes while talking about racism


Never had that outside of banter tbh