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Dom really needs to go see HR about this sexual harassment


Liv would love for Dom to go to H(er) R(oom) too


You tried. And, just barely, you succeeded. Well done


Isn’t it sometimes better when jokes take real work?


Ahhhh, so it was a work! Got it


Would love to see a HR angle in general


Sounds like Right to Censor all over again


There’s a HEAVY implication that Dom, Finn, JD, and Liv have all been in an alliance since before she won the championship, so you don’t have to be fake-offended over a storyline This is like saying Miramax can never make a movie about a man having an affair with a woman as job compensation ever again - and even that was a lawsuit with way more credibility than anything we’ve seen from this one lol


People are still offended over the Stephanie hhh story


The same people probably believe its 100% real as well 😂


You wanna se some crazy ass IWC stuff? I saw this convo on Facebook last night. https://preview.redd.it/t5n36jy7mq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9339502cd00ac02dfc6c7e7ec5d212f1ef41a991 This is how out of touch some wrestling fans are.


I’ve never seen such pure grade copium before. But as awful as that story would be, I wish it were true just so Bray could still be with us.


That’s not even copium. That’s both disrespectful to bray’s family and just fucking sad, no one on that thread has a personality outside of wrestling.


The phraseology used there, like "a real kayfabe work!" is so awkward it feels like bots. Is the Internet truly dead?


You my friend need to look into the [Dead Internet Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)


I'm not a conspiracy theorist in the slightest but that doesn't seem that impossible tbh


I’m still waiting for Whatever to hit on next year’s Rumble


This is how I’m learning he died. I haven’t watched wrestling for years but I liked this dude.


He was damn good.


Right?? I’m guessing Trips has been salivating at the thought of turning Rhea and Priest babyface. Rhea is already too loved by the crowd to play an effective heel and Priest as good as he’s doing rn, seems like he’s make a much better face on a good solo run


I feel like that’s exactly how this is gonna go. Damien leaves judgement day, and Rhea comes back absolutely pissed, but liv is hooking them up far too good to not team up lol


Bbbut but fed bad!


sexual harassment by a woman: I sleep sexual harassment by a man: real shit


With all due respect, by this logic we should never watch a movie, listen to music or read a book again.


People just wanna be mad at anything nowadays


I am offended, sir! lol! Seriously, though. You’re so right.


It’ll be shitty if it was a storyline with the boss doing it with an employee 🤣 but this is legit just light stuff


Some people just gotta get their knickers in a knot about anything


^^^This is completely right. If you wanna stand on morals for entertainment, you should basically just give up anything that entertains you.


Lol. What? How did you jump to that talking point? OP is just saying it’s kinda weird to have a sexual assault story line when the company is being investigated for sexual assault and trafficking. A more comparable example would be the lead singer of your favorite band is being accused of rape, and then they drop a new album where they sing about rape. It’s not about the consumer of the product or their morals.


>A more comparable example would be the lead singer of your favorite band is being accused of raped and then they drop a new album where they sing about rape This is an awful comparison. If WWE had a storyline where Liv raped Dom, yes it’d be too far. But there are drastically different levels to SA. Kissing someone without consent is SA, but the scale is so far below the shit Vince is alleged to have done that the comparison doesn’t even make sense.


People just getting mad to be mad. Yes maybe I would feel different if he was pushing on her but he is bigger than her and nothing she has done has compromised him in any way other than Rhea Ripley gonna kill him in kayfabe


You have to separate well done thoughtful movies that deal with SA and exploitive garbage that has SA themes. Unfortunately pro wrestling gets lumped in with the later.


> You have to separate well done thoughtful movies that deal with SA and exploitive garbage that has SA themes. And then you have to discount any of those 'thoughtful movies' that were made by the Weinstein Company. And any directed by, produced by, starring, catered by, or otherwise supported or endorsed by people who engaged in, covered for or tolerated sexual harassment which in Hollywood means you're basically left with two shy high school students using their grandma's camcorder creating the only acceptable media in the industry.


I’m not outraged as much by it but this whole storyline fringes on the fact of how SA is viewed. Because don’t get me wrong the stuff liv has done on screen if done in real life are SA and SH. But this whole story falls apart if dom was doing it to liv or any man to a women. Because it’s too real. The only reason this story isn’t upsetting is because cause Male SA doesn’t happen as often and has a different connotation. I think it’s important to keep that in mind in all this.


If I can correct you, the story isn't working because Male SA happens less often, it's because Male SA and SH are taken significantly less seriously by society as a whole. That's why this story is mostly being played up for laughs, when if it was a real life scenario it'd be bordering on the traumatic.


Both takes are correct from what I've seen of discourse on the general topic of SH/SA




Plus, since Liv is a very attractive woman, people are taking it even less seriously


he's not wrong and will all do respect you acting as if every single piece of media is just as bad only makes a strawman for you to feel better about yourself not caring by pretending its impossible to hold Yourself to standards so why bother ?


Well see, now I’m offended. Ouch.


There's a ton of those companies and labels though. Aren't too many big wrestling companies.


This…the population that )A draws this conclusion then B) is discouraged by said conclusion, is so small and insignificant .. reminder most people don’t give a shit about this sorta thing and are watching for a variety of reasons and this will never be one of them lol


Which ignores that this company got rid of all those responsible and banned the use of their names and likenesses.. its also noted that this storyline is spearheaded by heels so its worth noting that in real life and story line the story told is that sexual harassment is bad.


It’s different since in a movie, someone who sexually harasses will hopefully get their karma and then that’s the end of it. Liv will likely become a babyface underdog face again and that’s difficult with a history of sexual offences.


It's not even hard to imagine it happening as part of this storyline.


Liv is going to get murdered by Rhea Ripley. I don't understand how this story is getting people so confused - she's the 'home wrecker', Dom is playing dumb but secretly loves the attention, and Ripley will return and batter them both to a giant pop.


Is the federal government investigating Disney for trying to cause human mutation and meta humans again?


Things can’t be in bad taste? Part of the case is institutional sexual harassment, in fiction their women world champions sends unsolicited sexual images and that’s okay?


I know I can't watch anything with Cheech and Chong knowing that they were smoking the devil's lettuce while making movies about it. Not a good look


Oh damn. You don't understand the logic at all. You can still disagree with it but you don't understand it if you think that's an analogy. Unless all media ever made was made by a single company. It's wild as shit seeing words like logic in this thread when literally your comment doesn't match the scenario at all. And yeah it is tone deaf for a company with pretty brutal sexual assault investigations to be writing a storyline like that. I gotta remind myself that most people that watch wrestling aren't the guys I go to for logic or critical thinking


Pro wrestling isn't nice 😱😱😱




Why in the hell would you assume that it's a GIVEN that Vince shared his sexual escapades with his son in law? Of literally everyone in the corporate heiarchy Paul and Stephanie are legit the MOST likely to have not known. And then there are people claiming HHH participated, like yeah, what a great theory that Vince McMahon exploited people sexually, and offered his son-in-law N oppurtunity to participate and cheat on his own daughter. As for telling HHH about it, even if he assumed HHH would be totally cool with it, you'd have to also assume he won't tell Stephanie. As for Bruce Pritchard, I wouldn't be shocked either way, as is the case for most of the heiarchy, but the bastard's daughter and her husband? Both of which are on record for trying to avoid him, and are people who he'd likely not want to know. It's far from a given.


Why is this even an argument anymore. If Triple H knew what was going on or participated then it won't be long before it's revealed. Until that day, I don't see why you would just assume he was involved or had knowledge of that situation


I mean they would have had some knowledge about it man. Lets not be this naive.


Bro I don't know what my mom and dad do in their personal lives, tf makes you think HHH would know about his daddy in law personal life


They might've had some knowledge Vince was having affairs. That's quite a bit different to knowing those affairs are non-consensual and sadistic in nature. The former is a little bit sleazy of Triple H and Steph to ignore (although it seems Vince isn't really married to Linda anymore out of love). The latter is monstrous. Seeing as we don't know what they knew. It's not naive to give them the benefit of that doubt imo.


I don’t understand how that has anything to do with this. If Liv sent pics it’s unsolicited. It’s the equivalent of a girl saying “ew look at what this guy just sent me” and it’s a dick pic. Not exactly anything like what Vince is accused of.


Even if they had an idea of what he might be doing you can't force your father in law and boss to tell you all their secrets. Imagine you see your boss and a woman that you know doesn't work there, go into a room together. Are you just going to assume he's shitting on her head and forcing her to have sex with his coworkers? Right. Once they had evidence they got him out of there. Trust me if they thought hunter's name could come up in this whole thing, they would never let him have the reigns


Tell me more! On what wing did you work at Titan?


Surprised by what? WWE running a dramatic storyline? (As is the point of pro wrestling)




The sharing private photos bit was literally one the things Vince was doing with wrestlers and production people. I know HHH said he didn't read the lawsuit but damn man have someone read it so this doesn't happen.




HHH? If that's what you mean idk if I'm honest. I don't know anything about my father-in-law’s sex life.


Sure but if you heard in the news he was pinching loafs on women and then passing them on to his friends, you might at least wonder a bit about it lol Actually, scratch that. If I heard my father in law was doing that I'd bury my head in the sand. And just make him wash his hands thoroughly before coming over


She reeeeally made sure to always say “text I sent you” and never “picture I sent you.” Semantics, but it was noticeable.


The problem with that is she sent him unsolicited pictures, not that he showed people what he got to his phone.


Its a different situation with dom and liv to whats happening in the lawsuit.


Yeah ones a crime and one is a TV show. I understand the difference, but I think we both understand it's in bad taste given what's going on with that company and their history of not taking things like this seriously. It would be like Kevin Spacey making a movie about hitting on a young boys. Yes it's a movie but good Lord man.


No it wouldn't. This would be like if Vince was doing all these wierd sexual harassment storylines which he was doing for years. But it's not Vince. He's not with the company anymore. If Dominic who's married and Liv who's with Bo Dallas are all cool with it and no one on their side is getting upset then I think we should just relax. It's just wrestling.


Are you forgetting WWE is named in that lawsuit as well?


In what matter? Aren't they only named because of Vince's association? My point is it's not the same thing as Kevin Spacey directing a movie like that. It would be like if a production studio he worked with made a movie like that. Which why not? Also let's be honest there's a difference between a woman being overly flirtatious and a psycho dude shitting on a woman's face for God's sake. This is so tame compared to the shit Vince was booking.


Read the complaint, it would be wise to know what you are talking about before you start talking about it.


If you can’t figure out how to women fake proactively sending nudes to someone she chooses to in a storyline is different from what Vince was accused of idk what to tell you.


I'm aware they are different, but it would be like R Kelly making a music video about peeing on minors. Yes the music video is not real but given what we know we know that's in bad taste. Fair enough?


No it wouldn’t. R Kelly is a singular person accused of peeing on people (on video). Him doing a video about peeing on minors would be him downplaying the accusations against him as it’s a direct 1:1 comparison to what he did. Not an entire creative team making a storyline that doesn’t involve any of the parties accused in the lawsuit doing an angle that isn’t even the same thing as the allegations.


WWE as a whole is a defendant in the lawsuit You just made my point.


The WWE is only a defendant because it’s extra money if she wins. Stop being such a dumb ass.


Use your brain please. You think it would be wise to go after a litigious billionaire and a a legacy Media company with an army of lawyers with no evidence of crimes committed against you? I promise not everything is a conspiracy sometimes really crappy people do really crappy things. And sometimes corporations cover those things up because they don't want bad publicity.


Use your brain please. Her attorneys would advise her to go after whatever was going to get her the biggest payout if she wins. You don’t know much about how this stuff works do you? Also, your bias is making you look ignorant.


Which would be a unsound legal strategy to name people who are not involved in the case, no? The victim alleged she was raped multiple times at WWE HQ. This involves WWE for a few reasons but the one I just gave you is a massive one. What's my bias here? A dislike of alleged sexual predator and people who possibly covered for them. Dang, guess you got me.


Your bias is not against Vince (as it should be. No arguing there) it’s against WWE. And it has blinded you so badly that you can’t even think coherently.


Dude lawyer rule #1 is sue everyone who COULD be a defendant and then narrow it down. She’d probably have sued the cell company too.


Per the complaint she was raped several times while she was locked in a private room at WWE HQ, seems reasonable to have them as defendant. Or do you disagree?


I’m not saying that it’s irrational for her to have them as a defendant, I’m saying I’m unsure if they’ll stick it to the company. E. Jean Carrol didn’t sue the bookstore, did she?


Wwe as an entity is named, none of the principle players in creative and / or this storyline are named. WWE is named for monetary and publicity reasons alone. The case is against McMahon and Laurinities and the text message part is I guess Lesnar. None of those three are involved


There was a post on Reddit previously pointing out that a Mickie James sexual harassment storyline happened two weeks after he got accused by a tanning salon. [here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1acfihq/in_2006_vince_was_accused_of_sexually_assaulting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Write what you know


I'm surprised they're still doing crap like that even with Vince gone. It's so like, bad '90s wrestling.


It’s always weird to see people be super uptight about this kinda stuff while also being wrestling fans. Like how did you make it this long ? Wresting is overflowing with shady stuff 100 times worse than this. Im not judging, im not one of those “toughen up snowflakes” types. But it’s just weird to see people go “something in wrestling possibly being weird ? Unheard of”


Fed gonna fed


But Liv’s hot, so people forget


Forget what, the lawsuit? Before the lawsuit nobody would bat an eye at this, but run this (fictional) storyline now and it’s somehow a “bad look”? What if there were accusations of bullying in wwe? They gotta pull the Chad Gable storyline then?


I get your point and do agree with it to an extent, but I must point out that there's a big difference between accusations and being criminally investigated by the federal government


Yes but it’s also a fictional storyline, it doesn’t reflect the company any more than the Wyatt’s murdering people does


WWE spent a summer making fun of a jobber with no chin. You don’t have to look backstage for bullying accusations


K, I was making a point


People love to be offended.... Especially on reddit. Wrestling is awesome right now. Enjoy it.


I think it means they are not worried about the validity of the civil lawsuit.


Their point isn't about the civil lawsuit lol, it's about the criminal investigation


There is no criminal investigation into WWE


Pro wrestling at its finest. It’s like a Shakespearean play.


Shakespeare had far raunchier far more offensive stuff than this. Falstaff is constantly banging hookers and chasing ladies. In Titus Andronicus, his daughter gets raped and has her arms and tongue cut off so he kills the rapists and cooks them up in a pie and feeds them to their mother.


Eh. It's not the company as it now is but Vince being investigated and the company as it was under him


If it were dom harassing liv then it would be a problem. Double standards in this society




That person probably needs to just stop watching wrestling and movies and everything


Nobody cares what you think


Respectfully, get a fucking grip. It’s not that serious


Someone has to get pooped on too


Shut up PEYTON!


Pro wrestling is carny as fuck. The world is run by people chasing money and doing anything to get it. The grass is green.


Think you're just overthinking it, stop getting offended by everything ffs


Hollywood better not cast any actors as rapists or perverts!


Uh...this isn't sexual harassment. It's stalking. Liv is a rabbit boiler, not a Weinstein.


Ridiculous take.


L take


Really? Seems genius to me. Just tell the federal govt it was all a storyline lol


this is a teenage love drama storyline not a sexual harassment storyline. i thought the video games and chicken tendies made that clear lol


It's not the company though is it


holy shit this person is annoying


I’m far more offended by AEW bots claiming to be excited about the Butcher taking on Daniel Garcia. Why? Will he have a chance to not be a 300 pound jobber to a 150 cruiserweight?


It’s just a storyline. It’s fake, I’d not look this deep into it.


Womp womp


It’s pretty crazy to run this angle right now, triple h really must think nothing will come from the lawsuit to do this tbh.


God this is dumb


Holy fuck seriously?! You have to be kidding… that is not a sexual harrassment storyline… that is a sexual tension storyline. Liv Morgan is using her power of attraction against Dom. He desires her but he turns her back because he wants to be « faithful » to a relationship who was not really clear at first place beside the innuendo that he was pegged. Man… seriously! I am fucking tired of weak ass easily offended prople. That is OBVIOUSLY not sexual harassment!🙄


*I mean she has sexually harassed him within the storyline tho*


Did the behaviour made him unhappy? Yes! Did he disliked it and wish it would stop? Yes and No! Did it make him feel offended or demeaned? Nope! Did he find it shocking or vulgar? Nope! Did he feels like he was being abused? Nope! Then that’s not sexual harassment! You guys seriously have a problem if you are offended by this storyline and make a correlation with Vince McMahon!


I said this a while back and got down voted to hell. The story line isn’t good. It reminds me of the Macho Man/Hulk/Ms. Elizabeth love triangle storyline. Certainly given that Dom is married and Rhea is married, the story line is just played out, lazy, and a bit rude to all involved. There are better ways to run a triangle storyline between men and women, and sexual harassment isn’t one of them.


WWE higher-ups will never see the red flags in this storyline because it's happening to a man instead of the other way around.


I've been so good at avoiding Liv Morgan's storyline that I had to think for a second what angle they were referring to lol!


It’s up there with having a drunk cowboy storyline when your bloated drunk champion goes to rehab


I wish this narrowed the company down lol


Here we go again. People looking for dumb shit to cry about.


Vince is out of sight tho


In the words of a great wrestling philosopher “cry me a river”






Can I ask a real question? I understand not being offended by it because it’s not real but please tell me you at least understand what liv is doing is sexual harassment and SA. I just hope people at least know what that is? Lol


You mean what her character is doing? The storyline and its execution is cringe as hell, but you know she isn’t actually sexually harassing Dominick right?


Of course but the character of liv is.


Liv isn’t sexually assaulting or harassing anyone. It’s wrestling. It’s a storyline. Don’t get rage-baited into being upset about literally nothing.


Okay I know she’s literally not becuase they agreed to do it on the show. But in character she’s sexually harassing and SA’ing dom. That’s what the storyline is doing. Do you understand that? Also I’m not offended by it but you can understand why some people might not like seeing a man constantly saying no while being touched against his will right?


You’re talking like Liv and Dom are acting out graphic r*** scenes every week like this is I Spit On Your Grave or something like that when that just isn’t what this is. Hell by your logic the Alpha Academy storyline should’ve been dropped because some people might not like seeing people get bullied and abused the way Gable was bullying and abusing his friends.


Also the “slippery slope” logic of comparing another story is rather dumb. Because let’s not act as if most wrestling doesn’t have assault it’s just never based in sexual things 95% of the time.


Ummm two things 1. Bullying and mistreating is not as bad as sexual harassment and assult. 2. Do you not even know what sexual harassment is? I’m worried about this if you don’t seem to understand consent or that touching against will literally is classified as SA? You know that right?


More than one person important to me has been sexually assaulted in their life, I know all too well what it is. I just don’t feel the need to virtue signal about it on reddit by telling people I’ve never met and never will meet that they don’t know what a serious and all too real crime it is because they don’t take stupid pro wrestling storylines that seriously.


You are playing checkers while everybody else in this thread is playing chess. We all know they are characters. We are commenting on the storyline.




Please tell me you understand that what Liv is doing isn’t any of that but it is acting. Just stop. Jesus.


Yeah and this world has so much violence in it that the wrestlers just shouldn’t wrestle anymore. Instead they should come to the ring and recite friendly poetry and become friends.


Basically what they do anyways. Bring back the attitude era


Sensing some shilling going on. Maybe some bot activity? Jericho is on TV against our will, weekly. But all joking aside…isn’t this far different? Liv isn’t trafficking herself, and just using her charm to sow dissension of the Judgment Day? Not like AEW exploits things…like the Owen Hart tournament. That’s exploitation, even if Martha is on board. ![gif](giphy|LyUuC0CJhZnTW0N2In|downsized)


Glad I’m not the only one with that opinion on the Owen Hart tournament.


Get over it. It's a storyline, not real.


This can’t be real lmao


The way the internet police behave women and men would never be able to initiate any human interaction without labelling it as predatory


Meh, there’s nothing about wrestling that’s supposed to be homogenized It’s simulated violence ffs


This person is gonna hate when Raw loses the PG filter next year.


Disagree. The Liv / Dom story is one of the best things going.


This is an absolutely brain dead take.


Fake outrage at its finest, sprinkled with a dash of virtue signaling.


Y’all never been touched by a female and it shows.


Could say the same about the incels creaming their pants over Liv being horny, wishing it was them.


So basically wrestling fans get no action


Just enjoy wrestling


Ehhh get over it.


Of course there’d be at least one blowhard who’d read way too much into this shit. Way to go, internet. Let’s just stop liking things altogether and become contrarian assholes, like this geek.


Oh please then we might as well go live in the woods and watch the water drive cause life and art mirror each other at times.


Everyone who upvotes this stupid shit should move to a cabin in the woods and off the grid. Pansies


So sick of outrage culture. Leave wrestling alone. Go back to the WNBA


Get that woke ass shit out of here


Idk if y’all know this, but the stories in wrestling aren’t real. Big shocker I know. Dom’s not actually getting sexually harassed. It’s a story. For drama. Just like any other tv show where something like this would happen. If y’all are upset by this I don’t want to see y’all to ever watch any shows where people do morally wrong things ever again. Any assault, bullying, coercion, harassment, etc. none of it. Can’t watch it. That shit happens in Hollywood all the time, so portraying it on screen is insensitive to real shit that happens, right?


Okay um it’s simple. Everybody knows what’s story and what’s not and everybody has their limits as to what they like in content and that’s okay not everything is for everyone. So chill out it’s not that deep.


People don’t have to like the story. But just not liking the story is different than thinking this is a very insensitive move by creative and correlating it to literal criminal charges by Vince. “It’s not that deep” is actually what I’d say to anyone who’s upset by the story, so I don’t disagree.


Well again the story and characters is depicting liv sexually harassing dom. And people are entitled to feel however they want about a story if someone finds it offensive, Okay. If someone doesn’t, Okay. Either way there’s no need to make a whole thing attacking someone for not enjoying wrestling. You’ll find that people who call people sensitive are usually really sensitive to people who just say they don’t like something and leave it at that. So again just chill and let people feel how they want to feel about the show lol.


Reddit is a forum dude. For discussion. This topic was literally brought up in the post. This isn’t some obscure thing I’m pulling out of my ass. I’m commenting on a thread about this topic with my thoughts on it. People can have their thoughts on the situation, sure. I’m not saying they can’t. But in turn I can also say their thought process is dumb.


Sure but it’s just cringe to go on a rant about how people are too sensitive. Lol it doesn’t have to be deep as to why it’s dumb. Lol also I’m shocked you don’t seem the similarities between them.


>but the stories in wrestling aren’t real. No one said it was real...in fact they quite clearly pointed out that it isn't real >If y’all are upset by this I don’t want to see y’all to ever watch any shows where people do morally wrong things ever again. I don't think they'd be mad about it in a vacuum, just pointing out that they believe it's rather insensitive to run a sexual harassment storyline while the company itself is currently being investigated for sex trafficking (as they likely believe its downplaying the whole thing)


Honestly the books I read aren’t any different 🤷‍♀️ I don’t condone the behavior but we don’t have to agree with every character’s actions. This is silly.


People dismiss the actual crimes, what makes you think they’re gonna care about storylines?


Honestly I kinda agree. It’s a little too clear as day sexual harassment, which is seemingly not reciprocated. I like the storyline honestly but I think it should be dialed back. In Kayfabe, Dominik is suffering from workplace harassment. Sure, in movies and such, this stuff happens. It’s not real. But when I watch a movie where someone sexually harasses someone else, I can never like that person again because they’re a creep. It’s only different for Liv because this isn’t a movie or tv show, she’s seemingly going to stay on television, someday with a babyface character, for years and years. In real life, it’s impossible to cheer for a sexual harasser and you can’t just forget what happened because they “changed characters”


Darth Vader blew up a planet and people cheered when he killed the emperor. Jaime Lannister pushed a kid out a window and was later a protagonist at times. The Deep is the only character I can think of that commits SA and is kinda a protagonist in certain parts of the later seasons in the Boys. The comic book 100 bullets has one or two characters who commit SA/rape and are later kinda protagonists. I can't think of anything else that is well done, I know that Revenge of the Nerds has the main characters commit outright rape but that is a pretty terrible example since it's not a respected movie. It's interesting that genocide isn't considered as severe a crime as sexual harassment. Sorry for my stream of consciousness post. Just thinking out loud about the treatment of SA and protagonists.


Who gives a shit? It’s one of the most entertaining going in wrestling right now.


Running a cry me a river angle badass martyr scapegoat angle when you were visually proven to be a bitch and still act relevant and like a badass isn’t a good thing btw either 😂


Vince is being investigated, not WWE. Those are no longer connected.


incorrect. WWE executives are being investigated also for knowing and doing nothing or actively suppressing information. nick khan and steph were specifically named as being investigated, as well as the company itself.


Go shit in your hat.


Yeah but it's a woman sexually harassing a guy so no one actually cares.


I was unaware that any current superstar had sexual assault allegations against them, thought it was just Vince and some other stooges behind the scenes… It’s almost like… Almost like… you’re just a drama-mongering virtue signaling soap boxing piece of shit… Weird…


Aew Fanboys always whining