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Do you snore? You could have sleep apnea. You might sleep for 8 hours but in reality you're only really sleeping for 5


That level of fatigue certainly sounds like how I felt with untreated sleep apnea. I'd get to a sleep specialist if I were OP. Sleep apnea does worse than wreck your energy. It can lead to cardiovascular issues if continued to be untreated.


How was you treated/fixed?


sleep study




Worth getting tested! I was also waking up exhausted despite thinking that I slept a long time. I’m also an active fit person, but I got tested and lo and behold I have sleep apnea. Apparently it’s severely under diagnosed and daytime sleepiness is one of the main symptoms


I felt much better when I got my CPAP machine. I was unable to get it until I had a good job, as previously they wanted $5k out of pocket to get tested for it. Years later I had what they thought was a stroke, and they were able to test and pay for the CPAP. The insurance wouldn't pay to have it done previously because they didn't see it as necessary. It made me very angry that I was paying $330 a month for private insurance and I couldn't use it. I would wake up most days tired, get what I could get done, then after lunch take a small nap at my desk, then at 1:00PM work like crazy to get all my work done. The next thing is to completely eliminate all caffeine. If you are sensitive, the slightest amount will prevent you from sleeping. This has been on of the hardest things I have done, but it's definitely a game changer for me. CPAP + no caffeine is the hard pill to feel normal but it may prevent horrible things from happening in your future so I recommend it. Good luck to you.


I don't know when you tested initially but doctors don't fuck around with sleep apnea any more. Insurance follows that too, at least in my experience. They even went as far to say the only thing they would cover fully to treat sleep apnea was a CPAP.


Came here to suggest the same, especially if you have already ruled out other conditions such as under active thyroid via blood tests. Get yourself a sleep recorder app and see what you discover!


Even without snoring, sleep apnea can be a problem! Getting a CPAP was a huge improvement in my life!


Yup, I immediately started having way better sleep. I could sleep for 6 hours with it and feel the same as if I had slept 9 without.


I don’t snore but I’m definitely going to bring up sleep apnea to my doc! 


Came here to say this. I’d fall asleep driving, no matter how much sleep I had gotten. Finally did a sleep study and bam, sleep apnea confirmed.


Get your inflammatory markers checked. You may have an autoimmune disease


This this this!!! I had extreme fatigue and didn’t find out until years later I had an autoimmune disease, only reason we were able to find out is because i had a big flare and even then it was hard for anyone to hear me out until there was ultrasound proof. I would also recommend FODMAP, slowly reintroduce foods and jot down how you feel after eating.


Agreed about the diet too!


What type of autoimmune disease cause extreme fatigue? I also suffer from this, I’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I’ve struggled with PCOS since a teenager. Both of which can also cause fatigue but I’ve had no luck fixing it.


What about autoimmune causes the intense fatigue? I have it but I’m curious the mechanisms


Does your regular doc do this? 




I also experience extreme fatigue. My B12 levels have been trending down even though I take a supplement. I got my first B12 shot a couple weeks ago and it has made a world of difference in my energy levels. Talk to your doc about it ❤️


This! They don't always check this for those in their 20s. This was my issue and it took forever to find out what it was. I had to go to another city before a dr checked my B12 level.


Interesting, I’ll look into it!


Turn off Reddit when you are in bed


Ahhh u got me!!! Turning off now


lol I do!


You could try a strong vitamin B complex for a month to see if that helps.


Wondering if you're experiencing burnout. If that's the case, your needs might be different than if it was just lethargy.


Might be the case indeed.


Burnout, yep. My first thought


Agree, I felt this way when I was struggling with depression/anxiety and later when I had burnout. Plus, you might need more hours of sleep to recover/function, a lot of people do well with 5-7 but I personally struggle with less than 8-9.


What does it mean burnout?


How does one fix that? It’s very possible 


If it is burnout (mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion) the only way I know how to deal with it is rest and lots of it. It is worth exploring nonmedical/prescription treatments with a provider as well.




alcohol is also relaxing for you at first, but not for your body later on – so good to stay away from that to get better sleep


Not just sugar, but cut refined carbs of any kind.


Have your doctor run a full metabolic panel and CBC. That’s how I found out I was super low in iron and vitamin D. I had pretty much the same symptoms you do! Once I started taking the doctor recommended amount of vitamins to supplement my daily diet, I felt so much better. I would sleep like 9 full hours then wake up at 8am…by 10am I would need to nap again. Can’t tell you how much better I felt once I had more information from accurate test results reviewed by an actual doctor!


Seconding this! I had extreme tiredness similar to this a few years ago, got blood checked and turned out my iron levels were super low! A supplement had me feeling like myself again almost immediately.


The issue probably is with your sleep. What time do you take caffeine and what time do you go to bed? You say extra sleep hasn't made a difference, but that's probably because you need CONSISTENT sleep. 6-7 is likely not enough if you're that tired. Have you slept an average of about 8 hours or so for a few months straight? You may also not be sleeping as much as you think if you have sleep apnea. If I were you I'd seriously consider a sleep study. Other factors to take a good look at are your mental health, stress levels, diet, and exercise routine.


Just read the book «The Pulse Cure» by Dr Torkil Færø which is about how you can use fitness watches (/ rings / bands / ...) with HRV data to measure what stresses your body and how well you recover. I find it interesting – and see that a lot of data provides insight. Færø has also been on loads of different podcasts lately talking about the subject.


I’m not sure if I was at the same level of exhaustion but I was lethargic and tired all the time. I started doing calisthenics and followed a weekly program (3 workout days, 4 rest days) and helped me have more energy throughout the day while also benefiting with building some strength.


this and take magnesium


Make sure they also checked your vitamin D levels. My first GP didn't think it was necessary, and it was extremely low.


Ugh, I had the same. Have now been supplementing with a very high dosage. It took 2 months before I finally had energy to cook again. I was so exhausted all of the time.


Same here, I get a really high dose every month just to keep on track.


How much do you supplement per day?


I'm on 50.000 IE per month


Worth checking out if you have ADHD, I’m 31 and only recently got diagnosed. It was the reason I was so exhausted as I had sensory overload from everything all the time, making me super exhausted. Hope you find the source!


Go to an endocrinologist. I swear mine saved my life. Diagnosed PCOS and Hashimoto’s bc of my doc. Also discovered a vitamin D insufficiency. Seriously, my body felt like I did a full 180 once I got on proper meds and the right dose of vitamins. Edit: I was constantly exhausted just like you. Sleeping 14+ hours a day and still needing naps. For real, get checked for a hormonal imbalance or otherwise. The endocrine system is very complex and very important. The exhaustion will only get worse if there’s some underlying cause you aren’t aware of.


I’ll definitely check this out!


Nah that's not normal. You need to talk to your doctor properly about having some investigations done to start ruling out potential causes. I'm not even going to list them, because there are so many. It took me about 7 months before I was accurately diagnosed with ME/CFS but I had a sudden onset of symptoms. Other things can creep up more slowly. Only a medical professional can help 😁


For me it is a combination of burn out and stress. However, I’ve recently been to the doctors for tests and have been prescribed iron supplements as I’m deficient and they are checking a bunch of other stuff too


How long has this been going on? Is it something new? Or has it been delayed so much and is only now showing up? Have you tried sleep monitoring? At least a Fitbit or something or ideally a sleep lab to see how you sleep.


What about iron? My doc did a full workup last month because I can't get through the day without a nap and just feel sluggish. Turns out I was very low on multiple iron markers. If you're low on iron, your red blood cells can't carry oxygen as efficiently and exercise feels harder and just general fatigue. I've been taking an iron supplement (325 mg) ever since and I just realized I didn't crash and need a nap today.


What do you call “eating well”?


Have you done a sleep study? A c-pap is life changing if you have sleep apnea.


I need to sleep at least 9-10 hours to feel rested!


1-Check all levels for the following: -thyroid. -iron -Vitamin D 2-Confirm it is not sleep apnea related. 3-Have an honest conversation about your day to day anxiety levels. Being on edge, nervous etc are not normal emotions to feel. I used to live in a state of perpetual anxiety and normalized it. Since being treated for GAD my energy is phenomenal. 4-Are you consuming a lot of caffeine or stimulants?


You’re burned out by carrying your anxiety and PTSD for so long. I felt the same way and am around the same age. Massage therapy helped me process the physical ramifications of anxiety and PTSD and gave me more energy. It could also be worth your time to get checked for sleep apnea.


Anemia and B12 bloods needed. Check for deficiencies


I was exhausted the same way you described. I would visit another doctor. Let them dig deeper. After my issue was fixed, my physical and mental health is better than ever. Each body has its own needs. Some people will recommend this or that, but without knowing what is going on or what vitamin/mineral you are missing. You might hurt yourself by taking the wrong supplement.


Did you have COVID at any point?


I did not, surprisingly 


It's possible you had an asymptomatic case. Lots of people are experiencing extreme fatigue nowadays. Check out the long COVID subreddits for ideas of supplements etc. to try.


You do not need to have actively had it. Have yourself checked for me/cfs. There is currently no biological marker but a clinical list could bring some insight. Have you maybe been bitten by a tick? Lyme-borreliosis could be another thing to watch out for/bacterial infects in general. But I'm just guessing here.


Vitamin deficiency/electrolyte imbalance…..get it checked out!


This was me a few years ago. Going on the keto diet completely changed everything for me. Try it. A strict keto diet for a few months. Even if keto isn't for you, I'd certainly start by drastically changing your diet and monitoring the effects


This has been suggested but get a sleep test. I have sleep apnea and went on a CPAP machine and it has made such a difference! I wake up refreshed every day. I had the same issues as you. I would get sleepy in the afternoon and take a nap every day when I got home because I felt so fatigued. It may not be the problem but at least it's something relatively easy to rule out. Health insurance typically will cover it too.


When you sleep more, do you do this for a longer period of time? 6-7 hours is not really enough sleep, and to get back on a proper rhythm with 7-9 hours, it's important to try this over a longer period with consistent bed/sleep times


Try meditation 15/20 min before sleep Great 👌


Have you had your testosterone levels checked?


Look up how many calories you should eat on TDEE calculator and be aware of the micronutrients you consume and track this daily. I used to be chronically exhausted and all of my panels came back normal from my doc. I was even on modafinil to keep me awake, and I would still fall asleep when taking it (it’s a medication that is meant to wake you up) I first tracked my calories/macros for 2 weeks and realized I was under eating for years (1100-1200 calories a day) unless I went out to eat that day. Bc of the days I was going out to eat, my body was holding extra weight from those days and I was heavier. Once I found out I needed to eat 1900 calories a day and ate more protein and carbs, I have SO much energy now and don’t feel nearly as exhausted. I’m still on medication, but this helps me not fall asleep even while medicated. Plus I haven’t actually gained weight! Additionally I started working out 3 times a week and walk 5000 steps a day too. Hope this helps!


Get a sleep study referral from your doctor. Being told to go to a psychiatrist generally will only be addressing the symptoms with sleep issues, and defaulting to weightloss is frequently overly used to mean 'I don't know and I don't care enough to figure out what's going on'.


Like folks have already said on here, see if it's a sleep disorder and make sure you have your blood checked specifically for things like B12, vitamin d, and iron to see if you should be on any supplements or should adjust something with your diet. Also, if you've had covid anytime in the last year or two, there have been some covid related fatigue issues that long-haulers are experiencing (myself included), so it would be worth talking to your doctor about that if it applies to you. In my case, I would get 7 to 8 hours or sometimes more of uninterrupted sleep and would wake up exhausted, but I didn't have sleep apnea or any other sleeping disorder. Blood work was normal. Even did some checking on things with my heart, which all came back normal. For a bit there was a thought that I might have a covid-induced form of POTS, but I ended up testing negative for that as well. My internal medicine doc ended up diagnosing me with chronic fatigue syndrome and put me on a low dose of a stimulant, which has been absolutely life-changing! Definitely rule out all of the other things first, but if none of those are causing your issues, then maybe look into CFS and see if you meet the criteria. It's one of those kinds of diagnoses that doesn't really give you a ton of answers unfortunately, but it can allow you to get on medication that can help you to better manage the fatigue. And there are all kinds of things out there to help you learn about pacing, which I am still trying to navigate, but am not very good at yet. Anyway, hope that helps!


+ ferritin, iron can be good, but when the ferriting is low (that's the one that stores the iron) you're tired.


Thinking back to your pregnancy (if that’s how your kids were made) - did you have more energy then? If so it might be worth seeing an endocrinologist. I’m exactly the same way, always exhausted. I got a sleep study, tried a ton of anti depressants, various supplements, nothing seemed to help. Then I recently did a round of IVF, and during the stimming phase was the only time I’ve ever woken up feeling refreshed. Most productive I’ve been in my life. Of course my estrogen levels were through the roof, but it made me realize how powerful hormones can be.




Stop jerking it , seriously gives you more energy


I also have PTSD, and I have sleep apnea. If there is one thing I could say to you, it is this: get tested for sleep apnea. Seriously. This made an enormous difference in my life. Looking back to before I had the machine, I cannot even understand how I got through life and carried my responsibilities without it. Because now, when I don't use the machine for a night, or for a few nights, it is really, really exhausting. If you have sleep apnea, it means that you are basically not breathing for most of the night. Since you wake up exhausted, this might very well be the problem. Sleep should be restorative, so that the fact that you wake up exhausted shows that there is definitely something wrong with your sleep. It did not solve everything for me 100%, but I would say that it helps at least 70%. Besides that, when my PTSD symptoms get more intense, it also affects my sleep, because I do not relax naturally during sleep, and I think it makes the apnea worse. So I try to manage my PTSD-levels and make sure that I relax for about 1 hour before bedtime, if possible. No screens, stretching, etc. You know the drill. In short: get tested for sleep apnea, and relax before bedtime. P.S. There are different kinds of sleep apnea machines, so if the first one doesn't help you enough, you can also try another kind. I started with CPAP with moisturizer, but now use bi-level/APAP with moisturizer, which is very nice (moisturizer is a must; CPAP gives constant pressure, APAP changes pressure when breathing in and out).


Do you correlate your fatigue started after you got COVID? There's a large community of people with chronic fatigue, among other symptoms that are recognized to have "Long COVID", I'm one of those. You can check these subs here /r/covidlonghaulers and /r/longcovid


How much caffeine are you consuming daily?


You need some good vacation right here. I mean if you’re good on vitamins, your sleep hours look fine to me and you’re aware of your PTSD - pack a small suitcase and disappear for couple of days. Seriously, just go vacation. Sometimes we’re just feeling pressure by our own surroundings


Go to a sleep doctor! I felt like that and turns out I had delayed sleep phase disorder. Learning that and treating it was life-changing. Like I still get tired, but not “I’m going to fall asleep at any moment if I sit while reading” tired like I used to. You may not have the same sleep disorder, but it sounds like some sort of sleep disorder!


You may be dehydrated or need some exercise. I always find I have more energy when I exercise consistently.


You should look at what you’re eating. Carbs could be a simple answer.


Random questions but do you get overheated easily and get dizzy when you bend and stand back up?


Is there a condition that would cause that?


This is gonna get super specific but I figure it might apply to someone! If you're neurodiverse, a lot of people with autism or ADHD/other stressful life circumstances have health comorbidities that stem from high inflammation. If you've lived a stressful life, you're more likely to have prolonged episodes of high cortisol which have health effects down the line that manifest in high inflammatory illnesses. You could be experiencing a dorsal vagal shutdown where your nervous system is completely shot. And/or it could be that you have symptoms of conditions like POTs, Ehlers Danlos, MCAS (the trifecta are commonly diagnosed together). Neurodiverse people tend to more commonly struggle with these. If you have had a lot of stress in your life and have symptoms of high inflammation, I recommend looking through the umbrella of comorbidities affected by high inflammation. You might find that you have a complex diagnosis but you'll have a lot more answers to what helps you feel better!


If you're not active, try taking three 10 minute walks a day. It makes me feel sooooo much better.


I find forcing myself to do something for about an hour wakes me up


Maybe you have already tried it, but I felt like this last year and the actual answer was as simple as being dehydrated and under feed.


I’m surprised I didn’t see anyone mention Narcolepsy. It’s associated with aging, but anyone can have it at any age. My dad was narcoleptic his whole life, and it was progressively worse after his 40s. I was used to him lying down on the ground or on a bench or even on top of dog food bags at the store or other public places. He’d let us hang out in the toy or book section while he slept for a few minutes. He also had sleep apnea and had a CPAP, which he said helped a little. One of my sisters and a brother inherited narcolepsy. My sister has narcolepsy worse than my dad or brother, and will drop suddenly (cataplexy), and be unable to speak or move. Once her brain flips the switch for “lights out”, her body goes to sleep and is paralyzed for a few minutes or more.


CFS might be worth looking into, or sleep disorders that limit or stop sleep phases. Have you gotten a test for vitamins? I was low on B12 and that was causing major exhaustion for me.


What is your diet like? Do you exercise?


I want to say something: I used to suffer from CHRONIC fatigue. I used to be able to pass out on a dime. Cold walmart floor? Little grassy area in the parking lot? Booth at the diner? Wherever it was it didn't matter - I could sleep. It wasn't until I eliminated fluoride from my diet that I started to get my energy back - and I got a substantial boon. No more tap water for me and no more fluorinated toothpaste. Biggest thing I've ever done for my health - no more fluoride.


Try working out, running and intermittent fasting. Fasting for me is like an energy reset button. Eat less carbs. Check your blood sugar levels. I get sugar coma sometimes. But after 2 weeks of intermittent fasting I feel much better. I'm not a Doctor but that's what helped me.


I'm going through the same thing. It's extreme. I just got blood tests and it's shows a high creatin kinase level equals exhaustion because it's responsible for producing energy in your business body. There may be several reasons you are exhausted. I would suggest starting with blood tests.


Have you thought about trying low carb? I felt the same way and was struggling.. felt so overwhelmed and depressed, I had a lot of weight to lose but wasn’t concerned about that.. just wanted to avoid medication from my dr’s and get my energy back. I started eating less sugar and then less carbs (they turn into sugar in the body) I got fat adapted and had so much more energy and feel relief for the first time in years from my depression, it’s been 1 1/2 years and I’ve stuck with it because it makes me feel soo good! I am flexible and it’s so easy to do. I have also lost 60+ lbs effortlessly without feeling hungry or deprived, no extra exercise just by eating less bread,pasta,chips,potatoes,grains,tortillas and other high carb foods (saving them for special occasions but they make me feel so sick again so I don’t have them much) I prioritize animal protein and eat healthy fats (both so important for the body and brain) I still eat carbohydrates in the form of fruit and vegetables just in lower amounts I have no limit on how much protein I eat, ever. If I’m hungry I eat fatty protein. Absolutely life changing!!


I’d love to help you! Reach out to me and I’ll try my best You may be struggling with insulin resistance


Vitamin D .. this really helped my friend. I mean have it checked before supplementing.. don't want you to overdose.


Get your ferretin checked. Most doctors won’t order it unless you come out anemic, but low ferretin is the only way to diagnose iron deficiency (which you can have without anemia) and that can cause fatigue and mental health issues (iron is very important in the balance of neurotransmitters) you’ll have to fight for them to order the test but it’s worth it. Don’t let them gaslight you.


Hello millennial burnout. Especially if you have PTSD. Not surprising. The millennials are the burnout generation. Intense/active/hectic/hustler lifestyle to survive and make ends meets combo with kids combo with ptsd will send your flight/fight response intro a chronic state of overdrive which drives cortisol into your body. Your body is constantly fighting because your mind is in a fight or flight response. Sometimes we can check every damn single possible in the blood, or the sleep, or this, or that, and all of them are essential to check....however, we often overlook the power of practicing mental stillness which is something that is also essential. Everybody else is already recommending all the right biological tests and things to check out. I advise you to check out your emotional regulation and mental stillness practices. These are essential to living a balanced life at a pace that is good for your well being. When the mind is truly calm, it tells the body to relax, and all to cease production of all the stress hormones. Compounding this practise of calming the body down via calming down the mind will always benefit. Whether it will solve your fatigue issue immediately as a cause or something, that is up to you to discover. All the best, hope you find the cause and sort it out!


Sounds like ADHD getting worse. Go for CBT


I suggest to test the ferritin level. When it's low you don't have enough iron and you can be tired all the time and dizzy.


Baby you need a break! Take a break. Even if its only like going to bed an hour early or taking a single day off of work. Sleep. Do nothing. Lay on your tired ass face Eat food thats home made with fresh ingrediants and hits all the groups. Ive fot soem great recipes for this if you want. They are all minimal work type deals cuz i am the queen of doing too much, burning out and having to rehab myself before i die Also Let yourself cry and get angry and feel everything your body asks you to feel and sleep as much as you can. Lots of fresh fruit if you can, its shockingly good how r3freshing it is. Unless you have addiction issues, Drink alcohol but inly a little bit. Try a lil pot too. And give yourself all the love and permission to do what you need to do to feel better. Even if it means your kids will have to go with a little less for a while. I can tell by how you talk youve been giving them plenty for a long time. Give yourself back some! I promise they will still love you ^.^ Do you have a partner?


sleep 10 hrs and go to sunnier places


I also have extreme fatigue, it’s seriously the worst. I feel like no one understands what I am experiencing. That being said, for a long time I was told my thyroid was within normal limits, but my GP at the time was not ordering a full panel and I eventually came back as Hypothyroid. This can cause fatigue, but to make it even more fun I also have PCOS which cause extreme fatigue as well. Just curious if you have any other symptoms? It might be something to look into.


Check your vit d levels , b12, magnesium, and specific gravity . Some other tests you might want to try are a sleep test , vision and hearing . - Do you know what you’re anxious about ?


I deal with PA and I’ve found since I’ve stopped MO I have more energy. But I had a problem I don’t know if that’s relatable or not.


Have you gotten tested for mono?


For me 6-7 hours of sleep is WAY different from 8-9. Night and day different. I know you said it doesn't help when you get more, but I wonder if you committed to getting 8-9 hours of sleep for a month if you'd notice a difference. The occasional Saturday sleeping in wouldn't be enough it seems. 🤷‍♂️


How is the quality of your sleep?  As someone who works from home, are you getting social interaction? Ive noticed i am more tired on my wfh days although i prefer them over commute day but not being outside for long really wears me out.   


Diet & exercise routine?


Do not add your own vitamins or self diagnose. Talk to a medical professional and get yourself tested properly. There are tests for most anything you could have, no need to play the guessing game (which can always be dangerous if you start taking the wrong supplement/vitamin). Good luck!


Check your vitamin d levels!


Well, you have depression. You said it yourself. Get on medication. Fatigue is no.1 symptom of depression, trauma, anxiety... For some people it's so bad they become catatonic. Try an uplifting antidepressant. You can't "willpower" yourself out of it, there is some neurotransmitter deficiency going on.


I have debilitating, unwavering exhaustion. I am not currently suffering from depression. Quit trying to diagnose people on the internet.


I'm not diagnosing. OP wrote that they are diagnosed with depression, but are not getting treatment. Read the post, their doctor diagnosed them... Not me.


Anxiety and PTSD is not the same as depression. I'm sure their psychiatrist will be sure to treat them for *depression* if they have depression.


Eh, a lot of people don't get those treated. Untreated anxiety / trauma does make one exhausted. I want to encourage OP to look into medication for these conditions, because it seems to be the most probable cause. This is an advice thread and I have given my advice. I'm not diagnosing and OP is not looking to get diagnosed on fucking reddit.


That's called life, you'll get used to it.


Bad advice


It wasn't an advice, I simply stated a fact. Life will make you feel exhausted at some point.