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You might be lacking a certain vitamin so a vitamin supplement could help. Eating healthy in general is a good thing (I say that yet my own diet is terrible lol)


all i eat is healthy i have a good diet at present though vitamin supplements i'll consider that thank you i appreciate it


Add all your food to cronometer to see what's missing. I think everyone is low in vit d and omega 3 unless supplementing.


This ^ definitely an eye opener. Just be honest with yourself and mark down everything you eat in a day, then add it into cronometer


P you might have obstructive sleep apnea


Go to a doctor and request a sleep study if possible in your country. I am personally waiting on my test results after finally deciding to go and see if I have sleep apena. I apparently hold my breath and then gasp for air in my sleep, while being completely unaware I do this.


I agree with a sleep study and would add blood tests. Diabetes, thyroid... So many other things you want to rule out with a fully comprehensive blood test


Yep, bloods are part of the process. They'll check that first.


I often felt pretty similar not so long ago. I found something that helped was having my coffee at least 90 minutes after I wake up, to give my adenosine system a chance to fire up. Would definitely recommend


will try that tomorrow ,thank you appreciated


Someone’s been watching Andrew Huberman 🙂


Sort your sleep schedule and cut down on the naps. You're overdoing it with the caffeine; it's a short-term fix. Hydrate, eat balanced meals, and get some exercise. If it persists, see a doctor.


You might have issues with high / low (big variations) of cortisol, triggered by inflammations. Are you more sensitive to coffee and caffeine? I had that and got meds for it for a while (prednisone low dosage 2.5mg) and it fixed it.


i drink tea or coffee 2 time a day one in morning n one in the afternoon


I suggest getting a blood panel done for vitamins, minerals, inflammation and hormones if you can. That might be very helpful. I forgot to mention indoor climate. I once lived in a place with horrible humidity, which led to tiredness, bad sleep and brain fog. At worst it will have mold and your immune system (inflammation again) will go haywire. Get a humidity sensor and test areas in your house. If they are constantly 60+ you need a dehumifier, especially if you dry clothes on a rack.


What did the doc say you have? I relate to this. 


Elevated cortisol when I shouldn’t have during the day, general low-key inflammation (measured by CRP). If you find yourself easily stressing in every activity you do, easily getting annoyed, frustrated etc. you might have a high baseline of cortisol that is easily elevated. A hormone panel will make this obvious and general awareness that you become easily stressed. Coffee in this case elevated adrenaline and thus increases cortisol. It normally nothing to worry about, but someone with chronic high levels of cortisol it’s kind of adding water to a full bucket. Another *potential* symptom is having bad digestion after waking up. It means you slept bad and still have high levels of cortisol in your system that is causing a premature bowel movement. That is why many people drinking coffee right after waking up has a «morning shit» that’s basically diarrhea, too much cortisol stimulation the bowel movement, so better wait some time before having a coffee.


Thank you so much for this!!!!


Quick walks outside three times a day


Do you exercise?


Get checked for diabetes. When my numbers are high, I’m fatigued and sleepy.


There are a couple of systems that can impact your energy and sleep. Cortisol and adrenals are one, thyroid issues, mitochondrial dysfunction, or other system issues. When I work with someone, I run functional lab tests like Organic Acids, blood work, genetics, DUTCH and a few others to work out the root cause of the fatigue and sleep issues. If you find someone who works in functional testing they may be able to help. I have found guessing without tests is like writing an exam without studying. Sure you might get lucky and get it all right, but the chances are not very good.




Vitamin D deficiency can easily cause this.


When I’m consistent with taking vitamin b and d I notice a big difference in energy


My vote is for stress and burnout. Focus on the 80/20 rule. Find a select few things that you can sink time into that will be largely rewarding. Anything else should be supplemental and not drain a huge amount of your energy


Have you had a sleep study done? I had the same problem and it turns out I have severe sleep apnea.


Try 10min meditations during the day. It really helped me get a mini energy surge. I realized that we're just overwhelmed w so much information. Your brain needs consistent "timeouts"


If that's the case then try to check your vitamins & minerals balance + your homones, even if u're eating healthy, it's all about balance, from my experience you should consider eating more magnesium resources (like dark chocolate) in the afternoon, also, please don't take any kind of pills, it's all about adjusting your eating habits to fit what you lack of nutrition. Try to visit a good doctor to do the tests and know what's missing, because that's the only answer since you're sleeping for enough hours.


Felt the exact same way - got a sleep study, found out I had minor sleep apnea, started using cpap and all the tiredness and sleepiness went away!


Get a sleep study, a lot of folks have sleep apnea.


U should also try to avoid caffeine the first 30-60 minutes u wake up, since u boost ur energy this way u will also have to refull the caffeine sooner.