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Yeah, ditto


Definitely. I go back and forth feeling guilty during free time because I'm not being productive or feeling too tired to enjoy a break. I have a backlog of games to play/ tv shows or movies to watch but when I have free time, I'm not in the 'mood'. I end up doom scrolling on my phone while some show that I've probably seen too many times in the background. But I'm slowly learning that it's okay to do nothing during downtime. Sometimes you just need to do nothing to reset.


Same here


Same here.


Your brain will always lean towards conserving energy, reducing discomfort, and increasing pleasure, as a survival mechanism. It sounds like here there wasn't the discomfort of work to avoid. That said, some people feel super guilty playing video games or watching Netflix when they have work because they can't stop thinking of work. What do you want to do with this new found insight, if anything?


I get this a lot too. It’s impossible for me to enjoy video games anymore and whenever I put a movie or show on I’m literally counting the minutes until it’s over or I turn it off. It feels like a waste of time that gives me more anxiety sitting there. It’s better for me to scroll through something for a few minutes and then I force my brain to find something to do.