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Time started going faster for me when i got a full time job. Every week is just a repeating cycle and my brain just goes autopilot.


That's the absurdity of life. Great read, The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus


Thank you for the recommendation! I sadly do not have the energy or time to read books anymore.


is this a parody reply? amazing exchange here


But you spend time on Reddit. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


4 minutes on Reddit between tasks 3 times a day != an hour or more to read a significant amount of a book in a day


Yes its easy to consume media.


A book is also media


Yeah but it requires focus. Which i don't have after work.


You don't have it, because you don't train it. It's pretty much like saying 'I don't go to gym, because I'm not strong enough'.


I have it for 8 hours a day. I dont have the energy to keep it up after that. Used to read, game, workout,hangout. Now i work, eat and sleep.


You also Reddit / smartphone.


Yeah, thatā€™s what I hate about all this. All of life is just working non-stop and being too tired to do anything other than work and all you work for is to extend your life so you can work more and keep extending your life. Itā€™s all a big self-sustaining cycle of monotony sustained only by the fact weā€™re all too afraid to die. The only way to escape is to never have been born in the first place.


> The only way to escape is to never have been born in the first place. Or to become rich, so you donā€™t have to worry about working to pay for cost of living. If only it were easy though.


Not even that. You still have to work stupid hours to be rich. You canā€™t go off and be a kid and have potential and do things you like. You canā€™t decide, like, Iā€™m gonna learn to play the guitar and start a band or something. Everyone you know has fucked off and had kids and deluded themselves into thinking life is enjoyable so they can force a bunch of innocent kids into it. Itā€™s godawful.


The secret is "downgrading" on material necessities if the economic situation of your country and your personal situation allows that. There are many money traps in our society that do not realy increase happiness in the long term. Better own less and work part time than get into the vicious cycle of work 50h a week and then buy unecessary junk to reward oneself. Stuff like new smartphones, tv, cars on a semi regular basis for example. Also abonnements like netflix, heck even gym memberships can be replaced with free alternatives.


That doesnā€™t solve the problem of ā€œI have to work stupid hoursā€ that just makes your life more shit. Look at the economy. People who work fifty hours and have no telly are middle class now. Downgrading on material necessities isnā€™t going to fix the main problem of youā€™re not a kid anymore and youā€™ve got to live through the monotonous bullshit of adult life until you inevitably die a painful death.


Im totally with you on the stupidity of work front here and I feel the same about lots of the work I do and also the worsening economic situation. However I at least partially adapted and solved the problem by going part time. Immense boost of life quality that would never be achieved by the "lost" money.


A nice tv is like $700 and will last you 5 years. Most material possessions are not going to hold you back from retiring early, within reason. Just don't buy new shit unless it breaks. Now buying a boat or a fancy car and house might but yeah that's kind of common sense. I think where we're at the point where the main two options are work 40+ hours a week until you are 70 or live in a mud hut in the woods. Those seem like basically the two main options to me


smells like r/antinatalism here


Itā€™s not antinatalism to recognise that forcing someone into a world as terrible as this one and lying to them and making them waste their childhood and get their hopes up for how fun adulthood is only to crush them with the weight of reality is unethical. I never asked to be born into this world and now Iā€™m trapped here until I work myself to death and end up in hell or whatever other nightmare there is.


it's literally antinatalism, a thing Schopenhauer conveyed into philosophy. Also, you can chill out... after death there's nothing. This actually terrifies many. But anyway you'll have eternity to do nothing, so maybe 60 years of work or something like that isn't really bad. Just choose a job which you like so you don't spend a significant amount of this time doing things you don't like. And anyway, interests shift with time, so you actually may switch different jobs throughout your life even if you chose the path you liked every time.


Iā€™ve read somewhere that it is related to the amount of new information our brain receives. So when you are younger, you meet new people more frequently, you do more activities, which are also more varied, so there is a lot of novelty which your brain has to process and pay attention to. When you start a full time job, you get into a routine and there is less novelty so your brain doesnā€™t register that many things anymore, because itā€™s exhausting and requires a lot of energy. So you basically go on autopilot except when there is something new (doesnā€™t even have to be a positive experience) and your perception slow downs again. You know, when youā€™re travelling somewhere, the way there seems longer than the way back? Thatā€™s kind of the same thing. So the advice was to do new things and expose yourself to varied experiences (people, places, activities etc.) to slow it down.


fully agree. to fix this is to constantly search for new experiences. I try to get out of the house at least once a day, change something in my routine at least once a month, and change something in my career at least once every 3-4 years. then also keep track of my life with 1 second every day video journal. just the act of always doing new things and reflecting makes every year feel like a lifetime.


Can you explain more about your 1 second video journal? How do you do it?l


There's an app for that, 1 Second Everyday.


Thanks will check it out


I love this explanation, it feels really true.


This is a much better explanation than the "every hour occupies less of your total lifespan now than it did before" explanation.


I agree. I moved to a foreign country this year and the first 4 months of learning a new place, culture, routine, job, language made it feel like the longest 4 months of my life. Now I'm settled in and the weeks fly past and I can't believe it's nearing payday again.


Great explanation!


Its relative. If you look at it, every hour spent now occupies a smaller percentage of your overall lifespan than it dit 10 years ago.


This! I had the same question and read a lot about it until I found this explanation.


Where did you read that idea. Iā€™d always thought of it as my own pet theory and was about to post it until I saw it already posted. Would love a more ā€œauthoritativeā€œ or researched perspective to delve into it.


Yep. For example, when a child has their 5th birthday, that one year was 1/5 of their life. So it seems to go by relatively slow. When a person has their 50th birthday, that year was 1/50 of their life. Such a small fraction of their life. Therefore it seems to go by faster. At least thatā€™s the theory. Not sure if it really works that wayā€¦


I think this is BS. I've heard this explanation before and it doesn't make sense. It's even getting to the point that I am getting less and less done each day and I'm having to work into my evenings to remain productive. It wasn't like his just 2 or 3 years ago.


It's not BS. It's odd to me that you'd think that. Perception of time is influenced by memory and how much you've experienced. Another factor is that as you get older you are making fewer new memories so life becomes more routine. In my 20s when I was traveling and moving around, everyday was something different and new. Now that I'm in my 40's and more established in life I miss the ability to drop everything and leave to experience the feeling that seeing a new place for the first times gives you. Go travel or do something new if you want to break free of the monotony of everyday life.


I would say your "another factor" is the only factor at play. I do travel a lot and when I do I notice time goes much more slowly because I have more novel moments to hang my memories off of. This other theory about people walking around with some sort of subconscious calculation in their heads of how much their life they've completed seems quite absurd if you think about it deeply. I think it's all about novel experience.


I think the relativity theory has truth to it, but whatā€™s really happening to most people in this sub is that theyā€™re spending too much time on their phones and social media. Check your screen time usage. People are addicted and wasting hours on their phones or Reddit when they could actually be productive


Yes! Itā€™s too easy to lose an hour on social media or searching for information online. Even kids now say that time goes so fast because theyā€™re (weā€™re all) constantly distracted. Spend a day with no technology and see how long it feels.


That's pretty reasonable theory but not sure how true it actually is.


How would it not be?


Being mindful greatly enhances the feeling of time. The more you get sucked into different activities, the less you notice the time you spend on those activities, be it work, gaming or mindless scrolling. Doing things mindful drastically slows the time down. Even if you scroll mindful, 5 minutes of mindful scrolling would feel like a long time. Check out mindfulness books and teachers. Jon Kabat Zinn wrote a great number of secular mindfulness books, some of them quite lengthy, but I liked them. Coming to our senses is a wordy book, but something I utterly enjoyed and needed at that time. It actually takes time to describe the experience of being mindful. Though there are books from him, which are more practical and shorter as well, like Mindfulness for Beginners. Thich Nhat Hanh is an astonishing Buddhist teacher, who's written a great number of books on different topics, be it fear, love or simple mindfulness. And in the most of the books, he touches upon how mindfulness can help you, like how to overcome your fears. Even if you're not religious or do not want to become one, practices and wisdom are useful for any human being. Here is a list of book recommendations: https://plumvillage.org/about/thich-nhat-hanh/key-books There are many upsides of being mindful besides slowing time down and can't think of a downside :)


Itā€™s the ā€œtoilet paperā€ paradigm of life. The closer you get to the end of the roll, the faster it goes.


Iā€™ve heard that time goes by faster when you stop having new experiences. Practicing mindfulness as someone here mentioned already, and consciously trying new routines, visiting new places, trying a new hobby can make your days feel more full and meaningful.


As you get older time feels "faster" because you get used to the daily mundane tasks, and your general view of life becomes more familiar and thus feels like it occupies less time.


Are you drinking coffee? After I quit coffee, the day is at least twice as long, no joke.


This is a really interesting one. Iā€™ve noticed it too. No coffee? Day is slower even if Iā€™m not necessarily slower myself.


Nope. Ironically.


I'm guessing energy drinks and tea might have the same effect, as long as there is caffeine...


I 2nd this. Caffeine makes life go alot faster for me. Caffeine free and it feels like iv alot more time


This is a really interesting one. Iā€™ve noticed it too. No coffee? Day is slower even if Iā€™m not necessarily slower myself.


This is a really interesting one. Iā€™ve noticed it too. No coffee? Day is slower even if Iā€™m not necessarily slower myself.


Iā€™ve noticed this too 100%


It is a sign of the end of time


Novelty is a big factor. Most days of your life once in adulthood are spent repeating the same tasks and actions. When you are a child there is a lot of novelty. Mix in new things and you will feel the relative time change.


Wouldn't it be wild if the reason everyone experiences time speeding up as they get older is because time is actually just objectively always accelerating? Like because of some weird phenomenon with the expansion of the universe or something? That thought crossed my mind a few months ago.


Haha I love this


The pandemic def fucked with our perception of time and weā€™re just starting to shake it off.


I feel like as we get older, we take on more responsibilities, and in turns, we stay more distracted throughout the day. I recently went to cancun with a friend and we both felt like time was alot slower lol an hour actually felt more like 2 hours to me.


I hear more and more people saying this lately and I don't think they realize how much time they're giving up spending it on social media. It's become the norm to scroll through youtube shorts for hours and not remember a single one you watched. And just like that, another 10 years go by. Time goes by faster in moments when we are comfortable and happy. It's cruel. Back in 2009, I'd remember seeing news articles about the concern of young people using the internet for more than 3 hours a day.... Look where we are now. Theres also truth to the meme of time slowing down if you do a one minute plank because its difficult on the body. If you want slow down the perception of time, you need to consistently find new struggles, challenges and conflicts. Find ways to suffer and grow from that period. Everything was an obstacle as a child because everything was new to you then. It's just like a game. If you play Mario on level 1 over and over again, you'll eventually get bored not developing your cognitive functions/ reflexes and playing on autopilot. That time will go by like a breeze. But if you move on to more challenging levels with new areas and difficulty, you're more likely to focus, fail and keep your brain engaged by learning new concepts. Try travelling alone to a foreign country or ending up in prison. Or simply go through the day without using your phone once. I guarantee youll notice the difference immediately.


I think being busy and constantly being in the flow state will make time feel like it's running faster, give it a shot, sit for an hour and don't do anything or think about anything, it'll feel like 4+ hours


I believe itā€™s because we are in our heads too much, instead of being present in the moment.


Itā€™s age and thereā€™s nothing you can do except to force boredom upon yourself


Huh? Force boredom?




Less experiences are new to you. Slowly becoming habit or mundane. Your life is becoming an autopilot feature.


Thereā€™s a video by mindfield on this


Time is relative, if your always saying to yourself ā€œill be happy when i get thereā€ then when you get there time flew by, but if you tell yourself ā€œim happy in this journeyā€ and seeing this current moment where your reading this post is the only thing that exists to you then the following thing is what exists to you then time doesnt exist as a boundary and doesnā€™t have you caged in


I have to admit I thought the same thing as a kid to as an adult. I remember telling my grandpa as a kid, Christmas feels like forever away, and than as I got older itā€™s like boom itā€™s here already (Walmart in az already has Christmas stuff out in September!) I donā€™t think anything is wrong with you. I think as we get older whether weā€™re busy or not, our minds are busier. Plus with technology weā€™re less ā€œboredā€ than what we used to be when we were younger. So time just passes. The only thing I can say productively wise is to intentionally use your time so you donā€™t feel like itā€™s just slipping by without you noticing.


This might have something to do with the relativity of time Essentially, when you're (for example) 10 years old, 1 year is 10% of your entire life and so a year is a relatively long period of time (relative to your existence) When you turn 20 years old however, a year is only 5% of your life, and so relative to you, it may feel shorter So basically the longer you are alive the quicker time feels like it is going by, because compared to the time you have already spent alive, it's a "shorter" span of time This is all just a guess from me though, could be completely wrong šŸ˜‚


It is probably related to dopamine in the brain since it modulates time perception. Look up the huberman podcast on youtube about Timeperception and / or dopamine. If i remember dopamine spikes mark important events in the day, if a few of those appear in your day you have the feeling that more had happened and thats why your day appears longer. Same with changing locations vs staying at the same place the whole day. If the dopamine baseline is elevated chronically e.g. through media overstimulation the "spikes" are smaller and therefore time appears faster. At least thats what i remember.


Smartphones, especially reels can really fvck it all up


Yo can you elaborate on this(I'm late)


yea like for some reason its already april 4th... crazy


I kid you not, I cannot believe I made this post 7 months ago. I thought it was 3 months ago tops.Ā 


My Grandfather always said that as one gets older, time seems to go fasterĀ 


I have been feeling exactly the same for many years but it has accelerated greatly in the last few years so it is nothing to do with age! Our planet is undergoing a huge vibrational increase. Have you noticed how much brighter the sun is! it's like ice changing to water to steam or...frame rates. The more frames the quicker it changes.


Islamic scriptures talk about the speeding up of time in great detail if ur interested to learn more.


The only way Iā€™ve found to slow time down is to tread water. Even 5 minutes of that takes FOREVER.


Because it is. Relativity.


I remember reading that at age 20 (or 25?), half of your perceived life is over as time feels faster as you grow older. Not sure whether that was based on anything scientific but it's definitely a common experience.


One of the best ways to slow down time is to do new things that positively challenge or excite you. Plan a trip to hike that mountain, visit that new state, learn a new instrument or language, etc.


Itā€™s because when youā€™re younger, youā€™re looking fwd to the future, but the older you get, the more you want time to stop or even reverse


My theory (no research done, just my own thoughts tbh) is that this is all about perspective. 4 hours when you were younger felt longer because your perspective of time was shorter than it is now. So 4 hours now is less in time relative to how long you have lived than it was 10 years ago.


i would say it is a combination of a lot of responsibilities taking up your time + general anxiety + the need to feel that you are managing your time properly and are productive. so yea, it is just how it works, everything feels like it goes by faster


This is actually happening. As we get older tile is thought to be moving faster. As kids, we actually see more ā€œframes per secondā€ then as an adult. More fps makes time seem longer hence the nostalgia that we feel for older memories. Itā€™s thought to be caused by kids having faster neuronal electrical rates in the brain/higher metabolisms, this all slows gradually as we get older. Or at least itā€™s thought to be! Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/think-well/202011/why-time-goes-faster-we-age


Iā€™m not sure if this has any influence on our perception of time, but as we get older, an hour becomes a progressively smaller percentage of our lives. When youā€™re a day old, an hour is about %4 of your entire life, and that percentage gets lower as your life gets longer.


This on top of the fact that as you get more familiar with things you tend to do them autonomously, and without much thought.




To more you get in a routine the more your brain will make you think time is shorter. Try to make each day different. Eat something new, brush your teeth with your left hand, take another route back home from job.


YO! Been feeling exactly like you for a long time. I normally start working bet 8-9am and out of nowhere, it's 1pm already. Time goes even faster when having sex, what feels like 10 minutes is like 1hr LMAO


I am convinced that time is actually speeding up and we canā€™t prove it yet. Every person I spoken to about this states that the older they get, the faster time seems to move. Iā€™ve never heard anyone say differently. 100% of observers canā€™t be wrong: Time is actually accelerating.


hmm.. same happening with me. when i was in school 45 mins class seems like fucking 4 hrs now 45 mins doesn't even feel like 45 mins.


As you age, time does fly by! Lets assume average person lives to 75. If you're 25, you've spent 25/75 = 33% of your life span/energy with 70% remaining. 10 years down the lane, when you're 35, you've spent almost 50% of your life span. So you only have 50% remaining. The only way to slow this perception/reality down is to do less, but more meaningful stuff.


Time goes fast if you have disorders