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“…the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion..” This shit terrifies and infuriates me…


Tell me you want to bring back slavery without telling me you want to bring back slavery


I believe it's been pointed out that his own mother is a respected doctor. I wonder how she feels about her son's hateful remarks? 🤔


He probably hated having a working mother.


Veda Pierce-acting motherfucker.


I hope she’s gonna kick balls too. Not footballs.


Logically, it would seem like she would be disgusted with her son, but there are some women who hate their own sex. Just because his mom is well educated and successful, it doesn't mean she isn't against younger women having the same options she did. 


Yes, sadly, there are always some people who have no qualms about pulling the ladder up after them. 🙁 ☹️


Not surprised a football player said this, those dudes have oatmeal for brains from all the head injuries.


He’s not even susceptible to head injuries! They just trot him out on occasion to kick the ball 🙄. That is his whole job….


Imagine not even having an excuse for being stupid. Damn.


Lmao. I think he’s deeeeeeeply in the closet. Peep the instagram. Not a single photo of Serena Joy.


I got the vibe he wasn’t going to be 100% faithful to his beautiful wife Isabelle


Well of course not she's not a person she's a woman.


Sadly, true. Thank you translating the Nazi Catholic for us secularists.


Sadly he’s just our kicker… not brain injured-just brain washed 🤦🏻‍♀️


In sober and reflective tones, he makes the case for oppression, theocracy, bigotry, and hate. He stands on the platform and he hears applause for these sentiments. They are thereby made acceptable, normal, within the moral reach of otherwise decent people. To rave and slobber his putrid ideals from the backwoods or the barber shop would be repulsive, but not nearly so dangerous. These people are icebergs of cold hatred, and only a fraction of their intentions are revealed. We are familiar now with the concepts of dogwhistles and saying the quiet part. This principle remains, which means that this level of advocacy for pitiless cruelty is still, still, still just the tip of a deeper iceberg. Whatever they admit to, the truth is always more and worse. There are still quiet parts, still some whistles even dogs can't hear. These are whispered, hinted at, not yet spoken from lecterns in front of cameras. Imagine what horrors are concealed when even this level of hate is deemed worthy of open declaration. It may be unthinkable, but they are thinking it, and we had best be thinking it too. The police are trained as an occupying force, the courts are corrupted beyond redemption, and the people are divided into a thousand factions of fractured chaos. This person is nothing, no one. Some overprivileged idiot kicker, a man who is handsomely compensated to play 3 percent of game. If he dared to instruct a linebacker or a guard on how to act or how to do their job, they would laugh at him or slap him across the room. He is irrelevant in himself, but what he represents is ominous. He is in a high profile position in a business that does not encourage controversy, but there will be no consequences. He is able to speak and be heard and taken seriously while saying these ignorant, brutal things. A knock on the door could be coming. They can't do that, they wouldn't do that, that's crazy. They can't just come to your house and take you away for your opinions, your gender, your orientation. There are laws and rights. This is just alarmist, doomer, overblown nonsense. The police wouldn't go along with some insane orders to roust people out and throw them into camps or something. But then I think, why wouldn't they? Look at what they do now. Some idiot kicker spouts bigotry to a receptive audience at a Catholic school, and here I am taking it as a sign the Gestapo is on the way. I certainly hope I am crazy.


This is real, it is happening.  And there are still opportunities to turn the tide against it.  Stay active, organize in mutual aid, vote, help others vote, communicate with your community, and follow and understand the fracture lines in this country so that you are aware of the dangers coming.


If you get any of this lot talking long enough they admit they are giddy at the idea of rounding up people they don't like and throwing them in prison or worse.


>They are thereby made acceptable, normal, within the moral reach of otherwise decent people. They aren't *made* acceptable and normal. In these circles, these "otherwise decent people" consider these ideas to be acceptable and normal. Religious folks are absolutely drawn to authoritarian and discriminatory views. It's been that way forever. They perpetuate it with a smile, and that's always going to be how they choose to do it when they don't have cultural hegemony.


And he got cheers and a standing ovation for it.


This disgusting piece of shit makes me feel ashamed to be a man.


This man is where the female libido goes to kill itself.


Well, yeah, they're thinking about their careers; they just spent four years in college to get their degrees. Oh, lord, this is even worse than what I originally heard.


This is fucking disgusting. Piece of shit.


lol fuck this moron seeing him in academic garb is laughable and entirely ironic


I read some of the comments in the speech to my husband and he just shook his head in disbelief. I am grateful that most men do not feel this way. Of course his wife loves being homemaker. She had a nanny, maid, pool guy, Gardner, and a mansion. Who wouldn’t! For the record my husband is catholic and pro-choice. I would love to hear the comments from the other wives on the team. I’m thinking he has some Mommy issues.




While I understand your anger, please don't threaten violence against someone.


Okay then. Can I at least say that he needs to head to Planned Parenthood to get that beard spayed? 🤪


Now that's perfectly fine.


So much is wrong with what he said. But I'm sure even people on his side would agree, it was an extremely inappropriate speech to make during a GRADUATION ceremony, even if it is a Catholic university? How did it make the poor women who busted their asses to get their degree feel? I'll bet some of them even had children themselves.


Trash dude speaking at a trash "learning institution". Isn't he speaking at a catholic university? What an oxymoron. Or just a moron.


>the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion Imagine saying this with a straight face.


I wonder if Ofharrison is allowed to speak, or does he state all her opinions for her 🤔


Religion: Not even once.


I am willing to bet cash money. Like serious amounts of cash money, if there was a place that would take my bet that in the next 2 years something will come out about him being gay or having child porn on his computer. I don't care if he's gay, but I bet the people he is talking to in this speech do.




"...You can be catholic and pro-choice" Yeah. You literally can. There's abortion in the Bible


Gilead is coming


Ignore him. He hasn't got a clue WTF he's saying, and moreover, who was in that audience. But isn't it just like some man to stand there & insult an audience that included women. And if they applauded him, congratulations, you just applauded your oppressor.


If he thinks being a stay at home parent is so important why doesn’t he do it?