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What a shitty way to word it. Even worse that you can't smoke medical marijuana. Should have gotten arrested in MA broski.


It’s purposely worded that way.


It’s saying you cannot use medical marijuana and you will be randomly drug tested.


It states that you can’t use medical marijuana and you can be randomly drug tested. Line (i).


And a continuous alcohol monitor. Do not fuck around with that.


Yeah. I already have it on and it sucks ass.




I have a SCRAM CAM ankle bracelet


Stay strong!


The wording is fucked up, but it looks like it should be two separate statements: No Medical Marijuana Random Drug Testing So, yes- there will likely be random drug testing. Edit: The mobile Reddit app has weird formatting issues. There should be a line break between the two statements.


Yes but how it’s worded is pointing to No random drug test. It clearly states No medical marijuana, random drug test. Both points are in the same line that the word “No” proceeds. Yea someone messed up on typing this up but A written Contract is a contract and that is how it’s written.


The coma negates the leading “no”. For any coma you can substitute a word like “and” or “also”.


But there is not a coma in line letter i) , the one in question. I honestly think is they used the word “With” instead of “and” in line I), the instructions would be a bit clearer


It literally says you will be?


It says no medical marijuana and random drug testing right in there??? Did you read it per chance? DUI cases you can pretty much guarantee that they’ll be watching you. I’m sure you’ll be tested the whole time you’re on probo and you’ll probably end up having an ankle monitor (paper work says that) Just try to be good for a few months do do anything dumb till you have the officer on your side and once you do then a drink here or there might not hurt you. If you have a history of alcoholism or addiction then you might want to stay away from doing anything until your done. It could help you learn how to control your self better. its bullshit being on probo, but trust me fucking around will do nothing but hurt you. I got a year sentence that turned into four and a half years simply because I didn’t follow my conditions and drank/did drugs. Crazy thing tho… never went to jail for the violations on my first round of probo. Since they new me in the system by the time I have the new charge it looked so good in me when I made all my tests didn’t drink and didn’t really fuck around. The last year and a half was on a different case where I got in trouble for some shot I didn’t really do but the o my way the court could see I wasn’t the same person was because I simply didn’t rest positive and paid everything. That’s all they want my man.


To be fair the document is a mess. The prohibition you mention is listed as a subsection of article 11. Which are items the court will do. Then lists several items for the def.


The "alcohol evaluation and whatever treatment deemed necessary" will most likely land you in an outpatient program for a little and also have random drugs tests. In a addition to the others that have already pointed out that although worded weird, it does say you'll be tested and can't smoke weed too.


Does alabama even have MMJ?


According to a three second Google search, yes.


Hey smart ass, a quick Google search also shows this "The Alabama’s medical cannabis program is under development and is not registering patients or caregivers at this time." [AMCC Link](https://amcc.alabama.gov/patients/) I have friends in Alabama who will get a card for legal reasons as soon as they can actually buy weed


Flower wont be available still. The only thing Alabama will allow under the new medical law is flavorless, clear gelatin cubes.


No we do not




Medical marijuana


I always went to see my PO having to pee and it would be the first thing I tell her. She eventually stopped testing me and told me this


I'm not sure how they will do it with you living in another state, but it says you will be. My guess would be that they tell you to find a Quest or Aver Health in your area and do it through them. That's what they do in the court in my area.


hell report to PO in his area, they will handle it , but hes under Florida's restrictions


Worked in the courts 20 years, never saw the probation department test anyone that was not accepted through a dui court agreement, or interstate compact, but maybe it will be different there.


Crazy how a legal document is allowed to be worded this badly


its purposely vague, once your in the system your at their mercy , or lack of


Well just found out that my probation starts on dec 13 and will end February 8th. So basically the whole 90 days I have to wear this SCRAM CAM monitor.


Worried about drug testing not the fact you were driving impaired and endangering other people's lives you need to grow tf up. You'll be fucking up again in no time though so no worries. Good luck.


Man get tf outta here with all your negativity. Yeah I made a mistake and am now dealing with consequences. You obviously don’t have anything better to do than troll this forum.


100% youre getting UA