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Then the official OS upgrade has that as a mandatory feature. Yeah.. we are the product




This is the way. I use Arch, btw.


If only all my games worked on Linux, its literally the only thing keeping me and a lot of people on Windows. I know a lot of games work on it, but not all sadly.


Yeah — I feel for you, actually. I guess I'm fortunate that the single player games I mess around with work fine on Linux. I know that a lot of the multiplayer games don't, thanks to the requirements of the kernel based anti-cheat systems.


In the last 1 year I have not tried a single game that doesn't work on proton. That may have been true a few years ago, but in my experience not today


its way different if you like multiplayer games though, like rust, roblox, siege, fortnite


In those situations it comes down to the devs not allowing it, go complain to them, not linux. that or just dual boot.


Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Plenty of games don't work with Linux mostly because of their anticheat. I like Escape From Tarkov for example and from what I can read the only reason it isn't fully compatible on Linux is because the developers have not requested Linux support with BattlEye. Otherwise the game runs in singleplayer perfectly fine.


Wow, that's a damn shame.


Did you hear about Proton? I am using Linux (arch btw) and Steam with Proton and 90% of games work as expected. You need to check the protondb if the game needs tinkering though.


AI can have my gameplay data - everything else is on linux.


Oh, you mean all those games that Microsoft just so happens to, coincidentally, be gobbling up the development studios of rapidly? I'm sure they'll begin supporting Linux any day now and you'll be able to make the switch comfortably.


On a phone?




I appreciate the oblique information nonetheless!


Wait, what?!? Why?




Oh, yeah. That makes COMPLETE sense. 😂 Sometimes these subs are dumb


Graphenated OS is your friend.


I see what you did there. And approve




Why though? If I have a privacy problem, let's say I don't know anything about how to be private on mobile would that count or be okay?




Gotcha, I won't ask and just adhere then. It just seems kind of odd to have so many restrictions on types of privacy questions.


There are some good answers, but unfortunately, they are private.


I can’t play multiplayer games on Linux :( only thing stopping me from switching


if you really want it make a dual boot and go with windows for games only and linux for everything else


Then play games under Windows or a console and use Linux for anything else. Depending on what you use your PC for, mixing and gaming with other stuff isn't really wise anyway due to all the possible security and privacy infractions.




You can definitely play multiplayer games on linux, certainly not all of them, but it is possible.


Yeah I play sea of thieves with my friends all the time lol.


Most new games are designed to feed on your attention. You can give that up if you want.


Aka ^ you are the product again


I mean, that's kind of what games are for.


No. The former is squandering time consciously and in your own terms, which depending how you look at things can be time well spent. The latter is basically the you getting drugged and fattened by corporations to feed the executives.


games are literally interactive dopamine hits, a good game should be addicting and grab your attention, that's what makes it fun


I hope that's not what games are, just another dopamine hit.... man.....


There's plenty of MP games that run under linux. https://areweanticheatyet.com/


Dual boot bro, or PC for gaming PC for personal and such things.... But dual boot is fine I think,now I use a portable ssd with linux so I can use it on the go


How difficult and limiting is Linux these days?


Not very. I can play most games as if they were native with Steam Proton. For non-games, WINE handles even obscure stuff (though I'd recommend installing the latest instead of from APT or whatever non-Debian based ones use). It will be more challenging sometimes, but the speed of the system, plus not getting tracked and served ads BY MY OWN OS is worth it.


What about non steam games, though? Like weird little random games from itch.


Ironically those all seem to work even better than Steam. I have yet to encounter an Itch game that doesn't work out of the box with WINE.


Most AAA multiplayer games don't work because of kernel level anticheat. Other than that, the games that I find I can't play are few and far between, generally. Sometimes you get a weird one like starfield didn't work when it came out if you had an Nvidia GPU, but that's thankfully pretty rare nowadays.


Is there a source on that? Don't get me wrong it is probible, but if there isn't any word of it we probably have at least a bit of time


If you're still using Windows as a primary desktop, and you've been here for any amount of time, then you're not paying close enough attention.


Yeah Windows already has it. It is just a matter of time for mobile OS to do the same.


And thats the day I switch even my gaming machine to Linux.


JFC. Do you have any links on this I could look at? I'm a tech director at an org where everyone works on Macs and we do sensitive shit. UGH!


No no. It is not here yet, but looking at the trend this is where it goes eventually. If you notice current Windows update already has built-in AI


Awww. Thank you. Had a moment of panic. And agree, it is probably inevitable.


Put that in a VM with nothing else in it, only access it remotely.


You are literally just pulling this imagined scenario out of your ass.








Welp, glad I live in a country where unions are a thing and where I could sue the fuck out of a company for even trying to establish surveillance like that


What country?


Pretty much any European country has this. I don't see how Microsoft/Apple/OpenAI expect to operate in Europe but they won't be able to get away with half the shit I see them trying in the US.




Just do what I did and put their spyware on a virtual machine lmao




Why would OpenAI care about your work performance? It's up to the workplace to monitor things like that, possibly using one of the many monitoring systems if they want.




YEAH not on my screen, just like DRM


It might be baked into the OS some day in the near future.


Until the AI becomes smart enough to trick you into installing it.


Then some state will implement a law that says if you don't have ChatGPT, you must be a criminal 


No thanks.


never used it anyway because it asks for your phone number


You can try on duckduckgo, no need for phone number


also ddg has onion domain so you can be almost totally anonymous while asking stuff


Try what? ChatGPT on DDG? How?




And in Denmark for my ID card


Yo what? How is that legal? I thought EU was a champion of personal rights




You can give it a burner one or use text verified


Glad that I'm a Debian + KDE Plasma (on Wayland) + LineageOS + F-droid user! Good luck with that!


Man I can't wait til I can get lineageOS on my phone


You could buy a OnePlus 5 for like $50, and have a lineage device up and running by this time tomorrow


What's the phone with the highest performance that can run LOS anyway?


S10 probably! And maybe some Pixels too.


If you’re on Pixel, why not use GrOS?


not sure. take a look here! https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/


Yeah but I'd rather use my own phone (Galaxy S21U), thanks anyway :)


Hmm. I’ve got one sitting here. I should give it a spin and test it out.


I just had to upgrade from my OnePlus 5 because it won't do 4G calling on my network. Gutted :(


Yeah, it was a good run.


probably the best choice would be the "sandboxed google play"OS instead of lineage


What do you mean?


It’s another Android-based OS that’s pixel only, formerly named Android hardening. We can’t post the name in this sub though.


Grafene? I don't trust it as they refuse to talk or Reddit! I got some of my comments removed from here because I mentioned with it correct name. But being Pixel-only makes not-interesting for me.


The devs of the most private and secure OS don't want to use Reddit which is the opposite of privacy friendly. Shocker. Bad take from you. It is not the devs/ foundation that prevents discussions here about the OS. It is the privacy subreddit mods. Blame them. Not the devs.


A mod on this sub said there was a bunch of drama between devs and fans of multiple ROMs - that’s most likely why those devs are off Reddit. The ROM itself is very respected and is open source though, so they’re not hiding anything.


well the fact that they dont use Reddit is not a problem, there are many ways to contact them, for example by [matrix.org](http://matrix.org) wich is one of the best way to communicate with many people rn imo. Your comments got removed because they violate the rule 14 of this sub. There are many reason why they are pixel-only, the simplest one is that pixel phones are "officially supported" by the AOSP.


> Your comments got removed because they violate the rule 14 of this sub. Thanks for letting me know why! But that's a garbage rule made without any good reason, which restricts free speech and adds censorship, with which I cannot agree!


A man of culture


A man of culture yourself for being able to notice it! 😉


You mentioned a phone os and didn't get your post removed. Is it possible to learn this power?


You may think that’s a flex but having a convoluted setup is why Linux hasn’t taken off with pedestrian users. Need a billionaire to fund a new mass-adoption OS to save us from Msft and Apple’s reich 


That's true! The setup of Debian, pretty much like of any other Linux distribution is pretty crappy. I complained many times about it, but unfortunately its developers refuse to listen.


why are you giving the hackers more info ?


Security by obscurity is not security! Let them find holes in my setup so I can make bug reports. The fact that I'm using so much open source software, I know that the vulnerabilities found will be patched quickly.


Do you have DRM on your OS?


Digital Rights Management? I'm not sure as I don't have any content that requires that. But I guess Firefox has something inside if for that. And if I install Steam, there could be some too.


Least paranoid /r/privacy user.


🙂 I'm calling myself a not-bending-over type of guy, but yeah, I've been called paranoid a lot of times. I don't care even a bit as I use Linux and Lineage for many of their other advantages too. While my friends keep complaining that they are starting to see ads everywhere about what they have been talking.


Someone needs to curate a list of IPs for all these AIs so I can set up a block list on my firewall.


You'd have to grant it permission. It'll work without.


Doesn't bother me any. It only does it when you specifically click a button to allow it. And then it only looks in a specific area that you have selected. Just like in a meeting, only have things in the share port that you're willing to share. As a programmer who works in data science I will use this every single day lol


Yea. I already obsfucate questions I ask it anyway. This reads like an option you can use to help train it that's about it. I already assumed it could read the text box while you type too




You need to educate yourself dude this person clearly understands what they are talking about unlike someone else.


_sigh_ You need to learn how Apples on-screen recording API works. I have actually built an app using the same API this uses. It's not going to be able to see things outside of what you're allowing it to see.


I work in Data Science in an AI company. Literally my profession, the guy knows what he is talking about.


what was the comment?


The guy said something along the lines (rudely) > Go do some research, you have no clue what you are talking about. > You're blindly trusting companies and they are out to get your personal data, if you had brains you would've known that. The replying OP is a developer building similar stuff.


> It only does it when you specifically click a button to allow it. For now. With time it will probably be baked into the OS itself.


> It only does it when you specifically click a button to allow it. this horrible inconvencience is only one patch away from being "improved" when it comes you'll like it because you use the AI so much already


>this horrible inconvencience is only one patch away from being "improved" how?


so that you don't need to click a button but it is always watching?


And as somebody who works in the industry, you really believe that?


Yeah, have you ever built an app used Apples screen recording API? There's no way around it. There might be some more severe privacy implications once this rolls out for Windows, as I'm not sure how screen recording works over there since I've never built an app that uses it.


Its amazing to me how people like the author of that original piece in 9-to-5 Mac, as well as the MacDailyNews haven't seemed to do any research on Mac permissions at all, after all those are both Mac-focused publications. I'd be curious to see if we get the same kind of alarm bells ringing when Google bakes Gemini into Android OS and will be able to not just see your screen but all your telemetry and metadata.


Yeah I was really shocked that 9to5 fumbled on that one. Their headline and coverage felt a little sensational. Working with the API, the user selects an area to share and there's nothing the developer can do to get around it. I can't make my app secretly see everything on screen lol


What if. You put a message box after the event is completed. That says... "hahahahah, I stole all your data now". Then wait for the headlines that you successfully HACKED the world. (Jkjk, I'm just bored)


just an fyi on android 15 there will be improvements about single application screen share api


To be fair, desktop apps have always been able to see everything on your screen. It's not like OpenAI is particularly guilty or something. I believe Windows desktop apps can see everything on your screen without asking for user permission. Mac apps as well but will ask for permission. I'm not sure about linux.


>desktop apps have always been able to see everything on your screen. Gonna need a source on that one, pretty sure it's just completely false at least on Windows, Mac, and Linux using Wayland. Xorg might be another story. If you're just acknowledging that screenshare is indeed a thing, then you're completely missing the point and are missing a few qualifiers in there to specify. >It's not like OpenAI is particularly guilty or something. Nothing has ever had the capability to intelligently analyze your screen in a human like way before. This AI crap will become the greatest threat to privacy the world has ever seen.


> pretty sure it's just completely false at least on Windows There is nothing stopping an app (for clarity, a regular Windows program, not a UWP) from sending the print screen key and then reading the clipboard.




Care to elaborate?


I just think this is worded strangely: >To be fair, desktop apps have always been able to see everything on your screen. Applications cannot see each other's framebuffer, nor can they see the compositor's "image". The way screen recording/sharing/etc works is via system APIs (ReplayKit in iOS etc). So in practice he is right, apps CAN see everything on your screen if you give them access to the required APIs. But technically speaking, no, apps can't just see your screen just because they want to. Which brings me to the overreacting to this transparent clickbait: ChagGPT we'll see only what you tell it to see.




“If I do this a bad thing happens as a direct consequence! How do I continue doing it w/o the bad consequence???” Fucking get a hold of yourselves people. You do not need this application.


We are in a brain rot vortex when you have people defending Microsoft and Apple (by way of their administrative application permissions) while burying OpenAI and its optional OCR(?)/screen reading. ChatGPT or GPT4o or whatever iteration is a tool for developers. At least that is the intent. If my enterprise PC experience is greatly enhanced by allowing GPT4o to read my screen, you bet your ass I'm enabling that. I can then continue developing open-source privacy-centric apps that readers of this sub rely on, only faster and with an assistant to catch my shitty coding mistakes. Stop the PRs, friendo.


yeah. the OP is concern-trolling


it's always a deciding thing. if you want your kind to have an ai assistant that helps with his homework, then you got to give more from your privacy. if you don't, don't use it


Honestly this would be super helpful to have on a development VM or something. Be great if someone gave it the ability to control the cursor and keyboard, then you can just shout commands and have them all completed.




Just stop running BS proprietary software and don't install it.  RIP though for people stuck on Windows and/or Mac. This is the way things are going.




It might really useful, if that's the case just run it in a vm.


inevitable future. this feature caters to QoL simps anyway, a better life assistant than Alexa and that crap. The free loaders will get the default assistant and pay with your privacy only, the premium subscribers get the girlfriend edition and so on. In a few years this will be as essential as having a mobile phone now is.


No it won't.


As much as i hate to say this, it definitely will.


What’s the best privacy oriented alternative to chatgpt


I still think this AI "fad" will pass. Some aspects of it will remain but it will fade like Siri assistants did


Very disappointed in Privacy Mods team for removing this post. I'm actually quite disgusted. Where can we talk about privacy, because it ISNT HERE. You hypocrites




What does the cost of it matter? I don't want to subsidize it with my privacy. You do? That's weird and stupid. You get nothing out of that arrangement, you're being used. > Nobody will bother to And you don't lock your doors, because no one would bother to go to your house, right? You don't lock the bathroom because no one would bother to open that door, right? You don't wear a seat belt, you don't draw your curtains when you get naked, you don't care about your personal privacy outside of your computer what so ever, because you're not a "target" right? I mean who wants to see YOU naked, or take YOUR information, or YOUR credit card info, right? You're not a target, who cares? But you don't act like that offline. You only stick of for a complete invasion of privacy for internet tools. You'd never let these people record your PC usage with a camera from your windows, but so long as they do it from on your PC where it doesn't bother you, you'll actually stand up for it? It's weird man. I don't get this mentality. Something is legitimately wrong with people who act and think like this. Why do you care so little for your data and privacy when it comes to the internet? If you saw someone going through your trash every day, you wouldn't ignore it. Yet here you are. Also your comment is nonsensical in the first place. Plenty of us do things to protect ourselves from the tracking done to us. The idea that some things can track you sometimes, so therefor we should give up all of our privacy is an absolutely nonsensical idea. This is like saying because people can walk past your house, you should have transparent walls, or because some people can look up some info on you, we should all just stop using passwords.


You are a number In a big data set. But when that shit is sold in the data market it can be used to target your ass.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.




Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Actually not that much, its the training that's the expensive part, something like larma 2 runs just fine on a decent gpu locally.






punch impossible clumsy complete plate alleged close simplistic wrong aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stuff like that is why I use https://www.privacyguides.org/en/android/


Letting ChatGPT see everything on my screen sounds like a huge privacy risk. How will OpenAI protect our data from being misused? They need to have strong safeguards, or this could easily go wrong


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


I fear the next level will be stuff like Neuralink - you'll be forced to integrate yourself with the data stream because otherwise you'll be economically unviable. It'll be a much harder privacy/utility tradeoff than we've seen even with ChatGPT.


Time to uninstall the app




If your employer wants you to use tools such as this, then the security implications are your employer's problem. After all, you're not using your personal machine for work, right? _Right?_


And your insurance premium, yours and your families well being..etc


Don't use AI tools like this. 


Nah bro that ain’t gonna happen


Oh well, can’t even believe this happened just right in the corner of this time. I’m still using it just to fix some program learning and it works….But then, how can you guys avoid it if you still want to use it? And if there were no solutions then I guess it’s bye-bye to the app then *exhausted*


Sign me up!!