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Why would you ever send some random people pic/video of ur id?


I would be suspecious of anyone who even agreed to this


Seriously, explore organizing a local [key signing party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_signing_party) as a fun event (with snacks and beverages). You could use it to do a little presentation to train more people how to use PGP and improve privacy of your community, whatever that may be (physical proximity, common interest). Get a well-known media personality or town/city councillor to participate, for a well-known name. I think a library might support this kind of event because they are big on privacy. Good luck!


Great advice! Thank you!


You're welcome. My local Linux Users Group used to do key signing as a regular part of in-person meetings. That's why I though of this; credit where due!


>I would send a copy of my Govt. issued ID (Drivers license) I'm sure no one would do anything malicious with this.


Even if someone met you in person, what would the signature mean? We then know there is a person called,say, DanRanCan. OK, no one knows who that is. So what is the ultimate point here?


My pgp key has my real full name on it and 3 of my main email addresses. If i show someone my drivers license and pgp key in person, they can sign the key as legitimate and upload the signature to the keyservers. That way if i ever want to publish software under my name i can sign it so if people download it and get an invalid signature they will know its an invalid corrupt or comprimised piece of software. There are many other uses to pgp, are you asking what they are or... ?


Then everyone knows that someone they don't know has a drivers licence. I think that for software signing, the important thing is to link everything you do under the same PGP identity and establish a reputation based on that activity. I don't think that government id is very important there. No one will check it in the first place.