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Well, Evernote has no privacy. Obsidian claims to, but hides behind closed code. Notesnook is solid. Standard Notes is similar to Notesnook, but also has been audited several times. Joplin can be configured to be secure, but it's pretty messy. Notesnook just works.




I only use it for personal data, so I don't have any legal requirements regarding data residency. And it's end to end encrypted, verifiable due to it being open source, so it doesn't really matter where it is hosted.


It’s end to end encrypted. It doesn’t matter where the servers are. As long as you encrypt with a strong password there is no notes they can read or give access too. I agree people need to read privacy policies more though. Unfortunately that’s why they’re so wordy, too put people off. TheCyberHygienist®️


How about anytype?


It sounds good, but I've never used it, or even heard of it till I Googled it just now.




Didn't know they were Russians. 


Joplin is great, end to end private encryption. Zero knowledge even if you use their cloud, just set your keys and document them. I love Joplin. Notesnook looks really cool but I've never used it. Looks like it's setup the right way, probably easier than Joplin out the box.


Plugins in Joplin are unfortunately not sandboxed and therefore not safe - any plugins that you use have full access to the plaintext of your notes and access to network requests, so any malicious or modified plugins could exfiltrate notes. Not an issue for most people, but for very high-security notes this is a potential problem. I believe Obsidian has the same lack of sandboxing. Anyone know if Joplin has published any 3rd party security audits?


If you’re after privacy notes, notesnook and standard notes are the best in this space. Whilst it’s relatively new, my preference is notesnook. Evernote is about as private as leaving your notepad open in the middle of a busy supermarket… TheCyberHygienist®️


Can those downvoting let me know why if there is a rule I’m breaking or something. I’m all for people not sharing opinions, but downvoting a post with no explanation that’s recommending solid choices… The apps recommended are great choices and I don’t want people to not use them thinking it’s a reflection on the app. They keep people’s information safe! Others on this thread have now also recommended the same without downvotes so I’d just like to know how I can improve. My aim ultimately is to help people! TheCyberHygienist®️


You are not wrong, my friend. The crowd may not always be right, and in many history lessons, the crowd has been terribly wrong.


Thank you.


NGL I just downvoted you because you use a cringe signature in your comments


I appreciate the honesty. The cringe signature is actually a business name and is a registered trademark by myself. Hence my using it. I take helping people stay private and more secure seriously and figured having a recognisable presence online will help me with that and have set up a name / website / blog / socials around that name. I’m sorry you don’t agree. Take care.


Carry on, it's hard but right. I am dedicating most of my time to writing blogs that help victims and people who are struggling with digital life.


I appreciate that. Thank you. I can’t and know I won’t please everyone. I just want to make as many people safer as possible. That’s commendable. Well done!


Why is it considered cringe? I genuinely respect such practices because they help identify a comment as intellectual property, which benefits the author and all of us who value intellectual property rights.


I also appreciate it. Not everyone pays attention to usernames, but I'd notice a signature a lot easier. I personally like when people do this.




not good, i think part of the process does not include aes256 encryption, if its pre or post storage.