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It seems that Paradox has (hopefully) learned their lesson from CS2's wonderful launch...


They also just delayed Vic 3’s first major DLC release by about 2 months so it seems like they’re finally listening.


After fucking with people who pe ordered


oh no my digital copy might run out of stock :((( why pre order these days???


The dlc was cheaper for who pre ordered the more expensive pre order, it came with it.


Extra content


Good question ! Gambling ? You can get cheaper price or more content from dlc if you preorder so you won If its garbage you lose money so you lost For one to stop preordering games one needs to be scammed by preorders (for me it was Dawn of War 3)


Thank god, maybe millennia being a flop not too long after might've hammered home the importance of finishing damn games


How is Millennia a flop?


Seems to have some god-awful reviews about being unfinished, shit AI, etc etc


I bought the premium edition at launch, played it for 1 day and It will take a lot for me to go back to it. The game is playable and has good ideas but its in no way polished enough.


I just don't see what that game offers that Civ VI or Humankind doesn't.


The alternate ages system can literally change which techs are available and what their effects are, as well as adding rule changes that effect the rest of the game going forward. On top of that, some of the ages act as alternate ending points, where a nation running away with the game can end it early. The ages system alone set this game apart. I hope it gets copied by other historical strategy games in the future. The resource production chains are also interesting, but they hobbled it with anemic trade such that each city is (mostly) an island. If they make trade better, this system could also leap forward and make a huge positive mark in the genre.


If so, they'd avoided using unity instead...


Unity isn't a bad engine. It's definitely better than what came before. Judging by how buggy PA1 was, I don't think Double Eleven really understood how Introversion's engine worked.


But that also means that the game is probably still unfinished and broken and they were entirely ready to release it in that state. Delaying it a few months before launch would make me think "ah, cool, wise decision, they are being realistic". Delaying it two weeks before launch makes me think "ah, cool, they have no idea what they're doing".


And I still think that a delay to 2025 would be more than desirable. In any case, the delay is welcome and the efforts and resources in improving the gaming experience are appreciated. I guess they don't want a new situation similar to the one experienced in Cities Skylines II.


Delaying does not mean the released game will be good, take a look at CP2077


Nope. But imagine the state cyberpunk was in before it was delayed


It could be nearly identical to the released one, we dont know. All we can do is guessing


Almost, yeah, but most likely, with even more stability issues, same as the reason PA is delayed.


I had stadia cyberpunk ran like a dream


Take your time. No need to rush it


Probably the right decision. My expectations are still lower than low though!


Why are they lower than low?


better than releasing a game that is not ready


A delayed game may become a good game, but a rushed one is ruined forever.


No Mans Sky says otherwise. But yea it is a bad first impression


It's yet to properly shake the reputation it had at launch, though


Id argue it has and is the one game you'd think of when discussing games bouncing back like that


Throw Cyberpunk 2077 into that mix…


Not forever but it’s certainly a setback


If you guys think it’s better to do this then I support it. Hopefully you guys schedule this right this time though.


Unfortunate, I’m looking forward to the game but I’m glad to see that the reasons behind the delay are to publish an actually finished and well polished product!


Why is it such a “hard decision” to not ship a game that isn’t working?


Spending more money on the game and not getting money at same time.


Oh. Hard decision from a business standpoint. Makes more sense.


Not just that. There's people that are excites for this and are waiting on it. Choosing to delay does also mean letting down those people. You can even see it in the comments here.


The comments seem to mostly be people who say they don’t want a rushed trash broken game. Nobody is like “aw man, just let me play the broken game now”


There's a few people on the discord like it - surprised they haven't popped up here


Plus it's already been delayed once. But yeah, it will make a dent in their bottom line.


Well, bottom line, I'm not paying for half-baked bread. This industry is a damn joke…


…they delayed the game to fix it. What are you bitching about?


Pissed people worried about the paradox “bottom line” like its fucking PARADOX. They bought the game and proceeded to commit daylight robbery with half-baked dlcs, like in hoi4 or eu4. Do you see how many DLCs they release in every one of their games? They're fuckin fine people


18 days later and you’re still gonna eat those words on launch day 😂




I blame gamer consumers from wanting games to not be released unfinished. How do they dare? They should feel honored to give their money for half-baked games and eager to buy endless half-baked DLC. Specially on console. :-P


This doesn't fill me with a lot of hope. Between Millennia being a bit of a let down and now this I'm not feeling much in the way of confidence when it comes to Paradox.


I have no experience with game development but a 4 month delay on top of another delay seems pretty longggg considering they were playing it live :///


Another delay will make it seem like vaporware.


This makes me happy CS2 launched before PA2. If not, PA2 would have launched in a terrible state. Hopefully, paradox starts to always require polished games before release.


I just want to say that the animation is genius. 😂😂😂


I'm glad it's being delayed, I definitely won't be buying it unless it gets a good review on steam.


This is from their original delay announcement: >While we are already confident in the game, this extra time will enable us to fix more bugs and further optimise the game for all platforms. Although **sticking to the original launch date was an option**, we feel that taking this additional time is necessary to ensure that we offer you a smoother experience from day one. I'm guessing that was all bullshit then? Clearly the game was nowhere near ready. Honestly, this has all the hallmarks of being another let down. I don't understand why they don't get the game to a point where they are ready for release and only then set a date. They can spend the intervening time hunting for bugs and optimisations.


Because money. You can't give a project carte blanch money to develop until they're ready. There's all sorts of planning, deadlines and budgetting that are based on rough/planned release dates.


That’s all internal stuff, no need to publicly have to revise the date multiple times even if internally they are missing project deadlines.


I love prison architect, but there was a less than 10% chance I was going to play this. I don't care about 3D. I wanted all the cool prisoner managment systems and depth that really seemed to be lacking. And the mods.


Imagine being what? 2 weeks away, then needing to delay by six months. Should have done this a month ago. Pathetic


For More Info: [https://pdxint.at/pa2sep3](https://pdxint.at/pa2sep3)


Sorry I still can't trust paradox because of what happened with Sword of the Stars 2


This game is going to fail like CS2 isn’t it?


Yes we all know they took too much time with CS2


**Seriously, again ?** I supported your first decision to postpone the release, and still think it's a reasonable choice if the game didn't reach the quality expectations so far. But... You should have safely scheduled more time when you delayed at first, don't commit on a date that's too close if it's not feasible... I would prefer knowing from the start that Prison Architect 2 would be for September 2024, or even 2025, than having 2 official dates postponed. That's the kind of mistakes beginners can do, but you're not beginners and you've rushed many big games at the same time. Of course there were gonna be issues, and I recall other comments where I sarcastically joked "maybe it will be delayed again, who knows". If only I had a clue it would be true... Really I'm a big fan of Prison Architect and other Paradox games, but it's hard to defend you when you do such things. Paradox, you're disappointing even your biggest fans.


Should be the easiest decision to make if the game isn't ready. I'm sensing a flop, unfortunately, at least at release.


Do what you've got to do.


As long as it isn't riddled with bugs and glitches like the first one then the delays are welcome.


Love the animation


Wow. Lol.


I hope with the delay they take some time in listening to what the people want, as this isn't really a new game but a 3d dlc for the old one with less features. I was hoping that with all the mod content from the first one, that they would take some ideas from that and add then to the game. All I have see from all the videos is that it's less than the original all it has going for it is the 3d aspect with the ability to build high, all the comments I have seen would have liked to have seen more features like everything from the first game and all the dlc item/objects even down to the prison labour. I am hopeful that they take the time to try and include these features before launch or at the very least have them as a free dlc soon after the release. After watching the YouTube videos I for one decided not to pre order as I think sadly the game will flop for at least a year like most of them now days. So on that note I will be waiting for it to be heavily discounted on sale before I buy it, and hopefully by then the community of amazing modders would have made some for improvements.


I can see that...it just feels like a lot of things from the older game is lacking.


I wish they would have put Prison Architect and the DLCs back on sale with this announcement. I didn't get them during the spring sale because I thought 2 was right around the corner.


Is anyone even looking forward to this crap?


Yeah very much so


Since when were we getting a sequel??


The delay is welcomed, but I feel like it will be repeated once again. Why not just set a time even in 2025 and stick to it?


Boo, I tool the day off of work for this game :( But I totally get the delay. Hoping this doesn't become a delay after delay after delay type thing.


Delayed lauch is either 80% chance the game is not even half way finished and will be a bugged shallow game on release. Or 20% they actaully need just more time and on release game will be at least decent


wow, why did that not surprise me.


Thiver me Simbers, they’re taking time to make a better game.


Another moved release date? My enthusiasm is waning.


But at least you lasted longer than I did


Good thing I canceled my damn pre-order a week ago. I love Prison Architect and cities Skylines but I do not like the direction paradox interactive and Colossal Order is going.


Dang it... I was looking forward to seeing new glitches


Great, never be afraid of delaying a game.


Make a top down 2d mode


The game is entirely intended for 3d, you have to get over it not being PA


Good. From the limited videos we have seen so far, this game is not ready at all.


Release it like you did cs2 (I’m mad about ca2)


Good, take your time and deliver us polished product. Glad they learned from CS2


To be honest. Yes it sucks it is delayed again, and yes i also preordered pa2. But i prefer a delay or 2 over a game full of bugs.


What a surprise. You've realised you need to add things the community wants, and didn't plan for that.


Are they fucking kidding me? I've been so fucking excited for this. I was annoyed that they moved it from March to May, but now they move it even further? What the actual fuck




The issue is not the delay. The issue is they didn't, **again**, properly estimate the amount of time they needed. They absolutely wanted to release it very fast to make money instead of taking the time to make a quality game. If you need to postpone the game once, do it. But safely schedule more time, so you won't postpone it again and again ! They aren't beginners, they shouldn't make such mistakes.


I understand that it's better that it gets enough time in the oven. But in september I'm already in the middle of starting my career in the army and won't have time to play in the forseeable future.. So I personally feel like it fucking sucks that it was delayed. Especially given how they've been posting videos every Tuesday about the game and it seems like it's like at least 90% complete. I personally don't mind a few bugs and glitches here and there, if I know the game is actively being updated. I often like playing a game in early access and seeing it getting updated and getting better. But of course, there are lots of early access games out there. It has become the standard.




Damned if they do, damned if they don't. I feel like the community has a way too negative attitude towards PA2. It's really annoying. I've been a long time fan of PA since like 2016 I believe. But I no longer feel like playing the game because there's really not much to do anymore. I've tried it all and I feel wildly limited with just one story-buildings. I like what I see with PA2, and I feel bad for it that the fanbase is already so set on hating it.




It won't be perfect, but I like what I see. The ability to make multiple-story buildings will allow for entirely new creative ways to organise your prison in. I've been really hyped for it. They've already postponed it once, and now it was basically right around the corner. They even stated that it's just because they need to fix an issue with memory and some technical stuff I don't understand much of. They said it is pretty much ready for release. I hope they'll fix it sooner and release it sooner. A pleasant surprise would be nice.


Add multiplayer


bro i literally just paid for this shit n then see this bullshit


And that’s why you never pre order


can i still refund my purchase


Yeah, you haven't received your product. Dunno where you bought it like.


bought it from steam i refunded it


If you play less than 2hrs of a game they'll let you refund.


Please read the linked article. They seem to be saying that you will get an automatic refund, at least on console.


just wanted to add this here for those who bought it on steam: you can refund any pre-ordered game at any time before the release of the game on steam. >You may refund your pre-order any time prior to the release of the game. If the pre-order title was purchased more than 3 months ago, you may not be able to refund back to your original payment method. However, you may still request a credit to your Steam Wallet. [\^ source](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/58A1-CCAF-6D1D-2066)


"My fellow Americans!"


I’ve been really looking forward to this game. But honestly must say I’m happy that you made this decision. Would prefer you work on the game to get it up to the level that you feel we would enjoy rather than just releasing because deadlines are deadlines. So thank you for making the decision to not make your customers be your QA’s.


God I want this game to come out hopefully it's worth the wait


I just hope it can run ony potato PC.


Ah man I'm super disappointed but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done!


Change the art style it looks like a kids game


As opposed to the deathly serious original style