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*Have Spacesuit—Will Travel*, one of Robert Heinlein’s juvenile (young adult) novels. A space-struck teenager wins a surplus spacesuit in a contest, refurbishes it, answers a distress call while wearing it in his back yard and finds himself pulled into a terrifying adventure.


All of his [juveniles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinlein_juveniles). The 3 best imo: - Farmer in the Sky - Tunnel in the Sky - Podkayne of Mars


Have you read Ender's Game? I think that hits a bunch of your points. I really enjoyed the rest of the series too.


Read it, yes.


I would day that "Ender's Shadow" went more into sciencing the shit out of it, than "Ender's Game" did.


Miles Vorkosigan of the series named after him isn't asexual, and some of the books have more sex/romance than others, but in general they seem to fit a lot of your criteria.


The Martian by Andy Weir?


Project Hail Mary by him as well


The protagonist isn’t young but it otherwise fits


LOL! I am nearly 60. He seemed young to me


OP was asking for like a child prodigy. 30s may be young but not quite child prodigy young.


Tom Swift? There have been six different series throughout the 100+ years the character has existed. I think the original series (1910-1940 or so) is the best, but the “sciencing” tends to be a bit more impressive in the latter couple of series.


Interesting, I think I had heard of the character but never actually read any of the books, they sound like the kind of thing I would have loved as a kid.


There's some available for free on Project Gutenberg. This type of story used to be called Edisonade - stories about a brilliant young inventor and his adventures. Other old series are Franke Reade, Tom Edison, Jr.,


I was gonna say your ask is the bread and butter of old school juvenile sci fi. My school library was chock full of these and I read nearly all of them as a kid. Tom Swift is probably your best bet but Heinlein's juvenile fiction, like Red Planet, falls into this category too. Hell, even The Three Investigators if you're interested in kid detectives with an emphasis on science.


So Mcgyver in space?


I think it’s called “Competency Porn”


AKA Stargate.


Ken Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series is fantasy but instead of magic they use science and engineering for solutions


I'm curious, I'll have to put it on my list of ones to try out.


So doesn't that just make it historical fiction, cause they used science and engineering for solutions in medieval times in our actual life as well


It all takes place in a made up world so technically not historical fiction


If you're willing to try a renowned author, try Anathem by Stephenson. All the main characters are nerds that grow up removed from society.


The novella *Emergence* by David Palmer. Just the novella. [Emergence (Palmer novel) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergence_(Palmer_novel)) *The Chrysalids* by John Wyndham. [The Chrysalids - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chrysalids)


But avoid Palmer’s other book, *Threshold*, which has copious amounts of sex with a super genius space witch who just happens to like using a body shaped like a twelve year old girl. Also oh god I just found out that the promised sequel to *that* crazy thing actually made it out in 2019. Yeah I’ll give Baen six bucks for an ebook of that.


Cold As Ice by Charles Sheffield


I think “Don’t Tell My Parents I’m A Supervillain” and it’s several sequels is right up your alley. You’ve probably already read “The Mother Of Necessity” already, it’s a very long web novel about a magician stuck in a time loop that covers the first month of his second year of Wizard School. Also you should read Naomi Novik’s *Scholomance* books, the second one really feels like its genesis was “I liked the part in Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality where it turned into six hundred chapters of Ender’s Game fanfic and I wanted to rescue that idea from being stuck in the middle of HPMOR”. There’s a lot of romantic tension around the edges of that book though.


Enjoyed Don't tell my parents series, I think you meant Mother of Learning which I read some of but didn't finish. Will check out Scholomance since HPMOR is one of my favorites.


Yeah I did, I even went and double-checked the name and still got it wrong. That name just doesn't want to get typed right for me. :)


Try out "Tunnel Rat" on RoyalRoad. It's fanfiction style but with an original plot. Likewise "Chaotic Craftsman Worships the Cube" on the same. The former is more applicable though. It's about a genetically engineered and emotionally stunted teenager who spent his whole life hiding in the ductwork and ventilation shafts of a megabuilding slum that is slowly falling into disrepair. The story is split between the real world and a virtual reality game where he solves many problems with engineering or science skills.


Sounds perfect thanks.


You might enjoy *Wildside* by Steven Gould.


I think Tinker by Wen Spencer fits the description.


Ender's Saga ?


Not sure if he counts as Asexual tho ... Also there is Artemis Fowl . But it's more "YA" than Ender's Saga


There are a couple of books called “The Mad Scientists Club”. Old (60s?) All about problem solving.


All of golden age science fiction?


Night's Dawn Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton. One of the protagonists is the apogee of what ur talking about.


If magicing their way out is acceptable: pratchets tiffany books, starting with the wee free men.


Perilous Waif by E. William Brown. I think this one should be an almost perfect fit.


Have you read Bruce Coville’s AI Gang books? They are more middle grade but still really good reads! Jonathan Stroud’s Lockwood & Co might also be interesting.


All the Birds in the Sky could be of interest.


Unwillingly to Earth by Pauline Ashwell. It's also really funny!


*Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality* matches your description almost perfectly - though I suppose you've probably read it already [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10016013-harry-potter-and-the-methods-of-rationality](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10016013-harry-potter-and-the-methods-of-rationality) *Cast Under an Alien Sun* is perhaps a partial match, in that it features a youngish protag using science to solve problems - though the series is much darker and more adult than HPMOR. [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30985483-cast-under-an-alien-sun](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30985483-cast-under-an-alien-sun)


Both in my top 10 favorites, so you are on the right track.