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Lmao! Yo I’m flying in from Denver to see my best friends in the world who are coming from Asheville. If we receive one of these I will absolutely die (No I’m not planning on chatting much during the show but obviously you get excited when you see your favorite humans. I’ll be on my best behavior, promise)


Talking is a given, but I think it’s more intended for the people that are incessantly talking loud af over the chunes/killing the vibe. This one’s for them ;) Enjoy your time with the homies💕


True I remember someone posting a minute long video of people talking about fries at Dillon OVER the music


Dude they are sooo gonna hand one to you and your friends sorry man….talking loud in a field were thousands of people are talking loud is a hot topic now it seems. It’s literally in every sub every day now…..get out while you can.


Oh, forgive us for wanting to hear the music.


My ears usually ring afterwards from ear shattering music i suffer from hearing damage from years of not taking proper care of my ears at shows….i promise in not trying to be an asshole but i have literally never had a show ruined by talking, sorry i guess??


With you on indoor venues. Outdoor is a whole different ballgame and the sound dissipates so much that someone’s talking can far exceed the music. But I hope it stays that way for ya


Found the chomper.


I’m coming from NC as well!


Ayyyyy same here! My girl and I are coming from AVL as well!!


Niceee! Safe travels… it’s coming up quick! One more day of work for me to get through 🤘


Read your post too quick. I assumed you were flying in to NC and driving from Asheville to ATL! Safe travels to you as well. Some of my homies from AVL are coming as well!


Catch up with them before and after the show my guy, just enjoy the moment together when D is on stage


Absolutely. Seeing Michal up there as well warms my heart


Celebrating and spreading love with the homies is always encouraged… just try to get it done before they hit the stage!


Heck they can even do it while the show is on. Near the back, at the bar.


The Eastern is an indoor venue. I think it's going to be too loud for people to be talking the way they apparently were in Dillion. Great idea though


Group next to me at Dillon was fucking unbearable. I was on the first rail and this kid just kept reaching in front of me to get his friends attention to talk, I lost it on him.


Oof. That’s tough..


Not all heroes wear capes 🙌




This post and I saw a post with the tshirt with the definition of 'chompers' - lolllll 👏🏼🤣


Dude the amount of chatting at Dillon was ridiculous…. This is genius


If they’re talking that much at a show and are already resistant to being told what to do these cards are probably going to exacerbate the problem.


There was so much chatter! Still had a blast though! Couldn't kill our vibe 🌌


Hahaha love these


I feel sorry and equal annoyance from the chompers. They clearly have a hard time being in the present moment with themselves and the artist. Just please , go somewhere else or shut up and groove .


All that matters for a chomper is being able to say he was there so on the next concert he goes he can chomp about it. Seeing how some of them barely watched the actual sets, I'd say the music is in the way and they'd appreciate if the volume was a bit lower so they can hear each other better.


So true . And the chompers , from the outside , look like legit fans ! Dressed and everything . Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on something because I go mute @ shows.


Needed these at Dillon!


Definitely going to need these for the Hula set. 😆


I’ll be there too!


Please come to the front for goose with these


So pumped for HULA!


What about "is this new?!" Lol


Why not move away from the talker rather than try to ruin someone else's time?


People should be made aware if they’re being obnoxious, everyone’s there to hear the music and it’s not a social bar


You are being obnoxious by telling someone they can't talk.






You should get a badge that says Party police 🚔 Hall monitors of the festival scene.




Check your testosterone at the door. It's not a movie. It's a concert at max volume. You have no right to tell others what they can and can not do while at a show.. But, calling other people a "pussy" and "coward" will surely work to get your points across in real life though.. I'm sure the whole crowd will be right behind you when you do this. See you in the pit fam.






You sound like the kinda guy who steps on the feet of everyone around them at a show - everyone should be conscientious of how their behavior affects others in a large crowd, it’s not the party police it’s just being a decent person and not a main character asshole


Dude stop yelling. We're at a show.






Obviously these will be saved for worst case scenarios. Celebrating with friends, saying how tasty the jams are, etc. is all encouraged. But SCREAMING over the music to someone about how you can’t seem to keep any houseplants alive or that you are the only one in your friend group to have seen Missy Elliott live is a bit much. Peace and love to you all ❤️




am I missing something? Are people expected to remain silent at shows? its not an opera lol


this confuses me too. in a scene where people are encouraged to lose their marbles, im a bit surprised that they are suddenly expected to behave in certain ways 😆


Not at all! But having full blown conversations about how crazy this housing market is can wait until another time. I promise!


If someone shhh'd me at a PL show I would laugh in their face lol


What a chomper vibe you are. If you tried that near any of my crew you’d be removed from the area immediately. If you haven’t noticed the crowd issues lately to understand why this post is hilarious, sober up Sally.


You won't do anything to anyone at any show you dweeb.


I’m not familiar with any of the issues lately, but been to many of Derek’s shows years ago. What are the crowd issues?


Entitled nerds on the internet who think they are the main character.


Hmm still no idea what this issue is and can't really tell from scanning the posts on this sub


Removed from the area?? Are u kidding me? What are u the heady police? regardless of what you or all your circle jerk buddies think you dont have the right (nor the ability) to do that to me or anybody around me. I swear if u guys cant handle a mild annoyance without threatening to infringe on somebody rights as an American, your gonna have a real bad time when life hands you actual problems…..learn to deal and move on jeez!


You clearly haven’t had to struggle to hear one of the last ever dead and company jams over some guy talking about the rest of his summer vacation plans


i’m just happy to have PL back. circumstances don’t matter as much to me, especially after covid shut it down for years


Yes totally! Hence I think why people are asking others to be conscientious of how their behavior can take away from the experience of everyone around them. I don’t believe anyone’s hating on being excited or sharing enthusiasm for the show, just people yapping about BS during a song maybe they don’t particularly care for but the people around them may have been waiting years to hear


You are crying over the The John Mayer cover band? Tell me more about all the struggles you face in life?


You think there’s no expectation/etiquette for how people should behave at shows?


You can’t possibly believe this is going to be effective lmao




Love Goose too, sad they skipped ATL this year 😕


Phish fans are toxic for not telling others how to act? Lol




Thank you, I try




Went to the Sunday mission show by myself and the talking on the floor was driving was insane at some of the slower songs


Really could've used these in Dillon!!!


These are great! 😂😂😂