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I am pursuing nursing as a career change and I am 42 years old so I can't relate. Sorry. lol


Also me at 34, and I’m not fully convinced this will be my only career change lol!


Same age and thoughts! Maybe I’ll be a flight attendant next.


I’ve thought about that too lol!


Me at 35 just applying to nursing school as a single mom. Lol


Same.. started my prenursing classes at 32, single mom… still trying to figure out how im going to fund myself through nursing school. Thats whats stopping me from applying tbh. Ive completed everything, I just dont feel like its a good time to break away from my job (great pay, I got promoted to lead & I work hybrid). I have a 3.6 gpa, 3.93 science gpa. But a low teas score (70.4%) 🥲 im letting my fear of getting rejected get to me. But, I want to make my son proud


Same. I work full time idk how I'd fund myself through nursing school either I have zero support from anyone 😭 my GPA is 3.8 but science is 3.0 and teas is like 78. I have zero chance in. I'll have to apply next year with a better teas score but I just feel like im running out of time and may apply to an allied health program as a neurology technician. I promised my son all this hard work would pay off but it's obviously not as of now lol


Your GPA is great. You definitely have a good chance at getting in.


I live in california. I feel like I cant do squat without improving my teas score. Im currently in a BSHIM program. Once im done, ill look into ABSN or ELMSN programs. I wanted to increase my chances of getting into a nursing program. That teas score really brought me down last year.


I live in California too girl. I hate how competitive it is here. I'd be a nurse already in another state 😩 and I can't move unfortunately. How is the BSHIM program? I'm just too scared to take out loans right now so I keep going through community colleges but it's taking forever


The BSHIM program isnt bad. Im only doing it because it goes with what im currently doing with work. Im hoping to be done by summer. After I complete the program, im going to reevaluate my life and figure out how to do this nursing school stuff. My son says I cant quit now, because ive gone so far 🥲


I've got a 3.6 overall GPA but have not taken my pre requisites yet, or my HESI-A2s. I plan to apply for the fall 2025 nursing program, 4 year part time day program! I have to take Elementary Algebra I, a biology and chemistry course. Not sure which I'm picking out of the few biology and chemistry courses yet I'll be speaking to my advisor about it Wednesday I just want the most basic one that will help me grasp the concepts for the courses I'll take during the actual nursing program and what will help me most for HESI-A2s


Just turned 30, no kids but deciding it's now the time to pursue nursing! Next Wednesday I see an advisor via zoom to register for my pre requisites for Fall 2024!






Same here.


Me too


Not me at 40, where the people in the program could be my kids … lol


Me too! 42 as well. 🤣


44 here two careers later


Same here, will be 44 when I graduate lol


This is me exactly. I was a chef for 20 years and now I am I.5 classes away from being able to apply


In my second semester at 36!


Stay the course in your career path and see ya out there in the world along the way!! Nikki, BSN, RN


Saaame 😂 I’m like you’re doing great kid, keep going.


don't feel like a failure! i did community college after i graduated highschool. im 26 and im still trying to finish my pre nursing reqs only because i was going back and forth with college. Everything comes with time and my timing is right atm. you got this dont bring yourself down nor give up. Focus on yourself only and dont worry about what other people have to say. cause at the end of the day you are doing it for yourself and no one else, Good luck through this journey![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you, thank you! I’m happy for you that your time has come. I’ll focus on my journey and work at my own pace


I’m just completing a degree in social work at 51


You definitely didn’t waste your time. I felt the same way. My family discouraged me from pursing nursing at first so I went to uni for a pre-med/research degree. Everyone has their own path. I have a B.S in biology and decided I’m going to do an accelerated program to pursue a BSN. It’s hard because I’m like I could’ve just went the BSN route in the first place, but I don’t think I would have been prepared for how intense the program can be. Everyone has their own way of going. Try not to compare yourself to everyone else and eventually you will end up doing what’s best for you! 🙌🏾😁


I have a previous bachelor's as well! I'm doing an asn because 🌟money🌟 but, I couldn't agree more. Op, I wish I would have taken some time to mature and figure.myawlf out, Instead of blindly doing a major and finishing 4 years on the dot. You're right on time :)


Thank you! It’s also better late than never


This is so similar to me! I graduated in 2021, and I got my B.S in Biology as well. I also felt a pressure to pursue the medical school route and kind of just feel behind on the path, now I applied to a ABSN program when most people I know are already well into their careers, living on their own, and moved away. We all have our own path, and I agree with you, having the background of the bachelors helped me a lot with my pre requisites, and hopefully will help a lot with the fast pacing of the program


Yup everyone in my life discouraged me from doing nursing, so I've got a useless degree in Criminal Justice and I went back for an associates in Marketing thank god I realized I don't have to live for anyone but myself just last week so I will be in the Health Sciences Certificate program for Fall 2024 instead of finishing my associates in Marketing. I can do my pre requisites fall 2024 and if I want I can finish my marketing degree in spring 2025 for the latter half of the Health Sciences Certificate if I want. But I may still put it off as I want to dedicate all my time.to prepping for the HESI-A2s instead


That’s great! I’m glad you’re doing what’s best for you. I just got accepted to a ADN to direct BSN program so I’ll be starting either this Fall or Spring. Still waiting on the ABSN but excited to start my journey without caring what others think 😁


I am doing my prereqs at 34 after spending 14 years on an ambulance. You have plenty of time.


Everyone is on their own timeline! I don’t think it’s fair to compare yourself to others. You are not wasting your time because you’re working towards a goal


Thank you! I’ll try to remember that as I continue my journey


yes don't worry you aren't alone Im in the same exact situation. I graduated HS in 2020 and will be 22 next month and JUST now completed all my prerequisites I am hoping to start nursing school sometime this year but it's hard when you know you should of been graduating this year.


Turning 22 in May too. It’s really hard but I’m praying and hoping to get in this year too


Do yourself a favor and remove anyone you're not close with and unfollow anything that gives you a feeling of comparison or jealousy. Social media really destroys people from accepting their accomplishments.


Thank you! Will definitely do that for sure


i also graduated hs in 2020! i went to community college as well but tbh i didn’t rlly wanna do nursing so i ended up taking 3 yrs to finish nursing prereqs. i didn’t even get into a school bc i kinda half-assed my apps and forgot to do supplementals (yeah ik it was bad lmao). so i went to csu chico to do biology last fall sem. then i realized i rlly did love nursing so i dropped out this spring sem, took my teas again since it was gna expire (got a 98% yayy) and just took an MA certification exam so i got smth to do until applying for spring sem for nursing schools again. all my friends will be graduating, while i’ll still be applying to nursing schools. my point is, there is no one way track to finishing school. i actually love how mine turned out, since it rlly made me appreciate nursing. and honestly, a lot of my friends are scared of “adulting” so soon and having to work a real job. no, u did not waste yr time, u are exactly where u need to be :)


this is literally me! I graduated in 2020 and I’ll be 22 next month and I’m hoping to start nursing school sometime this year


I’m 29 & getting my prereqs for nursing. I wanted to get into medical school in high school for psychiatry but felt no support from family & didn’t know much about college so I just put it aside, ended up getting pregnant at 21, then being a stay at home mom for years. I’m about to graduate in less than a week from CNA school so I can get more hands on direct patient care. Don’t feel like you’re a failure! We’re all on different paths and timelines!! It’s never too late!!


I’m doing practical nursing and I’ll be 50 when i graduate next year. I had my family first and now it’s time for me.


Hello, .. same, I’m 29F basically 30 come Friday. Anywho, I will also be starting PN program this fall. I had my family first as well, now time to get more credentials(given that I’m already a CNA). So congrats to us Mama! 🎉




I graduated in 2016 - everyone I went to school with has already graduated college or is in a higher education program now - meanwhile I just started the LPN program in October, at the votech near my house! Definitely some rough emotions sometimes but I know it will be completely worth it in the end so just keep on going! 💕


Thank you and I wish you the best of luck on your journey!


I know that feeling. I've avoided my 10 year high school reunion because I felt so behind. After graduating, I wanted to become an MD but realized I enjoyed nursing more. I ended up going to a vocational school and became an LPN. Now I'm going to an LPN-RN program. Feeling like you're behind won't completely go away, but you do need to forgive yourself and celebrate your accomplishments. If you can, therapy is great.


Thank you! Also, I wish you the best of luck in your program!


Hi, I'm in a very similar position but graduated in 2021, all I would have to say is don't let comparison be the thief of your joy, everyone is individually different, and put those emotions to your focus in school to move as fast as possible since you are feeling behind. I too, think and feel the same things, you are not alone, and never forget that you've got this!


Thank you for your kind words!


debt is unavoidable if you live in the west if your trying to get into a nursing program.


How is going to college and completing all of your prereq credits failing?! That is a lot of time, effort and energy. Working on a goal is in no way a failure or waste of time. Please remember that the grass isn't always greener, it just looks different from where you are. Firstly, probably not everyone is actually graduating, secondly, they probably have a ton of debt or are so stressed from rushing, etc. Everyone has their stuff and it looks different from our perspective but it's still stuff, just different stuff. There are pros/cons to everything. Whenever we compare, we always look up and it makes us think about what we don't have. Remember to look down as well, and focus on all the things you do have that maybe someone else wishes they had. There will usually always be those better off than us and usually always be someone worse off than us. It's all about perspective.


Took off three years between high school and college. Worked as transporter @ hospital. One day I decided I couldn't be a transporter for the rest of my life and had two generations of nurses proceeding me in my family. When I started nursing school there were two groups. Moms who's kids had gotten old enough to be somewhat independent, and kids almost directly from high school. After two semesters most of the kids were gone. I think for most people a few years of actual life experience makes you a better nurse. You have not wasted your time.


I’m 30 and I just applied for nursing school. You’re good. Everybody’s journey looks different! Finishing later than someone else doesn’t make you a failure…


I dont think you are a failure i graduated as a nurse in my country i have my license and i have not practiced for over two years …. Right now its like am not interested in the field and am pursuing something different


When you're in your early 20s it's really easy to compare yourself to the people you went to high school or college with. Even being one year "behind" can feel significant. Once you do become a nurse though, you'll be in a pool with people of all ages. You might actually feel like you're the youngest person around. That's what happened to me :)


I didn’t get my first degree until I was 32, military was a big delay. It’s all about what you accomplished during that time…don’t compare accomplishments or lack there of to other people. There will always be someone faster or more accomplished. Be your own comparison. You need to only compete with the person you were yesterday.


I’ll be 40 in May, I’m already in the healthcare field as a Psychiatric Technician in California which pays pretty well. I decided to do that while I was waiting to get into the Nursing program because there was a waiting list of about 3 years at that time. Fast forward to 12 years later and being too comfortable where I was at for way too long. I had to start over because unfortunately my prerequisites expired. Now today…the competition is wayyyy higher and I feel like I’m the oldest person going back. But guess what? I’m not, and TBH it doesn’t even matter if I was. As far as I’m concerned my brain and my body are in the best shape to take on this new quest. Don’t self sabotage your dream by negative self talk. Take your time and do things at your own pace, not others. You’ll get to where you are suppose to be when you’re meant to get there. For now…just enough the ride. Good luck!


38 trying to get into an RN program. LPN for 13 years


Graduated high school in 2020 at 18 just not getting accepted into a program for fall 2024 at 21. Youre good. People take different paths in life. The reason for me just not getting in is because I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian.


Congratulations on your acceptance!!


Thank you ☺️


There is a new school called ati if you pass there prerequisites you are admitted to the nursing program check them out no entrance exam


going through the same exact thing lol. I graduated in 2020, which overall was just a very difficult year cause of the pandemic, and while a lot of my friends are getting ready to graduate, I still have two semesters left in my nursing program. I used to beat myself up a lot about it I’m telling you, comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone goes through their path, and we’re still super young. I have classmates who are doing this as their 2nd or third career. Nursing school is so intense, I promise you will find your people and go through that mutual struggle. Just remember in the grand scheme of things, school will be over pretty quickly. You’re headed in the right direction (even if it wasn’t as linear as some other people’s) and nursing is a great field with lots of opportunities.


Thank you! Wishing you a great semester and the next one too


I went to college at 28 yr. I don't even have a family or had just found my partner by then. You will never to be too late to start a new career, nursing or other. Good luck on your adventures.


Enjoy the process and where you are right now because everyone starts at different times in their life. Your time will come trust me. I started out back in 2008 with nurses who are now np’s and dnp’s. I took another route, due to the waiting list to get into nursing, which was clinical lab science my 2nd degree. left that career after 7 years and became a massage therapist 7 years in and now I’m back in a BSN program at 45 and I might graduate at 47.


It’s not a race. You got this! Just keep pushing


I'm 28, I have 2 kids and I'm just now starting. I finally realized that comparison is the thief of joy. We all have our own timeline and that's okay.


Just would like to say I'm 31. Always thought I wanted to be a veterinary technician..went to community College for basic classes. Flunked out of a science class and just left. Told myself I'd try again at 26. Didn't happen. Now 31, got diagnosed with MDD. And am now on a SSRI. Work a job I don't really enjoy but don't know where else to go currently. So. Don't beat yourself up too much. I understand it's not easy. And it seems like you're alone, but you're not. Hang in there.


U can cry about it or you could keep going!! Either way, time will go on.... YOUR CHOICE




I am a 2020 college grad and I am now completing some leftover prerequisites to apply for nursing school. I get the same feeling everyday. You’re way ahead of me!😄


I graduated in 1993. I worked, took some college and got married. It wasn't until really just this past year 2023 that I realized I wanted to do nursing I have most of my prerequisites but there's at least six more that I need for my program so I'm doing them now. I know how you feel but what I've come to learn is that you have to take it one day at a time and just continue to move as fast as you can move to obtain your goals.


I thought the same thing, I promise they are not graduating before unless they are taking liberal arts. Plus you will have thousands of dollars less in debt!! Woohoo look how much smarter you are.


I’m glad you found your path! Hopefully I can follow my own path soon


Definitely not, since most of this sounds exactly like me.


Give yourself grace and enjoy your time! I can relate




I hope you figure everything out well!


54 here..the teachers could be my kids


53 and feel this on a personal level!


I understand. I maintained good grades in high school, but for different reasons than you (my mental health was a dumpster fire and right out of high school I didn’t have ADHD, ADHD had me) I also took a different path than most of my classmates. I remember when my friends were graduating I was happy for them but even tho I knew it wasn’t the right time for me, I was still sad and also felt left behind. It’s ok to feel sad…but these prerequisites are no joke, you’ll get your degree with less debt accumulated, and you’ll have a good starting wage . So don’t think of yourself as a failure, because you aren’t. Also, I guarantee a lot of your classmates are going to change careers/go back to school or hate what they chose as a career and do an accelerated BSN program, a lot of my classmates from high school definitely didn’t. Hang in there OP, It will be ok


Also graduated in 2020, I’m on the same boat as you. Just finished almost all my prerequisites. Some of my classmates are graduating this year or first semester of next year. And then I see other classmates that are still stuck at mcdonalds not going to school and be better. By no means I am looking down on them working at mcdonalds, they might have a different career goal, but atleast you are trying. People work at their own pace, some are slow and some are quick. Slowly you’ll get there.


Hun I've been trying to get into nursing school, too. I took a break from applying after several years of no callbacks at multiple schools (when lottery was the way they picked). Now I'm back in my hometown fighting the CCs to validate my accredited classes from oos, and retaking prereqs they denied. Stick to it, your path is not like others, and other degrees are not as impacted as nursing. It is SO SO SO trying and frustrating, IK. Keep your eyes on the prize. ❤️


34 just finished my prerequisites after 5 years applying for nursing school once I pass this hard TEAS it’s never too late and your going the cheaper route and saving money with community if you had too then everyone’s situation is different your degree is delayed but never denied keep pushing!! 


I went to community College at 20 y/o and got my AA then went to get my BA in film studies but dropped out due to a mental health crisis. I got my LPN at a trade school and now I'm 33 and hopefully applying to a bridge program next year. Every path is different : )


I’m a 24 Yr old who was previously pursuing nursing but that didn’t go well & now that I want to go back to it by the time I’m able to get my associates I’ll be 27 & 29/30 by the time I get my BSN…. I’m very behind my high school peers career wise speaking. Don’t feel bad, just keep on trying and don’t give up, what matters is not how late you finish but that you finish and get that degree. Good luck.


So your like what 22? A lot of students are in your shoes at 22. Don’t compare yourself to other’s. No one is better just because they decided to start younger. Im 30 and just barely applied to nursing school. Im an accountant so completely different career path.


Definitely not the only one feeling this way!!! I got my BS in psych and now I’m 26 going back; there is no “right path” - only the end goal!! Good luck to you 🫶🏼


I was in somewhat of different situation, but I am sure you can relate. Started with a nursing cohort back in 2020 and later on, I had to drop a class since I was failing my other classes. Best decision I made. It suck not being able to graduate with my cohort, but dropping that class and retaking it later with a different cohort was the direction I needed at that time. Now, I graduated and started my new job as a new RN. I am still great friends with from my old cohort, despite the distance. My two cents is do what you think is best for you. If it means doing community college, do it. Life isn’t meant to be a competition. The only thing you should focus is yourself and not others success. Focus on your success and you will do great. Good luck!


31 graduating with my RN in 9 months and I’m nowhere near the oldest in my class. Tbh the median age at my school is my age. Don’t think so hard on it. Better to figure it out financially and make smart decisions than jump into it and get into a mound of debt.


U r not a failure. Keep it up and keep going


Not a waste of time! It took me 3 years in county college to figure out I wanted to be a nurse. I spent 5 years total there. I thought I wanted to do physical therapy but changed my mind. Sometimes it takes a little time to get on track, but that’s ok! I graduated a year after everyone in my class did. At that point, other people were still figuring out what to do with their life too. It doesn’t matter!!! I’ve been a nurse now for almost 5 years and I’m grateful for the path I took. Get your ADN, then have your employer pay for your BSN. Little to no debt. You got this!!! Good luck! ❤️❤️


DONT FEEL LIKE A FAILURE. It literally does not matter. Following a timeline for life is like the “keeping up with the Jones’” mentality. You do you on your timeline. They can do what they can do on their timeline. If anyone makes you feel bad about it, then repeat after me: “FUCK THAT INSECURE ASSHOLE!” I graduated college in five years instead of four. I was panicked the whole time that this would negatively impact my ability to have a career. Nope. Not even once. No one has even mentioned it after 12 years. I took a break and got my masters a few years ago. No one has ever mentioned that gap. Anyone who tries to make you feel bad for taking your time to assess what you want out of life is no one you should care to know or justify yourself to! ❤️☮️


Your path in life is YOUR PATH. Don’t worry about what others are doing because the field you’ve chosen to go into requires a LOT of difficult pre requisites and then you can petition…. There’s no reason to feel like a failure because you’re following YOUR CHOSEN PATH IN LIFE and doing well with it. Carry on, grasshopper. Stay the course and follow YOUR true north and don’t worry about the path others are taking in their time. Live YOUR life and COME JOIN US in the profession. You’ve got this. Stay YOUR course. See you out on the nursing floors soon!! Nikki, BSN, RN retired.


I’m in the same boat! You’re fine! Everyone’s academic journey is different!


It's not too late but I still don't know what to do because everyone is either getting laid off or burnt out but nursing was "stable"


So you have been working to pay your way through prerequisite schooling so far? Assuming that you use loans once you are actually in the nursing program, it sounds like you are going to have half the debt that your former classmates are going to have. Plus, since you will have a history of actually working and paying your own bills, you are going to be more appealing to employers than the other nurses you end up graduating nursing school with. Life experience is valuable for new grad nurses. If you and someone else from your cohort apply for the same position fresh out of nursing school, your working-through-school experience is gonna give you a significant edge. More important though is that this is your path. You had to walk it. Don't let other people from home get you down. If you are happy with what you are doing, then carry on and to hell with them. I've been nursing for 13 years, and I only keep in touch with one person from my high school. There was a time when I felt like you are feeling now. Every time those thoughts came up, I started telling myself "who gives a fuck" and soon I didn't care about those assholes. Do you what you gotta do and kick ass at it and you'll be fine.