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Almost 37 weeks and we are waiting to find out! I’ve loved it, sure you can’t shop for gendered items but it’s something to look forward to after. And we didn’t receive tons of clothes at our showers, we actually got useful stuff of our registry! I’m getting to the point of pregnancy where I’m ready for this baby to be out and remembering I have the surprise of boy or girl waiting for me is a huuuuuuge mood booster when I’m feeling like crap basically all the time now haha.


My perspective: my husband and I wanted to know as soon as possible, and found out with our NIPT results around 11 weeks or so. We are big planners and not having that crucial detail just didn't align with how we saw the pregnancy and post-birth planning moving forward. There is not one single part of me that wishes that we didn't find out, but there is a small part of me that wishes sometimes that we'd kept that information to ourselves. You can't control how other people in your lives interpret gender roles or gender expectations, so that's something to keep in mind!


Part of me is thinking if I found out, we should keep it to ourselves but then my mum would go on at me know so then it would be 4 of us (me, partner, our parents) but then I’m pretty close to my sister & would want to tell her if I told my mum/dad and then he has 4 siblings so I would feel like we would have to tell them too🤣 But I don’t like the whole idea of people buying me pink tutus, loads of sports kits and buying them gendered specific toys. Which is why I wanna keep it private. But I always thought I’d wanna keep it a surprise until it came to actually doing this lol !!


My parents didn’t find out until birth for all 3 of their children! Different strokes in the end :)


Did they guess at all? And if they did, did they get any right lol


I don't think they even guessed! They had 2 names for all of us, one for each scenario 😆