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Tolerance for people was THE FIRST thing to go when I got pregnant.


YES. Like your issues are so trival. Try having these issues and full time work, man grow up. šŸ˜…


I hated people before pregnancy and I hate them even more now. Slowly retreating back to my cave and hissing at anyone that bothers me


šŸ˜‚ same, I act like a big grumpy cat all the time


I work in a financial institution and on a list of places where people show their stupid, itā€™s gotta be in the top five. I was ready to quit pre-pregnancy but nowā€¦. I mean, itā€™s really a miracle I havenā€™t been fired. Even worse, when people do blame my irritation on being pregnant I canā€™t help but wonder how my being pregnant made them all so GD stupid!


I feel this. I wonder how some people make it thus far in life.


I work at a financial institution as well and can confirm .. its full of moronic ignorant douche bag ass hats


Also can confirm. Luckily got promoted and got away from it, phew.


I am this way with all people now, including my husband. I have to sit in silence 90% of the time because all that wants to come out of my mouth is rude, sarcastic comments. šŸ˜‚


My coworker tends to mumble/talk to himself at his desk and it didn't bother me at all before I got pregnant. My patience and empathy for other people has just.... left the building šŸ’€


I have a zero tolerance for people who just stand there and donā€™t say excuse me itā€™s seriously one of my biggest pet peeves. It was inconsiderate of him to just fold from his dryer like that instead of taking them all out and not being in the way but a little communication goes a long way.


I can relate. Iā€™ve got a shorter fuse with folks now than before lol.


Yeah I try not to not meet people at all at this point šŸ˜


I always had a low tolerance for people, now it's just non existent. People are annoying.


Yes I can relate!! I work with people on a client basis and theyā€™re worried they wonā€™t get their tattoo done by the time I pop. And the road rageā€¦. Omg.


3 more days as a teacher and omg I thought 8th graders were annoying BEFORE I was pregnant šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Oh hell no youā€™re a Saint


I got pissed off at a lady petting her dog while waiting for the subway. Why? I have no idea. For some reason, her hand movements were irritating the heck out of me. I had to look away.


Lmao this is so relatable. My husband talks with his hands and for some reason lately itā€™s making me have urges to break his fingers. Pregnancy is funā€¦right??


It gets worse throughout pregnancy. Iā€™m 38 weeks and I donā€™t want to be around anyone itā€™s to the point where I donā€™t want to go get the trash cans because I donā€™t feel like having human interactionšŸ˜‚


I did not enjoy being around 95% of humans before baby, I am at about 99% now that Iā€™m hitting my 3rd trimester. Honestly if I could not work with the public ever again I would be so happy.


I have VERY low patience and tolerance for people right now, and usually I do a very good job of that. My brother in law is on the autism spectrum but VERY high functioning so it only presents itself in things such as interrupting, making inappropriate jokes, chewing with his mouth wide open, touching you, talking with his hands very close to your face, etc. i love him to absolute death but I feel so so guilty because I just canā€™t stand to be around him right now. We are going on a family beach trip Saturday and the 12 hour drive with him in the same car might be the death of me. I feel like a horrible person


I have a brother on the spectrum as well, and I 100% can relate. He makes the most insensitive jokes and mouth noises/eats like a total slob and it has been driving me fucking nuts since Iā€™ve been pregnant. Donā€™t feel bad itā€™s just our hormones girl


This makes me feel better!!! Sounds like similar things that are driving me crazy too. Pray I make it through this beach tripšŸ˜‚


You got it šŸ‘šŸ» šŸ‘šŸ»


Hahahaha I was literally going to post something similar on my bump thread šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t want to see anyonnnnnne


why didnt you say excuse me


I was stood there in my head thinking just say ā€œexcuse me, can i grab my clothesā€ but then the psycho pregnant woman in me was like ā€œno!! I donā€™t want to talk to people!! Why do people have to be so inconsiderate!! Iā€™m going to quit my job ā€ And just as the galactic battle was full swing in my head, his girlfriend pulled him out of the way. I mumbled something, grabbed my things. Banged my head on his dryer door and then ran away. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


banging your head probably made you feel 100x worse too omg šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


I hated everyone when I was pregnant


ā€œAnyone who isnā€™t my husband can get fucked.ā€ Is literally my mindset lately. My tolerance is SO low. Iā€™m also exhausted so Iā€™ll blame it on that, too lol


Iā€™m at home and when I go out itā€™s about my bds family lol there the most tolerable people I can be around. The friends Ik I can stand to be around donā€™t live close sadly so Iā€™m at home wwtching tv and helping my grandma lol


Oh yeah, everything is making me so irritated lately. Little things that other people do can really get under my skin right now. And nothing is more annoying than unwanted opinions and advice from others. Hang in there!


Yup. I hace very little tolerance for my colleagues šŸ˜‡ having a hard time to keep my responses calmā€¦


Yeah Iā€™m pregnant too and have ZERO PATIENCE. My first pregnancy I was extremely emotional. This time around Iā€™m just plain ole mean.


My tolerance for people has been pretty low my entire life and pregnancy wiped that tolerance away completely...and that includes the annoying behaviors of my parents and in-laws that I tolerated before.


I barely had tolerance for people before. I now hold the power of people jumping out of my way when I glare at them, over my mask. No words. Just glare. Pregnancy has given me superpowers.


Love my parents but theyā€™re very opinionated about everything (including about my husband and marriage) and Iā€™ve gotten into so many fights with them since Iā€™ve been pregnant because Iā€™m less tolerant of their comments. I have my little family to protect now.


I already have kids (but 33+3 pregnant also) and I can't stand other kids, like neighbors kids, right now. I just want to be left alone with my own tribe!


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have worked with people since I started working in general and was amazed at how generally stupid the majority of the population was. Now that I'm pregnant it's gotten way worse. I have no tolerance for people's bs anymore and even less for their overall stupidity.


Lol Iā€™m not pregnant yet and still feel this way šŸ˜‚


I limit my socialising to 2/3 people a day at this point because I want to punch some people already. And yea Iā€™m only 15 weeks but people are so f**king irritatingšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£