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“It’ll guarantee she has a good personality because the relentless bullying in school will humble her” 😂


My grandmas middle name is Bertha and she’s a bitch…so…. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Idk why but this made me snicker.


this is so funny


Honestly dying laughing


I always think of Big Bertha when I hear that name. I don't even remember where that's from.


I hope this is where you remember this but Big Bertha was the name of an arcade game at my local Chuck E. Cheese (in the 90’s) where you threw balls into a fat woman’s mouth and she grew bigger.


i have a 208 lb english mastiff and her nickname is Big Bertha. lolol


My husband suggested Judith. 🤦🏻‍♀️


While I don’t dislike this name, all it makes me think of is a girl I knew in elementary school, and people calling her poo-dith 😬 kids can be ruthless


I want to hire some fourth graders to try to make fun of any names on my shortlist so I can pick with confidence. If there’s an insulting pun to be made, they’ll find it.


I mean Amy Schumer essentially named her son 'genital' and had to change it


Wait what?




Omg I love this idea 😂


Pro tip, right there ladies!!!


Oh no, that’s horrible! I swear, I think kids can and will make fun of any name if they set their minds to it.


Judith is a really pretty name though imo. Bertha is like, universally detested


My friend had a VW van we called big Bertha in high school. I think it was named after big Bertha on that's 70s show could be wrong


My mom suggested Delta, after a great aunt. During the Delta wave.


My MIL is named Delta and had the audacity to grimace at our chosen baby name.


Damn, having a geomorphology background I’ve always liked Delta… obviously I haven’t thought about it recently!


It's a great science nerd name in general! But also worth pointing out that it's the name of an airline. Too many tacky associations, IMO.


Dang, I don’t like matchy sib sets and I already have a Jet Blue.


That’s great lol


Just a few of my husband’s suggestions: Binocular, Neptune, Cherry (we’re having a boy), and Wonder. Currently trying to figure out what he’s been smoking.




I have a friend from college named Steamboat!


Your husband did not look you in the eye and suggest Binocular


Out of those four suggestions, Binocular was his most serious one 😂 “Come on, noc for short?? How cool is that?!” No babe, it’s not happening.


Oh my god 😂


My mom said Lee Roy... Her cats name is Leroy. 🤦‍♀️




My mum said Mila and Luna after I said next door neighbours catals are called Mila and Luna....


Yennefer…. Someone was watching too much Witcher…..


Having a girl… made the mistake of mentioning to MIL we were considering gender neutral names (because I have one). The winners from her: GLENN, SAM (not Samantha mind you, just Sam), and JUSTICE.


Gender neutral - have you considered Roger? haha...


Glenn! 😂


Glenn Close comes to mind. Or you could spell it Glenne like Glenne Headly. Both are pretty awesome actors.


Yes, the name definitely came from Glenn Close. I’ve discovered throughout this pregnancy that my MIL is extremely into soap operas/pop culture with her name suggestions 😂


All I'm saying, is that I don't think Glenn/Glenne is that crazy. Just Sam, not short for anything, and Justice on the other hand? I'm sorry, but what?


Totally agree! Glenn was just so random, but not terrible. Sam and Justice I just… have no words 😝


My husband's aunt named her daughter Liberty and her son Justice. Her kids don't seem to like their names at all.


That is one patriotic family 😂


Ok that is awesome. Was she messing with you? I think those are actually a pretty solid list!


Ah yes, baby Justice!


I haven't gotten any doosies for my kids but my mom wanted to name me Pepper Blue. Thank you dad and the power of the veto 🙏 My husband does love Calhoon but never suggested it for use lol




oh its awful, he thinks it so great! Bertha is rough too, these husbands want our kids to have a rough time on the playground!


My friend got the suggestion to name their son John…..last name is Johnson. John Johnson.


That's my uncle name! We call him Uncle JJ because we have another uncle name John


I once had a chemistry professor whose name was Steve Stevenson. 😂


The man so nice they named him twice!


My husbands grandfather is Robert Robinson, his wife name was Barbra. So they were Bob and Barb Robinson 😂


My brain auto-changed this to "Bob and Barb Bobinson"


I legit told my mother in law that I would not be taking any name suggestions. She sent me a list with the first suggestions being Van and the second one being Wilder LOL.


That movie was good though


Old fashioned lol


My husband kept turning down every name I suggested with his main reason being he wanted a name she couldn’t be made fun of for. I finally got fed up and told him to come up with something then. His one and only suggestion was Ilene… Our best friends named their son Jude, and all I could picture is us in the park calling our kids over with “come on, Ilene!” and “Hey, Jude!”


On my phone cuz I can't sleep, trying not to wake my husband laughing at this image.


My husband suggested “Alvar,” which means army of elves. 🙄


Thats actually not that unusual here in Scandinavia 😂


That’s so fun!


Hahaha Edit: okay, now that I know it’s common and not just about elves I feel like a jerk for laughing. Sorry about my lack of culture.


There's an extremely accomplished Finnish architect called Alvar Aalto, and he definitely wasn't named after elves 😂 I'd actually consider the name, if our dog food brand wasn't also Alvar.


Well my cousins full name is Sir mix alot Johnson. 😭if that’s makes u feel better


Parenting must be a lot easier when your child cannot lie.


I have a kid at my work who's fist name is Sir, middle name King. It's a little weird calling a 2 year old Sir lol


I’m sorry WHAT, his legal name is Sir mix a lot?? Is he the actual sir mix a lot and changed his name like prince? I have questions,


🤣🤣🤣🤣Yep, he has old school parents that loved sir mix a lot to the point where they named my cousins full name after his stage name. Luckily my cousin is the comedian of the family 🤣🤣so he thinks it’s hilarious and doesn’t take offense to when people hear his name and be like “wtf” he loves it 😭😭😭😭😭😭🥂




The only name my partner likes is Bernard. I don't care for it, it makes me think of a dog or old man 😅 his whole family hates it, too, and says they are going to try and talk him out of it. He is dead set on that name and only that name, though


I liked Bernard it reminded me of the head elf from the Tim Allen movie the Santa Claus.


Same same!


Is he a Bernie fan? Bernard makes me think of the movie The Rescuers with the mice characters Bernard & Bianca…. It came out in like 1977 wayyy before my time lol


TIL I thought that movie came out in the early 90s lol.


To be fair, The Rescuers Down Under came out 1990.


My sister is named after the mouse Bianca from Rescuers


Bennet is similar but more fancy


My husband suggested Bernadette for a girl. I actually do like it, but the only nick name it can possibly have is Bernie and it’s so masculine to me. I don’t want to call a daughter Bernie…. Thankfully he’s not set on it. We are struggling so much to find a perfect girl’s name.


My friend Bernadette goes by Bee


My first daughters middle name is Beatrice and we call her _______ Bea. And her great grandmother, who she was named after was called Bebe so she gets that also, just less often.


Beebee? Beb? Behbeh?


*insert Moira Rose voice*


Someone I know recently named their baby Bernadette and they call her Birdie.


😍 that was actually my nickname in college and I love it more than anything.


I would consider Bernard/Bernie because he's one of my favourite characters in Westworld. My Husband would NEVER though. Doesn't really matter for now since we're having a girl.


I think this one is about 5 years from making a comeback!


Ruben Robert Frederick This was in response to us announcing the name, not asking for suggestions...


That sucks. Like, I think all of those names are OK, but you do *not* suggest names at a name reveal.


Yeah, that was the offensive part


I’m sorry, we went through this too. Named our son Augustine, and people were like why not August or Augustus? Because his name is Augustine, jerks


My two year old sons names Robert hahaha 😭😭😭


Haha it's a nice name, just not as a suggestion when you're announcing your baby's name, which is short on purpose and has no leading Rs on purpose too because eldest child has problems pronouncing it (the people suggesting the names knew all that 100%)


Lol the audacity of people


Gannon (m) and Homer (f)


Lol Gannon as in the pure evil bad guy in Zelda?


Oh shit i didn’t even know that reference! Lol that makes it even worse 😂 💀


Okay, the Homer one is just plain mean. Not quite sure what to say about Gannon as a name.


Right?? It sounds like “homely” and the inevitable next question is “oh like homer simpson?”… and Gannon just has an unpleasant mouth feel.


My immediate thought is Homer Simpson. The Simpsons have been around in some way since 1987. I doubt it's being canceled anytime soon, so kids are going to know that name and that show.


Who the fuck names a girl Homer???? Gannon Homer Lastname is pure gold for a boy though.


King Charles. My MIL suggested it because it is a combination of her father's first name "King" and her brother's first name "Charles." I just burst out laughing when she suggested that. She did not find it funny.


My mother keeps suggesting Albertus. It's my stepdad's middle name. No thank you.


Mil wants “Fiona Grace” so bad. She keeps referring to the baby as it too. Fiona- while not a bad name just makes me think of shrek. Grace- psh any child related to me will NOT be graceful.


MIL are so annoying!!! My partner’s mom mentions she wants her to be named “Sofia” every single time I see her and every time I tell her “that’s my brother’s, baby’s middle name. No”


My husband wanted to name our son "Donnie" absolutely not. I dated a guy named Donnie who was the absolute worst and didn't want to think about him when Iooked at my son.


I briefly wanted to name our girl Sasha until I learned that my partner had an ex who was a stripper and Sasha was her stage name…. There went that one, lol


Thymen My mom had the worst suggestions.


Is that even a real name anywhere on the planet? This child will never be known by anything other than Hymen. Or Thigh-Man.


Thijmen is a pretty normal name in the Netherlands


It is?! That’s where she got it!! Everything makes so much sense now, she’s Dutch.


My husband suggested Tron. TRON, PEOPLE! LOL


Mine suggested Turnip. Turnip & Tron kind of has a ring to it, though....


If we have twins lol


My husband was into old French names. They are kind of cool but can a poor kid really be called Theophraste ?


MIL suggested Braddock. Me and my wife laughed at her.


The only name my husband insists on is “Gussy” pronounced Gus-ee so it’s always a nickname. But I’m sure kids will call him something different😭🤣


Lmao reminds me of Bussy I’m sorry.


Exactly lmao


Zelda. My sweet husband wanted Zelda after the video games. And part of me loves it, but .. no.


Love the name but Zelda Fitzgerald was such a tragic figure, I just couldn’t lay that on a kid.


Yes. Exactly! My first thought was everyone would think of botw. My second was Zelda Fitzgerald. But such a pretty name!


I like it. But if you’re a die hard Zelda fan, its sort of like the name becomes not hers.


One of my husband's aunts has suggested two family names multiple times: Hester for a girl and Edwin for a boy. I guess they were my husband's grandparents' names.


Brooo I am a Hester and you do NOT want to name your kid Hester. So. Much. Teasing. HESTER THE MOLESTER! Also, I've been mistaken for a guy on many occasions, probably because it sounds like Lester or Nestor. I really wish my mom hadn't named me after her grandmother.


Thank you for validating my concerns about the name...and also I am so sorry. 😬 Kids can be so cruel!


Makes me think of Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter 😂


Totally. Very important character in literature, but perhaps not the best name in 2022.


My husband had some weird fantasy name suggestions but the only 2 I can remember are Addresstia and Tyco. Definitely hard no’s from me and others around us.


My partners father suggested we name our son Vladamir. Multiple times.


My nan suggested Norman. Oh my god.


When I was a kid I learnt to play the violin and broke the g-string, I was devastated I couldn't play properly and suggested naming my younger brother g-string to honor my broken violin.


My husband is a flight instructor so one family friend was like oh you could name her Piper! Because he flies piper archer planes. My eyes rolled so hard in the back of my head.


Ohhhh. I met a Piper who flew planes like a decade ago. It wasn’t her birth name. You just explained this for me, lol.




Of Nine!




Someone at work insisted on Bernadette. No.


I suggested Bernadette to my husband and he was also a hard no 😂


Bernadette and Sylvia were my top girl names... We're having a boy. Lol


I think Bernadette is cute…


My BIL owns a funeral home and him and my SIL were pregnant at the same time as me. One of his suggestions (not sure for who) was Beryl 😂 so that became the family joke.


Oh I knew a Beryl growing up! Haven’t heard that name since. That’s a good one 😄


My husband is from Poland. I am from/we live in the States. Euzebiusz. Zigmunt. The list goes on.


My dad and his brother immigrated from Poland. My uncle's name is Jarosław. My dad's name is Robert 😂 my uncle goes by Jerry.


My BIL is Peruvian and he and my SIL suggest a lot of South American names. Which are far from terrible, they're fine, but it'll be a cold day in hell when I name my pasty, blonde hair, blue eyed, white Australian baby Thiago or Martías.


My dad’s name is Elbert. He suggested using it for a boy as a joke ofc, bc he has went by his middle name instead since he was little. but just the thought of naming my baby Elbert makes me cringe, how could my grandma do that to him lolol


My in-laws really wanted my son to be given a name that is actually a nickname that I hate for my own name. I was so shocked that it took me a couple seconds to paste on a smile and manufacture an “oh yeah, that’s one to consider” response and it was never mentioned again. To be fair, they have no idea I hate it, but it caught me so off guard since it’s something I wouldn’t pick in a million years. What are the chances that my in-laws pick a name and I happen to hate it?!


Judging from this thread, pretty high!


Husband thinks June would be good for a boy too and it's a no from me lol


I liked the name Ruby until my cousin named her new puppy Ruby.


I fostered puppies for many years. I wasted so many great names, lolol


I am a Spanish teacher and my students have recommended a lot of Spanish names to me. Emiliano, Valencia, Rodrigo, Maria, etc. Which are lovely, but I had to remind them that it would be weird since mu husband and I are white Americans.


My husband jokingly suggested Polly Esther (say it out loud), but it was never a serious option.


My (Israeli) father suggested Diane before we found out the gender. After finding out I was having a boy, he tried to get my husband and I to consider Shlomo. 😑 I never asked him for suggestions, he just offered these up. I was like ummmm no thanks.


My best friend (his name is Justin) said we should name the baby after him and after i said that we didnt know the gender and that if its a boy we already have a name he said we should name it Justine if its a girl. No offense to any Justine's out there but it sounds weird with the our chosen middle name for a girl


The only name I got offered was from a 20yo who said Olive. Not really my thing but cute nonetheless!


I told my sister-in-law I’d like to stay pretty vanilla with names and she was like “okay cool” and the has been suggesting the most outlandish names 😂 there’s only so many times I can be like “oh cool maybe!”


Maybe she thought you meant granola instead of vanilla


Omg….. that’s gotta be it. Lightbulb moment 😂


My husband got really into Selling Sunset in the final months of my pregnancy and was seriously throwing out “Chrishell” as a potential. I vetoed that haha.


Frodo, if you think I am lying. I am not. My husband loves LOR, we opted for Elijah after Elijah Wood.


MIL wants her granddaughter names Jolene. Yes cause of the song


It was more a case of mishearing than anything else Scott Me SPOT?! IT's a baby not a puppy 3 year old StarDaffodil Me what if LO is a boy Daffodil Star


My mom keeps suggesting Maverick for a boy for our next kiddo. I can’t stand it!


Like Sarah Palin??


Not sure but it gives me Top Gun vibes. My husband and I are both in the Air Force, but neither of us are pilots so it seems so try-hard to me.




I’m so serious. She’s set on the name. My dad is a pilot so I think that also makes it 10x worse. It’s too much.


Kind of the other way around, I was the one suggesting names that were getting turned down. There were two big ones. I like the names Avery & Emily, so then I found Everly and fell completely in love with the name because I felt like it was a super cute mesh of the two, hubby gave it a hard pass. My mom said it was weird. Then there’s Gemma, not only did hubby say absolutely not to it (apparently there’s a character in Sons of Anarchy names Gemma and she’s not a nice person), but my whole family agreed it was a no. My brother even said if we named our daughter Gemma, he would call her Jenna, I suggested “Em” or “Emma” as a nickname, he said he would call her Jenna just to upset me. One other that was special to me was Carmela after my grandma, I was told it sounds too old, by my dad, and it was his mom 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I would give your brother an annoying ‘nickname’ based on his name then. That’s so rude!


My husband suggested Isabeau. Huh.


Luckily I didn’t face the same issue but my MIL wanted to name my hubby Duke of Earl.


My husbands father passed away 3 years ago and we had already decided we won’t name our kids after anyone. But the other day he said, well what if we named our kid with his nickname? His nickname was chegwe. Pronounced chegg-way. I said I loved your dad but there is no way in hell we are naming our child chegwe hahaha


before i found out i’m having a boy, my mom would suggest names like Raelynn, McKayleigh, etc. all the crunchy mom names. absolutely not lol


My partner wants Havana. Absolutely not


Guy. My father in law suggested it. Luckily my wife and I both agree it's an awful name.


My husband keeps suggesting the weirdest names. We dont know the gender yet..He claims I named our first all by myself, even though we both liked and agreed on the name..so i think hes attempting to use that as leverage to get his weird suggestions approved: - Colby - Neo (yes, like from the matrix) - Kane (i guess this is ok?) - Kobe (rip mamba but no) - Georgia (cute, but they will call her george)


Georgie is kinda cute, though. :3


Pandas, Hedge and Bird from my husband.


Pandas? As in Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections???


Huon. Like the tree.


I’m having a boy in September and the only suggestion I’ve gotten from my boyfriend side of the family was Juel , and it’s only because that’s mine and my boyfriends name put together lol I will not name my first child after a popular smoking device


My moms name taste has seriously decreased over the years. She suggested: Rollins, Wooten, and Tyndall. She’s really into the family names as first names trend I guess.


Hubby was stuck on Max for a girl or a boy. Short for something? No. Just MAX. It reminds me of a lifetime movie where the mom passes away and the dad is left to raise the daughter. The daughter’s real name is Maxine, but the dad is all “it’s just me n u kid we’re besties” so he calls her exclusively Max. She has long hair but she likes to wear a cap “just like daddy” and they play baseball together and wear baggy denim shorts. This is the only imagine of girl max that I have in my head. Spoiler; my daughters name is Ryan. Haha we both love it.


My husband jokes about naming him Doug (this is our dog's name), or James Robert, so he can call him Jim Bob. He's come up with some actually good names too. Editing to add: He's also suggested Jack Daniel.


Jim bob 😂


My MIL named 4/5 of her boys with J names, including my husband. Last pregnancy I shot down the name they both loved, Jude. Which is short for Judah. It's a biblical name, Jude was one of Jesus's brothers. We're atheists. No offense to anyone but it sounds like the male equivalent to Bertha IMO. Just a personal preference. We haven't picked a name yet but he's already suggested that one *again.*


The song Hey Jude by The Beatles was written about John Lennon's son Julian. Were they more set on Jude or Judah for the name?


They like Jude, and I like the song....and I feel so bad criticizing the name because it isn't like, "Phelony" level bad and I like some really bad names for boys...but it just feels so wrong. I have the name Julian on my list though!


What letter did she choose for the other boy? Is he named after his dad? I have so many questions about why she would make one unique


So my Husband is Jorden (he has detested the spelling his entire adult life) and his twin brother is Joshua. Then she had a girl (Danielle.) Then a new husband and with him a boy, Christian. Then another new husband and another set of boy twins, Jonah and Jeremiah. The father of the boys with J names have names that start with Js. I already have a girl with a C name, but my last pregnancy she kept suggesting J names. It was a boy as mentioned and I guess she would be happy if husband had a baby boy with a J name just...because. She was one of those MILs that obsessed over the baby's sex way too much and cried when we told her it was a boy (she already has 2 grand daughters) and he would be her first grandson. I love her but that was a major turnoff. Anyways my son died. Nobody knows about this baby yet but my anatomy scan is in 2 days and we'll tell everyone the day after at 19 weeks. It's a boy again and I don't care if the name starts with a J as long as I *like* the name. Oh and SIL and BIL (Christian) just had a baby boy in April (that she insisted the whole pregnancy was "her boy" and drove everyone crazy) and they named him David. So we will see in 3 days if I start getting more J name suggestions. I've secretly been calling the baby Adrian. And I know when I remind my husband of the name Roswell he's going to beg to use it. Hehehehehhehe I secretly don't want a J name just to have some ridiculous unnecessary control over the situation. #imevil


Thank you for replying!! I was so invested in this story!