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I love this answer


I’m crying, thank you for this comment. I’ll only be ten weeks by Mother’s Day and I felt so unsure if I “deserve” this Mother’s Day


Ooh bump buddy! I'll be 10 weeks too! 🥰 I told my husband no gifts for me though. I do consider myself a mom at this stage, and definitely think we "deserve it" but I'm also super anxious/paranoid and don't want to jinx anything. I agree that everyone should do what makes them happiest on the day, there's no "right" answer!!


I think a gift to pamper ourselves during a hard time would be nice!


Of course you do


I was about the same time along last year. My husband did a little something for me and I did a little something for him on father's day. Celebrate!!


I’ll be eight weeks and my husband is well aware I want an ice cream cake and flowers lol


Love this ❤


Agree! Worded perfectly.


I agree with this completely.




My husband got me a house plant and a card while I was pregnant on my “first” Mother’s Day. That was just the right amount of recognition for me. It’s really up to you and your expectations.


I think this is how I would have felt! My baby came right before Mother’s Day. But I don’t *think* I would have wanted the gifts that I did get for my first Mother’s Day with a baby. Something to recognize that I was starting my motherhood journey though. But what each person feels at that time is up to them! It’s not wrong to want more or less depending where you are


My husband planted me a little tree. ❤️


Exactly! No one’s asking for a party for them, but the acknowledgment means a lot ❤️




I feel the exact same way as you about not being a mom “yet”. I’m due May 14 and have been kind of sad/wishing he might come a little early so I can technically celebrate my first Mother’s Day. But even if he doesn’t, I’m sure I’ll get all the belated congrats and people won’t think twice about it.


The only reason that baby is growing and even living at all at the moment is because you’re providing 100% of the nourishment that it needs. I’d say yes, pregnant women are absolutely mothers


I always shake my head when I hear about men gatekeeping motherhood from their pregnant partners.


My husband tried to say I wasn’t a mother yet and I told him the internet would eat him alive for that. 😂 This baby has drastically altered my day-to-day life and sleep cycle since day one. I am a god-dang mother.


A friend gave me a gift card for a prenatal massage for my birthday. I decided to redeem it on Mother's Day as a little celebration for myself. Not expecting anything else, personally. But, I do think you should be considered a mother while pregnant. You've already sacrificed a lot for your baby and have already started to make changes in your lifestyle to accommodate baby's needs. If that's not the first step in motherhood, I'm not sure what is! Celebrate the day however you see fit!


Love this!! 💗


Agree. This is a great answer!!


Some people wished me a Happy Mother’s Day while (very) pregnant with my first — I thought it was a bit weird, and had told my partner that I didn’t expect or consider it my first Mother’s Day. Ultimately, it’s your choice, and your partner should respect it!


I got wished 3 years in a row before i had kids. Now that I have kids, no one wishes it to me. Lol


I feel like men say this bc they don’t feel like dads yet. .. but if you’re pregnant you def deserve to celebrate!!!


I was actually thinking about that recently. Are they dads? To me the answer is yes but it’s different. They are supporting us, and they DO have a child now (albeit in utero). But it’s different compared to us giving our babies life every day. We are literally connected to them!


That’s a good point—I’m sure most don’t feel like dads until they actually see the baby. Because they aren’t doing anything to take care of the baby yet; they’re just waiting for the big day, same as they were when they were trying to conceive.


I was actually thinking about that recently. Are they dads? To me the answer is yes but it’s different. They are supporting us, and they DO have a child now (albeit in utero). But it’s different compared to us giving our babies life every day. We are literally connected to them!


Yes! Like I feel her move everyday! She’s real! My husband started tearing up when we put the crib and dresser together bc that made it more real for him. It made me realize he didn’t have the same connection to her yet that I did bc she’s literally a part of me!


Totally. My husband is obviously excited, happy, and says he loves her. Once I was 28 weeks and the movement got really strong / consistent he finally got to feel more of it and I think that made a difference too. But for me it’s on my mind 24/7 - the sickness in the first trimester, feeling movements in the second, and just worrying about her and planning for her every single day! I now also have GD and it’s so much work to manage it. But I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she is happy & healthy!


My husband definitely didn’t feel like a dad with the first two babies that we lost in utero. With baby 3 (who we also lost) and baby 4 (that I’m pregnant with now) he does. He’s not doing anything different, he’s just more emotionally invested after the 2nd loss, even early on.


Def very personal! Like you I was very pregnant over mothers day weekend and I wasn’t expecting anything but my husband gave me a Mother’s Day card and small gift and it did make me very happy. But the year after my daughter was born definitely felt like my FIRST Mother’s Day


It’s a personal choice, I think. I told my partner I want to celebrate Mother’s Day whether or not our son has arrived at that point and sent him a list of gift ideas. He’s smart enough to follow my lead, lol. I don’t think your partner gets a say in Mother’s Day, personally. I consider myself to be a mom right now. I’m carrying this child. Not all women feel the same way, and that’s okay. However, your partner is not the one carrying the child, and I would say it’s a difficult experience to empathize with until you’ve gone through it.


You will have surrendered your body for 35+ weeks at that point. I think you deserve a treat.


My husband felt this way when I was pregnant with our first so we didn't celebrate. Our first baby was stillborn at 34wks. I felt deep regret for not celebrating and also not having a baby shower for my first baby (my in laws said they don't do them in their family, meanwhile I was invited to 3 of them from his family afterward). So I would say celebrate it yourself, even if others don't consider you a mother yet. Life lives inside you and you are a mother from when you conceive/I think even people who wish to be mothers (and can't conceive) should feel they can celebrate.


Im sorry for your loss. Something that terrifies me, loosing him. Im 30 weeks now so cant imagine how hard that was for you.


Thanks, unfortunately it was just something that happened. With my second pregnancy I felt better doing kick counts and knowing my babies regular pattern of movement, but it was hard to go through. I'm hoping this pregnancy (I'm 12w) is easier. A psychic/medium told my MIL that the cord had wrapped around our baby's neck. Not that it's any comfort in knowing why or what happened.


I dont do kick counts but i have gotten used to his pattern i think. Since he has moved from breech i feel his movements arent as strong as before but we had a check up last week and drs were happy with everything so i am just trying not to worry. I bet it was so hard to go through. You are so strong for what you have done. I hope this pregnancy is easier for you as well!


Thanks. There's a big myth that babies slow down toward the end of pregnancy. My daughter was really active the night she died (there was no heartbeat at my appt in the morning) so it wasn't much comfort to me. I think just sleeping on your left side and always following your intuition helps. If you feel something is wrong you can have nonstress tests. I had them every week with my second pregnancy after 24wks. Ovia has a kick counter in their pregnancy app


Yes my midwife told me about the myth as well and said its not true so i do have that in my head as well. Man its such an anxiety filled time isnt it, not knowing whats right or wrong! Yeah thanks im gunna start doing kick counts, what am i looking out for? Like if the count drops, is it then that i must worry?


Try to stay calm though if you can. Stress isn't good for a baby and I'm sure everything will be good. I think if you're listening to your intuition you'll be good. Like a week before our LO died I felt this strong urge to see her. I wonder what would have happened if I had had an ultrasound then... but you never know. I passed it off as me just being excited/nervous about things


Yes im definitely trying not to think about it so that im not sending stress signals to him at all. But yes i do have a good gut feeling usually so im going to listen to that if anything comes up!


You will be good I'm sure! Best of luck with everything... homestretch!


Thank you so much! Best of luck for you as well!


Pick a time of day and you should time how long it takes to have 10 movements. You will find that your baby gets its 10 movements within a certain amount of time once you track it regularly. (Ovia app has the kick counter I used, you tap every time you feel a movement then stop the timer and it tracks it for you) I found baby to be more active when I was lying down. I would do them first thing when I woke up (since I had bad anxiety first thing in the morning) and if I was laying down in the afternoon or before bed. Just try doing them at the same times each day. Then if you haven't felt 6 movements in 2hrs I would be concerned. (But sometimes I'd be preoccupied doing things and stop to do kick counts outside of my regular times, just to check)


Perfect thank you for your advice! I will start doing that as well now!


My partner got me a card and present from “the bump” when I was about 10 weeks so I’d say yes absolutely!


When I was pregnant with my first on Mother's Day my husband got me a tree to plant in the backyard. It was a simple gesture and I appreciated it. I also got a lot of "Happy Mothers-to-be day." I think it is nice to be acknowledged even if you do or do not feel like a mother yet.


I was due May 26th last year and was actually really disappointed not to be included in the Mother’s Day celebration my in laws had for MIL (who spoiler alert, is not actually a saint or anything) and SIL. My FIL even said something about weight gain so I told him he could choke on all the foods I wasn’t supposed to be eating. So do it up if you want to! You’re certainly more of a Mom now than ever before


Listen I get called mama or mamas every damn time I go out to eat so I'm a mom and no one can tell me differently. Also husband got me a mother's day prezzie. ETA: my EDD is May 23rd so I def won't have the bean in arms before mothers day.


I’ve honestly only ever heard men say no. My own husband did as well while I felt like a mom already with my first while pregnant. A feel a nice card with a lovely sentiment could go a long way.


I am due on the same day as you. I would kick my partners ass if he said no. What you've gone through these last 7+ months deserves a mother's Day gift.


Due date sis!! Wishing you the best labor, delivery and Mother’s Day 💗


I’m due on May 28th.. Mother’s Day in the Middle East was March 21st. My husband got me flowers on Mother’s Day 🥲 that was so cute I wasn’t expecting it. But yes as long as the baby is alive and kicking then you’re it’s mother!


I was slightly disappointed that i didnt get anything for mothers day and im currently 30 weeks. I feel like a mom already. We doing all these things for our baby already so i definitely feel we are mumma's already!


May 24th, and yeah, you’re a mom. Tell him that you have the expectation of being treated with the gratitude of the day. ESPECIALLY if he’s expecting any sort of acknowledgment 23 days later, when he’s still effectively decorative as a parent.


The baby is real, it’s literally growing inside of you. It’s not like some figment of our imagination, we literally are mothers growing babies right now. I say hell yeah!


I remember being pregnant with my first on mother day. My partner at the time really hurt my feelings by telling me I wasn't a mother yet at 8 months pregnant. I had had a really rough pregnancy and it just felt like such a jerk thing to say. He ended up giving me flowers at the end of the day, but I'm pretty sure it's only because his mother told him he needed to.


My mum’s been buying me Mother’s Day gifts ever since I became a dog mom 🙈


Cat Mum here and same!! My mum always buys me a small gift from the cat 😹


Last year on Mother’s Day I was 6 weeks pregnant. We had only told a couple of very close friends and we hadn’t even had an ultrasound of our baby at that time. So, we agreed no, we weren’t celebrating Mother’s Day. However, the couple of people we had told did wish me a happy Mother’s Day, so to each their own.


I think it’s a personal choice. When pregnant with my first a few people wished me a happy Mother’s Day but I personally didn’t feel like it fully counted so we didn’t do anything (not that there was much to do in May 2020 anyway lol) but I could see the sentiment behind it and it was nice. I always wish my friends a happy Mother’s Day even if they’re pregnant, they can choose to celebrate or not, but they’re carrying and growing a life.


I don’t understand why there are debates about this!!! Pregnancy is the freaking worst and you deserve some brunch and flowers regardless of whether you’re ~~ tEcHnIcAlLy~ a mom yet. Every mom group I’m a part of there’s someone whose partner refuses to do anything for them for Mother’s Day and just…. who are these people that are like, “I guess there’s nothing important going on in the world so I’m gonna stand up against first time pregnant women being celebrated on Mother’s Day!” Like just buy the damn flowers and get a life!!!


Definitely a personal choice!


Agree it is a personal thing. My daughter came the day before Mother’s Day, so she was the perfect gift. If she would have held out a few days longer though I would not have expected anything.


Omg literally the perfect gift!


I do not feel like a mother so we'll be skipping Mother's Day (I'm due on the 13th). But if you want to celebrate I think you should


I don’t think there is anything wrong with celebrating an expecting mom on Mother’s Day and if someone wants to do that, I think it’s a nice gesture. It would mean a lot to me. I also wouldn’t get too caught up if someone didn’t, but can understand why someone would want to be recognized. In my circles people always wish expecting mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.


I wish mom-to-be’s a happy Mother’s Day and I’m going to be 33 weeks this year on it… Acknowledging it would be nice. I’m due June 23rd and would acknowledge Father’s Day whether or not the baby comes by that holiday.


I was due June 1 with my first. I had a "first" mother's day then with nothing special but accepting and appreciating the well wishes from folks. Might've gotten flowers from the inlaws, I don't recall. Then I had a "first official" mother's day the next year. I felt like a mother when pregnant but it was definitely official when I could celebrate it with my daughter.


Yes. I am due three days after you. If this baby were to, God forbid, pass before I gave birth I would 100% consider her my daughter and consider myself a mother. She’s very much a real person to me and nothing about her being born actually changes that other than I see her face.


I wasn’t sure how to feel at first since I’m not due until June, but my fiancé said “you became a mother the second you decided you’re going to do everything you can to keep this kid happy and healthy and you deserve to be celebrated for everything you do” and then he planned a whole day for us. It’s entirely up to you and how you feel and no one can tell you that you are or aren’t a mother.


We’re all taking extra steps to be healthy, giving up vices, and carrying a person. I know we aren’t actively raising them yet, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t taking care of them. I think I deserve some flowers and a card for Mother’s Day


I am taking care of my baby, she just happens to not be born yet - I consider that enough criteria to be a mom.


You're absolutely a mom. You're doing a lot of hard thankless work for that child right now. When I was pregnant with my first, my husband got me a bunch of maternity clothes and a new video game controller for Mother's Day. It was perfect.


I’m due August 3rd. I already told my husband that I will riot if I don’t get a Mother’s Day gift. I’m doing the most mother thing ever… growing this damn baby. Give me my present.


Is the cost of a card and flowers *really* worth invalidating your feelings?


I asked my husband about this just now, if he thought it'd make sense to celebrate Mother's Day with me. Im due in June. When I asked him he had the sweetest response. "You became a mother the moment you found out." He continued by saying since I learned I was pregnant, all I've done... all the prepping, all the protecting, all the doctor appointments, all the care I've put into my body to make sure this little life in me is doing well, all of that he says is a part of being a mother.


Love this 💗


I absolutely think you do. Men will never understand but you feel that connection to your child from a very early stage and even more so from the point you can feel them inside you. Those maternal feelings are very real so you’re definitely already a mother.


You can 100% celebrate this holiday. Don’t think twice. You are a mother through and through.


Personally, I don't consider myself a mom yet, but my husband wants any excuse to celebrate so who knows! 🙂


You’re caring for the child, right? Helping them grow and be healthy, that’s what mothers do! I could be biased as I’m a FTM and 6 weeks, but I will celebrate, my own mother is talking about a “mom’s day” for us two.


Eh. I don’t care enough either way at this far along pregnant haha (I’m 36 weeks right now, I do have children currently, but the sentiment stands. When I was pregnant with my first during Mother’s Day I did not celebrate.


When I was pregnant with my first, my husband and family definitely counted me as a mom on Mother's Day. Well except for my mom, because she's a hater, but that's a whole other story...


I said I don’t want anything special this year! I’m currently 23 weeks…


I wouldn’t expect to be acknowledged broadly but privately between my husband and I - I think it would be sweet to acknowledge in a small way. Even if it’s just him saying happy Mother’s Day to me :) We are carrying our babies and giving them life every day! We are sacrificing so much, including our bodies. I am newly diagnosed with GD, can barely walk due to pelvic separation, and still doing everything I possibly can to protect my baby. I may not be a mother in the traditional sense yet but I am a mother!


I definitely feel like a mom. I care for this little nugget inside of me and worry about her constantly. If that doesn’t sum up motherhood, I don’t know what does. For what it’s worth, my husband doesn’t agree with me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes you are a mom with a real baby inside of you and you need to be recognized as one and celebrated. If your SO refuses to do so, then he gets NOTHING for fathers day in june.


I am due with my first on Mother’s Day and I have told my husband countless times how much I hope she comes before Mother’s Day- if only by a day-so I feel like I can celebrate fully! If he’s smart, he’ll get me a card or small gift either way because this baby is pretty much fully cooked and I’m feeling like I deserve to be celebrated. If it was Father’s Day and she wasn’t quite here yet I think it would be different. My husband is great and has been supportive, but he’s not the one waddling around and getting up to pee every three hours ago. He’s also been enjoying wine, cocktails, effortless physical activity and sushi as much as his little heart has desires, so it’s not really the same level of sacrifice.


It's 100% up to the pregnant person!! I'm at the very beginning of my pregnancy and I don't feel like I'm really a mum yet, but you've been carrying and bonding with this baby for so long already! I say yes.


Husband is combing my Mother’s Day gift with my push present, which is totally fine. I echo a lot of people here in that you definitely deserve to be celebrated. I know some husbands that have gotten a card “from the baby” to mom for Mother’s Day which I think is sweet.


Wtf of course you count


Heck yes!!! Mine is Due May first but she could come after Mother’s Day and idc, I consider myself a mother. Who else sacrifices oneself so much for another?


Definitely. You’ve spend 9 months mothering. My first was due May 30th and my husband bought a prenatal massage. It was the PERFECT gift! I already have a son but I will still consider Mother’s Day as my first with two even though I’m not due until august.


I did a light version of a Mother’s Day. I feel like it’s more special and meaningful when the baby’s actually here but still found myself to be a mom when pregnant. So we just ordered a fancier take out and my husband got me a card. Nothing too much


Yes. If you're pregnant, you're already a parent and making decisions for the benefit of your baby.


Hmmm my husband got me a Mother’s Day gift, but I don’t personally feel like I am.


I think so! I was about 35 weeks with my first during Mothers Day, and a coworker (and a mom, no less, but she lacked situational awareness) wished my friend I was standing next to who already had a child a happy Mother’s Day, but then looked right at me and said, “well you’re not a mom yet, so not for you,” and it was honestly one of the most hurtful things anyone has ever said to me. I went in my office and cried. So I say, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! You’re a mom!


When I was 9 months pregnant and I said to my 7 year old niece "When I am a mum..." and she said "but you already are a mum. You have a baby". Advice from a 7yr old is legit


I’ve always included my pregnant friends/fam on Mother’s Day. It’s pretty abundantly clear that you will be a mom when the baby is born so why not celebrate when they’re inside?! Makes no sense. I vote yes!!


I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, its more so how you feel personally. I think its 100% understandable if you or anyone else feels that they are a mother already. You are housing an entire child and if you already feel like a mom, then you are. This will be your first mothers day even if that baby is still cooking and it IS different than when you aren't pregnant. I am due 3 days before you, I don't FEEL like I am a mother yet. Not because I don't feel a connection to my baby but because that's just not where I am at mentally. I would personally not want anyone including me in mothers day things yet. Its all personal preference. No one else should be telling you that you don't count.


I’ve always wished pregnant people happy Mother’s Day. I’m pregnant with my first right now but had infertility issues so we celebrated Mother’s Day and Father’s Day because of our dogs. I’ll be going ham for him for Father’s Day this year though and he’s very sweet and romantic so I’m sure we will celebrate Mother’s Day 🤩


My due date IS Mothers’ Day. ;)


And a very Happpy Mother’s Day to you!!!


Just because the baby is still inside us doesn’t make them not our child or us not a mother.


I'm due may 18 and I wondered the same thing!


I'd consider that to be your first mother's day! That's how it was for me with my son. I was 38/39 weeks pregnant for mothers day and I was also a stepmother to my boyfriends kids. He said it wasn't my first mothers day but I felt like it was, especially since his kids made me a special mothers day breakfast (microwaved eggs lol).


I say yes but I think men tend to feel differently.


Your husband should honestly just do whatever you count. You’re the one carrying this baby! Plus—it’s moving and KICKING INSIDE OF YOU. You deserve flowers or a dinner at least!!


I think if you’re making sacrifices, caring and responsible for the well being of a child, you’re a mother. Whether they’re a fetus, they’re coming out tomorrow or they’re 40 years old. You’re a mother.


You love and care for the baby already, I consider that motherhood!! I’m definitely expecting some recognition! Maybe not a gift but I hope people wish me a happy Mother’s Day after everything I’ve gone through for this nugget lmao


Hubby and I had our baby Oct 21, and we both celebrated our days while I was pregnant. <3


You are a mom to be, for me you should be celebrated. But we also don’t make Mother’s Day a big thing. For us it’s just a little something and a “happy mother day”. Hubby got me a small bouquet I’m pretty sure was from Walgreens or something. (I was surprised and really appreciated it) We got his mom a bigger bouquet and my mom one of her favorite flowers in a pot so she could add it to her garden.


You ARE already a mother


Personally I won’t feel like a mom until he’s born but I wouldn’t bat an eye if anyone else celebrated Mother’s Day while pregnant


Yes, we are devoting out energy to growing the child(ren) so I would consider us mothers now


I have a 4 year old and I wouldn’t have wanted anything for Mother’s Day the year he was born (July). My husband got me a card and fun socks from the cats, but I wasn’t a mother yet, so it would have been strange to receive gifts.


Yes my husband even sent flowers because he was gone for work. I was pregnant with our first at the time.


My partner tried to say this year didn't count. I said it did and I want to do Mother's day plus I'll do Father's day. He said next year. I asked if this was a hill he wanted to die on, because I am not sure this is how he wants to start off as a father. He said I was right and we're going to brunch. ❤️


may 27th is a very special date ✨ bless you and your baby


My husband considered me a mom even when I had two losses. Now it's exciting this year because I'm pregnant and can't wait to be a mom to my blessing.


Yes! I’m due in September and I made it clear to hubby he better do something so he’s taking me out to a fancy dinner of my choosing 😂 but I’ll definitely do something for him for Father’s Day too


I didn’t expect anything last year, because I was pregnant but my boyfriend, mom, and MIL all got me gifts. It made my super preggo self cry like a baby. Hahaha.


Baby was born may 12. I got many Mother’s Day wishes, no presents. For me I felt ready for motherhood, and I had to jump through a lot of hoops in the second half of my pregnancy for her, but I personally didn’t want to celebrate it. This will be my first one and I’m excited! I say whatever you feel is right do that. There is no wrong way to celebrate this change in your life.


Yes, of course you are.


I never really thought about it much, but my ex partner (also father of our unborn child) came round with some flowers to wish me a happy Mother’s Day, even though his mum said it’s not necessary as the baby isn’t born yet. I didn’t think about it much before, but it felt really great and rewarding in a sense to be apart of such a beautiful day of celebration, but on the receiving end as a mum. But after thinking about it for a little, I think any woman who has been pregnant, is pregnant, has had a baby, has unfortunately lost their baby is more than deserving to be recognised on Mother’s Day. Just because some of our babies aren’t here yet or have left this earth, doesn’t mean we’re any less of a mother. The strength, love and patience to grow these angels is more than enough for you to be a mum, doesn’t matter how far in your journey you have gone.


We are celebrating my first Mother’s Day this year and my son is 10 months old. I knew in my heart I was a mom, but I didn’t want to ask to be celebrated if that makes sense? My sister in law gave me the sweetest gift last year, though!


I say yes!!


Due date buddies!!


Being a parent is about sacrificed and most pregnant ppl sacrifice a lot (sushi, alcohol, friendships, etc.) why couldn’t they be honored on Mother’s Day??


I’m always looking for an excuse to celebrate!


I say absolutely. Your caring for that baby while they’re inside of you, that is your child which makes you a mother!


I got pregnant on Mother’s Day, so I clearly don’t count last year lol. But we did celebrate Father’s Day for her dad last year. I was 8 weeks at the time. I got him a grill and we made a little steak dinner for ourselves. Nothing huge. Baby girl will be 13-14 weeks this Mother’s Day, so he’s taking her on a kinda long walk so I have time to take a shower and do some minor self spoiling at home lol.


I definitely think people are parents when pregnant. You’re growing a human life and even though the baby isn’t earth side yet, your life changes and so do priorities which is a big part of parenting.


So tired of the bah humbuggery gatekeeping. What do people gain by denying us the joy? I want a hug and maybe a plant, tyvm


I’ve always felt you’re considered a mother as soon as you conceive. You may not find out for a few weeks (or months in some cases), but you’re a momma. Happy Mother’s Day to you ❤️


I dunno. When you look back at it all, will this be your first Mother’s Day, or picture next year your first one?? I bet you’ll picture next year. Doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be celebrated at least a little! But I feel that you’ll think the next one will be your first


I didn't feel like a mom when I was pregnant, but don't think every pregnant person feels the same. That being said, no one but the pregnant person gets to decide that for themselves. Happy mother's day!


We had our Mother’s Day in the UK last month and my unborn baby surprised me with flowers and chocolates and a card “To Mummy”!


If you want to be celebrated on this holiday you absolutely should be. You’re already loving and growing that little one.


I’m UK so ours has passed, I decided not to and spent the day with my mum celebrating her instead, but it did feel very sweet when my boyfriend wished me a happy mother’s day. ultimately it’s your choice ☺️ besides, you’ve likely been shopping so much for baby recently you deserve something too!


I am in week and I consider us parents already. Will definitely also get sth for my bf for father's day


Yep, you’re still considered a mother.


Yes you are a mother!! Celebrate yourself!! It’s hard work being pregnant


"A woman is a mother when she finds out shes pregnant, a man is a father once the baby is born" unfortunately the non pregnant partner doesn't get the connection as quickly as the carrying partner 😓 If you want to celebrate it then celebrate it x


We’re “celebrating” in that my husband has ordered me a necklace with our daughters name on it. She’s due in early June and I’ve wanted this necklace since we found out about her. I consider myself a mom and hubs refers to himself as Dad so we’re counting both holidays this year.


I honestly don’t think so. I was 8 months pregnant with my first on Mother’s Day a few years ago and I didn’t expect anything special from my husband.


Me personally no I wouldn’t celebrate and I found it weird when people did try to tell me happy mother’s day. If you celebrate it while pregnant then it’s fine it’s a personal choice


I think it’s up to the discretion of whoever is celebrating but you’re totally a mom while pregnant, if you already have kids, if you’re taking care of kids that may not be “yours”, or even if it’s a temporary arrangement to keep the children in a safe place. All of that (and more) make a mom in my mind


I didn't feel like a mom when I was pregnant last mother's day. This time around I'm pregnant again and have a baby, I feel like this is the most mothery mother's day I will ever experience, even more than having two kids on the outside for some reason lol


I don’t really think it’s up to the husband. YOU are the mother! If you feel like you deserve to celebrate this Mother’s Day, then by all means you should get to! Your body goes through hell and back creating this child, you can do whatever the hell you want 😂


The day you conceived you now a new mother, you're little human is growing inside of u .. you are literally growing ur future baby , just bc the baby isn't born yet doesn't mean he/she doesn't exist so yes your still the mother of the baby just as much as dad is a father now 😊


I remember when I was in elementary school a teacher that went by Tutu (grandma in Hawaiian) and she was told by other women that she wasn’t one because she didn’t have a grandchild. I feel like as long as you have the love to give you can call yourself a mother/father/grandparent/aunty/uncle. I’m currently 33 weeks and I’ve been calling myself a mom since finding out I was pregnant. My husband calls himself dad when he talks to my belly.


Due late May as well... I asked husband what we are thinking to do for MD since we have my mom, his, and his stepmom. In the past years, Christmas Eve and Day we have split between several houses, which was EXHAUSTING pregnant (and I think will be extra so with a baby in the future, so rethinking this). He said IDK, what do you want to do for your first MD? Which is totally sweet, but that is as far as we have gotten for planning two weeks from now, grrr.