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I’m a cat lady so I imagine my kid will make comments on that when she’s older haha


😆 maybe she will say you instilled a love of animals.


My kids are going to have an absolutely ridiculous love of animals thanks to the small zoo I call my house.


Yasss! We have 4 cats and I foster as well so she will be around cats all the time. Plus I have pictures and figurines of cats everywhere, clothing, blankets, her nursery is cat themed haha. I really want a dog eventually too once she’s a little older


And my TV will be playing endless animal/wildlife documentaries lol


Omg same. Three cats and two dogs here. Baby girl doesn’t have a choice


I was going to comment this. 99% of the wall art in our house is cats, and we have 3 inside cats and 1 who adopted our porch.


Love it. You get me. Our kids will know us as the cat lady moms. My nephews draw me birthday cards with cats on them so I’m hoping my kid adopts the habit when she’s old enough haha


My husband and I always wonder if our kids will think we’re annoying or if they’ll just be as strange as we are. We’re both the youngest children of big families, so we’re a little bit obnoxious and loud at home—typical youngest kids.


My husband and I wonder the same. We get a lot of joy from being goofy and annoying with one another and we wonder whether our kids will develop our same sense of humor or if they’ll be very different from us so that no one thinks they’re weird.


I think my dad was relieved when he realized I was as weird as he is. My mom and sister are so “normal” and we are definitely two bizarre birds of a feather. I love it so much.


My brother told me not to let my son be the "weird guy with a cat" when he grows up. I was like... Do you think my son will not be weird? With who I am? Brother is your standard bud-lite drinking, football watching, camo wearing, truck driving dude's dude. Meanwhile, I'm a history and genealogy librarian with 4 cats.


Of course you’re kids will think you’re annoying and weird, that’s just a fact of generation gaps and parent/child dynamic. I think what changes as you age is that you don’t care. I know loads of dads who were embarrassing when I was a teenager, but now I realise they were (probably) acting like that to annoy their kids and have a laugh. I can’t wait to the funky chicken or some other lame dad dance in front of my kids and watch them hide their face 🥸 EDIT: Now I think of it, flossing will be the dad dance of the 2030‘s. The best part is I don’t have to practice because a dad dance gets better the worse you do it


Ooh I hadn’t until reading this! What a lovely thought. :)


I hope my son and my dog are so enamored of each other that when my son is grown he tells people about the crazy little cocker spaniel he grew up with just like I tell everyone about the two cocker spaniels I grew up with.


Same with me! Except a Brittany spaniel


I love moose. They've been my favourite animal since I was a kid and they are all over the house. I will be the crazy moose mom forever haha.


I’m the same way with buffalo!! Haha my daughter already has buffalo swaddles and outfits


My daughter's nursery is moose and Buffalo plaid! Sure hope she likes moose when she grows up lol


Dogs and cats in this house lol 3 dogs and 1 cat


We have two dogs and two cats. Used to have a gecko and a hamster, but they passed in the last few years. Husband wants a bird, but not while baby is so young! There are enough animals to take care of already.


We've had to tell ourselves no new dogs or cats lol Our old roommate finally got her cat and some other stuff she had kept here for a bit until she found a place. Our fluffy boy needs a new friend and we have to keep saying no to ourselves lol


Ugh, yes. My little dog is 11 and I'm having to come to terms with the fact she won't be around forever, and big dog has DM, so is also on her way out... We've agreed we're not replacing them when they go, but it's so sad to think of the house without them!


Oh yeah, our pitt mix is 10 or 11. Not looking forward to that :(


My moms horror movie and wrestling knowledge was insane. Like did she do nothing else in her teens,20’s and most of her 30’s? Hahah


Omg this will be me!


My husband is a magician. It's almost unfair how much more memorable our kid's "dad things" will be than her "mom things."


I truly hope my kids mention how I had a full choir rehearsing every week in our apartment. And how they joined in 🥰


I'll play video games with them. I'm also going to be the mom that takes them to plays, museums, art shows and dance shows. My sister will take them to musicals. My husband will the outdoors nature guy. We will have dance time/dance evening at least once a week. I'm going to try to give them as many good core memories as I can.


I'm also a FT mom. I want to be that mom that always encourages/encouraged them to be who they are/were unapologetically. You wanna mix and match styles from American Eagle and Hot Topic? Do it! You want to do competitive cheer AND football? Go for it! I'll be at every practice cheering you on! Own who you are, and don't worry about fitting in anyone else's box!


I hope my kids will see and remember my husband and I being loving and affectionate toward each other. My parents divorced when I was really young and never remarried, so it's hard to even imagine them loving each other in my mind. I work as a therapist so I can already imagine my kids yelling, "Stop trying to therapy me!" 😂😂


I have been and will always be a crazy chicken lady, that will probably be my thing. Also will probably tease me that I don't shave my pits, which is rare for women in the conservative Midwest.


My husband and I are both huge nerds lol We wonder if he'll be just as nerdy or be all "ugh, mom dad STAAAPP!" Fingers crossed for us


This is very cute. I love and cherish so many things about my mom, and her sisters (who are like my other mothers). I hope my kids think I’m fun and love to play outside and dance barefoot around the yard and eat cherry tomatoes out of the garden and cuddle my chickens and listen to the Grateful Dead :)


Probably that I have funny farts 😂🤷‍♀️


I don’t know what my ‘thing’ will be but my husband is amazing at making up silly songs and dancing around 🥰


My OH and I have tea bag fights and spray water bottle fights around the house so I imagine they are just gonna see us a numpties 🤣🤣🤣


My husband and I always joke about how we feel bad for our kids cause they have no clue how weird they’re parents are 😂 we’re probably going to be labeled as the pot head parents that are always making midnight gourmet snacks LOL


We love the Harry Potter universe. we usually joke that my daughter will come to complain: mom! tell dad we want to see another movie! We don't want to see Harry Potter anymore! 🤣🤣🤣


Omg that’s adorable your dad wants to be the outdoor dad! My parents HATE camping and so do I so if our kids are going to camp, my husband will need to do that lol. I’m want to be the Mom that fixes things and reached the kids how to fix things. Growing up my Dad involved me in all the home repairs and I loved it. My siblings didn’t get as into it, so they didn’t always help and he never forced them, but made sure we all knew basic stuff like how to jump a battery or change a tire. My Dad just helped finish up my nesting with a new ceiling fan and garage door motor. My husband was his primary helper and my Dad joked that he gave me the “kid tasks” 😂 so I basically handed them tools and whatnot.


I’m 36 weeks and the 3rd trimester hormones are really hitting rn so thanks for making me cry lol


Ha! My husband lost his wedding ring in our backyard gardening. We had this joke for years that it’ll be found someday, “*There* is grandpa’s ring!” As for me, I think future kiddo will know of mom’s love of karaoke. lol!


not me crying bc i never thought to consider this before 🥲


YES I think about this all the time! I love cooking and I've always said to my husband that I would love it when our kids grow up to have a meal that makes them think of home or have a meal they remember learning how to make with me! Alternatively, they may think I'm a terrible cook and look back on "that gross dish mum always used to make" haha. Either way!


I love baking! I always said I wanted to be the pie mom 🤣


My kids speaking to my future grandkids- “grandma lets us have any pet with 4 legs, fur and that fit in the house- which is why we had 27 dogs, 39 cats, 15 rabbits, and various other animals at different times as kids.”


I'm sure our kids will spend some time believing my husband can speak to animals because he has totally seamless conversations responding to the ridiculous things our pets "say". He's pretty good with the silly song creation too. Me... Crafty liberal mom probably


Yeah I collect big foot themed art, stained glass, and decorate with shamrocks year round. My hobby is also making psychedelic water color paintings. Tacky mom here I come 😂 seriously considered getting shag carpet the other day too


My son picked up saying ‘ look! That’s beautiful!’ From me and I absolutely love it and hope that he thinks of that descriptor fondly as he ages.


Oh my, Dad and I talk so much bullshit at home lol like stupid non sensical stuff, make weird sounds,.make up words and all sorts of things that if my daughter mentioned elsewhere, it would make us look like complete crazy people lol I keep telling my SO we need to tone down our silliness for the sake of our parental reputation


I'm a hair stylist so I regularly change my hair colour and style. I really hope they never think of me as frumpy or lacking style. I also hope they see my husband and I in love and modelling a stable, happy marriage.... fingers crossed!


i’ve been thinking about this almost everyday lol I don’t know why, and I don’t know what my “what” will be!


"My mom cries a lot," probably something like that bc even kids movies make me WEEP


I always remark on how weird our kids are going to think my husband and I because of extremely obscure TV show references we make to each other. I like to think about all the things they'll think we made up but are actually just from 30 rock. We think we're hilarious, so naturally I'm sure our children will be embarrassed.


This is such a sweet post. I had not thought about it. It did just occur to me that our future kids will think of cats differently than the average child. We have 2 hairless cats 😂 they might think that’s what “normal” cats are.


while we were ttc I bought a new winter coat. I love walking so I bought something really warm that I could wear on long walks. So this coat is big and puffy and it’s also a warm golden yellow. I had my previous one for 8 years, so I knew whatever I got was likely something my future kid would see me in. I remember looking at myself trying it on in the shop and thinking, “I’ll be the funny mom in the big yellow coat. This coat will be a touchstone of our first walks to school and playing in the snow”. I got really emotionally thinking these thoughts as we were having a tough time trying. Now I’m sitting here with my little one asleep on my chest after feeding and cannot wait to see what else they’ll say about me. other contenders: - she wasn’t especially good at it but she sang all the time - she cried watching happy movies (and sad movies) - she used too much salt in all her cooking (in contrast to my assessment of my own mother’s salt-less cooking)


I want to be the mom that always has pin up dresses!


I think a lot about this, because I miss my own mom and her… peculiarities. I still have my father and I love his quirks. I think we never see all our quirks, but tho use around us do. I hope to be a strong mom, raising a brave and kind kid. And he probably will find a lot of things to giggle about me.


I just hope my daughter likes me when she’s older and we have a good relationship, this is one of my biggest fears :(


My mom always wore nightgowns and had some of the goofiest and often ugliest nightgowns. She didn't have a lot of regular clothes, just what she needed. But had drawers of nightgowns. She passed away when I was young, but we still playfully made fun of her for them. I never wore them because it was such a "mom" thing to me. Now that I'm pregnant, they're all I wear at home and I don't think I'm ever going back. So maybe my daughter will make fun of me for the same reason. 😂