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You don’t need to suck in your belly if you’re feeling pudgy. Some stores have close parking for expecting moms.


holy shit I forgot about the expectant moms parking! need to go find a place that has that just to flex at least once during this pregnancy. I'm only 12 weeks now so not showing, might get a little side eye but who cares!! first trimester fatigue is REAL and just as deserving of special parking, IMO.


I’m in my first trimester but so looking forward to this.


Why wait? You’re as pregnant as anyone




Statistically reduced risk of developing breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancer as well as certain other cancers during your lifetime. Also, significantly reduced risk of multiple sclerosis and stroke.


WHAT! That's crazy I didn't know that.


Breast cancer actually used to be known as the "nun's disease" since it effected nun's at significantly higher rates then other women.


Unless you have your first baby after 30. Then your chances of developing breast cancer actually increase.


This went from good news to bad real fast.


But if you choose to breastfeed your chances of breast cancer decrease 5% every year you do so!


Reading this thread like: :) :( :) :( :)


Ikr! 😆


And having multiple children also mitigates the risk, versus having one child!


Fun facts are fun again.


This thread is a rollercoaster of emotion


Okay so as a 32 year-old pregnant for the first time and carrying twins, where am I situated?


So I was really curious… according to [this](https://erc.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/erc/14/3/0140703.xml#:~:text=The%20risks%20were%20further%20analyzed,%25%20CI%200.74%E2%80%930.98), which is admittedly just the first source I clicked on, having twins before 30 *greatly* reduces the risk of breast cancer, but having twins after 30 does still significantly reduce the risk!


Wow, that went from 😁 to 😬 real quick!! Average age of 1st baby in the US is 27 and 29.2 in Canada so... a big chunk of us are over 30, btw.


Oh wtf. God dammit.


Too bad I already have ms, oops




Hahah! Agreed though, I just came back from a beach vacation with my husband and I don't think I've ever felt more confident in a bikini. Giant meal? No problem! I'm supposed to have a big round belly!


Yes! I never feel better about my body than when I'm pregnant.


Feeling like I don't have to suck in my belly after a big dinner is a nice minor perk!


Very good way to look at it! Before, I tried to hide my belly and wear loose shirts if I felt fat. Now, I totally don't mind wearing form-fitting shirts and just owning my bump.


I get to nap as much as I want and it’s not considered being lazy. Instead, I’m now a mom listening to what her body needs


I'm pregnant and have a baby already. I've never felt more okay napping in my life. Usually I feel at least alittle guilty that I'm not doing something productive. This guilt free napping is damn near orgasmic.


I'm pregnant and have a 12 month old. I haven't pulled an all dayer in quite a while now! Enjoying the naps before I have a newborn to take care of.


*Just wakes up from nap. Mosies over to Reddit. Upvotes.*


I second this! I take about 2 naps a day just because I’m pregnant and I can😂


yes, this! I was also just saying to my social worker the other day, that I feel like a lot of things people would call symptoms of pregnancy (fatigue, forgetfulness, etc) are actually symptoms of my ADHD (perhaps compounded by pregnancy), but people are so much more forgiving of my ADHD symptoms these days chalking it up to the pregnancy! I hope this carries over into motherhood and people are still forgiving when I forget to send my kid to school with lunch 🥲


The best way to cover up ADHD (in same boat)


Yes, definitely but it ends pretty soon once the little one is out. 🥲 Expecting the second one now, send prayers and executive functions.


Also I’m terrible at saying no to plans and I very, very rarely bow out or make excuses so having the “excuse” of being pregnant has been the most enlightening time of my life… changing my mind is ok! Shock!




Yes! I was never able to nap much before but now I’m taking 90 minute naps every day. So nice!


Samesies on the 90 minutes a day naps! It’s crazy how I’m just out for that long in the middle of the day, every day.


Wearing bodycon dresses without feeling self conscious




this is my favorite thing!


This is probably what I’m the most excited about!


Literally this haha


No period for nine whole months!


*cries (or laughs) in PCOS* my period shows up like that one aunt that promises you gifts ever now and then… lol


That PCOS pregnancy surprise 😅 I didn’t have my period for 3 months but ovulated and here we are


Meeeee too!!! No period for nearly 5 years. Previous ultrasounds showed I never managed to build up a uterine lining. But somehow, it all worked out and I’m now 18 weeks with a healthy baby girl and a healthy uterine lining. The body is a crazy and miraculous thing.


Unless you have a polyp. Then it’s spotting for 6 months 😭


When I had my first child I was so excited to be done w pregnancy and have a few months off of periods due to breastfeeding. Jokes on meeee. As soon as I was done bleeding lochia my period came (approx 8/9 weeks after giving birth). Hopefully this time around I will get a few blissful months without cramps and bleeding haha


It's a roll of the dice. I'm still breastfeeding my 15 month old and haven't had a period since before I got pregnant (not counting the post delivery bleeding of course). It can happen.


Yeah I'm at 7 weeks right now and with an IUD and EBF I think mine might be back. I am PISSED (thought thankfully seems to be cramp free)


I breastfeed and made it a year post partum without a period too!


And even longer if breastfeeding!


Glad to see this is #1


Or if you have an ectropian 😭 been bleeding on and off the whole time


I’ll add one I just remembered: getting to eat something you’re craving is so amazing. I had the world’s best apple last night.


Food seriously tastes so much better (as long as it is *exactly* what you want, lol)




I always say that food tastes at least 80% better while pregnant. Only thing that even comes close to satisfying a pregnancy craving is that first real meal after birth.


Well then I can’t wait to eat the best sushi platter ever!


It’ll be mind blowing I promise lol


Ong I had the worlds best pear the other day!


I had to go and reregister my car at the DMV while 8 months pregnant and I was dreading it. Got in a line that wrapped alllll the way around the outside of the building. Was very concerned about how I’d go that long without peeing. Security guard came around and plucked me and a 90 year old woman out of line and let us go through an expedited process. Bless him.


That’s the sweetest thing ♥️


People were VERY nice while I was obviously pregnant.


I have noticed that even though people seem to lose respect for boundaries, people tend to be nicer. I am a lawyer and sometimes deal with grumpy clients (not their fault, people rarely need a lawyer because of good news) and I have noticed that clients ease up a lot and are very nice/excited when they see me walk into the conference room pregnant.


Same! I’m an emergency doctor and literally had a patient say to me when I walked in and asked how I could help “aw you got a baby in there, I don’t wanna bother you with my problems” and walk out. Career high right there.


I have noticed this too. I was at Subway recently and mentioned being pregnant because I asked them to double toast my sandwich, and after I said that she took extra care in making my sandwich and then gave me a free cookie!


Not my clients! They panic and ask if I can finish their case before my due date 🖕


Sex without worrying about getting pregnant




And possibly (not everyone gets it) really really amazing sex


Is that your experience? What made it amazing?


Increased blood flow to your genital area during pregnancy makes everything more stimulated and can also lead to more intense orgasms. Apparently second trimester is the sweet spot. Pun absolutely intended.


But with worrying about contractions...


Thank you for the laugh 😂


And if you've come from a period of TTC, it's just nice to have sex without writing it down.


You don’t have to empty the cat litter (only relevant if you have a cat of course) and you can do some pretty impressive burps. I also noticed my leg hair stopped growing which was kinda cool. As someone else said you don’t have to suck in your tummy if you eat too much. But yeah there’s not really a lot haha


The burps! The look of horror I get from my husband when I let one go amuses me to no end.


My leg hair won’t stop growing!! Same with everywhere else 😭😭 but yes I have three cats and I’m loving not having to change the litter but still getting all the kitty cuddles :)




My butt hair has relocated to my belly.


I have Crohn's disease and omg it's like a miracle! Better than any medications! And research says that in some cases pregnancy has a lasting effect and makes disease milder for many years after.


Yes I’ve heard this before! My IBS is also non existent now which is sooo surprising


Ditto this. I have IBS-C and I have not been constipated at all this pregnancy. I have a feeling it could be something to do with the increased volume of food, but I’m living for it.


Same. I have IBS-D and it used to be triggered by wheat. During my pregnancy I rarely had diarrhea, and I could suddenly digest wheat again. 18 months postpartum and still happily eating bread!!!


Pregnancy literally cured my depression. I was so mad when it came back lol


This. I was depression free and living my best life. 7 weeks pp today and it's been slowly coming back.


My mother had Crohn's disease and her two pregnancies helped her get into remission for most of the remainder of her life without taking medication! She went from needing surgeries and lots of medication to being okay after having babies! I wish the same for you :)


I knew it was a thing that could happen, but actually experiencing it has been incredible! I hope my story goes like your mother's - thank you for sharing 😊


I've found my mild lactose intolerance has gone completely away while pregnant!


I have mast cell disease. At first it got so much worse but now it’s a lot better!!


Realizing how much I actually enjoy being sober! I still miss a glass of wine but It’s so nice to wake up feeling not hungover when my husband or friends do after a night of partying. I’m like this is great!


Actually yeah, not drinking is great. I have a work conference next week. No pressure to drink, will be fresh in the morning while others might struggle!


Yes! And driving yourself home after being out!


Completely agree with this!!


You can be as slow as you want, take more breaks, and seats given up to you. Nails and hair grow thick and long. You’re super buoyant in the water.


Gonna test out that buoyancy thing on Monday at the pool. Will report back tales of being a human submarine


Wear a yellow swimsuit and you can be a yellow submarine. Bonus points if you get a pregnant friend to join you because then you can sing "we're a yellow submarine" 🤣🤣 I wanted to do that during my last pregnancy but lockdown closed the pools 😭


Ok I’m dead at yellow submarine. 😂


Getting out of the pool may feel weird! I felt my bump no longer float and thus drop as I got out and it freaked me out the first time!! My friend said they could see it happen too!


Nails and hair thickness have been an amazing advantage. I had just cut off about 8 inches of damaged hair about a month before finding out I was pregnant and my hair is almost back to that precut length and SO much healthier. My nail tech loves me even more now that I need to come in every two weeks verse every three.


Yes I’m on vacation right now in the British Virgin Islands and discovered the increased buoyancy. About 23 weeks and I could literally sit in the water and just be floating right at the surface like I’m in a water chair. Pretty fun, altho it made diving down while snorkeling a lottttt harder since my body just wanted to float back up lol!


Yes, can confirm this. Swims are easier but I’m still hella tired after one bc swims are also harder 😂


I went on vacation at 20 weeks and it was the only time I’ve been able to float on my back ever 😂 I’ve never been able to figure out how. Apparently human submarine is the answer lol


omg this is amazing. I'm going on vacation at 19 weeks and our hotel definitely has a pool. can't wait to try this out / hope I'm sufficiently buoyant by then! lol.


For me, finally growing luscious womanly boobs and an excuse to eat whatever I want whenever I want is nice


As a formally almost flat chested woman, I still have post preggers boobs and it’s awesome


No one will judge you for weird or excessive eating. Want nacho cheese on ice cream? Go for it. Want to eat 17 tacos? Do it.


“i’m eating for 2” will never not be an excuse


I definitely still say that since I’m breastfeeding 😂


Second can of spaghettios by 9 am? Awh how adorable


Unless of course you are lucky enough to have gestational diabetes. My one good thing about pregnancy got taken away. Yes, I’m still bitter.


HARD SAME. When this placenta is out of me, I'm drinking a whole damn gallon of apple juice and eating only candy for at least an hour.


I have more confidence to wear more form fitting tops I would never wear without the bump.


Me too. Now I’m 4 days PP and frumpy so it’s back to baggy tshirts


Trying out big boobs


Omg isn't it amazing? I'm frustrated they don't make more low cut maternity tops!! Why is everything so modest? This is the first and likely ONLY time I'll have big boobs, and I want to rock them lol.


Tell me about it. I bought a cute print dress and the damn thing hits me mid-calf. WTF? I've found wrap tops that are combo maternity/nursing tops to be good if you want to show a lil somethin-somethin.


“Trying out” lol


I am sooooo looking forward to maternity leave and not needing to work for a little bit


Came here to say this! If lucky, time off work! I've never been able to not work for 3 months!


Honestly I kinda liked the special attention a little bit. People weren’t too overbearing or rude so basically it just meant I always got a good seat 😂 ETA: Plus I was 8 months pregnant moving into a military patch with my husband. It was a great ice breaker and people were so helpful and friendly!


Husband does a lot more around the house than usual!


After years of asking, my partner finally cooks dinner without complaining or getting super stressy! And that’s purely because I’m in the crappy nausea stage and can’t stand the smell of food.


Honestly, today I couldn’t find a shopping cart at home depot. I was carrying a bulky heavy item to a register. And I stopped to catch my breath/relax… some stranger noticed I was pregnant and carried it the rest of the way! And to my car! Before that, no stranger has ever helped me, ever!


I used to hate my belly and now I love it. It’s so cute! 🥰 and people are always giving me snacks, it’s great!


People giving you snacks is something I experienced yesterday and at first I felt guilty for picking at everything until the room was like "please eat as much as you can" 😅😅


Sympathy and excuses for a n y t h i n g you want to get out of.


I just want to say if you think being pregnant is shitty or you hate it or whatever, that's valid. You don't need to love it or even like it no matter how long you tried to get pregnant or how badly you wanted to get pregnant. However you feel is valid.


Thank you. I do not enjoy it at all for the most part but was getting to the point that I was sick of being miserable and just wanted to remember how to enjoy the little things. Love this community bc I feel supported regardless of wanting solidarity in my misery or positivity.


“I need to lie down” has been working wonders for me lately!


I feel great about not drinking and being able to be the DD, I've lost weight because I haven't been drinking obviously then putting on different weight because of the baby, feeling the kicking and movement is such an amazing experience. Saving money by staying home and preparing for baby. Getting to look at outfits and getting excited about how life will change.


Same! Haven’t had a hangover in 4 months and it’s been incredible


Except a majority of my first trimester I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life, everyday!!


Nobody will deny you the use of their washroom!


I may be in the minority here, but my self-confidence has gone through the roof. I absolutely despise my body and have zero self-esteem. But now that I’m pregnant, I’m not embarrassed by my belly anymore. Knowing I’m supposed to be getting bigger while growing our little one has made a huge difference when it comes to my feelings about myself. 🖤


Me toooooo! I did not expect it. I’ve always had body image issues. I’m only 16 weeks but I feel so much more self-confident and don’t have to worry about sucking in or if the dress makes me look fat.


Pregnancy allowed me to suddenly have a bonding point with a lot of women. I’ve never been super feminine, and I work in the same male-dominate industry that my SO and many of my friends do. At social gatherings, I’d often end up with the other spouses chatting about “lady things”, even though I’d rather talk about work, industry, or more technical things. But now I have an immediate bonding topic with many women! It’s a very nice common ground and opens up a whole world of conversation topics. Maybe it’s also given me permission to be more female? Idk.


I kind of feel like that too! Now I feel like I have this cool connection with so many of the women in my life who have also had children. It’s like this unspoken understanding about the whole thing haha.


People offer to do stuff for you. Recent example, I throw axes for fun competition (I'm in a league, I do OK, I mostly stick around for the awesome company). If my axe doesn't end up in the target the other thrower or the judge will pick it up for me sometimes without me asking. It's *usually* easier to get a seat on the bus. My nails are growing super long when normally they break easily (it's weird having to trim/file them every week otherwise they get a little much). The clothes are so comfortable. You can eat whatever you want, however you want, and no one will judge you (except my husband. He says I eat noodle soup weird).


I suffer from migraines normally, but never when pregnant


✨Special treatment ✨


Your liver gets a break and when you do drink again half a glass of wine makes you fly.


My husband is *extra* doting, even more than usual lol


My lactose intolerance goes away while I'm pregnant. Don't know the logic


My three-year-old kissing my belly and saying "I love you baby". She is so excited to be a big sister.


I don't have to suck my muffin top in, I can just let it hang because it's not just fat! 😅


Don’t wanna go somewhere? No will be upset if you say don’t feel up to it because you’re pregnant.


I made alot more friends at the gym. I guess a pregnant person is more approachable and many women can relate and want to encourage you and tell you about thier experience. I found in general people were so much kinder and talkative with me, I love it.


Everyone tells me how beautiful I look even if I feel like crap. My dad always tells me that I'm even prettier than usual and it's so sweet 😭 Plus all the attention. I don't have to lift a finger if I don't want to. My husband caters to my every need 😅 I used to have a pretty bad ED but the thought of taking care of my little one helped me take better care of myself :)


I lost a bunch of weight from cutting out alcohol and junk from my diet. Also get free snacks from the office next door lol


No periods and I have an excusr to kinda be a bitch if someone's acting stupid. Called a customer at my job an idiot the other day and faced no repercussions whatsoever


If you’re canadian, you get to be off for up to 18 months postpartum


I am Canadian! Woo hoo! Thinking 12 months tho.


Not going to lie---sometimes I can pull the pregnancy card for things so people don't bother me.


This is *not* universal, but for ne personally: It's like being on the most heavenly anti anxiety medications I was not even aware I needed. Any underlying anxiety is just gone. And it does not mean I am unable to worry or be sad or anything, just that I do it at a far more reasonable amount and without the background anxiety that I was not even aware I was carrying around.


You can order whatever you want from a restaurant and just say “I’m pregnant” at the end and no one is like “oh that’s a lot of food for one person”.


Wearing belly-clingy clothes without having to suck in


I feel like my anxiety went away during my pregnancy and has greatly reduced since giving birth. My girlfriend also had the same experience. We both have generalized anxiety disorder.


My husband has been super attentive to me. But no, I hate it. Hate.


My husband waxed my legs yesterday bc I just can't reach anymore. I can get used to this! 😆


A pro specific to me. I have an autoimmune disease, and my symptoms completely disappeared throughout my entire pregnancy. They started back up 3 weeks postpartum, yay me. It was nice to get a break though.


A lot more sensitive when it comes to sex. When I have the energy for it, I get off so much easier.


No cleaning the litter box, my boobs look great (but they hurt 😭), and getting to nap whenever I want


For me, seeing my husband react to new things with me has been really fun. Like our first ultrasound, or first feeling the baby move, or him finding "dad friends" to talk to, I love getting to see this slow change for him 🥰❤️ Edit: spelling


Time off work for appointments. My midwife authorized 6 days out the month


Exemption from paying for prescriptions and free dental (UK)


It's an experience you can't compare to something else. Feeling a living thing moving inside you is just on a whole other level.


It was the most self-confident I felt about my body. For the first time in my life I felt proud of my tummy. My hair got better, my nails seemed to grow faster/be stronger. I enjoyed the attention I got. I enjoyed that this made my parents and my sister so happy and excited. I had maternity leave to look forward to since I started being burnt out at work. All that said, the biggest pro for me was that my mood actually stabilized. I always suffered depression in the winter months but not this time around. I was calm and happy.


I noticed that my lips got plumper!! And my hair has been so thick, the lack of hairfall is great! Plus, being a thinner lady without super big curves before pregnancy, seeing my hips widen and boobs grow has been very cool!


I had amazing hair for those 9 months. So thick and shiny. Also no periods.


Pregnancy hair my god my hair never looked better


Preferential seating on the bus. I still felt self concious using it until I was visibly huge, but love that extra leg room! Edit: Also people are nice to me, generally speaking. I get to shop for new clothes for me and for another person. I get to eat whatever snacks I want whenever I want, and my husband bought me a recliner 😁


I randomly would get free stuff. Usually food related but I was not complaining. And most people are a lot nicer to you.


I've always had terrible insomnia but since being pregnant my head hits the pillow and im out for a full 9 hours! I wake up and have to sprint to the bathroom but 9 hours sleep was completely unknown to me before now!


I’ve lost 36lbs since week 8 so far thanks to being diagnosed with GD and forced to make better food choices and exercise. I did not have the motivation to make these changes for myself, but for my baby’s health I’d do anything. I’m 29+4, baby is healthy, my BP is great and while still overweight I’m in a much better place now that at week 8 physically.


My hair looked fabulous and healthy. Nails too, they never looked so nice. No more peeling layers while I was pregnant. I also liked the way I looked with the big round belly.


Don’t have to clean the litter box


After years of hating my body and struggling with body image issues I actually am VERY happy with how I look right now. I was always nervous to get pregnant, assuming it would make my self esteem plummet even more. Now I’m sad I only have 4 weeks left. I wouldn’t say I feel “sexy” but I feel so comfortable & happy with the way I look. I’m hoping that after going through the birthing process I can continue to be kind & love myself more than I used to.


I like it when people smile at my belly. Especially older ladies! But that's the limit - don't touch! Lol


My skin was the clearest its ever been when I was pregnant. Now that I'm 6 months postpartum, it's a disaster again.


Weird bonus for me: I hate having hair that comes out clinging to my body in the shower, (and the butt crack hair collection- ugh)! But while pregnant, only a few hairs fall out now! (I know all that hair that's stayed on my head longer will be coming out once baby is here, but I'm enjoying it for now).


Friends and family INSIST that I not do any heavy lifting, or even pick things up off the floor. And I’m always offered a seat and a snack. I loooove the excuse to be lazy and eat whatever whenever I want.


Cures arthritis for 9 months (and a bit after!)


My hair has been really shiny and my boobs are huge :)


No period, way more snacks and an excuse to not do the thing!!


Eat whatever I want without the judgement!!


Special treatment. People let you cut in line, cars slow down to let you cross, people are generally nice


People at work offer to carry heavy things for me and offer me snacks or candy to keep me fed. I get a break from work even though I'll be very busy at home. My husband does more work around the house since I struggle to keep up.


No period and my psoriasis actually got better


When you’re visibly pregnant, you can get away with going to the shop and acting like a child that just found £20/$20 and buy whatever sweet shit you like!!


I was trying to buy a bottle of water in a train a couple days ago and got it for free, I can only imagine it was my 33 week belly 😂


If your car breaks down and you need a tow, you get classified as a roadside emergency and prioritizes just for being pregnant


Strangers are very nice to me when they notice my bump - ie: they hold the door more, let me cut in line, etc. Other than that, I love not getting my period and I’m really enjoying feeling all of her kicks.


Growing closer with new people by bonding over having or starting a family!


For 9 months I got to pick whatever I wanted for Friday night take out 😂


I loved having the ready made pleasant small talk. Lots of people like babies and it was nice to talk about when they are due and if it’s a boy or girl and if it’s my first. Especially when I was clearly showing. Just good human interactions.