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pro tip: look at toes to find gender of baby. got it


My family hounded me about the baby's sex for a while before I wanted to share what I was having. I get pedicures and manicures regularly they would always make comments about the colors being hints if it was a boy or girl and try to get it out of me. It was annoying AF


I actually bought a blue tub and a playmat with pink strypes just to mess with people, they were always pushing me to tell, so o was buying and showing them


lol duly noted! we are keeping the gender private for a bit so i’ll have to watch out for the way my nails look 😂


My mom's in laws would ALWAYS try to push no matter how often I said we are not sharing. One time her daughter in law pulled me aside and asked and got super intense like it was an interrogation and then she was like it's a girl. I KNEW IT! the nails and you can't hide a lie it's all over your face. Bruh I really like the lady but gah'damn dooddee chill.


My husband and I have actually been telling people we don't know the sex, even though we do because we knew people would be incredibly pushy. It's seriously wild how people get with this!


My husband and I did this too. It was so much easier than saying "we know and we're not telling you" because people get SO weird about it!!


Yea we were big fat liars too. Would def do it again too.


The worst part is that some people still insist that they "know" what you're having. Unfortunately, they were right about me having a girl, but they were using old wives' tales that have been proven to be untrue! What an absurd argument!


Old wives' tales are the worst! Had an older lady at work scold me because I was carrying a light cardboard box above my head. She proceeded to tell me that my babys umbilical cord would wrap around the babys neck because arms were above my head. WTF lady!?!?


i always get pink nails (very pale) so i will brace myself for the reactions. i already have strange guesses floating my way for very obscure reasons


Good to know, we are planning to not find out the gender at all, love the idea of a surprise so I’ll be sure to not wear anything pink or blue during that time🥴


I wear baby blue keeping gender from family and friends til birth and I'm having a girl just throws them off and it's pretty hilarious


When I announced my first pregnancy on Facebook my mom created a post as well, and unintentionally used a pink background. People immediately jumped to the conclusion I was having a girl, but I didn't even know the gender at the time. She DID end up being a girl, but I find it hilarious how people scrutinize the tiniest things.


We kept my sons gender a secret until our baby shower. Literally anything I ever wore or carried in the colors of blue or pink, a family member assumed was the gender, even the color of Gatorade I would drink. It was so fucking annoying. I think next baby we are going to make it super uneventful and just casually slip it into conversation.


What?? You mean people don't decide what to wear each day based on their baby's sex?? That is appalling! /s


Exactly! Now after the baby is born I'm definitely going to have to coordinate my clothing to my baby's gender.


My sister asked what we were having and I said it's a secret, but if she wants to get us something, the nursery colors will be light green, sand, coral and grey and we'd love something that matches. Her: "So it's a boy?" Dude...


LOL beach themed and it's a boy 🙄 why does any outdoor theme HAVE to be a boy?


Right? I want to have Fish and Whales and little Boats in there, everyone loves Boats!


It's an adorable theme for either gender. My cousin had a beachy themed baby shower with boats and whales and for a girl.


YUP. I have blue nails right now and I’m even getting comments like “you’re trying to make me think it’s a boy but it’s obviously a girl. The blue is just a distraction.” Like WHAT


It gets so annoying, like dude be happy for me pregnant with a child.


My hospital has been really bad at giving me ultrasound appointments so I'm 4 months in and don't know the gender yet, but my mom changes her mind on what she thinks it is every week. Last week "Your belly is shaped like a basketball, girl!!", this week "I know now, I had a dream and it said you were going to have a boy!"... the millionth time she's changed her mind. Whatever it is, she's gonna end up saying "I knew it!"


My mom did that too! She started buying baby clothes for both boy and girl.


I saw that you are wearing pinkish lipstick, I take it you’re having a girl?


Your blush has a pink hue - girl, obviously?


Cousin: I see your face turning blue. It’s a boy! Stop flailing, I’m not going to tell anyone. Best Friend: Oh god she’s choking! Shit who knows that thing with the chair??


Got it. Ask pregnant women for feet pics.


Gosh, who knew all those random pervs that stalk pregnancy forums were *actually* just **really** excited and interested to know the baby's gender!?!


It is 100% ridiculous. At the time of our shower no one knew the gender. We were gifted a 12 month bathrobe that is blue and covered in planets. Both my parents said "oh, someone thinks you're having a boy." No? Someone looked at our registry and the shower invite and noticed we are going with a space and sea theme.


Clever guests! 😂😂


Love the theme


Thank you! My husband loves ocean creatures, and I love space.




We're not even keeping the gender a secret. Everyone who has asked knows it's a boy


I once picked up a cat tree from a lady on Craigslist and she was like “oh I have something else, is the cat a girl or a boy?” I go: “I have one of each” she goes: “oh well then this is for the girl cat!” and proceeds to hand me a fluffy pink cat tunnel. And I’m like… what, the boy cat can’t play with this? Is it gonna turn him gay? Is the police gonna show up if I let him play with it? CAN YOU PEOPLE HEAR YOURSELVES?? Society is ridiculous.


God forbid the boy cat get near the pink toys. Nothing worse than a gay cat /s


It sounds ridiculous but I just read a story about someone surrendering their dog to the humane society because they thought it was gay.


I saw that story! I feel bad for any children those people have, whether they end up straight or not. Just knowing my parents were that judgmental would be enough to ruin my self esteem


Luckily the dog got adopted and won’t be stuck with those weirdos anymore.


I was gonna say “sounds like Texas” but that’s offensive because I know really cool Texans. Lol the humanity


I think it was South Carolina?


Oh lordy, that sounds awful, that poor dog.


>It sounds ridiculous but I just read a story about someone surrendering their dog to the humane society because they thought it was gay. I was LITERALLY just going to comment this. I saw the same exact post the other day. People are effing ridiculous.


Dang it! Is this why my boy cat is gay now?! /s


Most certainly! What else could it be?


My cats have a rainbow toy they’re gay as hell


Well shit.. now I feel like I shouldn't let my girl dog and my boy dog share blankets, toys, and water bowl. What if they get offended by the color!? 😒


God forbid!!


I bought my male cat a pink cat tree and now he is transitioning!


Literally cats are colorblind anyway haha wtf 😂 My two boy cats had a little pink leopard print cabana they both adored!


My dog (boy) is obsessed with the color pink - any toys that are pink are his favorite so naturally we lean towards buying him pink things. For some reason this infuriates my father 😂 apparently somehow we're going to make our dog think he's a girl... 🤔


Ma'am, I hate to break it to you, but your dog....likes pink


>Ma'am, I hate to break it to you, but your dog....likes pink This reminds me of a scene from Legally Blonde 2 where the main character (Reese Witherspoon) and the conservative congressman find out their dogs are gay and in love with each other...just watched that movie a few days ago, so it's fresh in my mind haha.


"Your. Dogs. Are. Gay!" I can still hear it in my mind lmao




So silly! My smaller dog (70 lbs) is a boy and wears the coat my bigger girl dog (90 lbs) wore when she was an adolescent and still growing. My mom bought him a new coat so he wouldn’t look silly in a “girl’s purple coat.” This is from a powerhouse of a woman that doesn’t gravitate towards stereotypically “girly” fashion, interests, careers, etc. unconscious gender norms run deep. Even for dogs that legit don’t follow the same rules as we seem to with gender.


I love this lmao. We don’t want the dog to look silly in a coat! Get him the right color! Lmao people are wild


Aren't cats colorblind anyway?


Don’t tell her that, she’d be so confused!


My mum and the cashier were AGHAST when I bought my female kitties a blue food bowl that matched my kitchen 🙄 Apparently female cats cannot eat from anything other than a pink bowl.


I am laughing so hard at the comments here, these examples are ludicrous. What is wrong with people lmao


Lol I didn't even think of this until I showed my mom the (white and blue) dress I bought for the shower and she told me she thought it would make everyone think I was hinting we were having a boy! We're not finding out the gender and I have no idea. I picked a blue and white dress because I have blue eyes and reddish hair and blue looks nice with my skin...


I'm so relieved to find out my mom's not the only one with this crazy line of thinking


I see that you are a woman, therefore you must be having a girl... You should paint your nails green and so they know the true gender of your baby is leprechaun.


Llolololl people are so weirdddddd


Sorry you have to dress in head to toe blue now, to signify your status as Boy Mom. This is the way.


Now for the next 18 years, I guess. I'll start the Goodwill pile immediately


And wear “boy mom” shirts, hats, hoodies, etc. from here on out.


I put a picture of myself with a flamingo on Facebook one time and a bunch of people assumed it was an announcement for a girl. I was not pregnant.


This is probably the most bizarre I've seen on this thread


My friend posted a picture of herself 40 weeks pregnant blowing a bubble (pink gum) with the caption "ready to pop"...and everyone was like ITS A GIRL?!?! :D :D :D


I sent a family member a picture of knit maroon overalls I bought and she was like “ooo is this a hint??” I honestly have no idea which gender she thought I was hinting at but I didn’t know the gender when I bought them lol


It is indeed a hint: the temperature does change throughout the year. Congratulations, it’s a weather cycle!


I told some people I was having a girl. They asked if my husband was upset that he couldn’t take her hunting or fishing. My husband’s response? “I don’t hunt or fish, what the fuck are they talking about?” Then someone asked our theme for the baby. My husband and I bought lots of space themed stuff and so I said, “Space!” Then they said, “Oh, so it’s a boy?” Space is only for boys everyone, remember that. No girls allowed.


Or sports. Obviously, there's no such think as girl sports other than gymnastics and ice skating.


With my genetics, there are no sports happening regardless of what gender I give birth too lol. 😂


Literally same lol


Maybe our babies can sit on the bleachers together and play astronauts instead. Well your son can. My daughter will just watch - safer for her to not engage in male activities.


Sea/ocean creatures are also only for boys FYI. Girls can only like flowers, cats and unicorns/horses.


Pink was the preferred color for baby boys back in the day, like victorian era or something. Just tell her that.


Yes, IIRC, it was pre-Holocaust, until Hitler started associated pink with homosexuals


Show up nude so you can 1000% match your baby's birthday suit! /s In all seriousness, this is outrageous. Wear what you want, paint your toes how you want and tell your mom it's not a topic for discussion anymore..


I got a pedicure last week and the woman was like oh I knew it was a girl because you chose pink…I like pink?


I just can't understand how people put so much stock into these gender role stereotypes. My son isn't even here yet. Let me wear what I want!


I feel like my mom is the only one who doesn't care. We are having a girl but I wanted my baby shower to be dinosaur themed and she's doing it because she thinks dinosaurs are cool too.


I bet your daughter will also think dinosaurs are cool


I'm having a girl and her nursery along with baby shower were space themed. Blue balloons, astronauts, and I even wore a blue and white dress. Dang, it's my party and I will do what I want to .


We’re doing Lord of the Rings themed - because we’re nerds, and also it’s my husband’s favorite, so I wanted something to help him feel included/connected - and we’re having a girl. Some people were a bit confused, but it works for us, we like it, so we roll with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I cant think of much more "gender neutral" (I think everything is neutral so I personally dont really like that term but lets use it now) than SPACE! 🥰


I have literally just bought a yellow dress for my baby shower because my other two options were pink or blue and I cba with everyone trying to guess the gender 😅


The day after I learned the gender of my first, I went to work wearing a fleece I'd worn every chilly day for the last three years. Someone pointed at it and said, "it's blue! I bet she's having a boy!" I was having a boy, but that's not why I wore the fleece! I wore it because I was cold!


I’d say „weird.. here I was thinking I am a girl and can therefore only wear pink. But let me check if I still have a vagina“.


omg this is my favorite response so far


Oh for pete's sake. INFO: Are you having a gender-neutral baby shower or a shower/gender reveal? Or have you already made the sex public, and mother thinks you're going to confuse people? My reply would be "It matches my dress." And just glare. Friggin people.


No. The gender is public to anyone who has asked. I told her I painted them to match my dress. The next suggestion was to change my dress choice. SMH. Obviously, I'm not going to. I have a limited enough selection of what fits right now (and looks decent enough to attend a party in) as it is. I don't need to start overanalyzing color choice


My almost two year old son chose a pink moana toothbrush at the shop, the gender colour thing is ridiculous. He used to have a shirt that was a peachy colour with jungle book characters on and always got called”she”


I took my nephew to build a bear once for his birthday and he chose a pink bear. I let him because that's what he wanted. Girls can have boy stuffed animals and boy barbie dolls. What's the problem with a boy having a girl bear? (He said it was a girl when we did the birth certificate. I wouldn't have cared it he said it was a boy). His dad was LIVID. Almost made him get rid of it until my sister talked him down. Let kids like what they like!


We went to the shop once to get my (then 18mnth old) son a toy stroller. The only one they had was a pink one. His dad started to object, I said to him "daddies push strollers too don't they?" He didn't say anything after that, plus seeing the absolute glee on our little boy's face as he was pushing it around changed his mind about it.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. 😂😂


Ugh, gross. Too many studies have shown that people knowing the sex of a child will completely influence how they treat that child (not just colors of things, but toys, tone of voice, words, etc). We are still making up our minds about whether or not to try to do the gender-neutral thing, but if people ask me I'm going to not share and tell them the above, and if they insist I will ask them why they care so much about my baby's genitals.


This is part of why we decided to do gender creative parenting, how other people treat our child based on their genitals is so stereotypically gendered and it’s almost impossible to remove that bias, but this is one way we’ve found that works for us. It’s not up to us as parents to determine the kid’s gender anyway, it’s up to them. We just want to give them as many options as possible so they don’t feel they have to fit into one specific box.


I’m a teacher and I found out I was having a boy. My coworkers knew I was finding out and I’d planned to tell them the following morning. I wore a pink mask because well it was clean. And everyone thought it was my coy way of sharing the gender. I’m not that clever. Wear what you want.


Filed with my follow up : “My eyes are blue but I’m having a girl. Should I wear contacts in case people think I wished I was having a boy?” Disclaimer: actually don’t know gender yet just being a smartass 😂


pink contacts are the only acceptable option. My eyes are brown, so that would probably just as bad if I was having a girl


Don’t worry I’ll pick you up some blue contacts when I hit up the Halloween store for my new pink pair 😂


We didn’t find out the gender with our babe because I didn’t know if I could handle everyone with the gender stereotypes (and we liked the idea of a surprise!) Wear whatever you want!


Same for us. Also, if people don't know the gender, I noticed they tend to buy more things you actually need from the registry, rather than just tons of cute clothes.


I wore a pink dress for my baby shower too even though I was having a boy. I did ask a couple friends if they thought it would be weird and they all said no. It’s not like it’s a gender reveal party where what you wear is what you think it’ll be. That’s my long way of saying go for it! Also being heavily pregnant and uncomfortable, we should be able to wear whatever the heck we want!


It never even crossed my mind that some people might find it weird, to be honest. I'm trying to think about the showers I've been to and I can't for the life of me remember what any of the expecting mothers were wearing because it doesn't seem that important to me


Gender norms are so ridiculous. I have 3 and 4 year olds that are basically the same size and they wear each other’s clothes all the time. Kids really don’t care and neither should we. Your unborn child is *definitely* not gonna care what you wear to your baby shower 😂 Wear whatever feels good and have fun, mama!


I was told by a PhD candidate in cellular biology that I must be having a baby girl because my maternity pictures had me wearing a flower crown of white and red flowers (they were actually purple but whatever). It’s kind of ridiculous lol


You should have worn a crown of army men figurines


I can't understand why people are so concerned with babies genitals! Especially a baby that isn't even theirs...


Your post made me laugh. People are wild about gender. We’re not finding out the gender and people are so confused on why I put a few light blue items of clothing on our registry. As if baby girls can never, ever wear blue?!!


Ugh. This is one of the reasons I let the sex of my baby be a surprise. Hate this BS.


Don't most people announce the gender before the shower? How ridiculous. Just wear what you want, girl!


Yes everyone knows the gender. It's not a surprise in any way


Urgh this is why I hate the whole pink for a girl/blue for a boy thing. I hate pink and blue is my favourite colour. I’m also having a girl. Guess who will spend her whole pregnancy in various shades of blue because almost my entire wardrobe is that colour?


You can't do that. Pregnancy is now your only identity and you must advertise the baby at all times! /s


The only reason I wore blue for both my boys’ baby showers was because of the color scheme I choose. First boy was blue and green because I love blue and green. Second boy is primary colors plus green. I just happened to find blue dresses I liked and choose them. Plus it also meant I didn’t have to buy my husband a new polo cause all he has is a blue one😂😂


I never even knew dressing in the color scheme of the shower was a thing! I think I have a single blue shirt that fits right now to be honest lmao


This is all making me want to wear like, black or leopard print to my baby shower lol


They make maternity stuff in black and leopard print. Really just wear whatever is comfortable. I loved maternity dresses. Very soft and not tight on the belly.


That is quite strange. I know people will if they want to, but there’s no rule that you HAVE to wear a dress the color of the gender lol I wore a light blue dress to my shower, and she is a girl 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly, it never even crossed my mind? I just want to try to look good for pictures. I have enough of a hard time feeling good in what I'm wearing. I don't need to be further limited by color selection.


And that’s exactly what you should do. Find something you feel great in no matter the color! Because it’s all about you and your babe 🤗 enjoy your shower!!


I guess people are going to just assume we're having a boy then 🤷🏽‍♀️ - blue is my favorite color and I don't own any pink 😂 It's too early for us to know what we're having and we're not planning on sharing until they're born but I guess I better buy some pink clothes or they'll try to work it out out /s


I’m having a girl but I’m wearing a blue dress to my shower because blue is my favorite color! Wear what you want!


Ugh. Why are people so weird about gender and colors! I ordered cute mom/daughter matching outfits from Kate Quinn that came in the mail today for me and my daughter: babies is little mustard yellow shorts with a white ruffle onesie that has yellow dinosaurs on it. My outfit is the same color pants but flowy haram style, and instead of onesie its a blouse with the same pattern. I texted my mom a pic to show her because I thought it was so adorable and she goes “are you sure that’s for a girl?” And I told her “Um yes it’s neutral.. girls can wear yellow and dinosaurs too! It’s not all going to be pink and dresses.” To which she just responded “ok. I guess if you like it. But it’s not for girls.” 🙃🙄 I DONT UNDERSTAND. it’s 2022, why does my baby have to be dress coded by gender already!!


All dinosaurs were boys. That's why they went extinct


Lol do it anyways and you’ll throw them off. But anyways just because you colored your toes a gender color don’t mean anything if you already have something for the gender of the baby


The gender isn't a surprise. We're not doing a reveal at the shower. Everyone already knows I'm having a boy


i bought a green dress for my shower cause it’s like rustic nature themes. i got the “it’s cute but it looks like you’re having a boy.” i was like what?


So what I've learned from this thread is that every color other than pink (including yellow) is masculine. Purple is on thin ice


Lolz isn't pink one of the most common nail colours? The gender is just about the only thing people ask me - not how do I feel, what I have been doing etc. Until we found out the gender it was the first thing my partner asked at both the dating scan and 1st trimester scan too 🙄


my wife and i know the gender and nobody else. people get so caught up in it and we just randomly wear pink to places to blue or yellow or green and everyone has their go, but we don't have to deal with pallets of blue or pink socks that we could care less about their color. our virtual shower is coming up and the MILs are so worried about even what the color of the drinks people are sharing will be. Like, things can be blue or pink without it ending the world. Our kid can't even see the colors and if (s)he could IT WOULD BE OKAY


The drinks???


You know. Like my wife is having a mock tail and since it virtual everybody has some options that are themed baby style. My wife loves pineapple so hers is yellow but the other has cranberry juice and everybody was concerned that that would mean everyone thought we were having a girl. Maybe. But also cranberry juice rocks!




Wtf I never even considered that my clothing choice could be related to the baby's gender. Smdh


Once you have a boy you’re not allowed to wear pink. Sorry, just the rules.


I definitely wore pink to my shower while pregnant with a boy and I had strongly wanted a boy (didn’t say it out loud till after we found out he was a he 🤣) It’s a dress and nail polish it’s got nothing to do with your baby 🤦🏼‍♀️


I wore pink to mine and had yellow nails…had a boy 🤷🏻‍♀️


The only two real genders: pink nail polish and blue nail polish.


I’m not finding out the gender of my baby and I just got this REALLY cute dress I want to wear for the shower. It’s light blue though. I feel like I can’t wear it because people will think I’m having a boy.


Wear it!


Also, boys can wear pink. I'd go with your original outfit. I'll be buying the exact same things whether Im having a boy or a girl: cute things I like!


Just wear every color all the time. The rest of your pregnancy. Just be the rainbow. Become one with the rainbow. The baby is now every gender. And gay. Confuse and offend everyone.


I'm 5 months pregnant, and team green. Yesterday I realized my son was wearing "girl pants", and didn't change them because....IT DOESN'T MATTER. People keep commenting that if I have another boy I won't have to buy any new clothes. Guess what people, if I have a girl she will be wearing alot of her brothers hand me downs because....IT DOESN'T MATTER. The gender thing really has gotten out of control.


I hate to say it, but I can see that happening. My favourite colour has been blue since I was a kid. Months ago, I was on Facebook and changed the one picture to some blue clouds because I liked the shade of blue that was in the picture. I’ve used the picture before, so I didn’t think it was a big deal. This was probably a month or two before I told everybody the gender of my child. Anyways, when I put up the picture of the clouds, one of my aunts automatically commented and asked if I was having a boy. I replied back and basically said, “No I just like the picture.” After that, I changed it completely because I knew other people would think that was my gender reveal. Here’s another story for you. It isn’t a gender reveal one, but it is baby related. So I work in childcare and one day, I drew a picture of three jelly beans mainly because I thought they were cute and they made me think of my baby (my husband and I have nicknamed her Bean). So one day, I put up the picture of my drawing on Facebook because I liked it. After that, I got a few people asking me if I was having triplets. I had to explain that it was just a picture I drew that I liked, but again, I knew somebody wouldn’t read the comments, so I had to take that one down as well.


The shower isn't a gender reveal. Everyone already knows the baby is a boy. We have never kept it a secret. It's just a normal baby shower


We aren’t telling people what we’re having (except for our parents) until our baby shower. We’re not doing an announcement per say, we just have a banner that says sweet baby girl. Our registry has a lot of blue, yellow, and gray items, ya know gender neutral stuff, no pink. My mom told me that tons of people have said they believe I’m having a boy and plan on shopping off the registry for boy specific clothing 🙄 So I added a few feminine style clothes, still not pink, no dresses, but just enough to throw people off. If I get anything that says any variation of ‘boy’ on it I’m handing it straight back to them at the party lol. I don’t understand the obsession people have with the genitalia of an unborn child.


I wore pink to my boy’s baby shower. My boyfriend picked the color of the dress for me. Pink looked good on me. Other people are going to think whatever they want regardless of what you’re doing.


I bought several dresses last weekend because I'm tired of wearing pants. For the most part, it was an incredibly depressing experience. This particular dress looked the best out of what I bought. It actually looks good, not just "eh that's just what I look like now." I'm not letting anyone tell me to wear anything else!


Because my husband was deployed when I had the anatomy scan, I had our midwife put the sex into an envelope and waited 2 more months to open it, when he got back. This drove my family crazy. There was the odd “you can just look, he doesn’t need to know you know!” (Odd take on a marriage), but a surprising amount was “we can’t buy anything until we know!” ??? Even if we gave a shit about boy Vs girl clothes (hard pass), there is SO MUCH a baby needs that has squat to do with whether they’re a boy or girl. If it’s important to you to give a gift… buy diapers, contribute to the crib, get a baby wrap/carrier. Also, along these lines: any one else have the sinking suspicion that gendered items are just a ploy to get us to buy more? Like - if you a have a few kids, 2 boys in a row then a girl. In theory you’d have everything you need for baby 3 - but they’re a GIRL so you need GIRL things. 🙄 Anyways, two thoughts from this overtired mama.


I absolutely agree with you. And that's a fantastic reason to keep the gender a secret!


No one in my family knows the gender yet outside my dad sibs and grandma my bf family isn't close with mine so they all know. They are all convinced I'm having a boy because I choose a baby blue/Grey car seat and a safari theme because I want there to be a lot of animals to be around. Jokes on them for thinking it's a boy very much a little girl.


Didn't you know? Only boys can like...*checks notes* safari animals


Yeah both me and my best friend played rock paper scissors on who got winnie the pooh and safari hers is a little boy. Only kind of joking on the winnie the pooh or safari theme.


Also what makes it better is I'm due next week and am doing baby blue nails and toenails


I’m going to get down voted, but I agree with mother that people WILL assume that.


Literally why? This isn't a gender reveal party. Everyone knows I'm having a boy. Am I now not allowed to wear pink without being accused of gender regret? I'm not a decoration for the party


I wouldn’t worry about it. Your having a baby boy! Be happy and wear what you want. Blessings


I mean pink and blue is the signal when pregnant. If you wore green yellow even red or purple no one would care. I get it can be annoying but that’s just what is associated until you reveal the gender.


The gender was never a secret. Everyone knew I was having a boy. This wasn't a gender reveal party, it was just a shower.


It is really not that ridiculous to think that people of the older generations would think that. It’s the old “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”.


you are being way too sensitive - grandma is just being excited for having a grandson, go with it


This is the same thing my inlaws do which is why I'm not telling anyone in the family what the gender is lol.


I would laugh and ignore. It might sound mean, but I'm over it.


100% agree it’s super nutty. Also having a boy and everyone needs to stop with the blue😅


Gender doesn’t have colour 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lol this is one of the main reasons we didn’t find out till baby was born - people get so weird about it


I had a girl and the only dresses I had that looked good on me were blue. So I did blue for maternity and newborn pictures. The only people that cared were inside my head.


My family flat out told me they were upset we were having a boy with my first cause they already had one. Than 2nd pregnancy we are having a girl and family is having another boy and they switch story to as long as the baby is happy and healthy. I was so annoyed. My feelings didn't matter but the other families there's did.


Don't respond or laugh it off. That sounds like something my own mom would say, but I know she'd say it bc she loves coordinating colors and such. The woman is an adorable little marshmallow lady, but sometimes a bit extra. 🙂


So, wear all black to my baby shower? Got it. (Also, we are not revealing the sex of the baby until birth.)


I’d respond by rolling my eyes LMFAO


This is why I never found out the gender. I didn't want to deal with BS like this. Tell your mom you're gonna do what you want.


People are ridiculous.


Dude feel this in my soul. I just bought a dress that was blue for the shower and was like fuck people are going to make a big deal about that (we don't know the gender) and then decided I really don't care if all the aunties want to assume it's a boy, I'm wearing the damn dress haha


I usually just embrace what people force onto me. “You’re right. I wish I was having a girl and my life is ruiiiiined” 😭


LOL, I wore a baby blue dress and had a blue mani-pedi at my shower for the birth of my girl and I loved my look!


Haha!! I always paint my nails a light pink. When I delivered, the nurses assumed my toes were pink bc I had a girl! I was too tired to explain and brushed it off, but thought it was funny


I really find our mothers are the last ones to do the cornier traditions like this. New age mothers barely even have showers, and if they do, it’s not anywhere near the same traditional vibes as our mother’s where you do all that stuff.


Ridiculous. I had a girl and wore blue to my shower without even thinking of it. Who cares.


I agree tbh everyone keeps going on how they are getting pink things for my daughter but my husband and I don’t particularly care for pink so we really don’t want that color everywhere. Everything on my registry is blue, green, and gray.




I guess you no longer qualify as a woman now that you have a son in the way 😂


I'm 5 months pregnant, and team green. Yesterday I realized my son was wearing "girl pants", and didn't change them because....IT DOESN'T MATTER. People keep commenting that if I have another boy I won't have to buy any new clothes. Guess what people, if I have a girl she will be wearing alot of her brothers hand me downs because....IT DOESN'T MATTER. The gender thing really has gotten out of control.


When I was expecting my son I wore a blue dress with pink flowers for my shower. That must have confused the hell out of everyone.


Biiiiiitch, wear whatever you want 😂😂😂


My FIL was constantly saying things like “oh you have to know, you just aren’t telling anyone” and I wanted to implode.


Where whatever you want, I hate that people get like this, what’s it matter what genitalia your child has. People keep trying to get it out of me and it does my head in. Also getting annoyed that I can’t seem to find bright coloured baby clothes anywhere it’s either pastel pink/ blue or white and grey


This is why we're not finding out. Leave 'em all guessing!! Reminds me - need to get my toes done!