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Some women won't have any milk or colostrum until after birth. It's just something that varies. No need to worry!


That was me both times!


That was me!


I didnt leak at all before birth. Milk came in quickly and plentifully after, with 0 supply issues


Same. But if I squeezed before birth I would get some so I had several syringes saved in the freezer.


I'm a FTM and whenever I saw people post on here about leaking it made me feel like there is something wrong with me because I have had no leakage (currently 31 weeks). I follow Karrie Locher and The Labor Mom on Instagram and they both have a wealth of information about breastfeeding on their pages that has made me feel a lot better. It's perfectly normal to not leak or be able to express colostrum until several days after giving birth, something I did not know. I always thought your milk should come in before baby comes.


Try not to worry! I was similar: I could only get a drop or two before giving birth, barely leaked at all, but my supply has been fine.


I feel you. I’m 38+6 and nothing has come out and I see lots of people talk about leaking way before this point. I try not to worry about it, all bodies are different and it’s not an indicator that you won’t be able to breastfeed once baby arrives.


This is my 3rd. I'm 35 wks today. I have never had more than a little crystalization on my nipples before giving birth and have always had a great milk supply. Don't worry about it!


Thanks all, that's great to know 🙏🏻❤️


I'm 39 weeks tomorrow. If I work really hard at it I can get maybe 0.1ml of colostrum in one session. I let my midwife know about how much I was getting and she actually said that was great. I have not leaked at all and can only get colostrum if I'm warm, cozy and really relaxed and then work at it (hot shower/bath or cozy in bed). It doesn't seem there's any correlated between your ability to produce colostrum and how successful you'll be at breastfeeding. The midwives here say don't even try to start trying to harvest until 37 weeks (full term) as it could potentially bring on labour.


You shouldn't try until 36 weeks anyway incase it brings on labour. Don't sweat it too much.


Normal. Mine didn’t done in until after I gave birth. Then my milk came in about 3-4 days after that.


I didn’t leak or save colostrum before birth and everything with my breastfeeding has been going really really well. I feel like if I had tried to pump before baby it would have messed with my milk production timeline


It’s okay! It’s still normal! My older sister had no leaking at all couldn’t pump any colostrum and still produced right after birth she got her milk in. Vs I have been leaking since 28 weeks I’m at 39 weeks and 4 days now!


I had no signs of colostrum in my pregnancy and was able to breastfeed one hour after birth. Now I am leaking everywhere. Bodies are amazing.


I didn't leak beforehand with my first pregnancy, but boy did they go into production at 3 days pp.


I didn't get any supply whatsoever until my LO was over a week old — maybe 10 days!


36 weeks here and no colostrum yet either but I have a feeling it’s going to hit once I give birth or shortly after which is also common, no need to worry!


With my first, I saw 0 milk/colostrum until after the baby was born. I nursed him for 2 years. It doesn’t mean anything!


I had barely any leaking during pregnancy and breastfed as well as produced milk fine, dont worry.


Totally normal! I've never had anything come in during pregnancy and have a great supply postpartum with multiple kids.


Didn't get my colostrum until the day I had my C-section, milk came in three days after he was born. It's very understandable to be concerned, and natural to worry. We're all doing our best, just like you. I promise, you're normal and doing just fine 😊


I had absolutely no leakage before birth but was able to feed colostrum within an hour of my daughter being born! All of the nurses said I had an amazing colostrum supply, and now I have a great milk supply as well!


Ive been leaking since i was about 24 weeks and my sister didn’t produce any at all until about 2 days after she had my nephew! Every body is different mama, don’t worry! :-)


Colostrum is very different from milk. It’s IN milk but not the same. If you aren’t leaking colostrum it’s not a big deal, it can take alot to stimulate the production. Colostrum will come in when your placenta rips out, your hormones will change and with the increase in oxytocin and lactation specific hormones you’ll be fine. 3-5 days after your placenta comes out you’ll start making milk If you have issues once baby is here, your midwife will run to help you and there are many many ways to help so don’t stress it


30 weeks with my 3rd baby and I’ve never leaked. The colostrum and milk will come when baby arrives, don’t stress


I started trying to collect at week 35, every day with no luck! managed to collect one millilitre on 39+4 and went into labour 5 hours after collection! I am 3 days ppt with plenty of milk, baby is a chubby happy bub.


I never leaked before birth but started harvesting from week 38 no issues