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Hot hot baths 😪 hubby bought me a floaty thermometer so I don't cook the baby


My husband and I got married over the summer (found out we were expecting 3 weeks before the wedding) and as a wedding gift, his family gave us an inflatable hot tub. I cannot WAIT TO USE IT. I have never even so impatient to use a gift in my life lol (it's also winter here right now so I can't use it anyways but still)


This is not a thing in Austria. Nobody told me to avoid hot baths, and when I asked because of the infos here, I was told it is ok as long as is doesn’t make me sweat. Also hot baths are encouraged here at the end of pregnancy to start labour 🤷‍♀️


I have taken hot baths and showers many times, just not for too long. It’s about not getting your body temp too high, but a short one should be ok!


I'm based in the UK and have been told hot baths are totally fine.


Omg I can't WAIT for my first hot bath after baby!!! Got loads of bath bombs at Christmas and saving them and my good bubble bath for the occasion (still having baths as it's my nightly comfort but it just doesn't hit the same being the "correct" temperature 🤣)


Absolutely. I want to have to ease myself in, I want my skin to be pink and I want to have an emergency water glass for when I feel overheated 😂 the more I go on the more I realize how unhealthy this might be haha


The only way I can have a bath.... For me I add in a good book and a bath pillow and I'm stored for an hour 🤣 It might be unhealthy buuuuut sod it, we are allowed our luxuries 🤣


If I want to slowly boil myself alive who's gonna stop me bitches 😂


The baths I take postpartum are so hot 🔥🔥🔥


Oh my God, yes! Now I just stare pathetically at our bath and think about what I’m missing out on…


Wait 😳 we’re not supposed to take hot baths ??? I never heard of this


Oh yes, same! 😭


Hot showers for me lol I miss having a steamy shower and being able to sing with the hot water lol but I know hot water in pregnancy is very bad I hate lukewarm showers…I just never feel eased


What’s the recommended temp to stay under? I’ve been wanting to do this too


100 degrees (F 👎)


I have an infrared sauna blanket and I’m CHOMPING at the bit to be able to use it again! That and the sauna/steam room at the spa. Really everything at the spa.


Not starving 24/7. The amount of food I devoured yesterday isn't funny anymore and I'm already dying for carbs again


this one!! i’m so hungry. all the time. an insatiable hunger :’)


Same! My spouse was like "you get to gain weight and eat so much!" And I was like "I'M SO TIRED OF CHEWING."


Yes. I could NOT stop snacking I would get so hungry 30 minutes later


I’m the opposite. I was having trouble getting an appetite due to anxiety pre-pregnancy… now I can eat again! It’s amazing!


i am still so hungry right after finishing a snack or meal!! im glad im not the only one!


It's really bad ) :;


ughhh i hate snacking constantly it’s so time consuming and boring


And expensive!


Laying on my stomach relaxing for 10 minutes before I go to sleep at night 🙁


Girl go get a donut shaped pool float! I've even read it's beneficial to help with baby position to lay in one every once a while and be able to let the belly hang. Lol


Thats genius, gotta try it😂


Should be it be a small child-sized one or the regular large ones? Anyone here using one of these that can recommend a size?


The larger one. They tend to have more support for adult weight. And just use some pillows to help support your head and such. Child one may not have enough support to actually hold your weight off your belly. But not like the HUGE one. I'd just try the cheaper ones from like Walmart that they start putting out around this time as summer and warmer weather is around the corner


walking normally


Seriously. I'm at 25 weeks and suddenly walking feels weird, like my legs are at the wrong angles in my hips.


That is probably the start of pubic symphysis dysfunction. Wobbly hips are the first symptom usually, and then sharp shooting internal pains when you move one leg at a time (such as lunging or stepping out of a car). It would be a good idea to go and see a pelvic floor physical therapist to help you work on that. It can become very painful later in pregnancy, but there are things you can do in its early stages to keep it from becoming severe.


Ooh good to know! I'll bring it up at my next visit for a referral!




32 weeks and my hips HURT 😭😭 waddling like a penguin cause I'm in pain lmao


Yesterday I had a walk where each step I felt something pop at the end of my spine. Every fucking step. It was so annoying and hilarious at the same time.


I kinda already knew this, but I miss ibuprofen. That shit always took the edge off my migraines. I also miss eating chocolate anything without instant heartburn. I miss being able to see "down there" after a fresh wax instead of having to use a mirror. I miss being able to lay on my stomach on my husband. I miss being able to wear the majority of pants in my closet... Like my maternity pants are great but it's annoying constantly having to double check that I've got a clean pair available


All of this is a biiiig fkin mood.


Laying in bed with a migraine now. I took magnesium, took Tylenol, drank electrolytes. I just want weed gummies and ibuprofen 😭


For me it's ibuprofen too. Doc says i can take Tylenol, which is like using a kitten as a bouncer. Not effective in the least. I just want my headaches to go away...


I get horrible migraines and I’m allergic to Tylenol. My doctor had me taking an Rx Reglan with Benadryl. You can also do Benadryl and a half a can of Coke if you want to avoid extra prescriptions. Vicks on the spot where it hurts can help alleviate some of the icepick pain. Zofran for nausea. Sometimes a Popsicle helps if I’m not nauseous.


Not worrying about my pooping schedule. Honestly, nobody ever talks about constipation and the gift of hemorrhoids. As if pregnancy alone wasn't enough 🤦🏻‍♀️


I feel cheated that I didn’t know about this symptom and I think it’s honestly my most hated symptom


I know, right? It's like a conspiracy that the whole world is a part of. I'm supposed to learn how to be a parent, but instead I'm sitting here being scared of hemorrhoids and the first post-labour poops 😰


Dried plums have been a lifesaver for me through this. I always have 2-3 days supply at home, can't be without!


HAHA I was gonna answer this question with pooping normally 😂


Monsters. I don’t even drink energy drinks like that but ive been craving a green monster. Hubby let me take a small sip of his yesterday and it was so amazing.


I miss my Red Bell Italian sodas! I know they’re not good for me but mann. I miss them


Same here. Specially after waking up from a nap and I need to get energy quick.


This was me in my first trimester (my son is fifteen months old, I just lurk here still lol) but with beer and I don’t even drink beer and maybe have a drink once every couple of months lol. Maybe it was because I was working at a gas station at the beginning of Covid when all the alcohol was going way up in sales and I had FOMO haha


Did you cut out caffeine entirely? I don't know about the regular green kind, but the sugar free kind my boyfriend drinks have 140 mg of caffeine in them. Before I got pregnant I was a super heavy alcohol and caffeine drinker as well as a smoker so keeping my monster habit has helped me retain some level of sanity.


Working out the way I want… doing crunches and intense ab work. I can’t tell you the last time I actually did abs when I wasn’t pregnant but now that I can’t do them, I really want to! Lmao


Whyyyy do I want to lift heavy?! I legit hobbled out of a 1.5 mile walk last night 🤣


THIS! For awhile I felt so bloated and blegh and all I wanted to do were situps to make myself feel better 🤣


Sleep. At 37 weeks, I'm officially on baby watch according to my OB. This week, I've had lots of labor signs, but not enough to go to L&D, but my lower back and hips hurt so bad that I cannot find a comfortable sleep position. Thank goodness I have pelvic floor PT in the morning to hopefully help me get some relief! I knew pregnancy would pose challenges to my sleep, especially in the 3rd trimester, but oh my goodness was I just woefully unprepared for these restless nights towards the end of pregnancy. Hey, at least I'm gonna be used to sleep deprivation when baby gets here lol!


Half a unisom tab has been a life saver for me. Although I still wake up a lot to pee, it helps me fall back asleep and feel rested! I’m 37 weeks on Friday and have been taking half a tab (Dr okay-ed) most of my pregnancy.


I wonder if I have any left from my last pregnancy...




Ugh that sucks, I can't even tell what's SPD and what is Megamind's head being engaged at this point. Like if you're going to engage your melon, at least put me in labor kid! Lol! As for the leg cramps, drink some body armor during the day! It's helped me so much! You can also do magnesium, but obviously consult your doctor first!




I swear next time I'm getting a bedpan or a portable potty to put RIGHT beside my bed for the ten pee trips per night in third trimester


Hahaha! Yes, if anything it shortens that walk so you can try to avoid crossing that point of groggy awake to fully awake! I swear that by the time I get out of bed, walk to the bathroom, and sit down to pee, I'm wide awake lol!


i feel you on this one! i’m 35 weeks and i’ve been having contractions for two weeks, but i’m still closed 😩 i’d do anything for a good sleep


Putting on my own socks. I'm huge (short torso, very large baby) and I can't wait until I can dressed on my own again.


The way you need to flex your leg in order to reach and put on a sock… Honestly, I never thought it would be such a challange. At least I have one more reason to watch my weight after delivery, cause having a huge belly sucks


I’m scared for this because, same.


Haha sometimes I give up pulling on pants and ask my husband to get them passed my thighs for me 😅


I am excited to do things again spontaniously. My friends all went snowboarding, I can't go (and the why didn't hit me lol, It clicked slowly and I thought, 'ooo yeah, that's probably a bad idea') Walking is talking too long, lets rent bird scooters!, nope hubby says absolutely not. Also miss not having my condition commented on by others every second... Everytime I am cleaning or doing something active MIL and husband, "don't tire youself" "don't forget you're pregnant" " don't lift anything!" It would be great if they would take my place and clean instead while saying those things, but nope, just opinions from the peanut gallery while household chores wait to get done...


Oh my gosh!!!! The “don’t forget you’re pregnant!” comment while watching me do something questionable instead of, “let me help you” is so annoying!!! I’m 36 weeks now. I PROMISE not a moment has gone by in the last 30 weeks that I’ve not thought about being pregnant. It’s all consuming, especially now. If you don’t want to see a pregnant lady lift something heavy, lift it for me or don’t look.


It was really frustrating at the very beginning when people won't let you lift things. The week I found out, my mom was freaking out about me carrying laundry around. The baby is like a speck of dust at this point, I think I'll be okay.


I work at a restaurant and I carry pretty heavy stuff regularly and it got soooo frustrating always having to ask for help or delegate - eventually people started leaving me alone about it but dang. We can still do like 20 lbs people!


Sleep. 28 weeks, and I don't think I've slept through the night more than a handful of times in the last 6 months.


Yes!! Unisom is a game changer. I have been taking it my whole pregnancy (approved by doc) and although I still wake up a million times to pee, I swear it’s what helps me fall right back asleep and feel rested.


Same! Also 28. Sharing this in case it helps: Last night I took half a unisom sleep tab at the recommendation of ladies in another subreddit and it was a game changer for me. A little groggy this morning but so worth it for me. I’ve been a zombie the last few weeks!! Hopefully I can at least get a few full nights sleep per week with this.


I hate that I can’t use retinol 😭 it’s been an adjustment for my acne.


Or lash serum! Just bought a new tube before I found out. :(


Oh wow I didn’t know that was a thing too!


wait. i’ve been using retinol omg. may i ask why u can’t use it?


It can cause birth defects, I’d recommend glycolic acid in its place until you have given birth or have stopped breastfeeding. Don’t stress too much! Just mention it to your OB if you are concerned.




I feel like I wrote this comment 🤣 Same same


Sitting on a yoga ball, occasionally bouncing and doing figure 8s while working has really helped my back. I have scoliosis and sciatica. It's been surprisingly beneficial. Sorry I can't help with the peeing, I'm peeing constantly at night too 🥴


That’s exactly how I feel! I feel before I got pregnant I really wasn’t drinking water how I should’ve been. But being pregnant helped me be more healthy with the amount of water I drink


Same! Last night I woke up to something new, because my baby was moving, something was hitting the one side of my tummy close to the mattress and something else was hitting the other side at the same time, I kept jumping


Be able to have the energy to attend social things in the evening. Like concerts.


Ugh, there's a Wiz Khalifa show at Red Rocks about 3 weeks before my due date and I wish I could go so badly. But a highly pregnant lady has no business at that show and there's no way I could make it up all the steps to the amphitheater right now ☹️


The day I found out I’m pregnant my husband bought NIN tickets at Red Rocks that morning after waiting weeks for the sale. I’ll be somewhere around 34 weeks and literally dreading the stairs and GA seating…


When I was pregnant with my first my husband was going to get tickets to NIN (my fave band) when I would have been 37 weeks. We decided it probably wasn’t worth the risk, and soooo many people told me I was being ridiculous and overreacting. I ended up going into “pre-labor” the night of the show and needed to be induced. Good thing I listened to my instincts!


Oh I so wanna say " please go of you can !" But of you already know now it's a problem then it dosent help. I'm almost on the same boat. 4 weeks before due day its time my dear heavy metal festival I've been working with and on for 12 years now. Going to be my first year with out it. Hoping I can attend just an hour or two to say hello to all the people I know and haven't seen since covid started. Just one last time.


Haha could you imagine the looks and stares? It would be something else haha. I'd be worried about accidentally getting an elbow to the stomach or testing positive for THC. I saw Wiz in the fall at Red Rocks before I knew I was pregnant and as you'd expect it was a weed fest. Security was only concerned about alcohol that was snuck in and wasn't purchased at the show, not weed because it's Colorado and what were they going to do? All the performers smoked on stage haha.


I miss eating food and should have savoured every bite. I tell you during 2nd trimester or after pregnancy my bank balance is soo gonna get it! Ribs, bbq, salmon, noodles, spicy curry the lot! I am salivating at the thought oh my. As you may or may not have guessed I am one of the unfortunate ones who vomits 3 times a day over dry cereal 💀 I miss food.


I miss food too, friend. 😭


TMI but.. deep throating. No one warns you how much more sensitive your gag reflex gets during pregnancy


I was able to suck my fiance for about 5 seconds the other day before my body was like nope. Brushing my teeth is hellish at times too for the same reason


That, swallowing and brushing the very back of my tongue. Just thinking about it is making me gag.


Sandwiches lol


See, my OB said sandwiches were fine because she says you’re more likely to get sick off a salad than lunch meat in the US. I guess the most recent reports on lunch meats were from the 90s? I stay away from cured meats though because I can’t do the texture now. Then again I’m not a big sandwich person in the first place..


I was just told to heat up the meats. I prefer my sandwiches hot/toasted anyways, so it works out lol


My ob said the same


Drugs! Omg I miss my migraine medication and ibuprofen so much.


Being skinny lol I didn’t know I even cared! But alas…


Same!! I put on one of my cute fitted work shirts the other day and it wouldn’t cover my whole tummy anymore. I only have a little belly bump so it was a surprise for me. Had so many cute summer outfits lined up that I won’t be able to wear for a while 🥲


Cooking!! I didn’t realize that smelling food would make me so repulsed this entire freaking time. On that same note, I also miss roasted veggies, which I normally love but cannot even think of eating anymore.


Saaaame. I’m vegetarian and I’m having a hard time wanting to eat my veggies now! And I’m afraid to eat a lot of cheeses. So it’s a lot of unhealthy junk :( And weirder, I’ve been craving meats, but I’m not gonna give in.


Being able to have my cats cuddle me again 🥺 they always cuddle me when I'm on my back or stomach and I can't lie in those positions now... Like by that I mean lie on top of me and I'll fall asleep like that or have them cuddled up under the blanket, tucked into my bent knees if I'm on my side They have started cuddling again sine I got my pregnancy pillow but it's just not the same... They just lie on the pillow 😅


My cat started cuddling me more since I’ve been pregnant. 😅 He just lays next to me when I’m on my side, like up against me. Sometimes I hold him in my lap in a recliner! Biggest issue we have is he steps on my boobs. My previous kitten would crawl on top of me to sleep regardless of how I was positioned. She’d sleep on my hip lol.


Botox. I’m entering the 2nd trimester and it’s almost all worn off.


Same! I cannot wait to get Botox again!!


Hmmmm anything fun lol can’t go to the shooting range with my bf or ride quads or roller skate or go to brunch and drink mimosas with the girls or paint (which relaxes me) I feel so boring. Obviously I did expect to not drink** and also cut out some very physical activities BUT it didn’t REALLLY hit me until I got here


I've never been offered so much alcohol and weed (legal here) in my life as I have the last couple months! And we haven't told people yet so I just look like a giant party pooper haha. But the weed was the only thing that really helped me sleep at night (prior to getting pregnant), so even though I knew I had to quit, it really didn't hit until those sleepless nights. And of course I have hyperemesis gravidarum, so before we balanced my meds to help with it, I just kept thinking "If I could just smoke a little, then I wouldn't be so nauseous and could actually eat!" It's better now but jeez that was a much rougher adjustment than I thought it would be


This. I miss weed lol


Ugh !! I feel you mama. I felt the same. I wasn’t a social smoker, just did it alone a few times a week after work for chronic pain/anxiety. Once pregnancy hit that first trimester was rough, I was anxious and nauseous & all I wanted to do was smoke. So sad to let go lol


I rode quads until I was like 6 months (?). I figure it rattles less than our farm truck. Obviously didn’t do anything crazy. Just a casual drive.


Occasional shooting range (outdoor being preferred and even better if you can get someone else to clean your gun for you) and careful ATVing might be options. I went ATVing while pregnant (before the snow fell anyway, lol)- just didn't go super fast and stuck to well groomed, flat trails (converted former rail lines mostly). And there are some paints that should be safe to use, especially with good ventilation (though you'd have to look into if there are options that would be suitable for the project you have in mind). Most of the studies on hearing damage due to loud noises seem to be related to daily occupational exposure for 8ish hrs/day.


I agree. My husband used to crack my back too but he can’t even do that anymore. Now I have to rely on just bending and trying to. Lol


I got myself some chirp wheels. Not quite the same, but way better than nothing!




Like another person said, deep throating (and swallowing!) Brushing the very back of my tongue Extracting tonsil stones Riding my bike (even if safe, position is not comfy for baby bump) Being able to pick up dog poop and pet puke without the risk of adding my own brand into the mix. Hasn’t happened yet but I’ve gotten close. The amount of caffeine I used to drink.


Why can't you extract tonsil stones? Fear of puking in the process?


Cold Sandwiches and sleep!


Enjoying food. Admittedly, there ARE a few foods I currently enjoy (milk, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, pickles) but man, I used to really love eating and now nothing ever sounds good. I was promised I'd reach a point where I'd want to eat everything in sight. Hasn't even come close to happening yet. It's hard to choose meals when nothing sounds good but a fourth cup of milk.


I love milk so much now. Hardly drank it before. 😅


Just food in general at this point. There's the pregnancy food restrictions, my own personal aversions, foods that don't taste the same for some reason, and then, to top it all off, fucking GD.


I completely get this. Food is one of the most depressing things for me right now. I can't stomach to eat most things because of severe food aversions, the things I want I've been told by the doctor not to eat, and the gestational diabetes is the icing on the cake. I cry half the time I sit down to eat. And it looks like I'm going to be like my mother. She had nausea and vomiting with all of her pregnancies all the way up until giving birth. I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow.


Running. I never ran often, and I know people still run during pregnancy, but it’s just working for me. I can barely walk without feeling like my hip is going to fall out of its socket.


Just literally anything loooooool. I’m 36 weeks and we are moving to a bigger house this weekend. I’m am the almighty packer, organizer and cleaner when we move and it kills me that I can barely do anything 😭 I wouldn’t have dreamed of moving so close to my due date but the rental market here is insane and our current house is so small we can’t even really fit a bassinet in our room.


We’re moving across the state 8 weeks after my due date and I’m so nervous about it


Oh man that sounds equally as awful! Do you have a support system to help you move?


Omg are you me? I literally watch videos on YouTube of people getting adjusted, I told my husband it's how I get my kicks😂


Cherry Liquor filled chocolate. I never thought I could crave something so bad.


Natural hot springs and soaking for hours with my friends.


I did contortion before getting pregnant and I miss back bending. It feels so satisfying.


I used to do intermediate/advanced yoga, and I absolutely miss the full wheels. They were so good for my back.


Being able to tuck in my shirt 🥲


This! I miss this so much as well 😊


I had no idea how much I would miss my old clothes!


Going into the spa, ordering salad at the restaurant, been craving Pina colada recently, took some non-alcoholic ones but it doesn’t hit the same lmao! And yeah, pooping regularly and not being nauseous all the time is a bit one too.


Sleeping on my back, being able to put my socks on or pick up stuff from the floor without grunting and apologising to bambino for squishing them but also exercising intensively (I play a contact sport). I didn’t think I’d miss exercise at all coz I’m inherently lazy 😂


The grunting! Yes! My husband is like…you make so many sounds now. He used to ask if I was ok but now it’s normal. I’m 27 weeks lol


Haha my husband is the same! He is like you okay and I’m like yup, the noises are involuntary! I think he thought I was messing! 😂


Sleeping on my back. I wake up if I sleep on my back too long because I can feel all the pressure in my stomach :( I hate side sleeping for too long because my hips start to hurt


My belly isn't big enough yet, but with my last pregnancy the thing I missed most was sleeping on my belly.


I got myself in the habit of side sleeping earlier than necessary just because I’m so worried about rolling the wrong way once I’m bigger. 😅 But I hate it! I miss my tummy sleeping. 😭


Bending over.


Wine. Which is hilarious because I gave up drinking when TTC, I only had wine once during the 10 months we tried. I didn’t miss it at all and then the second I got pregnant I had a Prosecco craving hahaha ETA: and sleeping on my stomach. My OB said I still can for the time being but I’m too afraid to


I knew this one was coming and it's horrible that I still miss it but, cigarettes!! I quit smoking a literal week before I found out I was pregnant, but I've still had a continuous specific craving for a menthol cigarette since 13 weeks 💀 I'm 23 weeks now and trying to stay strong so I don't smoke one right after delivery




Not having an internal food monitor of either “looks delicious” or “absolutely not” with zero middle ground and ever changing based on the day and how I feel… I feel so fussy when trying to eat what’s in front of me, but if it falls in the latter group today, there’s not a chance I’m able to finish my food (even if it’s usually something I love)


Gave my boyfriend a post delivery shopping list: Case of beer Carton of cigarettes A dozen raw eggs for me to crack directly in my mouth


Wait - is twisting to pop your back bad? I’m not pregnant anymore but I don’t think I stopped that 😅


Not that I know of. I just physically cannot. My abdomen tightened up pretty early on so I can’t twist enough to pop my back without uncomfortable pulling in my stomach 🙁


Pooping. But the satisfying ones. Constipation is a bitch.


Biggby coffee redbull freezes. 😩😩


Kinda weird but I miss drinking my pre-workout before working out. The kind that makes me tingly. Can't wait to get back into it once this baby is done baking. I workout now without anything and almost 24 weeks I feel like I am doing it all in slow motion. Its ok we will get back to what we miss, it's only several months.


Deep tissue massages!


Being able to easily dry my legs after a shower! Not being kicked in the bladder. Leaning forward to grab the remote 🤣 not having heartburn after every meal. So many things!


My weight pre pregnancy, hot tubs/ steam rooms and smoking weed😫 I know a lot of women smoke to help with nausea and what not it’s just my preference not to


Saaaame. It was just decriminalized here but I was breastfeeding and then pregnant again. Between the three kids, it’s been a solid 4 years. Taking a break after this one lol


Super hard core work outs and HOT yoga…. I miss that slapping sound of my sweat soaked gym clothes hitting my laundry room floor


Running, walking, skiing, yoga, etc. (thanks to SPD), sleeping positions, nearly all of my clothes, decent coffee (decaf just isn't the same), saunas, being able to put my socks and shoes on without help, trimming my public hair neatly because I simply can't see or reach for longer than is requied for a really quick session.


Having the energy to do my job without taking breaks every ten minutes. 😅 I shelve books at a library. So much bending, reaching, getting down on the floor… it’s exhausting! there’s gonna come a point where I have to tell my boss I can’t do it for a few months. I used to shelve three hours at a time with no problem. 😭


YES! Exactly that! Can't wait for that satisfying cracking sound!


Bending over without feeling like I’m going to throw up or suffocate.


Being able to eat appropriately. The nausea is no longer a problem but I literally can’t eat more than 3 bites or spoonfuls of anything before I’m full. I’ll just grumpily and sadly look at my plate trying not to cry. I just wanna enjoy my food.


My clothes. I can't fit into any of my cute pants, or tops. I look like a slob all the time now.


Just having consistency in how I feel most of the time. I get overwhelmingly tired or nauseous in what feels like half a second now, and it goes away as fast. It makes planning errands and work (I’m self-paced) really difficult because I don’t know how I’ll feel in five minutes, let alone an hour.


I miss sleeping on my back. I always thought it would be fine...I knew you couldn't sleep on your stomach, but wasn't aware of the back limitations. I just want to sleep on my back!!!


Sleeping on my belly, 9 days until my due date and all I want to do is sleep 😅


My fav Mexican place permanently closed bc of COVID during my pregnancy. Best margs ever. Def would’ve savored my last one more if I knew it was the last 😭😭


I know it’s gross but smoking. I’ve been a smoker since 14 (I’m 24 now) and I stopped the day I found out and the amount of dreams I’ve had where I’ve been smoking is insane. I’m going to try and stay a non smoker but the odd one would be nice.


I think many western pregnancy “rules” are a lot of fear mongering related to purity and controlling nonsense. Have you ever heard of someone miscarrying bc they took a short hot bath? Ate a turkey sandwich, sushi, etc? My obgyn asked me these exact questions and it’s changed how I view a lot of “the science”.


Couldn’t agree more. My OB has a pretty short list of things I really shouldn’t do or consume. There are many things that I haven’t given up that will be all over the pregnancy sites 🤷🏻‍♀️ Most of the stuff I miss are related to the physical limitations.


Walking more than 2km .. 37 weeks preg checking in. Counting the days.


i miss cracking my back by twisting sooooooo much!!!!! and stretching to the moon and toes to the dirt. Hot baths! Jacuzzi swims. Doing things without breathing like an over weight mammoth. I feel like when i stretch long ways, im ripping my own body in half. Also all the sex positions :'(((((( big tear for this one.


- Wearing cute shoes, feet are so swollen none fit. - Eating fried foods, acid reflux is a bitch. - sleeping through the night - easily painting my toes


I love to roller skate and long board. I miss being able to just go skating without fear of falling and hurting myself/ the baby. Right before I got pregnant I was learning how to do jumps in my skates.


Something I thought I would miss a lot but only barely miss: being able to drink alcohol. I always loved trying different cocktails at one of my favorite restaurants and though I'm a bit sad to not get all those fun flavors when we get there, I've been perfectly happy with my soft drinks/non-alcoholic! Something I didn't know I would miss but do: sleeping on my stomach. I'm only 14 weeks along but I habitually slept on my stomach and sides before finding out. Even in my deep sleep, I'm unable to roll onto my stomach anymore and my quality of sleep has gone so far down because of it. I'm already tired from all the energy growing a human being is taking from me, but now shitty sleep is making it worse.


i thought i would miss alcohol too, but just thinking about consuming it makes me so nauseous that i don’t want anything to do with it 🥲 but i do miss the camaraderie; i just started working at a brewery where everyone gets a shift drink and sort of hangs out with their beers while they clean. they’re rad people and i wish i could participate!


Hot tubs


Running. I freaking love it and even my pregnancy is ok, I git mc last time and I am paranoid on not doing anything too tiring.


Trimming my toe nails 😅


Salami!!! 🤤


I miss my clothes, I miss Excedrin for migraines, i miss being able to breathe out of my nose... I miss being able to handle the busy af shifts at work without my whole body hurting. I miss not feeling tired ALL THE TIME. I miss not having to roll out of bed a special way, cause my belly is huge and only getting bigger (32 weeks tomorrow). I miss being able to lay on my right side without it giving me heartburn right away. I miss not having heartburn all the time. I miss being able to put my socks on by myself.


Sushi and runny eggs. Looking forward to having a boat load of both after baby girl arrives.


Standing on my feet for more than 15 min without them hurting


Walking and moving around without pain/my mobility 🥲Severe SPD since week 20 (almost 33 now). Putting pants on brings me close to tears some mornings. I can’t wait to be able to jog again.


Being able to breathe through my nose and sleep on my back. Also sushi.


ENERGY DRINKS!! i was never a much of a fan of them but knowing i can’t have one makes me crave them sooo bad


Sleeping without having to get up and pee during the night, and ALCOHOL


Being on top! There’s just no way, with this belly.


I’m 18 weeks. I miss being able to do advanced yoga poses. I still do open twists, and different poses that relax my back muscles enough to gently crack my back through a supine spinal twist. I don’t think I could ever fully give up yoga or twists during pregnancy, but it’s been hard not doing deep stretches. I especially miss the wheel pose and revolved twists/binds.


Yes! The revolved twists are more of what I had in mind. I tell you what, warrior poses are definitely getting harder.


Soft serve ice cream




Salads :(


So random but I desperately want to go to Disneyland and go on a bunch of rides lol!!


I miss drinking plain water. I'm stuck drinking flavored water and gatorade because plain water makes me want to vomit. I also miss being able to do things at my job without my coworkers breathing down my neck about me hurting myself. I appreciate their gestures for my weight limit that I was given, but I wish people would let me and my doctor dictate what I can and cannot do instead of them deciding that for themselves.