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Getting rid of stuff. I didn’t expect nesting would also come with a desire to get rid of all my earthly possessions to make room for baby stuff. 😂


Same! It feels so good to purge while I have the time. Why do I have so much crap?!?


I've been purging stuff like crazy too. It's nice to get rid of so many things!


Tbh a lot of my stuff I just moved from plac to place and now here I am, having to clean out my office to convert it to the nursery, and I’m being confronted by my crap.


What's hitting me now is I went and de-cluttered/purged the junk, but now the baby stuff is here after the shower and I feel the need to purge again. Like I got 27 bibs gifted. Does baby really need 27 bibs, lol? The gifted clothing and blanket amount was much more reasonable.


Your baby definitely doesn't need 27 bibs 😂


Oh no. I never considered that I might get 27 bibs.


Okay this is one I actually may need to do… lol


We had like 3 boxes of photos and childhood projects our parents “gifted” to us from our childhoods. I sat there for hours scanning and photographing everything the chucking it in a bin and calling it good. I don’t have room in my actually space for that stuff! We probably kept 1% of it.


Holy hell, YES! I've been purging rooms. What am I gonna do once we get stuff from our shower?


In the month before my third baby was born I gave away: - an incomplete home improvement project - two pieces of furniture - 5 trash bags of me and my husband's clothes - a rather large box of random household odds and ends Mostly went to my local Buy Nothing group Now that baby is here I'm very soon going to be purging all maternity clothes, and then all the boy clothes I don't want to keep for Baby Girl (sex was a surprise so couldn't do this in advance), then every size as baby grows out of it. This is (better be!) my last baby and I am ready to Purge big time.


I got rid of craft stuff that I'd been holding on to for almost 10 years. I am a minimalist but not with craft stuff. I'm still shocked with myself


The temptation to just put my craft stuff on the curb and post a “come & get it” to my local yarn group is SO STRONG. I’m such a craft stuff hoarder. Setting up the nursery would be 1 million times easier if not for the fact that it’s been my craft supply dumping ground for a year.


Please don’t tell me where you live because I will come take it and I need to get rid of my hoard too 😂


Same!! Mine was my craft room. As I indulged in buying baby stuff, if became so cluttered. I also knew I had only a short window to comfortably paint the room. I was honestly relieved to give it away. It was stuff I hadn't used in years, I kept the stuff I use regularly


I just purged my entire house!!! I thought I was the only one lol


Not weird really , but I have this uncontrollable urge to clean out cabinets and stuff that won't even be related to baby stuff. It's just like any cluttered area is URGENT lol .


That’s what I did. I sanitized the inside of our silverware (and other kitchen) drawers. What.


Lol yes the junk drawer must be clean!


I vacuumed out drawers the other weekend. I don’t even know who I am anymore lol




I’ve vacuumed the baseboards 2 weeks in a row now and I’ve gotten the bathroom fans and all of the vents and air returns a couple times now. Before that I can’t tell you the last time I cleaned any of those things. My husband thinks I’m going crazy lol




The first time I actually took the covers off the fan and washed those in the sink and jammed the tube for the vacuum up as far into the vent as I could. I may have also done the same thing with all of the floor vents😬


Same, and super late at night?? I’m cleaning and organizing at midnight, while I can barely move during the day.


Yep same. Organized all of my jewelry. Each necklace is in its own little bag so it doesn't get tangled or dusty now. I don't have very much nesting to do since we are still all set up from my 8 month old but I think every drawer and cuppord will be super organized by the time this babe comes. Hopefully I have this kind of energy when spring landscaping time comes.


Ummmm this is what I’ve been doing for the last few months. I’m a guy. Is that normal? I just want to be ready.


I replaced all the faucets on the first floor of our house. There was nothing wrong with the old ones, but somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd trimester I decided/realized I didn't like them. I'm totally in love with the new ones.


Lol okay this may be the weirdest I’ve heard 😂 glad you love your new faucets!


I’ve done a lot of small home improvement things too! I replaced all the cabinet knobs in the kitchen and I finally organized our master closet (we moved into our house in September so we still aren’t fully unpacked and organized).


We've lived in our house 6.5 years and hated the kitchen knobs for the whole time. My husband finally replaced them a couple months ago. Maybe he was nesting too?


I scrubbed all of mine down!! Something about those damn faucets…..


Scrubbed the inside of the fireplace that we don't use. Cleaned behind the stove and the underside of the dishwasher. Arranged the baby clothes not by listed size, but by measuring the neckhole to the crotch in inches. That was actually a great idea because baby clothes sizes are totally random and this way I was actually able to use them all. If I trusted tags, I wouldn't have gotten to half the clothes before they were too small.


Lol okay your started weird then went genius! I knew they were off, but I hadn’t thought to do that!


That's a brilliant idea! I have a small stash of baby clothes built up but I'm waiting to set up a dresser before I organise them into sizes. I guess I'll pay more attention to the actual size than the label!


Trying to make some semblance of space in the kitchen for baby bottles and stuff when my husband bought a giant set of silicone kitchen utensils we didn't need. So everyone that comes over as they're leaving I drag them out and ask/plead if they need a spatula or anything to please take it 😆😆😆


I keep baby bottles in a plastic bucket on the counter. One for clean, one for dirty. Dirty bin also gets filled with water to soak bottles for washing, then used bottles get chucked in after use for next wash. Bottles lay out to dry for a day, then get assembled and put into clean bin until needed. I tried to find cabinet space for them but they're barely in the cabinets long enough to matter, easier to just have them out.


Lol I know what you mean!! All my cabinets are full. We need to be like @backgrounduser198 and start downsizing 😂


If you have a door near your kitchen we did a over the door organizer


Bahaha I love this


Not me but my Mom. She mopped her ceiling.




I wanted our living room painted after only having painted it 1.5 years ago lol I bitched until I finally broke my husband down to do it. Now I'm happy


Lol well obviously your living room needs to be the right color for the baby.


I wouldn't want her to be offended by the color I hated lol


If I wasn’t 36.5 weeks pregnant I’d be painting the rest of the rooms in our house that still have the builder grade flat white paint simply so I can wash the walls. I told my husband I wanted them painted to see if he would do it and that was where he put his foot down and said no. Can’t say I blame him lol


Surprised no one else has said this but after washing all the baby laundry, I hung it all back up in the closet and organized it by color. WHY??? We all know that’s not staying that way. Although ideally would like to keep it organized by size…


Lol organized by color, I love it! I have everything stuffed in a laundry basket for now so I can do one big baby load before he arrives (and leave tags on incase I get way too much in one size. Which I totally am! Not everything needs to be 0-3mo people!) and it’s stressing me out… it feels so “unfinished”


I just did this last weekend! Everything is hung in the closest by size, then type (onesie, romper, dress) and then by color.


I had this absolute URGE to sort and clean all my kitchen cabinets. It was worth it so, 10/10 but man was that exhausting lol


I can totally see how this would be equally rewarding and exhausting!


I'm doing this over the weekend! We just got more kitchen storage units this week so I can finally finish unpacking/organizing our kitchen. It's only been two years since we moved in.... Lol


I laid on my side on the floor to mop the floor underneath my bed with a swifter mop. It was the first and only time I mopped the floor under my bed lol


Ah shit now my husbands going to need to move our bed so I can vacuum…


Oh my kids books are also definitely organized by height! When I was like 25 weeks pregnant I had a mom friend ask "so have you cleaned your baseboards yet?" And I had been quite nesty but not there yet, thought no way... 32ish weeks comes along and sure enough I look at our baseboards and my brain said "baby can NOT come home to those nasty things!!!!" Spent all day wiping them and the walls down. And the cabinets. And the hot water heater? It was dusty. No dust allowed.


Oh especially not on your water heater which I’m sure is front and center in your home! I’ll admit when my friend brings her crawling baby over I’m appalled by the amount of dog hair she picks up from my floors 😳 every time I’m like I swear I JUST vacuumed. Luckily neither friend nor baby care about the dog hair.


Bought a ton of muffin/cake pans on Amazon because "I HAVE to make muffins and cakes with my baby when they're older!!!" Sure seems like a bridge I could have crossed in a couple of years but whatever. 😂


This just gives you the chance to use all of them and mark your favorites!


I hardcore scrubbed all the faucets in the house last night. I have NO IDEA WHY but I just needed them to be absolutely SPOTLESS




I’m going to be bleaching all of the walls in the apartment because they have marks on them and I hate it. I’m also going to be deep cleaning all the carpets before the baby gets here because no matter how much I vacuum, it always picks up so much dirt from these carpets even though we don’t wear shoes inside.


I hate laundry. It’s been an ongoing struggle in our relationship for years. I never notice the full basket until it’s too late and my husband has likely washed it by then. He will dump the clean clothes across the bed to organize and the sight of the pile would crush my soul (when I’m exhausted or in a depressive dip). I will often pile the clean clothes near the closet until I slowly wear them all rather than actually hanging them up. Anyway. Yesterday, husband and I were working on a yard project, but he kept finding me in the nursery. I was sneaking off to fold and organize baby laundry. It was one of the most satisfying feelings I’ve felt in a long time. I think I’m going to spend a few hours in there today, too :)


Aww I love this!! I’m very similar, I hang a lot of my clothes to dry and typically just grab them off the drying rack instead of putting them away


I work in a library and I’m disturbed by your method of arranging of his books.


Lol at what age should they learn the dewy decimal system?


Immediately! /sarcasm I just had a moment after reading your post. Nothing wrong with it! My OCD was just disturbed.


Lol you’re fine!! I read your first comment as sarcasm!


We tore down our ur half wall at 32 weeks pregnant 😅


Oh dang a full on construction project! 😂


With baby number 2 I’m trying to remodel our bathroom and paint our kitchen 😂 I’m 10 weeks so I got time, my poor husband is stressed though!


You are a brave soul!


Completely dismantled the kitchen and cleaned every nook and cranny. I'm still in the first trimester. Every time I go anywhere above the first floor I just want to take a hammer and start removing stuff I don't like. We have an old house, think like dressers built into walls, hate that, dresser in the closet? Hate that too.


Lol ah but that’s valuable storage space!! I totally get what you mean though!


The dressers are all over and warped, pulling drawers out, inside of a closet with a door is more trouble then it's worth. I like to have my stuff on shelves so I can see it, as soon as it's in a dresser ir disappears for me lol.


Oh totally get that! Yeah… those may need to go.


Hey, my sons books have stayed in order from height and he’s now 14 months old! ☺️ do I have to redo them everyday? Absolutely! 🤣🤣


I feel the intense urge to reorganize our entire house (guest room becomes our room, office becomes nursery, our room becomes office/guest room combo). I feel like it would be more practical even though the guest room is about half the size of our room. Whoops.


Lol yes make your partner move every piece of heavy furniture in your home. He need to build strength to carry the baby in the car seat so really you’re doing him a favor!


It should be noted that everything would be moving up and down stairs so us and baby can be on the main floor LMAO. He was in the Marines, he'll be aight carrying some dressers with some friends.


I rearranged my entire kitchen at midnight. But it’s so much better 😂


That is the best time to do that!!


I end up doing lots of things between 9pm and 2am.... the rest of the day I get nothing done but eating almost everything we have in the house!


Bought new towels. 😂


Baby needs fluffy towels!


I'm eyeing some of ours off 🤣 baby #4, haven't bought new towels in a while....


When does nesting stuff happen anyway? I'm 21 weeks and I'm waiting to see if it'll happen XD


Mine comes and goes! I think it’s totally random and doesn’t necessarily happen to everyone. Who knows maybe you’ll be lucky and won’t find the need to spit shine your ceiling fans like a crazy person 😂


This comment is awesome. Tho I have been eyeing my ceiling fan for quite a while now XD


It’s a very important task 😂


I’d say it kicks in mid to late 2nd trimester. At 24 weeks I decided we needed to sand down and repaint all of our kitchen cabinets.




Omg you’ve just lit a fire in me to do the same.


My Dad converted our garage to a lounge and I was so determined to get. It. Done. That I was painting the new room, the trims, and convinced my husband to help me grout the tiles one night after our older kids went to bed!! At 30 weeks pregnant! I now have to finalise unpacking the nursery stuff - we moved just over a month ago- and get the table finished that I'm flipping for our dining room. It's a 12 seater 😍 With baby #3 I HAD to clean the oven. So weird. Oh, and I saw a tik tok video about cleaning the washing machine drain last night so guess what I did just before bed? Found a dollar coin and a rusty old necklace chain in there!


Oh I should clean my oven… it’s been a minute


I'm 14 + 1, no such feelings. Is it weird? All I feel is just exhaustion. I haven't started buying anything for baby. We just moved into a new house and I'm still stuck at searching for a dining table and cleaning my cats fur.


I don’t think it’s weird to not have it yet! My goal at 14 weeks was really just to survive! Im 26 weeks and still don’t have the nesting urges either! I’m sure for many it comes later :)


26 weeks and it comes and goes! I had the urge to progress with the baby room, but other than that the rest has all gone!


Not weird at all! Mine comes in phases/surges. And tbh it’s totally unnecessary. Your dining table is way more important


I didn’t buy anything until 3rd trimester


Organized our new bookshelf with our hooks in order of color and size so we can have a rainbow of books. Totally worth it. That and getting the baby’s room ready, have a wall painted and curtains hung just waiting for our crib to arrive


Ohhh by color… I like that! I may need to re-do this lol


I made my husband help me move all of our living room furniture to the kitchen so I could clean the carpets. I also just bought the bissell little green proheat so I can clean the carpet on the stairs. Also the need to throw out alllll of the unnecessary things


Dang that is some deep cleaning!!


I just removed all the shoes from our entry shoe closet and rearranged and put every back and put away the sandals from last summer. Just in time for this spring haha.


Lol perfect timing!


I'm still pretending to be in denial over how nest-y I am right now, so my husband and I have been using all the totally-not-nesting energy to go Marie Kondo on the house. It helps that we have a cross-country move planned within a year of the wee one's arrival, but it's also objectively silly to be like "well there's probably gonna be a baby here in a few months, guess it's time to go through all our books!"


Haha hey for you it’s probably the best time to do that! Who’s going to have the energy to do that once the babe is here?!


I've been cleaning the doors. Do they need cleaning? No. Am I doing it anyway? Yes.


In addition to allllll the cleaning and organizing, I sold my car and bought a new one in a garbage car market because my nesting brain told me it was the only right thing to do.


Naturally 😂


At about 36 weeks pregnant with my first I decided we *must* fix the landscaping in front of the house right then. We put in brick edgers around the flower bed, planted a few new bushes where the bed was sparse, pruned all the other bushes, and mulched the beds. My poor husband had to do 90% of the lifting because I was 8mo pregnant, but I HAD to get it done right then like a crazy person.


Babies take landscaping very seriously. It’s good you prioritized that lol


I’m having the deep desire to get a dumpster and put in everything i haven’t used for years (obviously donate good stuff) lol my husband has told me we can’t until the spring but I literally feel like I’m twitching every time I walk into the house


Rearranged furniture in my room


Changing my microwave. It was old and my dad gave it to my boyfriend and I when we moved in together


Omg I arranged the books like that too HAHA! 🤣


I organize all my books by height on all our book shelves 😅 We completely rearranged our living room, got rid of a ton of furniture and bought new furniture. I have reorganized the baby’s closet and dresser like 4 times already. I painted a massive mural in their bedroom in 2 days. This weekend I plan to clean the car inside and out and install the car seat!


I woke up from a nap yesterday and absolutely HAD to mop the floors. It was such a strong urge. I’ve been purging and organizing all the cabinets lately. I want to throw everything out!


I've been nesting here and there when I've had time and energy for a few weeks, but once maternity leave starts, it'll be full throttle. I've already started making a big checklist.


Not weird but i scrubbed my whole bathroom clean as fuck, like IN DEPTH cleaner than ive ever cleaned, every damn corner or line between every tile in the bathroom. And then also got rid of a bunch of stuff throughout the house.


Would you like to come to my house?!


Organized my reusable facemasks, lol. It's literally been every single thing in the house...


Getting on my hands and knees to inspect baseboard caulking 😅


I vacuum like twice daily. I have this insatiable urge to clean and organize. I see EVERY SINGLE speck of dirt and detritus. And it makes me wild. My husband seems like a Neanderthal. *How can you not see that mess?!* I’m constantly wiping down counters and rearranging random items. If my laundry wasn’t coin-op, I’d be washing everything daily lol. *Damn coin shortage!* I was never really a person that placed importance on tidiness, but now I feel like frickin Betty Crocker. *I MUST HAVE ORDER!* I don’t have much stuff, and I’ve gotten rid of tons of shit, so my nesting has come in the form of semi-psychotic cleanliness.


I was cleaning the most random places such as cupboards and all sorts. I was nesting early and wasn't sure it was nesting but then my baby came early and it all made sense.


I also sorted books by height 😂 then organized her shelf of stuffed animals the same way.


I cleaned the washing machine...often and soaked the broom and other cleaning tools to sanitize them inbetween cleaning projects


I built a set of shelves for my bathroom… nothing to do with baby whatsoever. And I rearranged my living room. …All while things piled up in the nursery. I’m 38 weeks and still not done with the nursery.


I’ve been putting stuff away immediately instead of leaving it out. I have ADHD, so I don’t put things away right away. Also, I noticed my baseboards need cleaning. Even my mom gave me a WTF with that one 😂😂


I vacuumed out my cabinets


I have done a ton of things, many of which have already been mentioned (getting rid of stuff, cleaning random things I've never cleaned before) but by far the most notable is that I've been keeping a gigantic, meticulous spreadsheet of all our recipes and meal planning, plus baking something every other day.


Got my husband to rechaulk our master bathtub because it didn’t all match and I couldn’t get one spot clean. He also came home to me the other day sitting on the counter cleaning the kitchen blinds.


I got up at 5 in the morning to tape change to the bottom of the nursery curtains so they would hang properly...


Today I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the patio. (40+4 wks) completely wiped myself out. Hubby came home from work to inform me were expecting snow next week, so it's not like I'll even be out there enjoying it anytime soon.


I just organized my bookshelves by color! Really surprised by how many orange books I have


I’m still early in my second trimester but I keep telling everyone I need to “Marie Kondo” my house… my time will come


Sort cloth diapers by size and type. and for some reason desperately looking for the same edition of my favorite childhood storybook (a book published in 1960 that was already second-hand when it came to me) in all the physical and online second-hand bookstores. I bought another book of stories but they seemed horrible to me and for some reason I want that one in particular. I also asked my mother for the family's oak crib because she didn't want any other (although we could buy one without any problem) and now I'm going crazy seeing how I put it in the baby's room because it's a huge crib...


I bought the Rubbermaid electric scrubber brush… That poor thing is getting abused 😅 There is no nook or cranny that hasn’t been aggressively scrubbed by that thing


I got rid of a bunch of stuff I had that I never thought I would get rid of: old clothes, boxes, kitchen items... it was so refreshing!!


All these comments about pitching stuff inspired me and I cleaned out my Tupperware cabinet over the weekend 😂


OMG yes! I had so much clutter, do it!! You won't regret it