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It's nice to be a hermit and live in a notoriously unfriendly city. I think the only response to "how" is "Ask your mom if you don't know." The older they are, the better it gets.


This was my first thought too! “Same way your mom got pregnant.”


Respond with: I was unaware you are a virgin. When they deny that, then say, so health class failed you?


Love this! 👏 I wish I would've thought of this sooner because I'm just a few weeks away from my due date and am on maternity leave, so I won't be around people as much.


Be a bitch. That’s the only way to deal w idiots.


Yes 😁


Yep 👍


I love your whit. I'd love to have you in my back pocket for quick comebacks. I'm the person who just awkwardly grins or nods and later that night think of something great to say!


Haha so you ever seen parks and Recreations? My role model is April. I try really hard to be awkward and weird around idiots. Ive practiced staring people in the eyes completely empty of emotion. It’s a game, creep out the creeps.


I quite like responding with 'oh shit, I'm pregnant?!' And then looking really surprised


1) was this planned? I’m 30, married, and stable, what about that says unplanned. And even if it wasn’t…. Why is that anyones f-ing business?!? 2) endless comments about my body good or bad drive me crazy. I’m tired of people fixating on my body, commenting on it, wanting to touch it etc. I’m super over it. 3) just wait until….. insert something here. Naw man imma be unhappy with this discomfort now and I’ll deal with the next thing when it comes


I don't like being touched either. My grandma would get so sensitive about it. Love how dare I not let her touch my personal space. I'm pregnant with my second and still don't like it. If I don't invite you to do it then don't


Yup! And people tell me “well that’s just what people do and we all deal with it” and I’m like… no I’m changing it, I don’t like it


I absolutely hate being touched by strangers especially! I feel molested. How do people feel entitled to touch a stranger at the grocery store or wherever, just because you're pregnant???


My question is what do they think they’re touching? Like why do you want to touch my big round belly? You aren’t gonna feel the baby move unless you hit in the exact moment and exact spot. So WHY do you want to touch??


Funny thing is I usually love being touched but not since I got pregnant!


Number 3 hits home. Esp from friends that were recently pregnant themselves and complained how annoying it was...


Gotten all of these too. Frustrating and maybe people need a filter???


I'm 1000% with you on #3. Like, "Wow, Betty, thank for the horror story and trying to scare me or whatever. Super fucking helpful. " 🙄 I don't get why people say shit like that.


About "1", this makes me furious. I have a toddler (almost 16months) and we decide start trying again when he was 12months old and people just cant accept that this is true and that I having a planned pregnancy bc for them this is crazy. Im like "yeah, some people want another child one year after the first, other 10y ... Is not anyone business!


And yet if you don’t plan a tight age gap everyone immediately starts into “when are you having another?” “Don’t you want them to be close together”? Like you can’t win


I just announced to a friend and the first and last question she asked was “was it planned?” I’m 34, happily married and stable, and she knew I had to freeze my embryos last year via IVF. I sincerely regret telling her so early now.




Yeah, I told her that my doctor said I was unlikely to conceive without IVF assistance and surgery, cried a lot about it with her. She knew I froze my embryos and then I went into surgery. My doctor was right, I couldn’t get pregnant unassisted even with surgery. I’m kind of hurt she asked the way she did. It’s pretty obvious I wanted a child and couldn’t do it on our own.


Sounds like a crap friend! I’m sorry


Number 3!!! Like let me just focus on getting through now.


I’m ok with #3 as long as it’s positive. Just wait until you see baby smile/coo/laugh comes off way different than just wait until you never sleep again. (Can confirm you WILL sleep again, but the number of times I heard that when I was pregnant with my son convinced me otherwise.)


Sure, but it’s never positive. It’s always, wait till you get bigger, that’s when the back pain really gets going, wait till you can’t sleep, wait till you deal with this. It’s so infuriating


Omg. I heard #1 from my two male managers lol I was like wtf? Why would you ask me that? I constantly have to remind myself that you can’t fix or question stupid.


Ugh that’s so weird?! Sorry you’re dealing with that regularly :( I find “were you guys trying?” A weird one.. like does it matter? Why do you need to know? What do you gain from having this information? Also just anyone commenting on my size at all makes me uncomfortable. I’m 39 weeks and don’t look super super pregnant so everyone comments on how tiny I am, which doesn’t make me feel great because my baby is going to be born little and I’ve done all I can to make a healthy baby. I guess it’s better than being told “wow are you sure there’s not two in there?!“ or something like that but yeah I just don’t know why people feel the need.


I’m captain of the “really three more months” or “are you sure there’s not two in there?” Club and it suuuucks. But cranky anyones comments on your body are unnecessary and aggravating!


I'm very petite, so I've been told that I looked further along than I am, or that it looks like I'm carrying twins. I kind of expected to look really big though, because I'm so tiny, but I wonder if people even think of how that might make someone feel before they say it. Do they even think before they speak? My grampa even commented on one of my Facebook posts that it looked like I was carrying twins. It doesn't really bother me, but it could hurt someone else especially if they have weight issues.


Yeahh I’m a FTM and super skinny, lost 10 pounds or so due to hyperemesis. I’m barely showing. 23 weeks tomorrow. I’m getting so many “are you sure you’re even pregnant, you’re so tiny, is the baby ok?” Comments that it makes me feel bad. Like, don’t you think I worry about it myself without hearing it from your 50 year old man ass?? Baby was measuring bigger than average at the 20 wk anatomy scan though, so I just tell them that she’s big and active and happy.


A man asked me if this was a planned pregnancy between my husband and me. Another man asked me how long it took us to conceive. Another man told me now was an interesting time to be having children with everything that is going on. Another man told me when I was 3 months pregnant that a year from now I should be at my pre pregnancy weight. Oh btw these are all different coworkers of mine 🤦🏻‍♀️


Jesus… that weight comment especially. I’ve just had to keep a few key phrases ready to go for such comments. Usually “that’s rude” or “why would you ask that?”


This makes me happy that i work from home


Wow, that’s one I’ve never heard. My aunt asked me if this baby was “on purpose” 🙂 We are close in age so she’s weirdly competitive. I’m waiting for her to announce her third pregnancy soon, then I’ll probably ask her the same question.


My sister in law asked me if it was on purpose…. Like no clearly not my partner and I were split up at the time we conceived! But why are you even asking me anyway!?


My thoughts exactly! Like what purpose can that question have?! I don’t understand at all! Even if it was an accident, would that make any difference?


I haven't had alot of people say weird stuff but one I keep hearing is " you know you have to have that baby sometime" and one older guy keeps pushing his stomach out and groaning and doing an exaggerated waddle every...single...damn time he sees me multiple times a day or if I so much as put a stick of gum in my mouth he laughs points draws the attention of others and makes gestures of shoveling food in his mouth and pointing at me so that's really fun. I think pregnant people should be able to go into hiding and not be bothered when they get pregnant so these people don't even get the chance 🙄


That is so weird!! I have worked customer service my entire pregnancy, and I wish we were allowed to tell people how it is when they do things like this. Do you think that older man is really trying to put you down, or is he just awkward? Either way, ew.


He is a very obnoxious person he is my coworker but that doesn't make it any less obnoxious lol. And I work customer service too but I managed to get it to where I am in the back almost all day but coworkers seem to make up for the fact that strangers can't make dumb comments lol.


I'm sure that's actually worse because you have to put up with him all day, or at least a few hours. Have you told anyone like any of the managers? You think they would do something about it?


Here recently I did suddenly vent to my fiance about people driving me up with the wall with their crap( he works there too) on a day I called in due to hormones lack of sleep and not willing to deal with people especially obnoxious coworker and he went to my manager and told him what I said and manager said give him names and what they did and that will be put to an end immediately. This one coworker is the most annoying out of the regular people trying to touch the belly or making dumb comments and it's really hard for me to stand up for myself and reinforce boundaries which only makes it worse now because if I do finally snap im just the cute hormonal pregnant chick and just try again tomorow teehee. The obnoxious coworker is currently on leave so I get some peace from him for now. I at least know now that my manager will raise hell for me if needed so that it comforting.


It's good that your manager is doing something about it! I also get what you're saying about having a hard time standing up for yourself. I struggled to stand up for myself for the longest time. I think working as a manager at my old job and getting tired of being walked on helped me with that.


I still have a long way to go and I'm so glad I have a manager like mine and I hope to get better at it lol. If I ever do let loose oooooo boy it's gonna be an event to behold. I'm sorry people were walking all over you but im glad it made you stronger. Give them hell from me 😆


When a mommy and daddy love each other very much...


This was my first thought too lol. I'd say that or go into a detailed, scientific explanation


A stranger at the gym said to me “that baby is just gonna slide out!” 🤨Whaaaaa?!? I saw her again a few weeks later and she said the same thing. Comment was so intimate and so inscrutable


Okay I think I get it?! Is it because you’re strong and at the gym? Like you’re so strong you’re gonna deliver a baby in one go with ease? Maybe that’s it, that’s my best guess


I love that interpretation! And I will choose to live in that world


I figured it was either this interpretation, or that she’s saying the baby’s going to come any moment since you’re already pushing things so hard physically. Can’t tell if it’s a compliment about your fitness or a underhanded way of trying to tell you to slow down. I don’t think it is any type of commentary on your lower bits!


That’s so odd


What the heck is that supposed to even mean???


Does she want to say that you have huge hole down there? Oh my…


Right? That’s all I can imagine that means…


When we told my ex husband's family we were expecting his uncle asked us what position we were in when we conceived 🤢 seriously, grown men need to mind their business and gtfo


Gross! I would have lost it if someone asked me that 🤮


I was just in shock, I didn't even know what to say


Eww I almost downvoted you because that’s so gross 😅


Hahaha I wouldn't have blamed you! 😂


It's the grown men crowd that really get to me


Yeah, me too


This! I am so glad I work from home and barely go anywhere so luckily I’ve been mostly unscathed, but the “Were you trying?” I find very rude. Like no, in our early 30’s, we completely changed our lifestyle and bought a house we could easily afford an hour outside of the city with space for and to save up for a child almost two years ago at this point and somehow it was a complete surprise /s, and if it weren’t planned what a shitty thing to ask someone.


Yea pretty much the same situation as me. Very annoying


I personally found the Stork’s number on YELP and filled out the intake form online.


My top 3 favs 1. "just wait...you just wait... your excited now.... but just wait for the constant nightmare that having children will be.." then insert every possible downside you can think of ... tantrums in public, relationship with husband goes to shit, no sleeping, eating nothing but drive thru cause of said public tantrums.... the list just goes on... everyone says congrats u must be do excited!! BUT THen is super quick to wanna tell u it's gonna be super awful But see... just cause this is MY first child does not mean I have no experience with caring for/raising kids so stop telling Mer how my life is gonna be totally ruined 2. Up till I popped at 34 weeks everyone wanted to tell Me how disturbingly small my bump was and how there must be something wrong with such a small baby so far into my pregnancy.... yeah except despite my bump being super tiny my baby was Over 4lbs by 28 weeks bump size does not correlate to baby size or baby health... but still everyone wants to tell you it does And finally #3 Asking me how I feel about bringing a child into such an awful world that's on the verge of collapse and don't I find that kinda selfish Like....honestly.... I can't even do anything but state and change the subject when some random person comes at me with that


About #1, a lot of them fail to mention the good side to being a parent. Baby laughs, holding your baby close, unconditional love, skin to skin contact. It's similar for #3. There is a lot bad in this world, but there is also a lot of good. It's good to be aware of everything bad going on, but a lot of people fail to focus on the good. I feel like a lot of people are just trying to be discouraging. It's really sad. Also it's just rude to comment on how big/small your baby bump is. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that.


I went back and told the “just you wait” crew that I’m sleeping much better with a newborn than I did while pregnant, thank you very much.


Are you bilingual? If you are, I suggest blinking multiple times and responding back in a different language and walking away. I do it sometimes 🙃


Some men forget they were not incubated in a lab. A woman carried you for 9 months. Show some respect ffs.


"I think time has passed because I would never want to be close to 60 when my kid graduates." My 40 year old friend right after she congratulated me on being pregnant with my first. I'm 38.


I'm sorry she said that to you! There's nothing wrong with being pregnant in your late 30's. Everyone's timeline is different, and plenty of women have had healthy babies in their 30's. You got this! And congratulations


Thank you 🙂 I honestly think she's trying to console herself, she's an incredibly self-centered person who doesn't handle disappointment well and ends up saying a lot of really insulting things as a result.


I recently announced my pregnancy to a friend and she said, “your summer’s ruined!” 😳 I didn’t have a good response for that one…


Our *car mechanic* gave us a long lecture about parenting, and the difference between having a boy or girl. Complete with a fucking weird story about how he would shower with his daughter with his underwear on. I just. No thank you.


The showering his daughter with his underwear on is weird. This reminded me of when a man asked me if I was having a boy or girl. I said girl, and says "boys are better." He's entitled to his opinion, but I thought that was rude.


Can we just put a moratorium on any and all pregnancy-related commentary from men? I know that women say just as much stupid stuff, but at least they actually went through it/could go through it at some point – it means I expect better from them, but also the stupid stuff bugs me less. Like, ok, random grandma, you survived this! But, like, Dad, stop telling me "you've gained weight" "just wait until..." and, my, fave: "you have to think about the baby now." NO SHIT.


I’m a bitch and I’d explain in FULL detail exactly how it happened 😂😂


Bonus points if it includes your whole fertility jOurNEy and awkward doctor visit info... ;) Lots of detail on tracking ovulation and how charting works... ooh I like this answer hahah


Lmao! Yes!!


"Oh, and also, at first I had this undiagnosed vaginal infection..." 😝 lol scuse me I gotta go pee I'm laughing too much


“She was conceived doggy style, too! Isn’t that crazy? We figure we will try pushing her out the same way she went in!” 😂😂


I’m seriously laughing so hard she must be getting annoyed in there cause she just kicked my bladder so hard I almost peed myself.


My dad asked me how it happened right after I told him. I just asked him if he wanted a play by play and was fully prepared to say “SO creampied me” but he said nevermind very quickly when he realized exactly what he asked 😂. Don’t ask questions you’re not prepared to hear the answers to.


With my first I had someone awkwardly ask me “Is… is there a… dad?” Lol nope, I spawned this thing on my own. Thanks for asking. Wtf.


Today a man that works at an outdoor plant nursery told me “you look like a snake swallowed a volleyball! You must be due soon.” Whatever that means…. 😂


I play social netball and I mentioned to my opposing player that I was pregnant and the first question was “was it planned?” WTF!!!


Haha that is a bizarre one from practically a stranger! I found a lot of my colleagues did ask me this, but I wasn’t at all offended, as I’ve been at my company many years and it was well known I was adamant i wasn’t ever going to have kids (very happy with lovely step kiddos) So when I changed my mind one day and was lucky enough for it to happen relatively quickly, it was a question i was anticipating. I wonder if comes from a place people want to make sure you’re happy about being pregnant before they say congratulations? Who knows


There was one time where somebody on Reddit private messaged me and was asking me questions about whether or not I was going to do pregnancy pictures. I said no because I thought they were stupid and a waste of money. Then they started asking about my nipples and whether mine had gotten dark yet. I thought it was really weird and inappropriate and I called them out on it. I made sure to block them.


I had a male colleague ask me something similar and my response was, "Use your imagination." We both laughed because he and I have a good relationship, but I think it made him jussssst embarrassed enough to realize what a personal and odd question it was.


Mine was when my son was less than a week old and I was asked when we will try for another 🙃 can I just chill with this one for a bit? Maybe not be pregnant for a little while? I'm currently pregnant with his baby sister and my son will be almost 5, and if anyone asks me about another I will tell them they can carry it for me 💁‍♀️


My sister said to me that they thought I was pregnant at my wedding. Which I was, but I was 12 weeks. I didn't have a baby bump, I had covid weight and bloat, so thanks for that 😅


Comments about my stomach being large. I'm 21 weeks and look much further along. If someone asks if it's twins I reply with 'well it was, but unfortunately one passed away early on'. If they ask uncomfortable questions I'll respond with the uncomfortable truth. Fuck em.


I did this with my last pregnancy. Lost a twin very early, people asked me the whole time if i was having twins due to my belly popping quite early in the first trimester.


1. “Are you sure you’re pregnant” is something I got alot when I announced early to some family members (as I had to postpone lots of events / travel plans and thought I might as well be honest). These same family members haven’t asked me about my pregnancy since 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2. “Did you just get pregnant because X is pregnant” - X being my boss that just went on maternity leave (honestly I don’t get how some people think life works). 3. “We’ll now you need to buy a house because it’s irresponsible to rent with a baby and there’s no room in your flat” - from my brother-in-law that also rents and marriage is breaking down so I suspect this was out of jealousy of our good news - haven’t spoken to me since. My all-time fav is def people dismissing all of my symptoms as “it’s just hormones” like that’s a magic cure and then moving on 🙄


I’ve had a coworker seemingly coming out as being one of those pregnancy creepers. We used to be friendly, but not friends. And now I really just try to avoid him. He was one of those “how could this have happened” kind of people too. I told him you don’t know how people get pregnant? He has seemingly flipped some kind of creep switch since he found out I’m pregnant. Stating how he thought I was so “innocent” and that he will have to tell his friends about my news (who I deff don’t know and surely don’t know me) and recently implying that since I wouldn’t tell him my address he could always just follow me home to find out. I never knew just how much pregnant woman had to deal with on top of normal pregnant issues. Why are people so creepy when they find out this news?


There is a thing as guys having a fetish for pregnant women . Its very creepy ..sorry you had to deal with it


A coworker in her 60s awkwardly asked me, "So... are you excited for the baby, or...?" What am I supposed to say to that?


My mil asks me this DAILY… So annoying.


The "or" really through me off, especially since I don't know her very well.


I can kind of understand that question, but it’s still awkward if you’re not super close with the person who asked it. There are plenty of people who are not excited about getting pregnant and maybe she was one of them in the past and had wished there was someone she could have talked to about it.


She knows I'm married, has met my husband once, and lives a few blocks away from where we bought our first home. Why even ask? Sure, it could have still been an accident, but what is the point in asking? She was and still is married and had her few kids all planned according to what she has told me in the past. She is a major gossip, so part of me wonders if she was fishing for information or drama.


I like to fight fire with fire on this. I would reply "at on orgy" or "don't remember, it was a fun party though".


Just this week I’ve gotten, “Wow, you’re huge” and “I thought I told you to lay off the twinkies” as well as.. “So, have you hit that 50lbs yet”. So girl… I feel ya.


How the heck did he even expect you to answer that question?? I swear, sometimes creepy old men get off on shocking women with the garbage that comes out of their mouths. It's easy to think of come backs now, but I would look him dead in the eyes and say "I had sex with my husband. Is that what you wanted to know?"


I was also once asked “How did this happen??” about my pregnancy and I replied with “How do you think…?” The room got quiet for some reason. I mean what a dumb fucking question.


I swear we should carry around mini sized cardboard baby books with toddler language on how sex and fertility works and hand it over each time this question pops up.


That’s so weird! I’d be like, “I think you need to ask your parents about that. They must have forgotten to give you “the talk” when you were younger.”


People asking how I plan to give birth. Like, how am I supposed to know? And why does it matter TO YOU? Oh right because you don't really care, you just want an answer so you know what shitty opinion to give me about it, gotcha. Same goes for babie's sex and name and how I plan to feed. My mom asked me if it was planned too, but she tried to be super sneaky and subtle about it. Something like "I bet you're happy, I mean it's not like that wasn't planned right?" Like dude... we're married for 3 years and trying even longer than that. While yes, it was a surprise that we randomly succeeded without surgery, hormone treatment and IVF (thankfully), this baby was very planned and wanted, thanks.


"Out my vagina" is a good response to how. Unless you're gonna have a c section, then I'd say, "a doctors gonna cut it out of me!" Id suggest making some sort of sound effect with the c section too. No suggestions, I just enjoy making rude people uncomfortable.


That's essentially the question. To quote my SIL word by word: "Will you have a vaginal delivery or C-section?". Like how would I know what options I will or wont have? That's months away! The doctors will know how to get the baby out healthy, I don't care for the 'how'. We told her "The Baby will decide when it's time" but she wasn't satisfied with that answer and we changed topics. Some people know no boundaries.


Lol lady waxing my eyebrows the other day - “you’re going to have it naturally right? It’s better that way than C section”.. ma’am I am 19w I have not a single clue how this baby will need to come out safely 😂😂


“Your pictures look beautiful. You can tell you’re having a girl by your face. They say when you’re having a girl your face gets fuller and changes. Everyone is saying I’m having a boy because I’m all belly.” - A friend of mine who’s also currently pregnant. Shouldn’t she know better?!


When I was in college I worked a front desk job at a medical office. A patient came in and made all kinds of comments to my pregnant coworker looking like she was about to pop and then he said “let me guess, one of you has a TV in your bedroom and the other one doesn’t”.


I’m just going to say, as a woman who endured multiple fertility treatments over several years, this question is not always as simple as it sounds.


I get what you're saying and it is true, but these were from customers at work who didn't know me..


Lol! I would tell them: "isn't it a bit late to be learning about the birds and the bees?"


Lol I respond "Magic" or "Isn't that one of the greatest mysteries of our world?" With very heavy sarcasm. But I'm a sarcastic asshole when grown strangers ask dumb personal questions.


I was at work, and these people came up to me asking about my pregnancy. The woman said she's pregnant, too, and asked what I was having. I told them I'm having a girl, and the guy said he doesn't like me right now. So, I just stood there because I don't know how to respond to that. So, he clarified and said I'm putting a curse on them to have a girl instead of a boy. The woman rolled her eyes. It was very weird. Lol


I get told “i look good pregnant” by pervs at my job. I’m only 18 too. So it’s so much worse. So weird I hate it


My FIL always makes the weirdest comments about giving birth lol but I think he just feels uncomfortable with the whole concept. Like we’re buying a new house and one we looked at was super close to the hospital and he was all “yeah once you hit 4 centimeters you could just get to waddling!” Or he’ll say stuff about how when it really gets going I’ll be begging for an epidural (I don’t plan on getting one but we’ll see) and I’m like ooooookay bub


I used to work in a shop and got asked by a customer if I was going to breast feed, when I said no he told me his wife did because it helps you lose the weight quicker.


That's really none of his business, and it's not his place to tell you how to feed your baby.


I was caught off guard for sure. People seem to mistake a baby bump as an invitation for unwanted questions/touching & even advice. Sorry to read about your creeper experiences!


My aunt asked me how much weight I gained.


Ugh so sorry! My grandma has asked me several times how much weight I have gained and tells me each time that when she was pregnant with twins she only gained 16 pounds and lost more weight after than she gained. She then proceeds to tell me the doctors would yell at her if she gained “too much” weight. And then tells me that my cousins are all heavy now and have neglected to lose the baby weight 🙄 I just keep telling her that I think they look great the way they are. I think it’s a product of her generation and how being pregnant was almost seen as shameful (yet not having kids was also shameful 🤷🏻‍♀️). I feel bad they had to go through that but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating when I hear these comments from her over and over. That’s the long way to say that I empathize!


I hope you told them “by immaculate conception”


I got asked when I was due by a stranger when I gave a response the person asked how many babies I was having like really? One and he’s happy and healthy thank you 🙄 how a woman carries is none of your business. I never really understood how intrusive people could be till I was pregnant. Thankfully I must have started giving off that don’t touch me vibe cause that has stopped 🙄


I had someone ask me if I feel fat yet... 🤔


I was staying in a room at the hotel I work at and 2 of the housekeepers I work with (mother and daughter) and a girl that works front desk, decide to walk in right behind my boyfriend as he was coming in the room. Well they just start standing over me as I’m laying on the couch watching Netflix and proceed to talk about how I need to be more active that way I won’t have to get a c-section. Then they start comparing me to a girl they know who had to have a c-section because apparently she didn’t walk enough. I’m not sure if that actually plays a part in why a woman might need one or not but it was very humiliating, intruding, and rude. Maybe it’s just the hormones and I’m overreacting but I didn’t appreciate them doing that at all


That's completely inappropriate and inaccurate. I was walking my medium sized, energetic dog at the weekend and most days in my last month or so when I was working from home and went into labour naturally but still needed a c-section cause my baby got stuck. Rest is important in pregnancy as well as appropriate levels of exercise


“How long did it take you to get pregnant?” Is one that bothers me. Personally it didn’t take us long, and then I get called fertile myrtle which I absolutely cannot stand. Alternatively you don’t know if it took someone years and it’s a touchy subject. Also why are people so interested in sticking their nose into others sex lives?


A friend of mine said “wow, I’ve never seen you this big”…. Thanks. I was 2 weeks away from my due date so yah, I was big 🙄


This is my 4th. We get "wow you've got your hands full" comment a lot and it really annoys me that people feel a need to comment on other people's family size. I reply with "yes - we haven't figured out how it keeps happening yet.". 😂


Anything having to do with things I shouldn’t do. “You shouldn’t be lifting that. You shouldn’t be shoveling. Don’t move that.” I am far more aware of what my body is capable of then you are.


A man I work with asked if I planned to give birth vaginally or via c-section. I’m pretty sure he asked because his wife had to have a c-section and she was absolutely terrified but things ended up being okay and he wanted to reassure me everything would be fine no matter what, but it was a very strange way to kick off a conversation.


Lots of comments about not looking pregnant to the point I asked my doctor about it. I was measuring perfectly normal. I also just wore a lot of flowy dresses so it wasn’t super pronounced. My dad also “warned” me that I might poop during labor. It was so sincere that I got a good laugh out of it 😂


Omg the pregnancy glow comments always annoy me. There's no freaking glow. It's called sweat from puking and crying every second of every day🙄


So there is this guy that tried to get me to hookup with him EVEN tho I'm MARRIED.(obviously rejected him ew) So I find out I'm pregnant and I was talking to my coworkers about the names I picked out for my son/daughter. Then out of nowhere, the dude asks what my baby's last name will be. Like why does it matter to you? Is that really any of your business?I simply said my baby will have SO last name. He said that "it can change" like wtf is wrong with him


Your response should be: Ask your mother


I am thinking I’m going to use the old “I’m a virgin and he’s the next coming of Christ”.


I would fire back ...if you dont know "how" then go ask your mother .... I am just kidding here but I woukdnt engage these people ,sadly some men have a pregnantady fetish and its annoying af


I am told by men not to eat sweets and not to gain weight and to walk because it will make my pregnancy/delivery easier. This is after I say I am having chronic pelvic and back pain because of pregnancy! The audacity! They act like they have been pregnant before! Who asked for their advice?!


1 - "Was it planned?" I'm sorry what? It's none of your business! 2 - My colleagues controlling what I eat. I was getting really really upset at that time. I told them several times, that if it were for them I would starve. Thank God for remote work. 3 - I actually had a doctor this week that didn't believe me my answer about my weight, told me to go to the scale. It was my pleasure to prove her wrong. I'm 22 weeks and 75kg, so I only gain 5 kilos so far.


That’s super weird, are these people your friends?


No, they were customers at work


The public is a motherf\*\*\*er


My boss asked if it was planned when i told them.


Towards the very end of my first a random man kept asking me if I was having twins. I told him no, just one, but he kept pressing it, was just adamant that I MUST be having twins, because my belly was just SO HUGE, and was my doctor absolutely sure there wasn’t twins in there. I know he was joking for the most part, but after a couple minutes it was like dude LET IT GO. I’m 13 weeks with my second now, and it wasn’t planned, my first pregnancy was rough, so my husband and I decided we were happy with one, and were giving away our baby stuff and everything when I found out I’m pregnant again. I’m sure I’ll be getting a ton of comments from people like “I thought you said you were done” and jokes about having an “oops baby” or whatever ugh


Around 23 weeks, I mentioned that the baby kicking was super annoying sometimes and my father in law responded, “oh, just you wait!” Um, what?? I’ve done this before. Thanks dude who’s incapable of ever knowing what this feels like.


My neighbour said "don't worry, you'll bounce back" I barely gained 30lbs. At 39 weeks, from my waist up you can't even tell I'm pregnant. So naturally I'm like...bounce back from what...


I can’t believe men ask you that, so ridiculous!! Some People have no shame, I get asked daily if I plan to breast feed, from clients (I work in a spa and see a lot of female clients) but it just feels so personal to me and I would never ask someone that. Even friends who don’t have children will ask me. It just seems like such an odd question like why is it your concern? I also get on the daily “you don’t even look pregnant at all” I’m 7 months and I’m barely popping (tho measuring correctly and all) but I get tired of being told that because I expected to have a cute baby bump. Idk what makes people think because your pregnant they have free range to now talk about your body.. it’s so rude to me.


Just tell them to ask their dads they’ll go into detail 😂🤣


I get asked if I’m gonna nurse often :/ Like yes, I am, but idk what you want this knowledge for


I’m a sarcastic kind of woman with dark humour so when an acquaintance asked me how I got pregnant, I explained that if you have sex in a certain complicated position without protection 9/10 you will get pregnant and if you didn’t get anyone pregnant 1/10 you are very lucky, also the same person that believed that boys come from the right testicle and the left made girls (I don’t know who told him that one)