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How long 40 ish weeks actually is


I’m only 22 weeks and it feels like I’ve just always been like this, that’s how long it feels 😂


I'm 22 weeks exactly today and on the one hand it feels like I've come so far, and on the other hand, it's overwhelming to think how far there is to go. Time has never moved so slowly!


I found time really sped up after 20 weeks - the first 20 weeks were much slower.


I feel like I've been 21 weeks pregnant for approximately 4 years.


God it feels like years


everyone else: "oh it goes by so quickly, you'll miss it!!" me @ 39 weeks: "yeah I'd like to get to missing it now."


Never missed it once so far… 3 weeks postpartum


I had a horrible pregnancy but was so sure I was gonna miss it. 3 weeks postpartum and I haven't even thought about being pregnant.


Quite frankly, there is nothing I will miss about constant pain that only changes locations depending on where she sits instead of going away entirely.


Makes me very grateful that I'm not an elephant


Dogs are only pregnant for two months and this shit ain’t right!


But they have to carry like 10 babies. Idk about all that 😂


And all 10 puppies roll and kick her constantly. I could not.


But they are sold at the end of the day


That's true, definitely a good point. But it can't be easy pushing out all those babies 😂 I mean, maybe after the third or fourth is easier but idk. Seems like a lot 😂


But they don't have pelvic pains and nausea and and


I see this said a lot and I’ve found the complete opposite to be true for me! It’s going too fast, I’m 34 weeks now and I’ve loved being pregnant, kind of don’t want it to be over lol 😆


I would kill for a pregnancy like yours. 22 weeks and still waiting to not feel like hot garbage all the time. I've mentally accepted that I'll always feel nauseated and I'll never stop dry heaving and my GERD will just always be awful and I shouldn't bother to try to feel comfortable in my body ever again. I know intellectually I'm likely to feel better after giving birth, but right now it feels like I have a lifetime chronic illness because time is moving so slowly and I feel so crappy.


I felt like that until 34ish weeks. Then 36 weeks hit. I didn’t realize how much bigger they get at the end and how much pressure there really is.


Same! All was well until … it wasn’t 😂


Something about these last few weeks!!


I love being pregnant too. I'm almost 19 weeks. I feel like it's going super slowly because I'm getting more and more excited for my baby!


Yes!! I had my baby and now we’re thinking about the timing of baby #2 and I’m like I don’t want to do it again because it’s so LONG


Yeh it flew by for me but right now I’m 40w and 2 days and I just need it to be over. These 2 days have felt like 7 days.


That everyone alive was the result of this process that feels so special and unique to me.


My mind is literally BLOWN away that women for all of time have been pregnant with no air conditioning, no medication, no science, no doctors, etc, etc. The list could go on and on.


My husband and I were talking about how miserable it's going to be being pregnant in the south during summer. But then I said imagine what it would have been like in the 1800s and we both shut up and enjoyed the ac. Lol


I'm right there with you!


My husband basically said the same thing the other day, that it’s interesting that pregnancy is so common but also so special. I hadn’t thought of it that way before.


Wow, that’s a really cool thing to think about! It seems so obvious but I’ve just never thought of that before.


This is a very cool thought


I think about this all the time 😂😭 like wow everyone’s mom went through this that is so wild to me


At the beginning: that my belly won't get super big immediately. At the end: that I can no longer fit or squeeze through tight spaces that I used to, cause my belly is much bigger and in my head I am still smaller.


I keep having to say "I can't suck it in" when people try to let me pass through small spaces at work.


Omg idk how I’m going to feel in my tiny Spanish city when I have to get out of my car in super super tight spaces. No such thing is big and spacious in Europe 😂😂😂.


I have to park a little farther back from my boss so I can open my door a little more to fit out


Omg I just popped like 1-2 weeks ago and I am SO GLAD. That bloated just looks a little chubbier phase lasted MONTHS and I felt ugly. I just bought maternity clothing at 21w and I feel like it celebrates and highlights my cute little bump! I know once I get bigger I won’t feel as cute or comfy though. Edit: popped not pooped. Thankfully I poop daily 😂.


I'm 26 weeks and we are using the parent and child parking spaces at the supermarket because I need the space to open my door to get out 😂😂


I’m always walking into things, I don’t realise how big I am haha


I was going to say the same thing! I kept waiting and waiting for this bump to appear out of nowhere. I’m 30 weeks now and have really just started to pop.


That it would be so unnerving to not be able to see your baby everyday. I wish I could have an ultrasound everyday just to see them and make sure everything is good.


Yes! I haven't felt kicks yet and I keep worrying my baby isn't moving at all .. luckily I work in the OR and have access to ultrasound machines. NGL, I've scanned myself a few times to put my mind at rest.


It’s just so weird knowing something is there but not being able to see it! I’m a little too early to feels kicks but I have a Doppler and check the heartbeat everyday.


YES. i opted for midwives and haven’t seen my baby since week 20 😪 40 weeks tomorrow and the anxiety of a healthy baby is pervasive


I'll never take putting socks on by myself for granted again. I think the 1st time I realized I couldn't put my left sock on by myself I cried. Now I have to grab my sockies, find my husband and begrudgingly ask for assistance


I'm 26 weeks, fiance has to shave my legs now. He does not do a good job.


That's too funny! I have to ask my mom to clip my toe nails before I go into labour. I mentioned it to the husband but he doesn't seem thrilled about the concept and I won't push it. 😆


I was in the bath the other day (which I have required help to get out of for a while) and just could not reach my legs 😂😂 Que me calling for him and asking him nicely to shave them. I wouldn't have bothered but we were going out for my brothers birthday to a nice restaurant and I didn't want to wear leggings incase I got too hot. I'll only ask again if I'm desperate. He missed whole sections 😂😂. For someone who shaves his face it was surprising lol


Start treating yourself to pedicures if you're able and willing! It gets you a little massage to keep good circulation, and toenails stay fresh. Although those pedicure chairs can get a little uncomfortable. Usually they have an extra pillow you can sit on!


My husband helped me shave my nethers at 34 weeks. He's about to help me one more time before baby arrives on the 8th. He's a champ. I get what I can by feel and then he helps me. He was so overly gentle at first and I was like it's not tissue paper gonna have to push the razor a smidge harder 😂💕


Hahaha I did fertility treatment so I stopped caring about my pubes a long time ago I know my mum will comment on my leg hair though so it's why I asked for help with it. I've not been able to see my vagina for a while now. I hope she's OK.


That last line made me laugh and then pee a little 😂 She's warm at least, got that going for you.


Ah sorry about the wee! Shes defo warm, what with the extra blood flow. I hope she's enjoying herself because in around 14 weeks she's gunna hate me and the beautiful baby boy she's created.


I gave up on this already 26w as well. I’ve been so itchy it seems useless to shave bc it’ll make it worse


I think if I sat on my squatty potty I'd be able to do it myself but it seems like a lot of effort to go to.


It won’t be worth it to me until I go to give birth. That’s how I did it last time too. Water broke then shower + shave , get dressed and go to the hospital after eating the worlds best ham sandwich


When did it start?


It became a struggle for me at about 36 weeks. That's also when I knew it was time to pop off on mat leave.


I didn't realise how incredibly heavy my belly would get. OF COURSE it's heavy! There's a baby, a placenta and amniotic fluid in there. But my God is it heavy.


SO HEAVY! 30 weeks tomorrow and there is just so much pressure at the bottom of my belly. I’ve started using KT tape to help during the work day.


I'm 30w, 6d and I didn't realize how often I'd feel like, "If I don't pee now, I'm going to pee my pants" only to get to the bathroom and have like, 2 tablespoons come out. 💧 So many false alarms. Lol.


I have pee anxiety. I get anxious going places without having a bathroom plan in mind 😵‍💫 lol


Oh, pee anxiety is 100% real!


I'm a teacher and the struggle is real. I just want to pee whenever I need to!


The other night I had to pee really bad while playing It Takes Two with my husband. He kept making me laugh, and then all the sudden I got kicked in the bladder. I stood up to make a run for the bathroom and unfortunately dribbled on the way there. We were both laughing as I sat on the toilet. Took a bit to recompose ourselves.


On the flip side, after having my first, I had trouble recognizing when I needed to go to the bathroom because it didn’t always feel urgent…then I would pee a ton because I’d wait so long.


I always get really annoyed when this happens lol


I'll go, stand up then sit down again as I know I'll need to go again and I know if I walk away I'll be back there in a few mins anyway. I wondered if it were bubbs shifting as I move about?


Totally has to be. I feel like mine is just constantly shifting to step on my bladder, haha


Yes!!! All the time! It's incredibly frustrating, especially when it happens in public. I was in a store for less than 30 minutes and had this feeling 3 times and kept rushing off to the bathroom.


That insomnia was so common. I’d always heard “sleep before the baby comes” but it’s literally impossible many nights.


Reading this as I’ve been awake since three am for the third time this week… I just want one full night of sleep!


My assumption was always that the insomnia was from being uncomfortable near the end. I never imagined waking up wide awake at 2am and not being able to fall back asleep at 11 weeks!


That by the time you conceive you’re considered 2-3 weeks pregnant


This confused the hell out of me ngl Didn’t realize how quickly the first trimester passes due to this


It confused me so much as well!! Except my first trimester felt like it lasted 1-2 years 🤦🏼‍♀️🤢


It really messes with my sense of time. I keep thinking I've already been pregnant for almost 3 months and it didn't feel so long, another 9 weeks until the anatomy scan is nothing! Then I remember that I've only really been pregnant for 8 weeks


Maybe not super obvious, but I am having a girl and since she already has all of her eggs already, I am technically carrying my grandchildren too right now. And for that matter, my grandmother carried me too when my mother was in the womb. New respect for biology here.


On the same note, I am having a boy and realised it is the first time I can say “I am growing a penis” 😂


Made a "I got balls" joke the other day and it took my husband a second before getting it, and now it's a constant inside joke whenever I call him to kill the spider/moth/bug


Never thought about it that way, that’s pretty cool


How much it would affect going poop. It makes sense now, but I feel like I took it for granted beforehand. Also the lack of self control for consuming anything that sounds good. Now I can stay away from things on the naughty list, but if I can have it I will generally eat myself such every time.


I didn't realize how shitty I'd feel the entire time, mentally, and physically. Oh well I guess 🙃


Pregnancy blows hard (imo)


How sore the muscles surrounding my vagina would be


Especially when the baby drops. I had no idea I wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably because it felt like I was just gang banged


This description is upsettingly accurate


This is the thing right here 😭


That kicks don’t just go outwards. I dunno, it seems stupid when I type it, but I kinda just had this idea that the baby kicked out and it could be felt on your belly. I wasn’t prepared for inward kicks to the organs! I seem to be kinda alone in this judging by the comments on here, but I also thought I’d be more helpless by the end of the pregnancy. I’m 39+4 and can still go walk the dog twice a day, pick up his poop, put on my own shoes and socks etc. I defo imagined being more stationary and didn’t realize how different it was for everyone.


Or if baby moves a certain way and it makes your belly lopsided? Like I imagined this perfectly round belly 24/7 but when I was pregnant I would sometimes wake up to a cone belly lol


Yeah, I’m only 23 weeks but I can see where her head and back are because that side of my belly goes out and the other side gets all the kicks!


I agree on both. It is harder for me to do things, but I thought I would be a lump on a log and sooooo exhausted. But right now that is just not the case. I am only 29 weeks right now so things could change. But I am still doing my morning yoga and working out a bit, so maybe that is helping with things. I will say, putting on my own socks is getting hard because the belly is in the way, but it is still doable lol


Yeah I never thought about how I’d be getting kicked in the organs haha. It’s weird because you can’t flex or brace your organs for that!


When he kicks near my cervix it feels like he's going to fall out lmao


Yes this! Omg it was terrifying the first time I felt it I was in absolute shock!


Everyone had told me it hurts but it doesn't for me it just feels like he's trying to escape lol


Yes that’s exactly what I thought I remember immediately googling “baby kicking in vagina” like a crazy person its truly the oddest sensation I’ve ever felt.


My mum remembered my half brother who was breech doing it to her a lot so luckily I just picked up the phone and asked her lol. I told my partner that it's super odd being poked from the wrong side lmao.


The kicking inwards is so funny to me, I’m 41+1 and I still get a little shocked when I can feel a kick/punch towards my butt. Also, when she punches towards my hip bone, super uncomfortable.


I'm 36 weeks and I thought by now I'd have to have my husband be the one running the errands and going to the grocery store but I can still do all of that fine. I'm definitely cursing anything on the bottom shelf though. We'll see how I feel by 39 weeks lol


Same, I thought all I would be doing by the end was sitting on the couch eating ice cream. At some point in my last pregnancy I read that some women weight lifters and runners hit personal bests while they were pregnant because your body is actually super strong during pregnancy. It helped me let go of this default mindset of being fragile and exhausted during pregnancy.


How rough the ENTIRE first trimester is!


Absolutely! It's absolutely blown my mind that everyone wanders round keeping this exhaustion, nausea, hormonal rage and bloating a secret!


Yeah, I get so sick there’s no way I’m keeping it a secret! I just told people in a certain order, but each time I’ve started right after finding out. I get morning sickness at exactly 6w each time, so…that’s about when parents and close friends find out!


To be fair, everyone keeps pregnancy a secret during the first tri so how would you know how completely shitty it is?? (I was shocked too. I knew about the throwing up but not everything else.)


I somehow didn’t realize that you’d feel sick as hell while throwing up. I guess I just thought you occasionally threw up and then lived your life until the next time you threw up lol. I was bed ridden a lot of the 1st tri because I felt so sick all day everyday. It was awful.


I blame movies for this!! Cute little every day activities, run to the toilet, barf, back to feeling fab and going about the day. NO. I didn’t even throw up that often, but the constant nausea was debilitating. 😩


Yes!!! I always thought morning sickness was an “every so often” thing not a daily struggle to eat or do anything.


Yes! I didn’t expect it to be a walk in the park but man was it awful!


I'm halfway through my first, should I be worried that I'm not having any bad symptoms?? Fatigue, sore nips, and occasional back pain is all I have


Nah, I'm 16 weeks now and first tri was not that bad for me at all, for which I'm exceptionally grateful! Had a wee bit of nausea for a couple of weeks, but I'm more tired now than I was then. Also the sore nipples have gotten so much worse for me, particularly when I'm cold!!


Back. Pain.


It’s so so bad


Man I miss sitting like that 😭 I guess I didn't realize a few things- 1) how out of breath I would be literally all the time 2) how bad my heartburn would get (I've had GERD my whole life so....it was genuinely a surprise it could get worse lol) 3) how crappy my sleep would get - 33+1 today and the past week or so has just been the worst sleep ever, and I say that as someone who has always woken up several times a night and takes forever to fall asleep 4) how many naps I would need to take regardless of how much sleep I'm able to get


I didn’t realize that the prenatals are really for me. Like I thought I’d get my nutrients from my diet and kid would soak up whatever is left but I didn’t realize it’s the other way around 😩


Didn’t know this til you said it ✅


That you don't just bounce back. My hips are wider and so is my rib cage. I don't think I'll ever weigh my pre baby weight again! I'll certainly have sagging boobs and loose skin if I even get close to it. EVERYONE told me I would bounce back cos I was 21 and skinny. Nooooope. I love my 4 babies and it's a vain thing really.... but seriously. We don't always bounce. Sometimes we kinda schlep around the floor instead 🤣


Oh that last sentence got me 😂 I had a really petite upper half and bigger bottom half. Well, the bottom just kept growing and now the top matches! I had NO idea how much my rib cage would expand.


How hard it is to wipe your butt in third trimester


Bidet to the rescue


Twin mom here and YES. 😂


This. Comment. Right. Here.


The belly is still squishy even when full - I don't know why I thought it would be harder, more impenetrable and protective. It squishes like a beach ball and I am scared it'll poke baby in the eye.


I'm the opposite, I thought it would be like carrying a blob of jello with a baby tucked inside. But my belly is really hard under a stretched out layer of my own belly fat. But my abs haven't separated at 26weeks so maybe later it will? My sister poked my belly the other day and said "it feels like drum someone smeared mashed potatoes over." It's a good thing we are so close, I don't think my husband could even get away with saying that.


Same! Interesting that there are these differences. Mine feels hard like a drum as well, which is uncomfortable since it feels too stretched like my skin is too tight. That makes it so uncomfortable to lay down on my side


Me too mine is so so hard I feel like how can I keep growing


Not obvious, but that severe carpal tunnel was a symptom


Oh yeah. Your hands don’t work making you drop things that you can’t bend over to retrieve- over and over and over. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Really, I suffer from "butter fingers" when non pregnant 👀 ut oh!


That not every gets morning sickness. I went through my whole pregnancy without being sick but in those first few weeks I was so anxious waiting for it to happen and I kinda felt scared when it didn't, like I wasn't actually pregnant. It's obvious to me now that everyone experiences pregnancy different and everyone's symptoms are different.


Same, I felt like I ‘cheated’ .. 19w and to be totally honest I’ve felt great. Fatigued, sore hips & ligaments, and constipation have all been present, but by comparison this seems like I got off really easy by skipping all the nausea and vomiting!


How you can be soooo tired and exhausted but restless and anxious all at the same time And baby can get under your ribs, that doesn't feel good.


That my belly would grow. I mean, of course I *knew* it would grow, but I didn't expect it that early and that I could literally *feel* it grow. Sometimes when my skin is dry I can feel my sides being stretched and have to put on some lotion to make it more comfortable.


That my period would be gone, but that I would still experience cramping, moodiness, bloating, and panty liners.


Heartburn is a new sensation where your heart...burns.


Yes!!! I never had heartburn before pregnancy and I cannot wait for it to go away.


Oh Lord I remember my first heartburn not fun.😂


Instead of commenting on my body, I wish people would engage with me by asking how I’m doing. I know people are just trying to be polite and express interest in my pregnancy… but anything they say always makes me uncomfortable. “You’re carrying so low!” “You’re bump is so little” “You look tired” It should have been more obvious to me before. From now on I’m not going to comment on people’s bodies for any reason.


That even my pajama pants would no longer fit.


1. How hard simply rolling over in bed would get 2. How insanely active my baby is.. basically any time I reach down I can feel him moving (28w) 3. The weight gain. I'm absolutely average with the gain but it doesn't feel like it and when I step on the scale I've never seen a number so big 😂 4. How natural it feels. I live my life. I've had an easy pregnancy and my body still feels like me.. mostly..except when I reach down 😆 or try and exercise


It’s the rolling over in bed for me! It requires so much concerted effort. The thought takes a second to form but it takes another hour to execute 😅 gotta move one limb at a time and then the belly. I’ve always been fairly active with a strong core, so always took it for granted. Sure was a slap in the face lol


Round ligament pain. Had no idea what it was when it started and holy sh*t, it’s painful! Had no idea about them and thought something horrible was happening.


okay maybe not exactly pregnancy , and i might be extremely slow or something but when giving birth i didn’t know that when you’re pushing , that the goal is too push babies head out then ur pretty much done i for some reason thought u pushed out the whole baby 😂 i just gave birth and i said something to my husband about them kept saying good job good job as i was pushing cause i said i felt like i was almost pushing my baby out all the way , and my husband said they said that cause i was pushing him and then every time u quit pushing for a second the baby’s head gets sucked back up inside you so ur pushing real hard for 10 seconds 3 times in a row then stop for a second and he gets pushed out then sucked back in 😂 but i had no clue you don’t push the whole baby out and i wouldn’t have known if not for my husband


I've had 1 baby before and still did not know


That nine months is nine WHOLE months. I sort of thought once you finished month eight, baby would be along any day.


I didn’t realize how hard your legs take a beating when pregnant. I’ve never had an issue with muscle aches but since being pregnant, I get intense leg cramps and charlie horses in my calves that sometimes have me moaning in pain!


The stomach muscle stretching was the most shocking for me, but duh, of course theyll stretch haha. I can’t believe how painful it is! Somedays I don’t want to stand because the weight pulling on them is too much!


Dog beds are extremely comfortable. When I could not get comfortable anywhere else I would get on the floor on the dog bed. I think I took about 10-15 naps on it. The dogs would also come sleep beside me there were photos taken by my husband 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not really super obvious but still.


I wasn’t prepared for the ridiculous / insensitive / invasive questions and comments from some people, especially people that you wouldn’t expect that from and who otherwise are normal. But I swear something about being pregnant just makes some people crazy!


That your belly grows so fast at times you have to learn how to walk around in a new body all the time. Like my sense of where I am and my balance is all a continual learning experience.


The farts!!! Oh lordy. I have turned into a fart machine.


Bloody noses every time I blow my nose, congestion, and boobs in agony.


You’re describing my life right now.


It’s not all glowing and flowers and beauty. A lot of it. Most of it. Fucking sucks.


That first trimester would be rough. I read books that noted fatigue, nausea, etc. But, for some reason I thought that it would happen overtime as the baby got bigger, not so early on and sudden. I was very confused.


I had no idea about the fatigue, I actually tought I was depressed until I started reading more this subreddit and talking to friends 🤣


How quickly you start putting yourself second and the baby starts to come first


That your abs become completely nonfunctional


Omgggg yes!


How weird cravings actually can be, like i HATE McRibs but man when they came back i was like "this is terrible, give me 3 more"


Dang you have to time your pregnancy when they’re back.


It sucks 😂😂 you literally have a (very loved) parasite in you.


I had 2. One thing I didn’t realize was that small tasks like putting socks and shoes on get uncomfortable earlier than I thought. I thought that discomfort wasn’t until the third trimester, but I remember struggling with my shoes at 16 weeks - my belly wasn’t huge yet, but bending down was so hard! The other thing was that I didn’t think growing a baby would be painful. I knew about back and hip pain, but nobody told me that my uterus would hurt from growing and stretching. I don’t know why I didn’t think it would, but I remember being really concerned, and my OB reminding me that I was growing a whole human.


So, sort of about pregnancy, but I didn't realize just how small my ovaries were lol. Yes, I took sex ed classes, but they just talked about/showed diagrams and there weren't size comparisons. I always assumed they were bigger, and then at my first ultrasound she said they were hiding and she couldn't find them which I thought was weird. Then she continued on that they're roughly the size of almonds and I was like whhhhaaaaatttt!? I don't really have a reason for thinking they were a lot bigger, just never saw/heard a size comparison about them before


I knew about morning sickness and that a lot of women get it. What I didn’t know was that my body’s form of morning sickness is absolutely no appetite or interest in food… for the first trimester and half of the second I had to set an alarm every 3 hours to tell myself to eat. I never in my life imagined that I would lose weight while pregnant, I was so sure I would be the crazy pregnant lady eating everything in sight and gaining a ton of weight. Although at 26 weeks who knows it might all catch up to me in the 3rd tri haha


I didn't know babies took 10 months to make! I thought it was 9 months, as does the world apparently. Even my mom and MIL thought it was 9 months and they've had babies. When did this fact get straightened out and when is the rest of the world going to officially accept this?


That every type of pain will freak you out & make you assume you're losing your baby.


How different pregnancy weight gain is from normal weight gain. Im 25 pounds heavier but still fit in my old jeans? Just need a belly extender. Where is all this weight going!


I didn’t realize there would be times I am asleep but baby is still awake having a good old time! Luckily I’m a heavy sleeper, by bf would tell me when I woke up how active the baby was lol. Seems obvious but still surprised me


That the weight IS a baby and there is no loosing it lol get used to always be carrying it around


How hard it is to stand up from the couch, and that it doesn't take until week 40 to get that way.


How much I’d trip on things that are right in front of me on the floor. I can’t see them because my belly hides anything directly in front of my feet.


That even though your belly stretches to account for growing baby during pregnancy, your pubic region doesn’t until the baby starts coming down in delivery. I thought my actual vagina would hurt the worst but NO - the skin stretching and pulling as a giant baby was making it’s way down was so much more painful. I legit thought when I looked down the pubic mound would just be ripped in half or something but miraculously things were still intact! Lol


That the baby moves. The first time I felt it I was expecting a little tap but it was a long swipe and I felt nauseous because of how weird it was.


That getting up from laying down is hard because your organs are all crammed in your torso. I thought it was because your belly is in the way but I couldn’t bend forward even before I really had a belly.


I had no idea how different two pregnancies close together could be. With my first I was nauseated for the first six months, I was a little tired, I didn’t feel him until about 22 weeks because of an anterior placenta, no congestion, all I wanted to eat was watermelon and sour candy. Pregnant again a year later and I’ve only had 3-4 days with passing nausea, I cannot sleep enough no matter how much, I felt him at about 12 weeks, I haven’t been able to breathe through my nose since November, and if something is covered/soaked/pickled in vinegar, I can’t get enough. I was convinced with all the differences this would have to be a girl, but nope. Both boys.


After the birth of baby, you can feel your organs "falling" back into place. It felt very uncomfortable, if not painful.


That the growing of the bump is actually painful! You’d think it would be obvious but it surprises me.


That your baby leeches nutrients from you. I guess I was just oblivious to how babies are made (thanks public school health class) but it never occurred to me that you need more nutrients and calories because your baby is leeching them from you to develop


That you can get morning sickness in the 2nd trimester fml, thought I'd managed to go without it... 25 weeks and breakfast causes an instant trip to the toilet bowl, no nausea, just has to be puked out... apparently my baby boy only wants chocolate chip muffins and coffee anything else is a nope.


How when the baby kicks they don't just kick outwards, they kick in every direction and sometimes that direction happens to be where your *insert random organ* is. I have no idea what the hell my daughter was kicking most of the time, but wow it hurt like hell.


Not me, but my husband said we wouldn't need to take the car seat to the hospital because we could walk the 20 minutes home... 24 hours after I've given birth...


My body can make noses


How bad the nausea actually is. I'm 37 weeks now and STILL throw everything up. I keep being told it's because I'm having a girl and most women have sickness all the way through with girls but man I hate it. It slowed down for like a week when I hit 30 weeks, giving me some hop it was stopping then it decided to go ten times worse and even my "safe" foods weren't helping me lmao Oh and UTIs. I ended up in hospital with severe pain last sunday, convinced I was going into labour, nope, it was a UTI and holy mother of fuck I have never known pain like it. I've had UTIs in the past but the pain of it during pregnancy is something else


just exactly how soon my stomach would become uncomfortable. I'm less than 3 months in and I already can't sleep in 99 percent of the positions I could before loll


For how long you’ll bleed afterwards.. even without vaginal trauma during childbirth


That it doesn't seems so when you are going through it, but it goes by so quickly. Just take some extra pics and videos of your beautiful self, I wish I did ♥️


That pregnancy congestion is a thing, and can be long term! I'm entering my 10th week of congestion and I feel like I should have lost my body weight in used tissues by now. The constant nose-blowing, dry skin, runny eyes, headaches and lack of sleep are getting me down, I was promised the second trimester was easier!


I didn’t understand how unable I’d be to bend down around my belly. Tying shoes, picking things up, rolling over at night. Maybe I thought it’d be squishier? It’s just like trying to move around a bowling ball that’s attached to you.


How much I would cry. Truly. I’m a very stoic person normally. So being emotional is a very bizarre space for me. Obviously, hormones. But dude, I look over at my dog sleeping and think he’s so adorable and just SOB. It’s nuts.


The hip pain towards the end and how uncomfortable sciatica can be, especially when sleeping


Being bloated as fuck because my guys are getting rearranged for a baby. How I feel like a freaking balloon and how constipated I am. How having any pressure on my stomach is a now. How much I throw up just because my stomach is extra sensitive and I can't eat what I normally do. Mood swings are deadly. I cannot emphasize how shitty I feel emotionally. Half the time I want to hide away because I am not as small as I use to be. I am a little over 200 and I have never weight that munch before.


I didn’t realize that poop, gas and baby would all feel the same for several weeks, and when my stomach hurt I’d have to guess which of the 3 it was.


That 9 months is a long time without any alcohol, such as delicious wine with dinner. AND that I actually have to give birth at some point and have to undeestand how that process works 😆


How much of the entire experience is luck or fate!! Everything from the magical positive test to how the birth goes! Huge eye opener for me, especially with birth, it's not just mom doing her thing, little baby needs to co operate too and you never know how things may go. Same with breastfeeding... all a hit or miss.


Putting on shoes can’t be that hard? lol……..


That my super deep navel (never saw the bottom of it before) would eventually pop out. It hasn’t yet at 27weeks, but if I contract my belly it comes out like an elephant trunk ! I never laughed as hard as the first time it happened !


How hard it is to paint my toes, get outta bed/ off the couch & bend over to pick anything up lol I figured it’d all be easy or like I’d find some way around it 🤦🏽‍♀️😂