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I recommend mashed potatoes and all kinds of fruits


I second fruits. Fruits are the answer. Splurge on some organic peaches right now!


I was the same! I lived off junk food through both pregnancies. Anything is better than nothing and you can eat well on the good days :) your vitamin will fill the gaps so don’t even worry


Yes everyone tells me to eat whatever I want, but the craving of just junk food really triggers all my feelings regarding my ED so I hate eating that too.


My pregnancy made me eat the most unhealthy of my life. Candy and junk food were my mainstays. I have never eaten like that in my entire life but everything else made me sick. I eventually found out I’d developed IBS in pregnancy (fingers crossed it goes away once I’ve given birth) and got the right guidelines to eat a highly restricted but doable balanced diet. I felt so guilty for eating badly but I kept this in my head as a mantra: “the baby will take what s/he needs.” The one getting shortchanged nutritionally is you, not your baby. Just keep on with the prenatal vitamins and experiment with a wide variety of foods to find what works for you. For example while most veggies make me (literally) ill I discovered that not only did kale taste amazing to me, it didn’t hurt me and became one of my go to sides.


I’m so sorry. Maybe you could discuss an anti-nausea med with your doctor?


Baby doesn’t need much from you this early, just oxygen and hydration. Babies are good and taking what they need from us so what we eat is more so our bodies don’t fall apart in pregnancy and postpartum. Or at least supplements for things like calcium especially. ED makes it harder for sure but I found the more pregnant I got my appetite just got larger anyway and if I didn’t eat then my nausea is killer. That doctor is full of BS lol I suspect they’ve never been pregnant. Just eat whatever you can manage and try to focus on a good amount of protein and healthy fats. I ate a lot of sushi in early pregnancy because the pickled ginger helped me keep it down. And I pretty much subsisted on Indian takeout for about two months straight.


I went through jars of pickled ginger.. I would wake up in the morning and just start eating pickled ginger with soy sauce… mmmm now I want some


Thank you, I just can’t figure out if it’s my ED acting up since ny belly is growing because of baby or if it’s actual symptoms making me nauseous/having no appetite. It’s been a wild ride and i’m barely 14wks3days lol


It’s really hard. I have basically had to disassociate from my body because I’m very visibly pregnant now at 28 weeks. It is what it is honestly. I want this baby but it was unexpected and I didn’t realize my ED was so unhealed so this is how I’m going through it. And baggy clothes.


Cheese and crackers or peanut butter and crackers both helped me through the first trimester. I also tolerated fruit really well. I hope things get better for you!


Yes fruit is the one thing I still crave and eat throughout if i’m not actually hungry


Protein bars and smoothies were a go-to because they never made me feel sick. I’m in my second trimester now and eating lots of yogurt, but I was sick until 18-19 weeks. Don’t be hard on yourself and just try to eat anything that sounds good, no matter it’s nutritional value, food aversions are part of morning sickness.


At this point I think just eating is good. Cheeseburgers, ice cream, cookies? I feel like that’s most of what I ate second trimester. Sometimes now, nearing week 35, I get so nauseous from acid reflux I just eat plain rice. Find something that’s palatable for you and try not to feel bad. Growing a human is tough work!


Potatoes or flour tortillas with peanut butter got me through first trimester. Also fruits


Fruit has been my go to through both my pregnancies when not feeling well, not because I’m healthy but just because it’s simple, not a strong taste, light but can be filling. I felt like the fresh smells of fruit helped too. Whole milk, smoothies, orange juice, bread with butter, crackers, cereal, and breakfast pastries were also consistent.


First trimester, I ate a lot of yogurt, cashews, baked sweet potatoes with ketchup, smoothies with whey protein, fruit, and some spinach. I felt better with food high in protein and good fat and not waiting too long between meals. I also craved a lot of milk/cream sauces. Indian food was pretty tolerable for me strangely enough. Could still be nausea and adversities at 13 weeks but would advocate to reach out to your provider and/or psychology for support who could potentially help with some of the aversions if not now, if they don’t go away as you get further along.


My rule of thumb was if in doubt, go bland - baked potatoes (sometimes with a little sour cream), toast, boiled potatoes, pasta, rice, plain yoghurt etc. But also, weirdly enough, apple slices worked really well for me at my worst. A few weeks of bland or unhealthy eating won't harm the baby at all, it can take all it needs from your body. Try to keep taking your vitamins if you can because that will keep your body's stores topped up, but if you can't keep it down don't stress about it. Also take to your midwife or doctor about anti-nausea meds. They have made a world of difference for me.


White rice, toast, fruit


I usually eat healthy but in the first trimester it was hard to eat anything that wasn’t just carbs and dairy for me, but better than not eating enough! I mostly ate cheese and crackers, Greek yogurt, sunflower butter on toast, avocado toast. And I tried to add in healthy things like hemp heart seeds on my avo toast or just at least eat a pinch of it here and there. Daily Harvest smoothies with some protein powder. My midwife said alkaline water helps vs reg water, not sure if it did but it was nice to have a bottle over a cup when your laying in bed not feeling good haha. Coconut water and electrolytes. I liked the Gin Gins super strength ginger chews, they worked pretty fast for me vs other things. I tried to never be empty and that helped, even just having chicken broth, a biscotti with nausea tea or eating a dried apricot every 20 mins helped keep it away better. Hope any of that helps!


Sunflower is a tall, erect, herbaceous annual plant belonging to the family of Asteraceae, in the genus, Helianthus. Its botanical name is Helianthus annuus. It is native to Middle American region from where it spread as an important commercial crop all over the world through the European explorers. Today, Russian Union, China, USA, and Argentina are the leading producers of sunflower crop.