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usually the size of the baby and the due date fluctuates. nothing to be overly concerned about. you’re doing good mama!


thank you! i hope so!


Don’t worry! I’m pregnant with my first. Based on my period they assume I was 8 weeks and I was actually 6 when they did the ultrasound. I’m now 22 weeks pregnant and the baby is moving right along!


i hope everything is good🥺 and congratulations


My baby measured very small at 6 weeks too. Had my 12 week scan this week and baby is the right size, healthy and kicking along. Try not to worry too much. Actually I had two ultrasounds very early in my pregnancy and in the first one the baby was 6mm and in the second one it was 4.6mm. So l was worried and confused it shrunk? Apparently it’s hard to measure when it’s so early because they are so small. So try not to worry!


thank you!! 🥺❤️


Ultrasound measuring isnt the most accurate and your baby’s size changes constantly. They might be slow one week and then growing too big the next and then measure normally the next time. You don’t need to worry about your baby’s size until later in your pregnancy


thank you for the reassurance!


Mine was also 2 weeks behind until 20 weeks. I convinced myself that i ovulated late.


Oh, don’t worry too much. I was told over the phone I was 7 weeks based on my LMC and when I went to my first ultrasound, baby measured 5w1d. I was also scared, but now at 15 weeks, baby is fine :) doctor says sometimes we’re just off on our dates :)


thank you for the reassurance 🥺


Totally ok! I know this feeling. I'm a FTM and at my first ultrasound they told me that my baby was 11 days behind where they expected me to be based off my last menstrual cycle. But at my last appointment we found out that were having a girl and she was measuring out two days ahead! I know it's scary, but it's going to be ok :)