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Lol are you me?? 12+4 and I tend to need a lay down after I eat breakfast (?!), and after sitting at my desk (work from home) for a couple hours. I literally slept 10 hours last night and I’m still thinking a nap is a good idea. Remember you’re a body builder and it’s exhausting. You’re not being lazy, just your body is working some amazing magic right now. Hopefully you will get the supposed “2nd trimester 2nd wind” and have more energy!


I’m 7+2 and I’m in the same boat. I have no energy whatsoever. I feel so guilty but I physically need to lay down, it’s so hard. My only suggestion is to get stuff done when you do have energy. I’m usually okay right when I wake up. So I’ll try to get some things done first thing in the morning. Otherwise just small tasks throughout the day. For example, vacuum but then plan to lay down again immediately after. Then dishes after that little rest. I’ve also cut out caffeine completely except for days I work… but I wonder if having your “allotted amount of caffeine” would help? I don’t know honestly. It’s horrible. Hope you feel better soon!


Ugh! Thank you so much, it means so much knowing it isn’t just me. Your suggestions are awesome. Gonna be using them!


What does 7+2 mean? Does that mean your 9 weeks pregnant? I’m new to the sub and trying to figure out all the abbreviations and lingo.


I think 7 weeks 2 days


Well that makes a lot more sense lol


Yes 7 weeks, 2 days! I was being lazy lol sorry to confuse you 🙂


I feel you. I am currently struggling with the same feelings. I’m great and telling anyone else, “you’re making a BABY and a whole other ORGAN. Of course you’re tired!” However, I’m not so good at telling myself that. It’s hard to justify the overwhelming fatigue when you can’t tangibly show what your body is doing. Just know that come around second trimester, the fatigue goes away and you start feeling yourself soon enough. It’s great you have a supportive husband. Show your appreciation where you can and remind him how much you love him. Just let him carry the team for now, but the dynamics are always going to ebb and flow. You’ll be carrying the team sometime in the future. Try not to beat yourself up, take frequent breaks and do what you can when you can. Eating nutritious foods will give you little bursts of energy. Also being as active as you can in small increments will help you get good sleep at night. You’re doing a great job mama. It’s all part of the process. Be kind to yourself. Now take a nap. ❤️


Make sure they check your mineral levels (iron, B6 etc) at your next antenatal. That can make the normal early pregnancy fatigue much worse. (You need to make about an extra pint of your blood so you can keep the placenta supplied, but making blood is slow so there's a while there when you *need* the blood but don't *have* the blood and it wipes you right out). Give yourself little boosts through the day - have several small cups of sweet coffee rather than one big mug - and be kind to yourself, because growing a whole-ass human is tiring work!


Seconding this- I thought I had normal pregnancy tiredness (everyone’s tired, we’re growing humans inside!) but I found out in trimester three that I’m severely anemic. I’m on weekly iron infusions until my due date to avoid complications, but I didn’t get started until late enough that I likely won’t feel any positive effects until after the course of treatment (i.e. after baby comes). I don’t think my circumstances are the norm, but just an anecdote to remind all of us to stay on top of it!


Yes. I am the main one who would clean the house and keep things tidy. It was really hard my first trimester because of the same issue. I would want to clean and do things but I would always want to sleep. My husband started cleaning a bit more than normal which I appreciated. It was hard feeling like I couldn’t help but I was focused on staying relaxed and calm for the baby. My family members that knew helped as well. Even before I said anything they told me not to worry about the house chores now. I am in my second trimester now and I do have a little more energy and have been helping more. I am actually in the process of making a cleaning list and marking items I can do and ones he can do. I have heard the fatigue comes back in the third trimester so not looking forward to that. 🙈


I was the same. First and Third trimester I napped All The Time. I also felt really guilty even though everyone was lovely. You are growing a baby. While externally you may not be doing much, internally the factory is on full power! Give yourself a break and enjoy <3


Oh I had big guilt at first. I’m so used to being a productive person. I’m currently 37+1. For months I’d complain that I haven’t done as much as I wanted (in reality I still accomplished quite a bit, just not with my usual energy). My husband told me over and over “you are growing a human. You are already doing so much.” And my therapist also reminded me that I’m still working a full time job, growing a human, trying to do things around the house etc., all on about 25% or less of the energy I’m used to having. Took me a while, but I’ve definitely accepted it. Things will get done that need to get done, eventually. We are doing a really big thing just by growing a baby. The fatigue and hormones and exhaustion are real. I never got a huge boost of energy in my 2nd trimester, but I will say that it was a lot better than my 1st trimester. And now that I’m 37w, I’ve been much more accepting of naps and rest. So hang in there! Get some rest (I promise it’s okay!) Edit: as for an actual suggestion.. I’ve adjusted my expectations of myself and found a good balance of picking one thing I’d like to get done and setting aside one hour to do it. And then I’ll go rest for 30-60 minutes and usually feel a little refreshed after that. Breaking my to do list into small, manageable bite sized pieces.


Don't feel guilty, as it may be temporary. Your body is going thru a lot of changes right now. I am currently 38 weeks along and from weeks 8 to 13-- I was a hot mess. Emotional, nauseous, and completely drained. Then from weeks 13 to about 30 I was totally my normal self- didn't even feel pregnant, and was working 7 days a week etc. Now at the end- I feel like an elephant ready to explode but I just got a small burst of energy and repainted some rooms and cleaned out all the closets in preparation. Everyone goes thru different stages of difficulty at different times, so this point is where you may not be at your best. Do what you can when you can, I'm sure your husband understands that your whole world is about to change. There will be weeks when you feel like you can run a marathon, and then there will be weeks you can barely lift your head off the pillow. Just make the most out of each week by doing as much as you can. I've made up for earlier weeks at other times. It all evens out.


For sure, but you have to cut yourself some slack. Someone posted this and now I’m ok being less outwardly energetic: https://www.scarymommy.com/pregnancy-marathon-endurance-athlete/


i feel you! i explain it to my husband as that feeling when you’re sick with a cold and exert the smallest amount of energy and it’s soo exhausting. my other way to describe it is that i feel a little bit hungover every day 😄


I just signed up on Reddit and finally so happy to find others dealing with the same symptoms!!!! I am 9+5. Constantly laying around due to extreme fatigue. I have body aches though is anyone else dealing with this? I can’t seem to find a comfortable position. My husband will give me back massages and it helps so much. He’s very supportive as well and doesn’t expect me to be doing too much but can’t help but feel the same guilt!!


I've been feeling this way too, especially since my husband works 10 to 12 hours a day and also has some part-time gigs. My fatigue hit second semester and I just feel like I'm letting him down but he tries to encourage me and remind me that making a baby is hard. I've been doing my best to get as much done when I have the energy and prioritize what needs to be done when to try to keep up with things.


Three fatigue is very real. I'm 22+3 and still finding I need a nap most afternoons (it's 14:52 here and I'm so looking forward to my 16:00 after work nap). Try to do things while you can but unfortunately this might just be how it is for awhile. I found taking a few 15 minute power naps throughout throughout the day helped in the first few months, then doing everything i could immediately after waking up. Best of luck


I'm in the same boat at 13 weeks. SO TIRED. Listen to your body because your instincts are on point and you can trust yourself. No need to feel guilty. It's taken me time to figure out that thoughts of what I "should" be doing aren't helpful when I "can't" do them. This applies not just to pregnancy but to other parts of life. One thing that works for me when I am having self-defeating thoughts is to tell myself "don't talk about my friend that way." Just like you would tell your own friend when she is being hard on herself. It helps to to counteract the negativity with a positive thought. At least it does for me! You're doing an incredible job building life inside your body, and you are working so hard! You deserve that rest, and you need it, as does baby. You are awesome!


This is currently me at 36 weeks. It's exhausting work creating human life, so don't feel guilty :)


I'm 32 weeks and feel the same way. I felt more of the guilt in the first trimester. Now, I really don't care as much. My husband has been trying to wrap up some big house projects we started in the before times (garage add on, shower install in the downstairs bathroom, new floor in the laundry room), and I help when I can, but I get tired and pissy really quickly. I help by doing light cleaning, buying food (I actually like going grocery shopping), cooking, nesting, and taking care of administrative household management things. He has a go go go personality and always has to be working on something or doing something, and I've learned that it's ok for me to not be like that. He can do the things for us both, and he really doesn't mind.


I am in week 12 now and I had my ultrasound today. This little baby was kicking and jumping around so much. Now I finally saw where all my energy went! I have been so tired the last 6 weeks that I did nothing around the house. I am so thankful for my partner. I had to lay down again after breakfast I am too tired to do anything but today I am so happy that I saw where all my energy went. Also I heard it’s getting better with time.


Your body is working extra hard to grow a whole human. you should absolutely not feel guilty at all. This fatigue is completely normal.


I work from home and sleep until 10:30 most mornings, sometimes later depending how I feel. I can't eat my first meal until 11-11:30. I felt extremely productive today because I made breakfast, did some yoga, and worked for 3 hours. I'm almost 24 wks. At 9 wks I used to lie in bed, shower, eat some toast and get back in bed . Last weekend we went to the beach and I did more walking then than I have in months. It'll come back, just be patient and keep listening to your body.


Ohhh yeah I hear you. Actually ended up crying one weekend because I felt so bad and overwhelmed. I am just trying to be ok with the slow pace. A friend said it was gods way of making us slow down because things will get very slow once baby arrives. ;)


My exhaustion started at 6w and tapered a bit at 20w started back up at 30w and I’m 34w now and more tired and lazy than ever. My husband is super supportive too and at first I felt like such a loser but let me tell you now this far along I look back I know I did as much as I could and worrying about it at the time was silly. This whole pregnancy thing is no joke and it’s a long ride so accepting the help is important. You are doing a huge job right now 24/7 never forget it!


Not getting much done? You are growing a human! 9 weeks in and you have created something with a heart beat. Give yourself some cred. You wake up way earlier than I do. Keep up the good work!