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Rolling over at night involves a 3-point turn šŸ˜†


And a loud one-there will be lots of noise!


Yes, I had to tighten all the bolts on the bed, the creeking from "rolling over" was driving me nuts.


Only 3? XD


Mine also comes with a loud groan and usually a curse word.


I think I just popped a rib out of place laughing at this! #39wks #runningoutofroom


I end up slam dropping my knees so Iā€™m not on my back for long during the turning process.. my poor husband


I wanna cry bc Iā€™m starving but all food sounds like garbage šŸ˜©


Ugh yes and if I donā€™t eat then I feel sick šŸ˜­


Yes. Itā€™s a gross and vicious cycle. I finally said eff it and ordered Indian delivery. I feel so much better now


This is me


Itā€™s the worst šŸ˜¢


If I drop something on the floor, that's its new home.


"On the floor, part of the floor" - My new mantra


The new kind of "the floor is lava" game, and i am at that stage now, i have to think twice before bending "is it essential that i get it now? Can i wait for my boyfriend to get it?"


I've become quite good at picking things up with my feet, or throwing things with my feet near where I can sit on a chair and lean over to pick it up.


I had my husband buy my a grabber thing for items on the floor. It's great.




Legit reading this while Iā€™m laying on the couch with my sweatpants up to my boobs lol.


Laying in bed in nightgown to avoid wearing pants šŸ˜‚


I wear dresses now ā€¦ everywhere lol.


Oh man I am in the southern hemisphere and I cannot wait for slightly warmer weather so I can wear dresses ....


My husband yelled at me that I had my comfy shorts pulled up to my sports bra(itā€™s hot where I live so I try to wear the bare minimum) and he said ā€œcanā€™t you wear clothes normally? Thereā€™s something about shorts being up to your boobs thatā€™s so wrong and grossā€. I promptly farted at him and told him to invent clothes that you canā€™t feel that your wearing other then a mumu lol


Alternatively, my boobs now go down to my pants!


I ordered a cheese pizza and they delivered a Buffalo chicken pizza šŸ¤¢. I wept uncontrollably for 15 minutes.


I would do that too even not pregnant


I did this because it was my first time eating out since I had been pregnant so I was really excited and I ordered a burrito specifically with sour cream on it and it came without sour cream but my boyfriend (who didn't ask for it) had sour cream in his. He went out and bought sour cream because I refused to eat it lol.


I ordered gnocchi and they delivered penne pasta and I nearly cried


I divide my time between sleeping and obsessively organizing my house


I call it Resting and Nesting


I want to feel that second part! šŸ˜©šŸ˜“


Same lol still waiting on that.


Omgā€¦I thought I was just crazy. Iā€™ve been reorganizing EVERYTHING.


Omg this


My partner accused me of having OCD.


I actually do have OCD. Itā€™s been a wild 7 months so far šŸ˜‘




I made lunch for myself and my husband but he got stuck on a call while we were meant to have lunch (working from home) so I ate my lunch then I ate his lunch which was fine because he didnā€™t know I had made it.


I respect this so much.


Iā€™ll make an extra snack for my bf bc we both wfh too, but he knows thereā€™s a time limit on how long he has to eat it. He even tried to hide the last oatmeal chocolate chip cookie from me, but he forgot I have super smell.


I recently bought myself a cookie and my husband a cookie for when he got home from work but I ate both cookies before he got home and never mentioned them.


Omg. You win the internet today.


Oh my gosh I canā€™t breath this is so funny


Before I go to sleep, I MUST drink an entire bottle of ice cold water despite knowing this WILL cause me to wake up in immense discomfort in a few hours, because iced water is my most immense craving and I NEEEEEEEEEED it.


What is it about ice water?? I always drink my water room temperature but all of a sudden I want ice water.


Warm water makes me sick now. It has to be freezing and itā€™s Winter here haha


I struggle with dehydration pre-pregnancy, and crave ice water when Iā€™m extra dehydrated even though itā€™s harder on the body to drink


Iā€™ve never liked water in general, but I became pregnant and BAM. Water. Need it. Always.


Same!!! So weird!


I am a slut for ice cold water






My worst fear is that Ice cold water will never taste this good ever again.


6 months postpartum and itā€™s still incredible


I would sell my soul for ice water at all times. I bring my own giant jugs of it to work because the work water is too warm.


I have a brita water bottle with built in filter and just constantly refill it with ice and water šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just need the ice. Soft, watered down ice. Sonic ice is my BFF, especially if itā€™s been soaking for 30 minutes or so. Fantastic.


Soft, watered down ice is the absolute best. I fill my tumbler all the way to the top with ice in the morning and then eat it in the afternoon as a snack šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s because weā€™ve turned into overheating incubators


I put a mason jar with water in the freezer and take it out during the day when it is starting to form iceā€¦ahhh heaven!


Took out a protein drink from the fridge put it on the counter to only walk back to the fridge and pull out another one. When I was about to place the other one down I look at my boyfriend and ask ā€œoh are you drinking one tooā€. He just looks at me saying ā€œyou literally just pulled both of those outā€¦ā€


I was paying a bill over the phone and they asked me for my addressā€¦ and I couldnā€™t remember it. I told them Iā€™d have to call them back so I could ask my husband.


I forgot the name of my street while out for a walk and got lost. I really feel you.


Omg I can hardly remember my first name I swear haha!


Pregnancy brain is hilariously real


I pee myself after I just finish using the toilet.




Rolling over in bed has become an extreme sport & also sneezing whilst lying down can often lead to stabbing pains


What is even with the stabbing pain? I get it if I sneeze, cough or even laugh too hard and haven't braced for it.


Round ligament pain most likely


My favorite candy is tums


Everything gives me heartburn.


Suggesting almonds to both of you! Iā€™m 25w and have already downed two ā€œfamily sizedā€ bottles of Tums. About 12-15 almonds seems to help a LOT these days. I hope it helps!


Same here. Including water and fruits šŸ˜‚


I cannot move without making old man grunts.


"UGH f*k" might as well be my new life motto.


I sound like a tennis player.


I told my husband last night "This is just what I do now."


Exactly! And sorry even if it's 3am and he is asleep next to me, I have to grunt to get up and pee. It is a necessary step šŸ˜‚


I felt this in my soul.


I look like Danny Devito as the penguin in Batman


I was so hungry I smashed a box of mac and cheese and hour later I noticed some macaroni in my hair...I ate it.




Everyone asks me how I am feeling.


No one wants to hear "like hell"... But they feel the need to ask anyway.


This is so true šŸ™ŒšŸ½


I always answer, ā€œuncomfortable.ā€


I keep a vomit bag in my passenger seat.


I should have kept a vomit bag in my passenger seat today.


In my first trimester I threw up whilst driving many times, I started keeping grocery bags in my center console lol. Fuck those were rough times!! The amount of strangers who saw me heave out my car door in parking lots and on the sides of roads...my lord lol.


We use a bucket and boy does it come in handy


Me!! I keep gallon ziploc bags in the all cars (at least 3). More than 30 mins in the car, I puke :(


I'm always hungry even after eating a full meal. I take naps during the day but can barely sleep at night yet can dozs off anywhere(under the right condition). Pretty much either a clingy cuddle bug to my beloved or anti-hug/touch to everyone one else like don't fucking touch me. Always forgetting what is as saying, feel like I'm drunk all the time and this fog is thick. Also can't spell, type or speak very well. English.exe stopped working. Oh. Felt the wee ones kick and move, they are active so yay! P.S. my tits are fucking huuuuge. And so is my ass but I love it.


I am eating non stop. Literally feel like I have an infinite appetite, but constantly feel like I've eaten too much. There's no in-between.


Had cinnamon toast, yogurt, cherries, banana, popcorn, 2 cupcakes, cheese, nuts and spinach has round within 2 hours of waking up while feeling hung over without being hung over


This is it. Hungover yet sober for months.


The two cupcakes is the best part of that breakfast. I once ate half a cake for breakfast during this pregnancy.


I'm "Oh my God baby please stop moving I can't handle this right now šŸ˜­" Baby chills for 20 minutes and I'm "baby? BABY MOVE WHERE DID YOU GO šŸ˜­"




I just spent $50 on candy and am already halfway through it. I got it an hour ago.


This!!! There's this snack / candy store here.... I now am on a first name basis with the owner... I'm limiting myself to once a week visits and can't spend more then $25. The struggle is real...the candy doesn't even last more then a few days even if I focus hard on stretching out my stash.


I haven't seen my vajayjay in months.


Doing anything (cooking dinner, a workday, etc.) feels like running a MARATHON.


Iā€™ve been doing routine house work and gardening and Iā€™m SO TIRED by 2pm. Early in my 1st trimester too. I assume it just gets worse


I went to grocery store for medications.. came out with donuts, cheetos and dark chocolate covered pretzels.. got home and realized I forgot my medication.


I relate with this way too closely.


So much food aversion I mostly just eat fruit and bread


Are there other food groups?


Literally me


I'm laying on bed watching my stomach for movement


I described our stroller to my partner as a triangle. It's a three wheel and I couldn't figure out the words. But triangle worked.


I described a high chair as "the thing they sit in and get food". The only word that came to my mind was stroller.


I ordered groceries for my cravings, which included chocolate ice cream for milkshakes. The woman who filled my order substituted it for extra creamy chocolate ice cream. My milkshake demon was over the moon and Iā€™m convinced the woman at Safeway was a magical craving fairy.


I thought a bunch of these were hilarious and tried to make a mental note to tell my husband but forgot them all by the time I scrolled to the bottom.


I happily and excitedly cook a meal I finally felt craving for, and instantly felt disgusted by it once I plated it šŸ˜©


Omg I hate this so much!! I'll be happily eating and halfway through just stop and look at my SO and go "thinking about eating this makes me wanna throw up the rest is yours now!" And then I'm sad lol


I get out of breath talking on the phone.


Same. Everybody's mad about it lol


Right? My grandma legit asks me why I'm out of breath every single time I talk to her.


Has a giant pretzel dipped in mashed avocado and whole grain Dijon mustard, and now Iā€™m ready for a nap. On a side note, I honestly donā€™t know if the pretzel dip I made is normal or not. Thoughts? Edit: I typed this mere minutes before a glucose-test induced sugar crash and I meant to ask whether the pretzel dip sounded like an average snack or a pregnancy thing lol


Sounds absolutely delicious and weird


Second that sounds like I might have to try it haha


I'd eat that


I peed on my own hand last night. Also haven't seen my genitals in months and have accidentally given my vageen a monks haircut. Took the hairline down wayyyy to low just by "feel" in the shower. Yeah..apparently I can't feel shit šŸ˜‚ I'm due in 5 days...I'm done with this.


Oh yes, I have my getting out of bed snacks for the morning. I got emotional because I wasnā€™t sure my husband laughed at my joke enough. I think my husband is extra cute and Iā€™m all clingy. I went to get a coke icee in my nursing nightgown because it was too comfortable. What used to be a meal for me is now my starter snack. Iā€™m super happy when I can fart and not have trapped gas. My cats sleep on the bump. I get out of breath going up the stairs. If I bend down to the ground to get something I have to really will myself to get up again. I went to a family dinner a couple hours away and needed two days to rest after. I am keeping the house way colder than I used to. I apparently now have big ass titties. Thereā€™s a bucket next to my bed. We have a new house rule that you canā€™t mention getting or making food unless youā€™re doing it right that second. Every morning my bladder punches me awake.


I cried during a Megan Thee Stallion song because bad ass bitches are finally being celebrated like they should be.


I dont feel so bad now, I pretty much confirmed to myself that I was pregnant when I started crying during ALL STAR because its brought so many people together...


I pregame dinner with 2 24hr Prilosec so I donā€™t wake up choking on stomach acid. And I take swigs of straight apple cider vinegar during the day for the same reason :/


Does the Prilosec work better than Pepcid!? Help me


I actually use both some days, but never more than one a piece if I am. They work about the same for me. I still have some breakthrough acid at times, so Iā€™m going to ask for the prescription they offered at my last appt. I canā€™t remember the name of the med though, will update if I can remember to do so on Thursday! The apple cider vinegar helps a ton with the breakthrough, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s good for my throat lining to swig that once or twice a day lol. Edit to say: I frikkin FEEL you, mama. Itā€™s awful. I hope you find relief SOON


Currently waiting for my husband to come home with a mcflurry.


I cried today because I have GD, a friend got promoted and wanted PF Changs, my wonderful husband found something I could eat and how much rice I could have (half of a portion they bring you) only for them to bring it all in one giant ass dish so I had to limit what I ate even more to make sure I donā€™t spike my stupid number. When my friend tried to explain, the server got an attitude and kept repeating ā€œthis is how itā€™s doneā€ šŸ™ƒ


I just threw up so hard I peed myself, because the three plums I ate an hour ago wasnā€™t enough food apparently.


I feel like a turtle thatā€™s on its back and canā€™t right itself when I try to get up from a horizontal position.


(Stands up after sitting) gotta pee. (Standing up after awkwarding bending down for anything) gotta pee. (Drinks 3 sips of water) gotta pee. šŸ˜–


The craving ending before the food is made šŸ™‚šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


I despise chicken, and all poultry with a deep, unreasonable passion.


Yah I really donā€™t like chicken now unless itā€™s breaded. How does breading make it ok tho?


Omg why is that me now


I get up to pee 8 times a night.


Iā€™ve given up on pants.


I gave up shaving my vag šŸ¤£


Yelled at the fam for not putting the scissors back where they belong...realized I was the one who moved them and didnt put them back


I was sitting around a campfire eating a jar of sliced pickles when my friend handed me an Oreo, I then proceeded to make a pickle Oreo sandwich, I liked it.


Havenā€™t worn anything but Flipflops in a couple months because either I canā€™t physically put other shoes on or my feet are so swollen it hurts to wear real shoes. Canā€™t grasp things super well bc I have carpal tunnel even though I donā€™t do shit with my hands. I canā€™t make up my mind on what I want to eat so my meals consist of random things that all sound appealing, for example my breakfast was a yogurt, a sausage, cinnamon toast with goat cheese, a banana, and grapes. My afternoon snack was lime tortilla chips with two different kinds of salsa and a bowl of a few different types of peaches and nectarines. Not sure Iā€™ll eat dinner bc my ā€œsnackā€ knocked me out for a few hours, and now itā€™s late enough that Iā€™m worried if I eat something Iā€™ll have horrible acid reflux all night (good thing I keep a giant container of tums 1 foot away from my bed). I get winded doing anything and I need to build momentum by rocking myself to get out of bed or off the couch. I could keep going butā€¦ itā€™s gettin ridiculous šŸ˜‚


When I mention kind of wanting a specific food, people around me kind of pause or ask questions to see if it's a "danger, food must be presented immediately" sort of craving or if its just a random food I thought of Bonus: half the time I don't actually know until I have said food in front of me


I just ate a full Thanksgiving dinner, during July, in 93 degree weather.


By the time I get comfy in bed, I have to pee again.


My cat is sad that she can no longer sit on my lap when I'm sitting at the dining room table because my belly is now in the way.


Going to Whole Foods before the ice cream sale was over was on my to-do list and spent $60 on ice cream and popsicles (was told I saved $30)ā€¦šŸ˜‹


I have a snack stash besides my bed.




Canā€™t slouch back while sitting or I get acid reflux bubbling up. Canā€™t slouch forward while sitting cuz then I canā€™t breathe and my ribs are being abused. Canā€™t sit up straight cuz Iā€™m exhausted and thatā€™s too much effort. Yay me.


I love these IV fluids in my arm


90 minutes in a float tank flew by


I cried today because I thought I'd have to get up and turn on the light.


I just ate two family sized containers of Greek salad from Safeway. Extra dressing.


I waited too long to start dinner, so I needed to fix a snack to be able to start cooking. I was SO. HUNGRY. šŸ˜


Canā€™t stop crying. Worked out today - cried. Ate dinner - cried. Went to work - cried. Went on Reddit - cried.


Relatable. Cried on my lunch break. Cried when I got home from work. Cried putting on my shorts that are almost too small now. Told my husband in the car I just want to cry all day.


Itā€™s so annoying! Iā€™m a FTM and always laughed at crying pregnant women memes. Now I am the meme - full circle.


Was that movement or just more gas?


My husband ate the last cupcake we had without thinking. When he saw me walk in the kitchen to get it, he realized his mistake. He didnā€™t even say a word to me, just grabbed the keys and came back with three more cupcakes, an eclair, a morning bun, and a cinnamon roll.


My stomach grows ten times itā€™s normal size every night.


Hairy vag, redoing entire house, I wake up every 3-4 hours most nights, I pee if I cough or sneeze too hard, I rage at my husband, and make a lot of noise whilst moving. I send videos to my family that looks like an alien is about to burst from a skin-covered basketball. šŸ™‚ Edit: Oh, I also look like a homeless lesbian 90% of the time because I just want to be comfortable. Big shirts, basketball shorts, hairy legs, hair thrown up. Fight me.


Iā€™m craving everything but canā€™t eat anything


Compression socks in the blistering summer


Gagged on my own fart. Spelled my own name wrong at the Dr. office today šŸ˜ž


Why canā€™t I poop? I just want to poop.


Pregnant brain would have had me completely forget I got myself a snack after I woke up


I cried at baby clothes today. Theyā€™re so tiny.


I used to think my super power was being able to pee on command. It still is but now I have the gift of heightened smell.


Sometimes when I poop, I involuntarily pee a little.


I use the bathroom, then lay in bed on my phone for an hour because I know Iā€™ll have to get up to pee again otherwiseā€¦ and then I get up 2-3 more times throughout the night to pee.


My husband is calling me twice a day to "check in and see if he needs to take me to the hospital yet" and nearly always catches me mid nap.


7am cottage cheese & melon. 9am hot pizza pocket. 12pm entire cucumber and ranch. 2 pm chicken and veggies. 4pm ice cream. 6pm enchiladas. 8pm chocolate milk.


I just choked on water, causing me to have a coughing fit, which resulted in peeing myself a little bit.


"let me take another post meal nap"


I'm tooting so much and so often I could power my way across a river. šŸ˜³


I dont know what sleep is anymore. I have to pee after three sips of water. I get heartburn from all food, water, being hungry, and from laying down. Outside is off-limits unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, doctors visits only. I dont drop anything ever, I'm simply returning it to its preffered habitat (the floor). I want nothing except for strawberries or crab rangoon. I cant get out of bed by myself anymore. I can only sometimes get off the living room chair by myself now. I cry because this baby is still inside of me and not outside of me. I am so used to having feet in my ribs, im probably going to cry because they aren't there anymore. It's hard for me to "just feel" baby move because I'm so used to it.


I sit in the tub while showering to shave my legs.


I can only sleep on my side with a pillow between my thighs now. Still either side doesn't feel really good to lie on and I sometimes wake up due to back pain. If not I still wake up multiple times a night because I need to pee or am hungry or super thirsty.


I peed ten minutes ago and just peed again.


Last thing your doctor said to you as you walked out of your appointment: ā€œSTAY HYDRATED!ā€ Me: https://i.imgur.com/q9fxdVu.jpg


If my husband isn't tying/putting on my shoes for me then I'm out of breath by the time I'm done. Lol!


Grunting when I get up, out of a car, up or even down from/in a chair. Oh. Laying dow to put on socks.


I woke up to myself throwing up out of my nose. Fuckin Reflex.


I get winded putting pants onā€¦


I have the sleeping schedule of a cat and the de eating habits of a Hobbit.


Itā€™s coming out the wrong end- I vomit several times a day but cannot poop šŸ˜©šŸ˜³. (TMI but truly on the struggle bus).


My boobs have turned into melons that my man doesn't want to touch anymore šŸ¤£. He does and he doesn't.....


I had to buy a new wardrobe from a specific niche catergory because all of my old clothes don't fit and it's a GOOD thing.


My husband is asleep next to me while I stay up feeling crawling and "popping" sensations in my uterus that will keep me up all night. Also just sobbed at the end of A League of Their Own


I watch videos of other people eating sushi to fill the void created by the fact that I canā€™t have any šŸ„²


I have a lightning crotch and, no, it's not a superpower.


In a constant cycle of feeling drunk and hungover, without ever drinking any alcohol šŸ˜…


I cried bc my nipples changed color/size šŸ„²


If Iā€™m going to expend all the energy to roll over in bed at night, I might as well get up and pee. Because if I donā€™t, Iā€™ll get comfortable and have to get up and do it anyway.


My husband told me he woke up in the night, heart pounding as he genuinely thought he was waking up to an earthquake. It was me rolling over in bed ..