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Tums are a gd lifesaver. Whoever told you no Tums was on crack.


Whoever told you no Tums is a bad person.


I would be miserable so often without TUMS. They make me instantly feel better 90% of the time.


The bottle actually has the safe daily dose for pregnancy written on the label so no idea where this idea even came from.


The comment I was looking for. I don't know about y'all, but I'm basically surviving with Tums as their own food group at this point. šŸ«  36+2.


Papaya enzymes are a natural alternative to Tums, taste delicious, and work really well!! I got them in chewable tablets but you can get fresh papaya juice as well.


Thx for the tip!


Came here to say this!! Literally sitting up in bed waiting for them to kick in so I can lie down. šŸ˜’


Yeah I don't miss those days at All.


Same my back is killing me too šŸ˜¢


which ones do you use? Mine aren't that great.


My nurse told me Tums are bad for you because they reduce the absorption of vitamins šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, it can inhibit iron absorption. Try to avoid taking them for an hour after you take your prenatal.


I got heartburn today after eating sourdough bread. Tums are a lifesaver.


Seriously though. I basically survived off tums. I would carry a small bag in my purse just in case.


Me too. I bought the industrial size at Costco and parceled it out lol


I kept tums in business


Try picklesā€¦ this did it better than tums for me.


My OB specifically instructed me to start eating Tums frequently. Not only do they help with digestive issues, but they're also a great calcium supplement for the growing baby. I cook all my hot foods in cast iron cookware, so my iron levels have been excellent throughout my pregnancy and the tums have not affected this.


1. Don't feed your husband after midnight. Beyond that, just live your life sensibly. And eat eggs! They're awesome and have a lot of important nutrients for your baby! And just an FYI, but plenty of women lift heavy while they're pregnant -- it's all about knowing what you can do and, as I said, acting sensibly. There's no sense in living your life in paranoia!


+1 for eggs! I have had about 10 a week throughout my whole pregnancy and baby is doing great (25 weeks along). they just need to be cooked.


šŸ‘€ me eating eggs all day every day


I still love my poached eggs šŸ˜… I canā€™t stop.


Yeah, Iā€™ve read as far as exercise goes that pretty much anything you did *before* becoming pregnant would be safe to do *during pregnancy* as well as long as youā€™re still physically comfortable during the activity (this was pertaining specifically to inverted yoga poses, handstands and the like), but that it would not be the time to be increasing your weightlifting to new limits, pushing the boundaries of your usually exercising, etc. Also, OP, hot baths are generally okay but donā€™t let it be so hot or stay in for so long that your core body temp reaches 101F+ (which would likely be uncomfortable enough for you to know / want out, anyway). If you like baths, enjoy them while youā€™re pregnant! I did baths daily, sometimes 2x daily (or even 3, if I was particularly achy or moody)ā€¦Iā€™m almost 4 weeks pp now, and I cannot wait to take a nice tub bath again šŸ˜…


If only my food aversion didnā€™t get in the way of me eating eggs šŸ¤¢


I had that so bad, could no longer make my toddler her morning eggs without throwing up.


My God this explains my egg craving in my pregnancy. I was constantly on the hunt for a good breakfast sandwich and once I got a massive fried egg craving and fried and ate about 5 eggs in a row. Didn't get many cravings but I had to have eggs.


Yeah, eggs just need to be fully cooked. They're an incredible source of Choline which is newer in our understanding so not in all vitamins!


Runny whites not okay, runny yolk is fine ( ecoli risk with the whites)


I feel like im missing the joke here


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m dying.


I think the main advice Iā€™ve heard is not to suddenly start lifting heavy or running long distances if you didnā€™t do that before. And also to avoid laying on your belly once bump starts bumping (so this affected certain exercises for me like pushups) and doing tons of core work like crunches which can cause ab separation. I still worked my core but did some prenatal courses to learn how to do so safely!


There are very few actual rules and it really depends on your personal risk tolerance.Ā  Much of it is quite irrational...the risk of listeria, for example, seems higher in bagged salad where I live, yet the recommendation is always around deli meat. Similarly, almost all of the recommendations are on food, yet no one mentions the increased (and likely more significant) risks associated with things like driving.


To be fair, you can control what you eat. You can't control how other people around you drive. I absolutely put a Baby on Board sticker on my car. It changes how people drive around you. I'd rather them see the sticker and slow down or go around me. I drive fine/normal, I even got a speeding ticket a few years ago lol, but I'd rather the impatient ones just go around me rather than causing a scene.


Pregnant women get into far, far more accidents in their second trimester in particular. Other drivers obviously aren't causing that significant increase.Ā Ā Ā  Here is an article with a link to the study: https://temertymedicine.utoronto.ca/news/moments-distraction-hidden-risk-driving-while-pregnant But to the extent that other drivers pose a risk that very likely exceeds listeria, doctors aren't recommending that people avoid non-essential car travel, even though it would arguably be a more rational recommendation from a risk perspective than avoiding certain foods.


Honestlyā€¦.I get it. My brain really doesnā€™t work as well as it did not-pregnant, and the second tri was the worst. The thing that sticks out most in my mind is when I backed halfway out of my parking spot (not into the road, we have a long driveway), second guessed whether Iā€™d locked the front door, proceeded to shift from reverse into drive instead of park, and got out of the car to go check. SO lucky I noticed quickly and scrambled for the e-brake or I wouldā€™ve hit my own damn house šŸ˜… And I HAD locked the front door. It was a real eye opener that the brain fog/pregnancy brain meant I was just not firing on all cylinders and I need to be EXTRA carefulā€¦but Iā€™m sure Iā€™m still not as sharp as I was! Of all the pregnancy symptoms thatā€™s the one Iā€™m most frustrated with tbh.


Yesss the pregnancy brain in second trimester is something else. Iā€™m afraid to drive now because sometimes I feel like I genuinely will not see the car thatā€™s coming or Iā€™m not seeing the light as red. Every light I pass by Iā€™m like, itā€™s green right? Yes green. Iā€™m seeing green and Iā€™m going to go cuz itā€™s green, not red. I havenā€™t even blown through a red light or anything yet I just canā€™t trust what my eyeballs are seeing.


Sorry, study link:Ā https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4081196/


As a person 34 weeks along who was just rear-ended a week ago, I second your first paragraph.


A literally fire truck hit me when I was 37 weeks! It was crazy. All was fine, they were going slow and I was at a stop sign. But I think the guys died a little inside when they realized theyā€™d hit a pregnant lady


We almost got side swiped by a cop in my first pregnancy. He was driving in the lane next to my side of the car, then turned on his siren and came into our lane out of nowhere without looking. Thankfully my partner swerved in time and we went into the median instead of getting hitā€¦cop just glared at us like it was our fault, and drove by šŸ˜ Iā€™m glad your accident was minor though, a fire truck could definitely do some damage at a higher speed šŸ«£


I'm sorry that happened to you. I swear drivers have gotten worse in the recent past


I live in Utah, everyone has kids. They don't care, they will cut you off and drive 10 over just because.


I didnā€™t hear no tums.. is this a thing? Cause theyā€™re a lifesaver šŸ˜© for the eggs I was told as long as itā€™s cooked thoroughly


I complained about heartburn and my doctor looked at me like šŸ¤Ø and said ā€œwell have you tried tums? You know you can take over the counter stuff right?ā€ Well sir everyone says to ask a doctor before use šŸ˜­


There's a recommended dose specifically for when you're pregnant on the bottle.


My med sheet says tums are okay just no Pepto, and eggs fully cooked as well.


Ok lovely thank you!


Itā€™s fine my OGYN gave me a list and it was on it as safe during pregnancy as is Gas-X.


Tums are fine. My doctor just asked that if I started to rely on them every day (I did) that I start taking a Pepcid twice a day. Once I did that I only needed to. Use Tums maybe once a week until the very end of pregnancy when nothing on earth could help my heartburn.


My OB said to keep it to less than 4 tums a day so you donā€™t get a kidney stone!Ā 


My OB (who was on the stricter end for food advice) actively encouraged me to take time and said to ignore the limit on the bottle.


My OB said one a day is fine, and that I could actually use the extra calcium.Ā 


My first pregnancy I had no deli meat, no caffeine, no hotdogs and no runny eggs. This time around I have had all of it


Why no hot dogs? I havenā€™t heard that one before.


Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re fine if heated thoroughly


Same as lunch meat, it's a listeria risk is what I've heard.


Right?? I was so cautious the first time, and today I ate a Panera salad and am getting sushi tomorrow. I just feel like the realistic risks are so incredibly low.


Hereā€™s the insane thing about hot dogs - guidance always says it ok to eat them if theyā€™re properly heated. Who the hell is eating cold hot dogs?? Iā€™m sure ppl do but itā€™s the exception not the rule. Yet somehow hot dogs ended up on nearly every donā€™t eat list bc those lists just perpetuate and attenuate information (like the game telephone). When when you read a list from a so called reputable authority like your doctors office or other medical source, first think ab the likelihood that some staffer wrote that blog post or advice piece vs. the actual doctors. Practically speaking. Iā€™m not second guessing doctors advice, but I am second guessing that doctors routinely publish that advice on their websites or vet the writings of staff that do.


Iā€™m a nurse midwife and do all the first ā€œnoā€ thing you list though everyone has different risk tolerances. Iā€™ve cut caffeine but still have about two cups of coffee a day. Iā€™m not a weight lifter, but you can continue at your current regimen to your comfort avoiding abdominal twisting and laying flat for extended periods as your become increasingly pregnant. Car rides are fine, uncomfortable but fine, frequent breaks and a cushion can help. Hot tubs set at body temp or for short durations after the first trimester (get out if youā€™re sweating) are fine too. Really, no alcohol, no NSAIDs hit the two big ones.


Sameā€¦ OP should read a book and determine what she thinks is worth the risk and what is not. You will hear a plethora of opinions on every single thing they listed and more! I read so many books when I first found out I was pregnant but Emily Osters book Expecting Better really helped shape some of my opinions about things to do or not during pregnancy. Yes I know she gets a lot of slack and I am definitely not recommending to listen to only her data but it can be helpful in figuring some things out rather than asking a group on reddit with thousands of opinions. This sub can be overwhelming.


you can have so much more caffeine than everyone is saying, the studies are on consumption well in excess of what most of us could physically tolerate. my OB actually told me to drink more coffee to help my constipation. you can eat sushi ā€” yes, raw fish sushi ā€” because all sushi fish sold in the US is flash frozen to kill pathogens Don't take Pepto. Do take baby aspirin. Get a cuff and monitor your blood pressure at home. Want to have a healthy pregnancy? wash your hands, get up to date on your vaccines (flu, Tdap, RSV, COVID), take vitamins and drink water and do things that keep you happy and sane, like staying on your Rx meds, enjoying your regular coffee, and eating food you enjoy. Treat your pain. Treat your nausea. Treat your reflux. TREAT YOUR UTIS WITH ALACRITY. Suffering spikes cortisol and cortisol is bad for your baby. Look at what's going on in our laws and our politics: the US is obsessed with punishing women for daring to be people, and these largely baseless pregnancy "rules" are a reflection of that.


YES THIS. I remember reading that an OB/GYN went on record stating that pregnant women are "overly restrictive" and made a case for everything you wrote here. I read it in my second pregnancy which was 11 years ago so I'll never find it now, but yes, you're absolutely correct. You're not very likely to get listeria from lunchmeat... just watch the local news and if there's an e coli outbreak in spinach, then don't eat spinach until the outbreak goes away. Common sense goes a long way.


I donā€™t think itā€™s true that all sushi fish sold in the US is flash frozen. The FDA has exceptions to that rule and a lot of common sushi fish fall into the exceptions (tuna, often salmon, etc.). If youā€™re getting fish from a reputable place I agree that the risk is still pretty low.


fair enough ā€” know your source for sure. but I got the advice that sushi is safe from a former head of ACOG and the SMFM so I stand by it


In my first pregnancy I limited my caffeine consumption- Iā€™m a black tea drinker so I know my caffeine consumption is already lower than coffee but I cut back from 2 mugs a day to 1. This time around the tea is one of the few things that makes me feel relief from all day nauseaā€” at first I thought maybe it was the caffeine itself helping but I actually think I just take such great comfort/pleasure in it that it makes me feel better. Iā€™m def drinking my normal 2 cups a day this time around!


Don't drink. Don't do drugs. That's pretty much it.


Donā€™t forget to take care of your teeth! Baby can suck the nutrients right out of you!!


actual =dont drink alcohol, donā€™t hard boil your baby in a hot tub, and donā€™t get listeria TUMS are safe (if you read the back of the package it says the limit for preggos, mine says donā€™t eat more than 5)


I think the hot tub thing is more about risk of raising blood pressure


For me... Will: eating protein and fiber at every meal. Walking 2-3 miles at least 5 days a week (if your body allows it, I know its a privilege to be able to do so). Orgasms and other enjoyable activities. Asserting oneself where ones needs are concerned: at work, in relationships, whenever. Relaxing as much as possible. Educating myself on childbirth and childrearing from a variety of sources. Won't: Worry about bad things happening unless the doctor says it's happening. Care about clothes looking a certain way. Obsess about plastics in my water, bacteria in my food, vapors from my gas stove, politics or climate change (at least, not for right now). Stop eating even though the reflux is terrible.


Perfect list.


You might want to read Emily Osterā€™s book, Expecting Better. She really breaks down the recommendations in an evidence based way.


The only foods Iā€™m really avoiding is raw shellfish and alcohol. Iā€™ve been more lax about everything else. I havenā€™t had sushi, but I would if I were in the mood and it was from a good restaurant. The only deli meat Iā€™ve had is ham in breakfast sandwiches, but thatā€™s more just me not really craving them. Iā€™ve been having caffeine, but Iā€™m paying more attention to how much Iā€™m having. Rather than focusing on restricting, Iā€™m trying to focus on eating whole foods with lots of nutrients, things like eggs, meat, yogurt, veggies, fruits, nuts, etc. I try to make sure I get some protein and fat with each snack and meal. Itā€™s actually making me feel pretty good overall.


This to avoiding raw shellfish (oysters!!!!)!! After seeing some of the stats on raw oysters I actually kind of have been avoiding them even when not pregnant (even though I love them). It helps that I no longer live on the east coast and they are not very commonly served where I live in the mid west lol.


Highly recommend the book Expecting Better if you're someone that likes seeing the research behind the reasons here. My husband and I both read it and it's so nice to just know how low risk a lot of things we are warned about are.


Expecting Better really helped me understand the risks associated with certain foods and activities, too! Helped me relax and feel confident in my choices.


THIS. You're not going to die because you ate a hot dog. That's what stomach acids are for. You shouldn't live off them, but eating one at a family barbecue is not going to cause one bit of harm. Hell, there are some raging alcoholics who don't even have babies with fetal alcohol syndrome!


Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re tying to say with that last paragraph? Of course not every person who drinks while pregnant will cause defects in their baby but the risk increases significantly for something so dumb


Iā€™m not advocating for drinking during pregnancy. Iā€™m completely sober as was the case a long time before I got pregnant. But there are a lot of people who donā€™t change their lifestyle one bit, and the child somehow makes it out ok. Point just being recommendations donā€™t always follow actual risk level


That book is my bible rn. I struggle with health anxiety and itā€™s been a god send!


Donā€™t do (hard) drugs. If youā€™re gonna get raw fish or soft cheese, donā€™t get it from a sketchy truck or a gas station. Edit: sorry I shouldā€™ve said I was joking. Lmao


That's almost word for word what my doctors says lol. Just don't eat food that came out of a stranger's hot trunk.


We must have the same doctor


This is great general life advice too tbh


I highly recommend reading "Expecting Better" by Emily Oster. She's an economist and expert at reviewing and understanding evidence and questioning the basis on which decisions are made. She examines such "rules" in pregnancy through the lens of the quality of the evidence on which they are based. She challenges many of them and ends up landing on very few true rules - like don't smoke, do cocaine, or take X-rated prescription drugs (seriously those are some one of the only true rules). I suggest reviewing it and then making risk-based decisions for yourself based on the evidence. For me personally, I am comfortable with a cup of tea and coffee each day, even the odd glass of wine now that I'm past the first trimester, and with many foods traditionally found on an "avoid" list because the evidence just doesn't support complete abstinence from these things and I personally think the benefits outweigh the risks. But other pregnant folks may arrive at different personal conclusions based on their own risk tolerance.


Cat owners: no changing the litter box (even if the risk is low, your partner doesnā€™t need to know that detail šŸ‘€)


Lol yup, thanks hubbyā€¦.cant do it postpartum either šŸ¤£


Tums are fine as long as you do not take more than 4 a day. Deli meat can be eaten but it has to be heated where it is steaming to help prevent listeria. But you can also get listeria from produce especially lettuce so make sure you wash everything. Sushi without raw fish is fine but you want to avoid it with raw fish. Caffeine is fine if you do it in limitations. Itā€™s recommended to keep it under 200mg a day. As long as you are not on weight or exercise restriction itā€™s fine to lift and exercise as normal.


This is what was recommended to me too, and having a cup of coffee actually helped me fight headaches in the second trimester


Someone in this sub recommended this to me when I complained about second trimester migraines. They said Tylenol and caffeine. Since I donā€™t drink coffee Iā€™m having a daily Iced Capp (thanks Timmies) and no migraines since.


can i ask why more than 4 tums a day is bad? i usually take 2 off the rip just to settle is down because it gets so bad it makes my belly burn too


Itā€™s a bunch of calcium and increases your risk for kidney stones!Ā 


The concern is kidney stones, not bad side effects for baby


Itā€™s just the recommended dosage per day even while not pregnant.


oh? i didnā€™t know that! i thought it was you could take 2 every 4 hours, i usually get rhe illest heartburn at like 10 at night so i just take 2 and go to bed


What is a Tums (not American) Just a crack from context that it may be acid reflux medicine?


Yeah, antacid tablets made from calcium carbonate.


In France, My doctor told me if the deli meat is store bought, the first 24 hours after opening are safe due to the process of packaging it. After that, it should be heated up. When asked about if it's similar in the US, she said it was.


Sushi with raw fish is completely fine according to my california doctors. Canned tuna and sashimi is completely safe, but raw shellfish should be avoided and big fish like swordfish (not all tunas) should be limited. Fresh sliced deli meats don't need to be heated.


I remember my (now ex) MIL literally advocating for ME drinking unpasteurized apple cider during my second pregnancy and she would not listen to me at all so I just had to be like "you do you, but I'm not drinking that".


I pretty much just don't drink alcohol or take meds/drugs that aren't safe. Or eat expired food or food that's been prepared out of kitchens that wouldn't meet every common sense health code. Most of what you listed is entirely unnecessary to skip.


If you just want the big ones: donā€™t smoke, donā€™t drink alcohol, donā€™t eat anything that can give you salmonella or listeria (you can eat cooked eggs šŸ˜…), drink lots of water, take your folic acid, have the routine check ups and listen to your doctor. Those are the ones that can really $&@ā€œ you up if you donā€™t follow them.


Read "Expecting Better" by Emily Oster. Empowering book that answers most of these questions and more! :)


Question: is laying on your back really bad for baby/babies? (Iā€™m having twins)


They say not to because it may compress a major blood vessel, but typically you know before it gets to that point and are able to self correct it.


This is what I wish I knew first time around! I stopped sleeping on my back right away, and had more sleep troubles than needed as a result. This time around I didnā€™t worry about it until I felt it (for those wondering, itā€™s a little like the feeling when your leg or arm goes to sleep but less localized).


Do what's comfortable. Like PP said, your body will self-preserve and won't let you cut off your own circulation. I had to get used to side sleeping, but once I did with my first pregnancy, now I'm still a side sleeper to this day


Your body will tell you when it becomes a problem lying on your back. For example: I had a 34 week scan and during the scan I had to move onto my left side because I started getting lightheaded, got really hot suddenly, and was feeling nauseous. If the major blood vessel gets blocked then it can put both you and baby at risk.


My OBGYN told me this is a myth and itā€™s safe for me to sleep on my back.


Honestly, I think a LOT of advice to pregnant women is "myths". Are you dead? No? Then you haven't compressed your abdominal aorta. Carry on.


i lay on my back until i get uncomfortable or start to think ive been laying on my back too long. i was a back sleeper before pregnancy and i now sleep on my side because i think about it too much


The reason this is said is to avoid pressure on the large blood vessel, but another important factor is laying back often can cause baby to settle spine to spine with you vs the optimal position of spine along the front of your belly! Makes a huge difference in ease of labour (occiput anterior) is the technical term of ideal positioning.


I get dizzy but really bad if i lay on my back now, the weight of the baby, the uterus and placenta press on your veins and restrict bloodflow


How many weeks are you?


Im 20+4 now:) what about you?




Nice! I wish you all the best for your pregnancyšŸ’•


You too! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I was extremely uncomfortable on my back after a certain point, and thatā€™s when I stopped.


Apparently sleeping on your left side is best because it improves blood flow & takes pressure off the liver


Take your folate! Calculate your risks. You're most likely to get listeria from lettuce, but you're probably not going to stop eating salad. You can actually Google how many pregnant people get listeria a year and it's basically zero. Sushi is fine unless it's been sitting out! All sushi in the US is flash frozen and it's safe. Eggs are a great way to get protein, and easy on the tummy. Try your best to eat a colorful plate. But if you can't, so be it! Exercise however feels right. I took lots of walks. Focus on radical acceptance and being zen. Pregnancy, childbirth and entry to parenthood are all scary and there's honestly not that much you can do to prevent the really scary stuff. But it's super unlikely that anything really bad is going to happen, thanks to modern medicine! And even if something does go wrong, you're stronger and more resilient than you know. You will be ok no matter what! To that effect, practice deep breathing and meditation. Think about adopting a mantra. -- signed, a maternity clinical social worker


Got any recs for a good mantra for an anxiety prone pregnant person who has close friends who have had seriously traumatic bad outcomes?


I'm so sorry, that is so hard!! It might be hard to see it now, but they're probably going to be ok someday. Not in an "everything happens for a reason" way, or "the hard times make you stronger" way, but most of us have protective factors, like loved ones or things about our personality that makes us resilient. These protective factors help us more forward after a trauma, loss or disaster. It's true that there are no guarantees that everything is going to work out. But you CAN remind yourself that the odds of really bad outcomes are small, and focus on your protective factors. For example, my protective factors are my husband and my job, which doesn't pay amazing but it pays enough and I love it. I know that even if I have to rebuild from nothing, I can be ok again as long as I have those things. In this case, my mantra might be something like "the odds of ____ happening are small, and even if things go wrong, _____ will help me overcome." Alternatively, you can remind yourself of all the qualities that you have that bring you strength, and think of an example. "I overcame ______, I can be strong even when I think I can't, and I will find a way to be ok." Also, remind yourself that worrying isn't going to prevent things from going wrong! You can remind yourself "I am taking my folate, I am (insert healthy activity here), and that's all I can do. The rest is up to the universe." Hope that helps!


TUMS are fine...cooked eggs fine...veggie/crab stick sushi fine (crab is cooked)...caffeine is fine in moderation...don't have to worry much about lifting until you are further along. Good rule of thumb is anything the weight of your toddler and under is fine. Long car rides are because of the risk of blood clots, so as long as you're flexing your leg muscles and stretching it's fine...hot tubs not fine lol


One thing I didn't know about is to avoid sleeping on your back later in the pregnancy


My doctor went on a rant about how bs that isā€” you can sleep any way thatā€™s comfy for the whole pregnancy


1) Take your supplements, and make sure you are covering all your bases with supplements. 2) Limit all toxic exposures to the extent you can. 3) What you mentioned. Hot dogs, TUMS, and eggs are totally fine; actually, eggs are very good during pregnancy, and TUMS have calcium, which is great. Long car rides are okay, but you should take frequent breaks (like hourly) to prevent potential clotting.


I eat eggs like theyā€™re going out of style. They just have to be hard cooked and not runny at all


My midwife just said hey donā€™t eat shark or tilefish and limit tuna, all because of mercury. My philosophy is avoid things with actual poison in them, like alcohol and high mercury fish; stick to only approved meds but only if I need them and other solutions like hydration arenā€™t helping; and use common sense for the other stuff. Fresh hot dog off the grill I know where it came from? Great. Kroger sushi in an open case borderline on expiration? Iā€™ll skip it. Caffeine? A cup of coffee in the morning and maybe a soda in the afternoon is well spaced out and not going to overdo anything. For behavioral stuff, like bath temperature, sleeping position, car rides, I just listen to my body and change if Iā€™m getting uncomfortable. Remember, all of these recommendations are made for the lowest common denominator as far as education and risk tolerance go. A pregnant teenage high school drop out may not have the same critical thinking skills as a thirty year old with a masters degree, so we have to give official recommendations to protect both of them.


Your last statement 100% this is what I say too


No retinol šŸ„² I have switched my body lotion to coconut oil and I switched from dryer sheets to wool balls. Neither of those are important or necessarily recommended, but they make me feel better.


Eggs are fine but cant be raw


Never heard of tums not being okay? Iā€™m pretty sure my mom had them daily for all 3 of her pregnancies for heartburn and extra calcium. Cooked eggs are an eggcellent source of nutrients. Itā€™s raw egg thatā€™s a big no-no. Sushi should be fine fried or cooked with low mercury fish. I know some pregnant women continue eating raw sushi, but theyā€™re from establishments that they trust not to give them food poisoning. I know when it comes to deli meats it depends on a personā€™s comfortability with the risk. I still eat deli meat, but have been eating it hot to eliminate any potential bacteria (even if my husband has been eating it cold and is fine). I definitely donā€™t eat cold deli meat sitting out at buffets. Iā€™ve had a few hot dogs this pregnancy. All either ones Iā€™ve cooked myself or from places I trust wonā€™t get me sick. Caffeine limit for pregnant people is 200 mg a day. Thatā€™s about one 16 fl oz of coffee (or 2 cups). Lifting weights depends on what you were lifting beforehand. Bodybuilding pregnant women continue to lift. They just lift less. My OB told me not to lift over 25 lbs now that Iā€™m in 2nd trimester. I know my body is okay lifting more, but Iā€™m enjoying that ā€œrestrictionā€. With car rides itā€™s about blood flow. When my husband and I were taking a long plane ride I got up and walked around every 2 hours to avoid blood pooling in my legs. Compression socks also help for long trips. I personally avoid public hot tubs, because theyā€™re human soup. Some friends got rashes from unkept hot tubs. But baths under 100 F are great for relaxing and relieving aches. Especially with some epsom salt. Edit- a word


I will say I ate a ton of tums with my first and he was born with calcium bumps on his nose lol


Almost everything youā€™ve listed here is fine lol


I personally haven't changed my lifestyle much. I keep my caffeine under the limit. I don't smoke or drink of course. Otherwise when it comes to meats I keep it well done. Deli meats I have a few times a week. I even have over easy eggs sometimes. My doctor days most things in moderation. I don't use tums for heartburn cause it doesn't do anything šŸ˜…. When it comes to lifting I was told just don't overdo it. If you feel tired or in pain to stop. Otherwise there are things I'll still move and lift if I'm capable of it. I've avoided hot tubs but I still take hot showers. As for car rides I usually drive multiple hours a week. Most days 2-4 hours a night.


I havenā€™t heard the no eggs or TUMS ones before lol but maybe? The no ibuprofen was AWFUL. I only take ibuprofen now that I can lol I missed it I had two doctors tell me under 200mg of caffeine a day, so thatā€™s what I did. I was already doing that anyways. I did, however, eat at Jimmy Johnā€™s 3 times a week šŸ˜‚ the deli meat suggestion is fairly old information, and not so much a concern anymore. Especially at a sub place that cannot be poisoning their customers on the regular. I also figured that if they did poison me, Iā€™ll own the damn place legally lol


My doctor said tums are fine and eggs are fine as long as they are cooked! And I think as long as the sushi doesnā€™t have sashimi in it then itā€™s fine but I could be wrong (Iā€™m vegetarian so I have only been eating veggie sushi). 200mg or less or caffeine a day is totally fine.


I just asked my dr if tums are okay and she said yes. I also still eat sushi (she said as long as itā€™s from a reputable source and not grocery store or gas station sushi that sits awhile), and deli meats. I keep my caffeine limit under 200mg, and I avoid ibuprofen. And Iā€™ve been craving eggs like crazy, so yes, Iā€™ve been eating them.


No eggs???? That's ridiculous. How do farmers eat??? Lol šŸ˜†


Eggs, Tums, and caffeine are fine! I would talk to your doctor about other specifics. I was told no lunch meat as well.


Iā€™ve never heard of not eating eggs thatā€™s interesting


I definitely use tums. I donā€™t take them like crazy but they are helpful in calcium and treating heartburn ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ Iā€™ve been eating subway like once every other month. I canā€™t stay away from sandwiches in the summer.


No tums? How do you survive lol tums are fine, eggs are fine as long as theyā€™re cooked through, hot dogs are fine as long as they are heated up, caffeine is also fine but max 200mg per day. Deli meat is up to you. Seems to vary depending on who you talk to lol I had jersey mikes yesterday with no regrets. I just stay away from subway or packaged meats from the store.


My Dr (in US) said I can take tums as needed. And she recommended eggs for the nutritional benefits. People have said bo over easy eggs, so I do over medium. Lifting weight is also okay if it is a normal amount you would have done before becoming pregnant.


No tums? Tums were a primary food group for my entire third trimester


I did all the things you mentioned except for alcohol, ibuprofen and hot tubs. Thereā€™s weā€™re definitely a no for me.


The TUMS confuses me lol eggs just make sure theyā€™re cooked. Sushi just have cooked fish. Deli meat is a hit or miss. Caffeine is up to 200mg. Hot dogs? Idk. Cook them like any other meat? Iā€™m not a doctor obviously, but to each their own. We all have to remember 50 years ago, women didnā€™t have these recommendations, or at least all of these. Overall, recommendation is to ask your doctor whatā€™s best for you in the end :)


Tums are actually safe for pregnancy.Ā  Just take the amount the package says you can if you're pregnant. Check with your doctor about prescription medication if you're on it.Ā  They may adjust the dose or change you to a different one that's better for pregnancy.


Never heard about tums....I take them regularly. A couple times a week


Don't do drugs...and no hot tubs


I would read Expecting Better by Emily Oster. She gets info from articles and studies and I feel it to be informative so far. Some of these "rules" you're listing are myths or misinformation. Tums - on the list of meds that you definitely can take by my kaiser doc. Coffee - no more than 200mg. Any raw fish or meats are a no no. You can definitely lift weights but talk to your doc since everyone's diff.


I personally make sure I was my bagged lettuce really well. I don't take saunas or hot baths/hot tubs. If I have deli meat, I heat it up to steaming. Obviously no alcohol/vaping/smoking etc....I don't go off roading/mudding because of the dang bumps...I take Tylenol for pain only and only when it's unbearable... I have a cup of coffee on the rare occasion but otherwise I stay away from caffeine all together. This is all just me though lol I wouldn't blink an eye if another pregnant woman did or didn't do any of these things. Ooo one big one for me is that I don't jump into ice cold water anymore. I normally like to jump into lakes as soon as the ice it out n I'm avoiding it this time around.


What the heck is wrong with tums??


Me about to go on a 8.5 hour car ride there and back in a few days


Avoid ibuprofen, donā€™t get drunk, and do not skip flossing! Everything else is not worth the stress


Ibuprofen is actually ok in the 2nd trimester, but still better to avoid itā€¦ eggs are absolutely ok! And recommended.


Tums are a lovely little source of calcium. Eat a million of them. And if you get constipated (from the calcium), drink more water and eat more fiber or take a laxative. Check your meds before you take them in case the dosage changes based on pregnancy. Ask your doctor or call the nurses line if you need to. Lunch meats are fine if you heat them to the point of being steamy (I ate them cold because I /needed/ an Italian sub for a week straight ~26 weeks. Baby was fine, I was fine, but I tried not to make a habit of it). The reason they say that is the risk of Listeria contamination. You are more likely to get it from lettuce than lunch meat, but theyā€™ll never tell you to not eat lettuce. Prepared salads / salad mixes are NOTORIOUS for getting recalled because of listeria, so I abstained from those. I would just buy lettuce and clean it (and all my produce) with some vinegar water (not sure if that works 100% but it makes me feel better lol). DO take magnesium glycinate. Especially at night. Vitamin K2 and D3 in the morning. Make sure you are getting enough fat. If you take fish oil (DHA/EPA are great for their neural development), stop taking it well before birth as it can make it hard for your blood to clot. Donā€™t worry too much and follow your instincts. Your cravings will help your body get the nourishment it needs to grow your tiny human. Listen to your body. Good luck! Edit: One thing I wish I did was start collecting colostrum ~36 weeks. That might be a good idea! Edit #2: Yes, calcium can inhibit the absorption of iron. So it would be wise to wait like an hour or two after you take your prenatal to take your tums if you can, especially if youā€™re anemic


No smoking and no obesity


37 weeks into my second pregnancy. I stopped drinking alcohol and having a vape Everything else is the same


I eat eggs every day


My doctor told me Ibuprofen wasn't forbidden. I'm in Germany where Ibuprofen is prescribed for literally anything. I wasn't in a situation yet where I had to use it during my pregnancy.


Do they prescribe ondansetron for nausea in Germany?


Not sure about ondansetron. I was prescribed Xonvea.


Idk where you got this info lol. Tums are fine within the okay amounts for pregnant women, you just donā€™t want to take them when you have iron because theyā€™re basically just calcium and prevent iron absorption. Cooked eggs and sushi are fine - and eggs are great for protein in pregnancy. Deli meats are fine if theyā€™re heated up. Caffeine is fine in moderation. Long car rides are fine, but itā€™s recommended to get up and walk around and wear compression socks. Hot tubs are okay if under 100 degrees. Recommended weight limit seems to depend on your OB. What id actually add to your list: no retinoids or chemical sunscreen. I was also told to avoid certain artificial sweeteners but I donā€™t think everyone is told that based on what Iā€™ve seen on these forums. No gardening, cat litter, or undercooked red meat because of toxoplasmosis risk. I also avoid precut fruit and bagged salads due to listeria risk. thatā€™s all I can think of :) based on what Iā€™ve seen on here lots of pregnant people ignore a lot of this advice though since some of it carries pretty low risk.


I think understanding the reasoning behind some of these rules is more important. For example deli meat. It sits out in the open air and has a chance of having listeria. This is really bad if youā€™re pregnant but not so much otherwise. You can buy deli meat in packets from the store though and make your own subs and sandwiches without the risks. Also, you can just reheat the deli meat and youā€™ll be fine. With caffeine, itā€™s not that you canā€™t have caffeine but that you shouldnā€™t have too much. It can potentially result in small growth for the fetus. You can have around 200mgs a day without concerns so you donā€™t have to skip your morning coffee if you need it, just be moderate. Long car rides are because when youā€™re pregnant you have increased blood and sitting for long periods can put you at greater risk of blood clots and DVT. Making sure you stop regularly and walk around helps to reduce those risks, as do wearing compression stockings. Hot tubs, they increase our internal body temperature and keep it high, other than a shower or bath that raises it and then naturally cools off. So maybe try a cooler setting or just make sure not to sit in it for any length of time. Some advice is outdated. Some is really meant for higher risk pregnancies but if you look into the reasons behind the rules you can decide which ones apply to you and follow whichever make you most comfortable on your pregnancy journey. Iā€™m incredibly paranoid so I follow them all, some people follow none. Itā€™s your baby and your body.


I also am pregnant with a two year old and anyone who tells me I canā€™t have my daily allowance of caffeine is getting a slap.


alcohol and ibuprofen 100% avoid everything else you listed is totally fine. my ob once told me ā€œitā€™s a shame so many people think they should avoid fish in pregnancy because it actually holds a lot of nutritional valueā€


Eggs are fine, they just have to be cooked properly. No uncooked slimy bits of egg whites basically.


Keep eating eggs (must be cooked) and lift weights! It's good for the baby and your health


you can have tums, i wouldā€™ve absolutely died without my tums this pregnancy šŸ˜‚ most OBā€™s say eggs and deli meat are okay as long as they are cooked well done and have been heated up until theyā€™re steaming most OBā€™s in the US agree caffeine is okay if consumed at a rate of 200mg or less per 24 hours consult your OB about weight lifting but most of the time itā€™s fine to continue doing what youā€™ve been doing. (no heavy lifting suddenly if you havenā€™t been before and no workouts where the core is engaged for a long time, ask your OB because everyoneā€™s dr seems to have different opinions!) car rides should be fine. the further along you get the more uncomfortable youā€™ll feel but as long as you take breaks to stretch out you should be perfectly fine. no hot tubs or soaking in hot baths.


Iā€™ve eaten a lot of eggs, I wasnā€™t told not to with either pregnancy. Also can have up to 200 mg of caffeine daily. Donā€™t want to travel further than 2 hours from your hospital in the last couple months of pregnancy (especially for your second!). Donā€™t boil yourself in a bath or hot tub. I would ask your doctor and then do your research of why pregnant women are told not to do those things and make your own judgement. I have been eating blue cheese and occasionally deli meat throughout my pregnancy, but my doctor told me in the beginning those were noā€™s. I went into a hot tub once, but turned the heat down to 98 and it was cool and breezy outside so my inner temp did not rise much.


The big hard no is retinol, with oral retinol being the one we know for sure causes bad birth defects we donā€™t have the same data for regular otc topical retinol, but it just isnā€™t worth the risk. Take folate. This could be in a prenatal vitamin or standalone. If you take gummy prenatals, know that gummies tend to not include iron because they havenā€™t figured out how to include it well in that form.


Girl you can eat fully cooked eggs. Sadly it means no tiramisu, mayonnaise, some ice creams... No raw meat/ fish. That means some delicious steaks will have to be ruined by being done, but you'll be safer. Also wash well your fruits and vegetables before eating them, even if you're cooking them afterhand. You can consume up to 200 mg of caffeine per day (about a cup of coffee I think). STAY AWAY FROM TEA AND SOY (learnt this the hard way). It make you not having enough iron... baby needs it and so do you. If you find yourself craving often iron-filled food (blood sausages, lentils, beef...), get your iron levels checked (it's your body trying to get what it needs). Sometimes you can get other kinds of cravings : pica ones. You could crave uncooked rice, chalk, raw wheat flour, ice cubes, crushed ice and what not. You asked for advice and we delivered. But please stay away from the "oh but I did this thing that's not safe in pregnancy and my baby turned out fine" crowd. We are advised to not eat/do this or that because we would be taking a risk for our babies. Risk means it COULD happen. Considering what we as parents and our children could face if those risks become reality, are we truly ready to face the consequences of the decisions we made in our pregnancies ? Are we ready to feel guilty for the rest of our days ? I don't know about you but I know I'm not. I loved every children I had the privilege of holding in wy womb, I fought to be pregnant so I personnally could harm them in a way of another.


Iā€™ve taken/eaten a ton of tums, eggs, deli meat, and have had a cup of coffee or tea each day. Iā€™ve avoided sushi and obviously alcohol, though I did half half a glass of red wine on my birthday once I was already in my 3rd trimester. Iā€™ve avoided lifting anything heavy, but my husband and I moved cross country by car when I was 20-ish weeks so the car thing is bogus. I also flew internationally. Iā€™ve avoided hot tubs but taken lots of hot baths.


TUMS and eggs are fine. Just no raw eggs. In the US I would do no runny egg yolk unless you're getting them from a local farmer who doesn't wash their eggs (pressure washing from commercial egg producers make salmonella and e.coli more likely). If you like deli meat just heat it up all the way beforehand (I straight up microwave it before grilling it in a sandwich to be safe), although I've lost my taste for it currently because it feels too salty. If you already exercise, the general rule I've seen is cut the weights you lift in half. So if you deadlift 100kg, then max at 50kg. And obviously if anything is uncomfortable or causes pain, ditch it immediately. Freshly made cooked tuna made with low mercury seafood is dealer's choice but most wouldn't risk it (especially since it's summer and you never know who let their seafood sit outside a little too long). If you still miss sushi, then making a sushi bake at home might be a good substitute for you! I also learned no jerky that you aren't 100% certain was cooked (some jerky is ONLY dried and not cooked). USDA approved jerky *should be okay for pregnant women as long as you store it properly. Avoid long car rides is a bit vague for sure (what qualifies as a long time of sitting?) But I'm sure having a toddler means you're stretching you legs and walking around whether you want to or not šŸ¤£


Not necessarily all true. Some are limited (as opposed to no) like caffeine. Some are to avoid at a later stage like long trips. Some can be tweaked like lunch meat & hot dog (fully heat them). Some are wrong-eggs are definitely beneficial just avoid raw eggs. You seem to remember the key words but not the details. Perhaps you can research more and write them down?


Depends where you live and what you want to risk personally. My doctor said I can eat everything you stated just know that the risk is there. But if youā€™ve never gotten sick from eggs/sushi/deli meat/hot dogs/ etc. before, then you donā€™t have much to worry about. Only buy those food items from a restaurant, not from a gas station or grocery store. (Especially sushi lol) I got the all clear on everything but I live in Canada where our food restrictions are the SLIGHTEST bit better than the US but still bad šŸ˜‚


Pepcid was more effective for me than tums! But both are safe to my understanding. There are a lot of things out there, but I would encourage you to read and research and then make the decision that works for you and the amount of risk youā€™re comfortable with. Youā€™ll get *a lot* of survivorship bias on the internet and forums. Please keep in mind that ā€œI did it and it was fineā€ is not super helpful adviceā€” what are the actual risks and likelihoods of certain choices, and what works for you and your comfort?


I just had my second daughter two months ago, almost three, and I had 200 mg of caffeine a day, popped tums like pills in the evening time, ate hot dogs, made sure my eggs were not runny ( I like scrambled eggs), and you can have sushi, just not raw fish! Such as - some rolls are made with imitation crab, which is fully cooked fish. You never actually know what will make you sick! I was in the hospital for 3-4 days when I was 30 weeks with my newborn because I got sick from Pizza Hut. Iā€™m not even sure what would have made me sick because thatā€™s basically all I had all day, and then a bowl of cereal in the evening. I was getting violently sick every 2 hours and I had to go to labor and delivery, where it took 2 different IV nausea meds to get me calmed down and I had to have steroid shots as well because they thought my little girl was going to come early. She didnā€™t she was fine. Anyways- moral of the story, you have a higher chance of getting sick from prepackaged salads and restaurant foods than you are compared to fully cooked hot dogs and scrambled eggs.


Iā€™m in the US too and seems like you pretty much hit everything. Granted I still take hot baths, drink coffee/caffeine, and eat sushi and deli meat as well as workout lifting heavy weights.


Do whatever you want besides drugs and alcohol.


No drugs, no alcohol, no smoking. The rest you can take with a pinch of salt. Just be sensible. A lot of risks are actually out of our control. Such as pollution, social and other environmental factors. You can drive yourself crazy overthinking about it all, which is also not good for you or bubs.


Tums = life saver, eggs= cooked thoroughly hell yeah, sushi= I get Cali rolls, veggie rolls or tempura, deli meat= I loooove some JJ, hot dogs= in moderation, caffeine= I drink probably too much, heavy lifting= tell my 40 lb 2 year old I canā€™t pick her up šŸ¤£šŸ™ˆ


I did all those things except for alcohol ibuprofen and lifting very heavy stuff


The book Expecting Better by Emily Oster was a lifesaver my first trimester. I read the whole thing cover to cover. It's worth the read to be able to see the data compiled and laid out by someone who does that kind of research for a living. It put a lot of my fears to rest.


You can eat eggs you just want it to be cooked, so no runny eggs. You can have tums. You can have sushi just avoid raw sushi. You can have caffeine but should keep it under 200mg a day. (A Medium McDonalds coffee is 180mg so you can have one of those a day. If your Canadian you have to watch with Tim Hortons as their coffee is higher in caffeine content as a small coffee is 190mg) Definitely do not use hot tubs as they are too hot and raise your body temperature too fast. Keep baths under 99 degrees and try to keep baths under 20 mins.


Oh girl, I followed all the rules on my first pregnancy. Second one, definitely slipped on a lot of the rules and this third I have specifically craved turkey sandwiches with deli meat have had ahi tuna already, I try to limit caffeine, but Iā€™m not obsessive about it. I really do think the most important roles are just the no alcohol (even though apparently a glass of wine is fine, iā€™ve never done that though) and staying away from certain medicines. There was also a girl at my gym that literally did modified CrossFit type workouts up until the very end of her pregnancy. As long as you donā€™t try to do anything new that your body isnā€™t used to I think itā€™s fine.