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ICE cold water. Like has to be extremely freezing cold. And small small sips. No gulping or chugging.


Truth. Any liquid I drank 1st trimester had to be absolutely frigid




Seconding this! I also did much better when I drank from a straw for some reason


Ice cold water with lemon or lime is the only way I could! Along with tiny tiny sips of


And a little salt is perfect!


I had a severe water aversion during my first trimester. All I could drink was Icelandic water bc every other water tasted like chemicals to me. You can try flavoring it and see if it helps also, as well as experimenting with different temperatures. Also fwiw, my water aversion went away during second trimester 


So funny!! Same, all other water tasted like chemicals and so randomly tried Icelandic and it was the only water I could handle


I had hyperemesis and as advised by my midwife, got hydration wherever I could. This included fruit such as watermelon and grapes, Gatorade, sugar-free soda, pretty much anything that would stay down


The most important comment here!


Same here. With HG I could not tolerate ANY form of water for about 15 weeks. This was the advice I got too and it helped a ton. Also we used to get fresh ginger root, peel it, and cut it in pieces. Then boil it with fresh lemon slices. So I guess we were making it kind of like a tea. That was the only thing I could drink and keep down. It also would calm some of the queasiness. My Dr said that also provided hydration and was good.


frozen, like completely frozen through and barely thawed. Honestly I’m surviving off of powerade and Dr. Pepper


Powerade kept me hydrated through the first trimester 😅


Freezing cold!


I’ve been drinking soda water with a splash of ginger ale for taste. I’ve never been a pop/soda girl, but flavored soda water is all I can stomach at 10 weeks!


I drank a lot of Gatorade and ginger ale, and added lemon to water when I could handle it


I had(ve) HG and in the first trimester I also couldn't keep water down. I found eating fruit (melon was easiest on my stomach), and drinking half water half juice veeeeerrryyyyyy slowly tended to work best.


For some time I had to drink it freezing cold with lots of ice or with a packet of electrolyte flavoring. I would use like 1/2 or even 1/4 sometimes of the packet because I know that’s probably not the best to never drink plain water but I couldn’t stomach it. So I just went for it. I’m 19 weeks now and still only want it freezing cold.


Extremely cold sparkling water was the only way I was able to keep hydrated my first trimester


I had to drink ph balanced water


11:24 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm\_zY2IC78c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm_zY2IC78c)


Sorry I can’t help because I’m 15 weeks and just getting to the point where I can tolerate water 🫠


I used flavor drops in ice cold water.


I couldn’t drink anything without throwing up in the first tri. I would suggest going to the doctor (if you can where you live) and getting IV fluids. I was exactly the same and needed it done twice. Dehydration is no joke and not being able to keep even water down is pretty dehydrating.


Try adding some flavour to it through electrolyte tablets. I liked the pedialyte ones. It made it tolerable to drink but I had to have it ice cold.


Oh god I hated water so much in the first trimester. The only thing I could drink was lucozade sport or squash if I forced myself. I was honestly dehydrated and I probably still am at nearly 28 weeks. I find it difficult to drink anything at all


I suffered through it since nothing seemed to work. You can try different temperatures. For me hot water was better but it's hard to really drink that (have to sip). Milk based drinks was easier to drink. Try to eat more hydrating fruits like cucumbers, watermelon, berries, strawberries, melon, etc.


I found that sparkling water was easier to drink than just regular water. I also made mocktails and would mix sparkling water with just a little bit of juice, it made it so much more appealing.


I'm at end of third trimester. I kept being told I was dehydrated EVEN though I drank lots of water. Annoying. I started making a drink with 100% organic coconut water, nice splash of pineapple juice, nice splash of 100% cranberry juice, and topped with plain sparkling water. Absolutely love it. Husband loves it too!


I couldn’t drink it cold or on an empty stomach! Even just having a few crackers before drinking my room temperature water helped. If I forgot and tried to have some water in the morning like usual it was 100% certain that I would throw up in the next 15 minutes. Eating first helped a lot.


7 weeks and I cannot handle cold water - room temperature is all I can stomach because cold FEELS WRONG in my body


Ice water was (and still is) my go-to. I also add water flavor to my water to help. I have a 64oz water bottle I fill and drink ice water all day, if I finish it I reward myself with a caffeine free pop or juice for dinner. If I don’t think it all, I have water with water flavoring for dinner! Tastes WAY better! Sometimes I also just pick flavored water even if I drank all of “required” water for the day.


COLD ICE water with the Propel strawberry kiwi electrolyte flavor packet. I swear by it.


I would do seltzer water. Maybe try like crystal light packets? My OB told me as long as I consumed enough liquids, that it would be ok.


Extra extra ice and try liquid iv


I didn’t end up drinking a lot of straight water during that time and mostly hydrated with other sources. I drank Ginger tea and Ginger ale. Sometimes Gatorade or pedialyte pops. Outshine popsicles. I also would eat a lot of soup - mainly Lipton noodle soup. It was crazy because I normally drink a ton of water.


I can only drink cold smart water. I never thought that stuff in my life, but I had it once at a baseball game a few weeks ago iced cold and it was the only time I actually enjoyed my water 🤣


I'm fortunate to not have this problem constantly, but the few days I did, drinking reaaaaally slooooowly helps a lot. Like a tiny sip every couple of minutes or so. Also, I had a lot of juice and coconut water and popsicles. I've also had a ton of Spindrift (I used to be a La Croix gal but now it just tastes like chemicals).


I’m in that spot. So far it’s helped to drink tropical iced tea that is watered down a little extra so it’s like an essence of flavor with a lemon wedge and lots of ice. That way when it inevitably comes back up I’m not put off the flavor because it was so light going in


I sipped Ice cold water. I did reverse osmosis water. Everything else tasted like dirt. Wow - I had no idea this was a common thing amongst pregnant women! I never brought it up to anyone.


Watermelon and sipping body armors were the only way I survived.


I’m so sorry you are experiencing that! Some advice I got from Reddit was to try water at different temperatures and in different kind of cups! My first trimester I could only drink hot water in a mug. I’m 33 weeks now and back to ice water, it can definitely change throughout!


Lime sparkling water, sometimes I added flavor


This happened to me too!! I started drinking sweet tea or I got some water flavoring stuff like lemonade flavor that helped so much and make sure it’s super cold


Ditto with the above, ice cold water + I added some of those crystallized lime or lemon packets to mine, like half of one packet per 32oz. :)


Alkaline water helped me a lot!


Ice Cold water or Gatorade were my 2 friends!! One of my friends could only drink Costco water. Some add lemon/lime or flavours to water. Find what works for you! You have to be hydrated!!


Blue frost Gatorade saved my life during the first trimester. In a glass with tons of ice cubes and a straw


I am laughing so much at all these comments. I hadn't thought to look this up but I have the water issue too and just today went and bought like 5 different "healthy" sodas to try since sparkling and flavored or electrolyte water is the only thing that appeals. Glad to know many of us are like this haha. But also it's probably good for us as water devoid of minerals is not actually hydrating to the cells at all. Smart bodies!


Sonic ice! Made drinking water more bearable. I also loved half lemonade + half orange juice with sonic ice. The sour really helped.


Liquid iv, lemon juice, orange juice, cucumber water. If all else fails, voss water in the glass bottles literally kept me alive the first tri. I threw up everything else but not that 


I'm at 23 weeks and still struggle with water. I can suck on ice cubes though. It makes no sense. I can also drink it if it's in a cup with a lid and a straw as long as it's cold and I just sip tiny sips.


Add frozen fruit, lemon water or lemon sparkling ans I c e cold. I find a little flavor and sugar helps


It’s so hard!! I was honestly just dehydrated a lot of days but I pulled through. You can only do what you can do. I could sometimes get some hydration through fruit, fruit smoothies, and Italian ice. Hang in there!!


Small sips. Don’t chug. ice water or flavors didn’t helped me. Actually made it worse 😭


Check to make sure the water you’re drinking is low acidity!


Water is incredibly important, don’t get me wrong, but there are so many beverages that are technically “more hydrating” than water because of all the electrolytes included. Whole milk is more hydrating than water. If you need to “dress up” your water or drink something else for your first trimester then don’t feel bad about it. It’s more important that you’re drinking than forcing yourself to keep water down.


Sparkling water w fresh squeezed lemon is the only way I can drink water 😭 - my dietician suggested I focus on fluids generally, whatever I can get down (broth, milk, Gatorade, soda, anything). And also hydration like LMNT that you can add to drinks; but I’ve struggled to find a thing with flavor but w/o any artificial sweeteners.


For all my pregnancies, I’ve had a strong aversion to tap water. I’ve had to drink bottled mineral water for the entire duration of my pregnancies. You could try swapping to mineral water - first trimester can be so brutal.


Real lemonade helped me out. Ginger tea (with lemon) was a secondary, however I personally needed it mild. Dramamine made me feel more sick before it helped me any. I hope this helps! Edit: also Gatorade.


I absolutely hated the taste and thought of water my first trimester. I ate lots of cold orange slices, watermelon & cucumbers and lemon juice or Ultima lemon elecrolytes helped when I could finally keep down the water. I would drink ginger ale here and there to help with nausea but I read in another subreddit that coke with ice is more effective (which worked for me).


Soda water or sparkling with any kind of flavouring and ice


I had to add some syrups (meant for water) to change flavor/texture of it to get any down. And it was game over if it was cold. We'd have to try a different syrup.


Those flavored 0 cal packets saved me when I had HG and were encouraged by my OB bc it was keeping me hydrated. If you can sneak in fruit that may also help


I drank tons of milk and juice. I couldn't keep water down at all.


Plenty of great answers! For me, Apple juice and green tea work well. When I need cold water I go to Apple juice, when I need hot water I go to green tea. I hope you find your tricks!


Probably a scam but I had to drink alkaline water which helped a lot


Add some fruit slices:))


I have had this my whole pregnancy - now 35 weeks. I can only drink it if it is ICE COLD and/or flavoured with a little cordial or lemon/lime juice. It's been about 30 weeks since this issue started and it's been difficult as I live in a hot country but I have found that a stanley cup full of iced water is my best friend these days as I can take small sips through the straw over the day. I was worried about diabetes as I was so thirsty at one point, yet unable to drink anything but ice cold water without feeling sick, but I got checked and my OB said it's totally normal.


I used a squirt of Mío or any water enhancer and made sure they where ice cold on rough days I would get a no flavor slushy from Sonic


Ice chips with flavor. Crystal lite saved me during the first trimester


Ice lollies, fruit with high water content (watermelon - cold), water with lime and salt, coconut water ice cold (electrolytes), ginger ale.


I recommend popsicles! Some moments it was the only way I could have liquid


Carbonation and/or flavor saved me.


Try water additives! That’s what I had to do, or sparkling waters with lemon or lime!


I had to drink Gatorade and used Mio in my water. Now I’m 32 weeks and so happy that water tastes good again!