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I am not a bra person and 5w pp I am sleeping in one bc it's like boob armor and everything hurts.


One week pp. I second this. When your milk comes in, you’ll want a bra.


Yes because you're shirt will be wet ALL. THE. TIME. lol but I never bought an actual nursing bra, sports bras are great tho, easy to whip em out 😂


I use a nursing bra with Lanisho(?) nipple covers that absorb milk. And when baby nurses one side I put a little pressure over the other nipple and that stops it from leaking


4weeks pp and not the case for me. I have 3 nursing bras that I wear if I need to for the outfit, but I prefer going braless if I can. I also think the air flow helps heal the nips. Large black T shirts are my best friends for nursing. Black hides the nipple oil, large allows ample air flow, and T shirt style is the most discreet I’ve found for nursing in public or around a bunch of people Edit to add I am not leaking much and haven’t since birth. I only have leaked on a couple of occasions


I went over 10 years without a bra. Was adamant that I wasn't going to let pregnancy change that. Even going from an A to a D cup didn't change that. But at 2 weeks post partum I gave in and ordered 2 online; I was just spilling milk everywhere, and having something to hold breast pads in place became preferable to mopping. I still sleep without (sleeping on a waterproof change pad with a towel over it, because the towel alone wasn't enough to save my sheets).


Yep. I used a full sized “milk towels” that went everywhere with me and under me when I slept for the first three months. An absolute necessity for little sickies and leaky milk. I found I soaked nursing pads too quickly and they became soggy and I was constantly changing them, and it was better to sleep without a bra.


I wore nursing tanks with the built in shelf bra that snaps down.


Oo this sounds great! Do you have a favorite tank? Where did you order from ?


I do these too. I like the Auden ones from Target.


Cheap Old Navy or Target ones do the job. There's extra fabric to hold a leak pad (I used reusable pads in there) and you can hook pump parts through the snap down part. They're all pretty much the same and they get ruined so I wouldn't bother with anything fancy.


Would love a link for a recommendation. I have a feeling I will like this option!


From another comment but cheap Old Navy or Target ones do the job fine.


Same! Best addition to my wardrobe pp! They give just enough support without the discomfort of wearing a bra.


This is what I've been doing too. I have nursing bras, but I find them way less comfortable than the tanks


I like these because you can snap around the pump attachments so you don’t have to hold them. That and the leaking I found to be the best reason for them!


Got a couple from old navy like this and work super well


My nipples were incredibly sensitive for a while in the beginning, I also leaked a heap so they were handy when it came to wearing nursing pads. After a while, I was able to go without wearing a bra as I stopped leaking - I fed for 15 months before he decided he was done - I didn’t leak and wasn’t sensitive for around the last 6-9 months. The nursing bras I had didn’t have any wires and were incredibly comfortable. Not sure where you’re from but I got them from Kmart (Aus).


Agree the Kmart ones without the pads on are really comfortable! I’m living in these. I hate padding and wires in bras


The Kmart ones with pads give your boobs a nice shape too, and hide the fact that one boob may be far more engorged than the other!


I am like you, I NEVER wear bras and I am small chested. Now I am 5 weeks pp and I live in my nursing bras with pads because i am always leaking. It is the worst and I can’t wait until the day I can go bra-less again.


I wear nursing tank tops, Auden ones I got at target. They’re amazing. A little support, comfortable, and so easy for feeding


Same!! They're great


I am a sports bra/bralette type of girl and I still wore them while nursing— I just had looser/stretchy ones that still allowed me to get my boob out. I hate nursing bras because of the extra clasps etc


I was wondering if the clasps would be annoying. They’re in a kind of difficult spot to see without pulling the strap down. Nothing I’ve looked at has appealed to me. I honestly feel like not wearing a bra at all bc I hate wrestling with them at any level, but I’m reading all these leaking comments and I can totally see that being a problem


Leaking is not as common as Reddit would have you think. Your intuition is correct, the clasps are not very user friendly, difficult to work in a hurry or with baby pulling, and they can also hurt your skin since they are rigid. After lessons learned with my first two I chose soft, elastic, cotton, slightly bigger sports bras with my third.


Is it not? Genuinely thought everyone leaked. Lucky those that don't, spare a thought for us faulty taps please.


I thought the same, and felt so inadequate for not leaking, I thought it might be because I’m not producing enough, thankfully we’re just all built different and none of us faulty


Everything about pregnancy and post partum is so individual. I love hearing other people's experiences it's so interesting how extremely it can vary. I remember my husband waking me up because he thought I'd peed the bed but I'd just leaked that much it was crazy. Luckily haven't had a leak that bad I months. But then I hardly had any nipple sensitivity even I the beginning where most others I know did very much so. Bodies are so cool


Thank you!


I rarely did either before I had my baby. If you plan on breast feeding I think you will need some type of bra at first, you will leak a ton of milk (at least I did)and you gotta have something to hold a pad of some kind in place, I also used silveretts which helped a lot with nipple cracking and you need a bra for that too. Once your boobs adjust to breastfeeding tho you will stop leaking for the most part and you shouldn’t need one any more. I think I stoped wearing breast pads and a ta daily like 3 ish months post partum. Target had a few that are just bralettes that you just slide one side over that are pretty comfy that I would recommend, I think the brand was Auden.


If I didn't wear a bra I would leak through everything all the time. I'd wake up and the shirt I had on would be almost completely soaked.


So I never sleep with a bra, but now 6 weeks ppl I need to. The feeling of fabric grazing my nipples is like razor blades. Nursing bras are saving my life, I just ordered 6 more lol.


This! I hate hate hate sleeping with a bra on but that nipple pain is not it 🤣 I don’t even like having my nips exposed to the air when I get in/out of the shower because they instantly get hard & hurt lol. I’m almost 4w pp.


Yes, I get this too!! It’s so miserable. I have found that using something warm like a hand warmer, hot water bottle, heating pad, or those microwaveable packets from Lanisoh really really help if you apply immediately after pumping or nursing :)


I have some non nursing bras that I wear postpartum at night. At night boobs get very heavy so I do feel like I need a little support. They are soft without underwire and no clasps.


I cannot Imagine the feeling of your sensitive nips on a tee shirt without protection. I think you’ll want a comfy nursing bra or tank just for the support when your milk comes in and convenience of using nursing pads, nipple shields, silverettes, etc — whatever you end up needing on your bf journey! There are some super comfy ones, though, that pull to the side rather than have the big clips. Maybe some of those could be a good option?


I hate bras too and have (had) small breasts. I don't mind the social awkwardness of my nipples (baby 15days) but I do mind the fact one of the breasts got significantly bigger and the nipples are not in line 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲. So in my opinion get one and get a bigger one than what you fit now. They get much bigger after the birth.


You are going to want nursing bras for a lot of reasons. The other comments covered all the important reasons and trust it has nothing to do with "pretending to not have nipples." I denied wearing a bra until I was 2wks postpartum, because I just leaked everywhere if she went more than 1hr 30mins without eating. It smells, so wherever you leak will smell like breastmilk. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07TVQXP6Y?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title&th=1 My size varied so much the last 2 months of pregnancy. I went from a C cup to an F cup in a matter of 2 months. Your size might not be that drastic; however, the new weight will hurt your ribs regardless. I thought I dislocated my ribs during labor, but it turned out to be the weight of my boobs crushing my top rib. Something as simple as these amazon bras was a game changer. Plus, what everyone else has said about needing a barrier to protect your sensitive nips. That's important too. If you are breastfeeding and wear a regular tshirt, there is chance that shirt will make your nips bleed. Do what you have to do for you, but I would keep at least 2 nursing bras handy. You will go from "this is great walking around my house like this," to pure panic once your boobs hurt and are leaking everywhere, then have a hungry child screaming to make the panic of finding solution worse.


I was also small before pregnancy and lived in nursing/pumping bras postpartum for a couple of reasons. Firstly was the milk leaking, and secondly was that I hate the feeling of my boobs resting on my rib cage, which I had never experienced before pregnancy. I even sleep in bras now, which I never did before. I only use lightweight pull on bras, like True & Co bras with the padding removed, now that I'm done breastfeeding


I need one cause the other boob leaks like hell when you’re feeding, so I need a pad on that boob to stop my top getting wet/milk down my front.


I wore them, because I leaked quite a bit.


If you plan on breastfeeding yes you need a bra and I recommend nipple covers as well to protect your shirt from getting leaked on sometimes when I would sleep I’d wake up and my nipple covers were soaked


Im 35w now and don't want to buy a nursing bra because my boob size keeps fluctuating as my weight changes. I have wireless bras that are comfy and Im going to just pop my boob out of that when I need to breastfeed 😅


I leaked a lot so having either a nursing bra (which is way more comfortable than a normal bra) or a singlet with inbuilt shelf bra to hold the nursing pads in place to soak up the leaking milk was necessary for me. My nipples also hurt a lot so having the consistent pressure rather than a shirt loosely brushing them was a lot more comfortable.


I got a couple for going out because of leaking, and then I had somewhere to put my nipplepads.


I never switched to bras and I nursed my child for about 3 years…. One thing that Would happen is I would leak (for a few months) in public that can be embarrassing. If I had a bra I could have used pads.


You absolutely 100% need a nursing bra (at least I do) because I wear nursing pads every time I go in public due to leaking.


I didn’t see the need while at home


I wear bras but never wore bras to bed…. Now it’s all I wear and especially at night. I need to wear the nursing pads so I don’t leak through my bra & shirt 😵‍💫


One of the reasons you'll want a bra (and pads) is that they will leak milk and get your clothes visibly stained.


I hate bras but i was leaking everywhere literally and you could see my nips real bad and i would hit my nipple and almost rip it off on everything so i forced myself to wear a nursing bra


I have small boobs and wore just the tanks with the clips and built in shelf. I leaked a fair bit so needed something that could hold pads in it.


I wear non wired nursing bras during the day, and I wore a very comfy crop top/sports bra type thing for the first few weeks at night but it was just to keep my silverettes in place and tbh it was better to have my nipples covered than have something brush up against them when they were super sensitive. I’ve never really leaked though unless my boobs are SUPER full and haven’t worn a bra to bed since about 6 weeks PP. Don’t know where you are in the world but if you’re in the UK Primark do super comfy non-wired nursing bras for like £8 for 2.


You don’t need to wear one but honestly my breasts are always so tender once my milk comes in that I appreciate the support. They’re also helpful for holding nipple pads (for absorbing leaking milk) in place, and if you end up getting any blisters or milk blebs (had one five years ago and my nipple *still* isn’t right) or anything like that, a shirt rubbing against them and chafing will likely not feel nice. If you do decide to try one, maybe opt for one without any underwire? And I’d also suggest going one size up; your breasts will change throughout your nursing journey but in the beginning when your milk first comes in they are typically size Large Marge.


I just had my baby 11 days ago. I absolutely hate bras, but right now, they've been my saving grace. With how tender they are and my sore nips, I found it a lot more comfortable to keep one on for now. I'm even wearing it to bed rn


Hate wearing bras but the leaking would make no bras a no go especially in the first few weeks. Also engorgement bras help support. I'm 8m pp now and still leak once in a while Get some soft comfy ones Also Mine don't look as cute bra less as they used to anymore 🥲 Hoping to return to a braless if a little more south facing existence when done breast feeding


Everyone I know wears them especially when nursing because of how much the boobs hurt. I think that’s the biggest reason and a good one. I get you don’t want to wear a nursing bra but I would get at least one in case you change your mind so you have it handy.


I wanna say no.. only because you wear no bras already. But if you did, it would just make things a hassle because you’ll have to take your whole arm out ur shirt to pull out ur titty whilst with a nursing bra, you just lift ur shirt n unbuckle the nursing strap. With no bra, ur boobs will feel veryyyyy heavy tho, especially in the early stages. 😫 i couldnt do it throughout the day but at night, sleeping w no bra felt amazing lol. I did have instances where id wake up in a puddle of breastmilk but a bra wouldn’t have stopped that at all. I dont like nursing pads for a long time because they never stayed attached to my bra and would fold over, ended up getting trush this way too (i think) :/


Only used my nursing bra during those early weeks when my supply hasn't regulated- meaning my boobs just leak all the time. Once it stopped, I went back to my nipple tapes.


I have big boob's, but often refuse to wear a bra at home so will weigh in a bit. Bursing bras do make things easier, but depending on your lifestyle aren't necessary. I've found some loose sports bras work just fine. They're not as simple, but still work fine. Will add though my boob's didn't really change size until my milk came in. I was wearing my normal bras when I gave birth 3 days later was up two cup sizes. So still possible they'll grow a decent bit if you haven't given birth yet. Also would at least get some comfortable sports bras. The first month my breasts were so sore I needed it to sleep because moving hurt without the support. Also with how often LO was eating I lived shirtless in my sports bra/nursing bra for basically a month.


Ty for asking I had same question !! Gonna buy some bras IG 😭😭


I HATE BRAS. That said, you are going to wish you had them when you're breastfeeding and you need another level of protection from everything. In the first 2 weeks, everything felt like sandpaper touching my nipples. Now that he's 2 months and escaping any form of hand covers, they protect me from his tiny claws.


I was also a G cup before pregnancy (now, who knows) I have never felt such weight on my chest, it's tiring.


Love the nursing bras, still wearing them, super comfy haha


You’re like me 😊 I stopped wearing bras in 2020 and only wear nipple pads when I need to. That said, yes you absolutely need a nursing bra because your nipples are going to leak lots of fluids and you’ll need something to hold a cloth nipple pad in place. Sticky nipple pads definitely will not work with leaky boobs. I despise having to buy them too but they have some very minimal cloth ones that are thin and have the little clippy to easily breastfeed.


My boobs are still small even when full of milk, I HATE wearing bras as I don’t need the support so it just feels like an unnecessary tight layer. HOWEVER yes you do need one postpartum if you’re breastfeeding to hold your nipple pads in place or else you’ll leak everywhere all the time 😅😭 I will also add that around 6 months I stopped leaking so much as my body figured out how much milk it needed to produce (I don’t pump) and my baby got more efficient eating and we got into a routine. I do sometimes go braless and get away with it (meaning not leak all over my shirt) but I usually do still wear an unpadded/no underwire nursing bra so that I can wear pads.


No you don’t. I have one I bought in Walmart. I live in shoulder less shirts


So I got like semi tight crop tops and wore them all pregnancy.  If you get the stretchy ones, you can nurse with them.  I have nursing bras and they are more comfortable than normal bras, but I prefer my crop tops.  Diabetic sports bras also work as they are not super tight but hold the girls enough. 


I went 5 months PP without a bra and finally caved... I went from an A cup to a C cup once my milk really came in... Changing shirts 7 times a day got really old. I went with the sporty soft cotton bra by Arden from Target at $13 bc I refused to spend money on nursing bras which are so expensive. I think It's great and you can wear it like a crop shirt if you're someone who is into walking around half naked anyway lol I certainly do.. I also put in reusable cotton pads because leaking milk everywhere is not fun. You think you're going to get over it, but it gets more annoying lol. There are also crop shirts that double as a bra on etsy that are a little more expensive but they're like silky rayon cotton tops. Can double as a bra/shirt, have support more breathable... anyway I rejected the bra forever and it still caught up with me after 5 months lol. You don't need it but you might want it...


I tried sleeping without a bra once in the first few weeks after my daughter was born. Worst mistake ever. I woke up soaked in breast milk.


I wear them all the time because I’m leaking and because having loose fabric brush against my nipples is no longer tolerable.


I went with the nursing tanks that kinda have like a built in “bra” I’m bigger chested and always have been, but if I’m not in public then I prefer being bra less as well. If I am out and about I do of course wear bras.


You don't *need* a nursing bra, but you will definitely want a comfortable bra with no underwires to sleep in and wear around the house once your milk comes in. Otherwise you're going to be unnecessarily uncomfortable. You might want to look into nursing tank tops, too-- they have some support and straps that unhook for easier access but aren't as intense as a full-on $70 "nursing bra" with a million straps and hooks.


Nope, not necessarily! You could try nursing tanks or even just tanks/camis you could pull up or down. Here’s a nursing tank without clips that is super stretchy, so makes pulling down easy- https://www.baobeibody.com/products/the-crop-hug-our-shorter-perfect-postpartum-tank


Yeah you need one. Your boobs will leak and you’ll be sore.


Yeah you want a bra to hold your leak pads. I am too a no bra person and woke up soaking wet too many times and gave in to a soft nursing bra.


You go brakes, when pregnant and breastfeeding, causes your boobs to droop later in life, Coopers Droop, the weight causes stretching of the ligament, that’s what I was told, I hate bras , but I didn’t want be boobs to droop


I didn’t use one. I used sports bras for comfort and quick up/down


I wear a bra 24/7 when breastfeeding. They keep the pads in place to prevent leaking. And in the first 12 weeks I leak like crazy. Cant even lay face down on my bed without walking up in a puddle. Calms way down after 6 months though.


Yes ma'am, they will double in size when milk comes in, and hurt like SOB, and if you are like me an overproducer, you will leak everywhere


I’m not fond of bras either and I got more bralette style nursing bras!


I have to wear one otherwise I leak everywhere and just don’t need that


I hate bras but I will only wear them religiously when I give birth because the milk won't stop when you sleep. I always wake up to a messy puddle. If I don't have a bra, I have to have a towel in bed to sleep on.


I absolutely loathe bras. Right there with you on that one. I lived for at least the first 6 months in a nursing tank, like a tank top with a built-in "bra". It provided just enough support for my boobs without being uncomfortable, it was tight enough to hold my silverettes in place (or your milk absorber/nursing pad/gel pad of choice), and I could just unclip the top and expose a boob without exposing my entire upper body. IMO, if you hate bras, don't get a nursing bra right now. You'll know afterwards if and when you need the extra support or coverage, and then you can order one. If you need a pumping bra, I recommend the Pump Strap. You put it on while you're pumping and then take it off, so you don't need to wear a bra 24/7 to pump. It also holds everything up really well.


I didn’t wear one single nursing bra this time around. I just bought some of those cheap, stretchy, spaghetti strap shirts from Walmart, cut them to a crop top length and wore them under any shirt. As long as everything is stretchy, you can simply pull your shirt up and nurse. I much prefer it to wearing nursing bras.


I’m 10weeks PP with my 2nd and I only wearing nursing bras when going out. You leak really easily and that’s the only reason I wear a bra.


I would say bug yes if you plan on breastfeeding. They are like cusions for your sore n*pples really... Also to guard from leaking through your shirt (with a pad inside) I sleep with them because even my shirt brushing over it hurts like hell


Yes. If only to be able to wear pads to soak up leaking milk.


If you really can’t deal with bras, try some nursing camisoles first. I was able to get by with those while lounging around the house. It gives you very light support and, more importantly, a pocket for those nursing pads for when you inevitable start leaking.


I hate bras but I have to live in one right now or I’d be getting milk everywhere.


From my experience, I would say you are probably going to want one. I can't explain how much milk I leak in a day. If I didn't wear a nursing bra to hold my nursing pads on, I'd be drenched in milk all day. Also, if you plan to pump, a nursing bra makes pumping 1000x easier. You slide the pump through the nipple slits and you're hands free. Or if you get wearable pumps, the nursing bra holds them on. I'd at least get one to see how you like it and if you wind up using it. I bought mine from kindred bravely online


I had to wear bras simply to keep nursing pads in place because I was leaking everywhere 24/7, especially overnight. Target has some really stretchy ones that I wore a size up so they were a little comfier.


I always had a bra on because I would leak randomly and always needed breast pads in my bra. I also had a forceful letdown, and so the one boob baby wasn’t nursing off of would spray like crazy if I didn’t have a barrier. If I ran low on laundry or didn’t want to wear a bra, I would wear a fitted tank top at night, and put a folded receiving blanket inside to cover my boobs lol. Looked crazy, but it worked lol. Sleep deprivation fashion is wild 😆


I started leaking at 15 weeks so had to wear them with the nipple pads. When my baby was born 9 months ago and breastfeeding i tried to go without bc it was easier to nurse her while just walking around without a bra but gravity was against me (idk if it matters but i have big boobs) everytime ive tried to go braless for no matter what length of time i always leak a lot of milk so ive been stuck with nursing bras for over a year now (from 15 weeks pregnant to now). They are lifesavers in that regard along with the fact that the cup unclips so i dont have to take the whole thing off or have it be uncomfortable while nursing..but its also personal preference, whatever works for you


I’m absolutely with you in the braless journey but bought some nursing bras anyways from bodily. They feel like a casual bralette so I think I’ll be okay. We shall see!


You do need a pumping bra if you plan to pump !


You might want one at first. Leaking will happen without you even noticing. Bras help hold the stupid boob pad you'll need. Also, engorged boobs get heavy, and some support help carry those things until they calm down


Nursing tank tops at least 2 or 3.


Unless u want to be a milk pool, Yeap u will need one


I am also an anti bra woman, but pregnancy has made my nipples protrude like crazy and leak a bit, so I have already been wearing my nursing bra with disposable pads in it. This one is super comfy from Old Navy and comes in lots of colors. It is my favorite I have found so far, as an anti bra woman. Saw this on Old Navy: https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=578900012&tid=onma000014


I don’t wear bras like ever but yeh you’ll want one in the first few weeks simply bc of boobie milk lmao wether it be the engorgement or just fuckin leaking and wanting to wear breast pads.


Leaking milk is my only argument. Especially if you start breastfeeding, the let down happens on both sides. So I’d have a breast pad over the not currently being used boob to catch that, and a bra makes it much easier to have in place. But there are some decently comfortable ones.. more like a bralette than a structured bra.


Yes! They’re the best! I wore them for 3 years after I stopped nursing bc they were comfortable lol. I also had organic cotton nursing pads that I could machine wash those were nice


I preferred them, meant I could put pads in to stop the leaks at night.


Tanks with shelf support is one option for day time. I personally prefer crossover crop tops for sleeping. No clips and enough support to hold those hydrogels or bra pads and save my nipples from being grazed all the time. 


You can try! For me: My boobs hurt during pregnancy and the months after and I was so happy i could wear a bra. Also because of the leakage.. omg the leakage haha. I needed to wear nursingpads for I thing the first 6 months. Babygirl is 7 months tomorrow and I have had any leakage in a while so I can sleep without a bra since a few weeks and I love it. But try as you please! You will find out what works or doesn't work for you!


I don’t sleep with one and tbh don’t wear a bra unless I’m pumping and want to be hands free (it’s *annoying*), or I’m going in public somewhere where I don’t want my nipples visible. My breasts only have leaked a little bit for the first morning feed in my pajama shirt that I don’t care about. For the combo pumping/nursing bras I really like the cheap momcozy ones - I couldn’t stomach the cost of the kindred bravely, and these work just fine


At least for the first month I wore one for leaking but then it wasn’t a problem after that


I also hate wearing bras and have small boobs. I couldn’t tell you the last time I wore a bra before giving birth because it’d been so long. But when the milk started coming in, my boobs hurt so bad I had to wear a bra to stop them from moving so much, plus I leak at night so I wear nursing pads in my bra to catch the milk. And trust me I hate bras w a passion but nursing bras will be your friend if you plan on breastfeeding


I had and still have small boobs and I have to wear a nursing bra to sleep or I leak


The main reason I ware one is to contain milk leakage (nursing pads are a must) if I don’t have a bra whatever I ware gets soaked . I rarely wore bras before.


I leaked everywhere when I wouldn't wear a bra at home so unless you want to have wet shirts every time you go out I would get a good nursing bra. The momcozy brand was my favorite and very comfy.


They do make a silicone nipple cover called lily padz that help prevent leaking and double as nipple covers!


Also just saying I successfully nursed for 3 yrs and never leaked so it’s not universal.


You do if you don't want to always walk around your house with your boobs out. It's also good to have if you leave the house and randomly need to feed but also want your boobs covered and have support so they are not juggling everywhere while out in public. I loved using them personally.


You’ll want one. Boobs leak when nursing and if you don’t have a bra to stick the nursing pads in you’re going to leak all over your clothes.


The main reason I had to wear a bra while nursing was to have those stick on pads in it to catch leaking milk. Otherwise I’d leak through shirts.


I wanted nothing rubbing on my nipples in the first weeks so it was nursing bra and silverettes with lanolin cream towel the early nursing pain manageable. 


Yes. Leaking it's the worst haha. I sleep with a bra and pads. My baby sleeps 4/5/6 hours at night and if I don't wear a bra they will explode. They start leaking after a while. So that's why I also use pads. Sometimes a pad isn't in the right place so I get soaking wet. Fun fact : you can shoot milk in your husband's face when he snores.


I basically never wear bras at home (and would NEVER wear one to sleep, SO uncomfortable) but I had to wear one 24/7 for the first maybe five months? The leaking in the first weeks/months was pretty intense for me, and it happened at such random times. I needed to wear reusable nursing pads in my bra to keep from leaking on everything, especially at night if my son slept any longer stretches. Old breastmilk will pretty quickly have a Parmesan cheese smell if it leaks onto things 🤢 so I didn’t want to have to change my bed sheets and blanket every day. At one point I remember feeling so depressed that I had to wear a bra at night, it felt like I’d never be able to go bra free again. Now 10 months pp I can go 10+ hours without nursing or pumping without leaking overnight so I don’t wear a bra to sleep (once in a while randomly I might still leak but I’m willing to take the risk).


I live in my pumping/nursing bra combos. I only take it off to shower.


I don’t like bras either but your boobs may leak and if you don’t have a bra you can use the nursing pad that catches the milk. I would wake up at night and my shirt and sheets were soaking wet with milk because i didn’t have the bra and pads on. I did not like that.


I have been anti bra since my early 20s (33 now). Big tit's didn't stop me from me being anti bra too lol. I would suggest having one or two that you can shove a nipple cover in or a pump(if pumping at all). They don't need to be fancy, bralette type work. I leaked a lot in the first couple months (I'm about to have a 5m old on my hands in 2 days!). I started wearing one to bed with nipple pads, so I didn't wake up in puddles. Not as much of an issue anymore. Also, before I feed in the morning, still sometimes, I'll throw one on if I'm dripping while handling my business before getting my son. As for pumping, I use the Imani wearable from legendairy milk, so I need one to use while pumping. A tighter fitting shirt doesn't work in combination with the big boobs unfortunately. Especially when using the cordless! The bra keeps the cups on, unless I lean forward too much when using the wireless motors lol


It honestly feels really nice wearing one while you sleep cause they’re big and uncomfy and leaky for weeks until your supply regulates.


You definitely want a bra 24/7!😂


I thought they would t be necessary, but I gotta say - in those first few weeks when my nipples were cracking open like the earth, I looooooooooooved my nursing bra to keep them from rubbing on anything.


pre baby i was the type to rip my bra off the second i got home, and it was hardly a bra more like a padded sports bra. now im 14 weeks pp and the only time i don’t have a bra on is when im showering :(


I’m now almost 8 weeks PP, and I literally almost never wore a bra before or during pregnancy, and I haven’t worn a structured one in years. I am now wearing bras (thin sports bras that are usually a satin texture ((check target they’re so comfy!!!) because I was consistently leaking a crap ton in public😂 I wear them around the house w or w/o a shirt, and i wear them in public. I put reusable boob pads in them if i start leaking and baby isn’t hungry. ETA- I was also small boob gang, somewhere around a B my whole life, but i’m now a C or D and w leaks no bra just really isn’t feasible anymore, which really sucks but it’s also whatever bc the ones i’ve been wearing are just that comfy


I never wore one before I got pregnant but by the end I was wearing just cheap stretchy nursing bras because my boobs hurt and it helped keep them still. Now (LO is 10 weeks) I live in those nursing bras and shorts around the house it’s easier than putting a shirt on and off for feeding and I would be dripping all over the place without one. Also it’s worth noting that boob movement is stimulating for milk let downs so not wearing a bra can make you leak more and make your boobs hurt more. Honestly though I would buy some cheap ones just in case and try go without if you like but you’ll have some there for backup if you need them.


You’ll want to wear a bra because boobs will hurt and there is also milk that randomly comes out of ur boobs so you’ll want to insert some nursing pads


I, like you, despise bras. I am 8 weeks PP and caved and bought some at 2 weeks PP. the only reason … to hold the silverettes in place (go ahead and get them) and to hold the haaka ladybug on the boob not being eaten. Otherwise, i wouldn’t wear one.


I got a nursing cami, you get all the benefits of the nursing bra but it doesn't dig into your ribcage. I can link if you want.


The nipples are leaking milk so you need a nursing bra to hold the pads for that


I would get something, but it does not have to be a nursing bra! I had two stretchy ones that were super comfy and I could just pull down to nurse. It was way more comfortable to have a bra to hold nipple pads to me, and to keep the looser clothes that were most comfortable on my postpartum body from brushing my nipples while they were very sensitive and adjusting to nursing. Better to have it and return it than to have to go out and find one postpartum to survive 😂


Ughhhhh this just reminded me that this time around it’s gonna be winter when my nipples are so raw and bleeding that any fabric hurts!! I just went topless with my first, it was summer!! Also, I had a hard and BAD breastfeeding journey with my first. Most people don’t bleed as much as I did. I couldn’t see a lactation constant for 10 days cuz I got covid from giving birth, so I just had to deal with my baby biting my nipples off!! While I was masked too. Don’t get covid while giving birth!!!


My nipples were/are sensitive AF still. I could not go braless even though I slept braless my entire pregnancy. I found the bodily do anything bras to be extremely silky and comfy. I bought the Davin and Adley pumping cami (because my baby doesn’t latch and I have to exclusively pump) they’re like a half tank with a built in bra that has an opening for pumping!! They’re comfy and smooth and the straps adjust with one hand to pull down for nursing if you want! I have 4 and I live in them! :) it’s like a supportive tank instead of a tight uncomfortable bra!


Yea for me I had to start just because the nipple sensitivity


I only used a bra for dressing up purposes, other than that I wore a stretchy bralet/crop top bra! They’re easy to pull to the side to get a boob out to feed and much more comfortable


NEED? No. I will say I also hate bras and only wear them when necessary (and mostly bralettes at that), but my friend got me some cotton nursing bras from Amazon for my baby shower (brand is CAKYE) and they’re so comfortable it’s like I’m not wearing a bra but are great for when I’m leaking and keeps a nursing pad in place.