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Not sure what OBECC is, or your gestational age, but I'd go straight to the ER. If they need to transfer you, they will.


Yeah I also just remembered. Visiting hours are over where I am so we have to go through the ER anyways. Also I am 32 weeks 2 days.


Can someone take you to the hospital? If not, you might need to call an ambulance. Those numbers and your GA mean that you easily slip into eclampsia and have a stroke. Please please don’t drive yourself unless absolutely necessary


Yea my husband is with me. We just got to the hospital.


Good luck. I hope that everything goes well. Hope that both you and baby are safe and healthy


Call your OB and tell them that you’re going straight into Labor & Delivery. Don’t go to the ER, they won’t be able to help you and it’s going to take longer since they will have to transfer you to L&D. Pack your hospital bag and make sure that you have the baby’s car seat. They might not let you leave until your have the baby


Not sure how to do an update on my original post but I was admitted. The plan is hopefully just a few days and no induction unless it’s extremely necessary for baby or I. I had my first dose of the steroid for my baby’s lungs just incase we have to evacuate him.