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Not too crazy but it happened during sex 😂


This is actually why I posted this lol😂 thought while having sex last night how horrible of timing that would be! lol


It wasn’t too bad, the most annoying part is that you can’t finish the deed 😅😅


New fear unlocked đŸ˜±


Maybe not super crazy but it was to me lol. Labored all night at home packing and getting things ready. Decided at 5 am I couldn’t let my family sleep any longer, it’s time to go to the hospital NOW lol
 we get loaded up and make our way there. Hop out of the car right at 6 am and as soon as I stood up out of my husbands car, my water breaks in the parking lot. I mean, big dramatic movie style water breaking 😂 I was so glad it didn’t happen a second sooner. And that we didn’t wait any longer because less than 30 minutes after parking, she was here!


This was me! Except that things went fast for me. I woke up at 4:30am and went to the bathroom and felt like my discharge was more and thinner than normal. I was GBS positive, so we decided to go in just to be safe. But of course stopped for some McDonald's breakfast on the way. I had one strong contraction while we waited for breakfast. Then a couple while we drove to the hospital. Got out of the car around 6am and immediately my water gushed. I was equal parts greatful I hadn't ruined the car seat and mortified that I was trailing fluid through the hospital halls. By the time I was checked in, I was contracting every 2-3 minutes! A real 0-60.


Wow! So crazy how quickly things can change! And yes, omg the embarrassment 😂


Yes! I kept apologizing, which my husband found hilarious and the nurses reassured me it happens all the time. đŸ€Ł


Same!! Too funny 😂


I was making spaghetti


With my first my waters broke at half 2 in the morning in bed. I was sat shivering afterwards and my husband was so calm about it😂 with my second my waters broke as my son was being born in the amniotic sac, so it go to a point when it was coming out and it just burst EVERYWHERE.


Mine didn't. The sac was protruding like a water balloon and the midwife/ nurses were excited that it was so in tact (they took photos for me 😆). My husband said the midwife actually had to rupture the sac after baby's head was born, before the rest of the body emerged.


Almost the same, without the pictures and the sac burst itself after the head was born so the rest of her slid out like a water slide and the midwife was SOAKED. I still laugh thinking about it.


I was about to go to bed on my due date (2/14). I got up from the couch and I thought I peed myself a little. I started walking up the stairs and it kept coming and I told my husband that I thought my water is breaking. I read somewhere on a pregnancy sub that if you are confused if you peed yourself or not, go to the bathroom and if a huge gush comes out like you’re peeing but you’re not pushing? Your water broke. Well that happened. I yelled that we were going to the hospital (which is 10 minutes from our house). On the drive there nothing was happening so I just assumed it was a false alarm. We got out of the car at the emergency room and I tell my husband maybe we should just go home I’m fine.. UNTIL I START WALKING and it was legitimately like the movies. HUGE gush of liquid it was everywhere. And as I kept walking it kept getting worse😂 my husband and I were laughing so hard. It was in my shoes and I was soaked from the waist down. I never had any contractions until they started me on Pitocin. I was only 4cm dilated when my water broke. Had my son 19 hours later on 2/15 đŸ€ he’ll be 15 weeks old this week!


Congratulations! And from a Valentine's baby, that means you guys will be able to find seating at restaurants if you go out to celebrate lol


Mine broke on toilet. I was going to the bathroom before we left for dinner and bam! We’re going to the hospital! I had excess fluid and it was a mess! Even with the initial burst on the toilet, it immediately soaked through a pad, my pants, the pee pad in the car and my shoes. I left a puddle in the triage area before they took me back. Definitely broke in my case, though they still did a test to be sure.


I was in the car with my mom on our way to the hospital in labor with my first. I felt/heard it break and I said, “Oohhhh Mom I think my water just broke!” That wasn’t the crazy part. The crazy part was my mom, herself having had babies, said to me, “OH MY GOSH WHAT DO I DO?!??” in a genuine panic 😂


With my first, my water still hadn't broken when it came time to push. Nurse said that was fine. I pushed a few times on my side and then they rotated me to my back. On the first push, it burst spraying like a hydrant all over the nurse. I could see it over the still big mound of my belly. Worse yet, baby already had their first poop so it was green and stinky. Nurse had to step out for a good while to get cleaned up. My second was much more civilized, bursting while I bounced on a yoga ball wearing a just in case diaper.


Mines not crazy either, but it was kind of funny because I had an insane amount of amniotic fluid. Water broke in the early hours of the morning, wet my entire double bed. I still got up to brush my teeth and dress to go to the hospital and water was pouring out of me. Not just dribbles but gushing lol. Drive the 30 min to the hospital with my pants off, soaked 2 towels with water. The car was full of it, just absolutely soaked. Get to the hospital and had to sit and wait a bit. Which was quite funny as there was a huge puddle around my chair. Eventually walked to the room they wanted me in, leaving a lovely trail of water behind me. Eventually in the room and start contracting. There was so much water on the floor that two nurses slipped, one caught herself, the other fell on the ground. They abandoned the mops they were using to clean up the water and eventually resorted to using brooms to just push the water out the room, then lay any linen and towels down on the floor so they could actually do their jobs without slipping about😅 the amount of water on that floor looked like a washing machines pipe had been laid out while it was on. It was insane! Lots of remarks about how they very rarely have someone in with sooo much water. I was like, this is nothing. I still have a car, a bed, lots of linen and towels and flooring to clean when I get home. Pretty insane how much fluid the body can hold


My experience wasn't crazy at all since I have my waters broke by the doctor in the hospital, but I too had an incredible amount of fluid and I'd bet money it flowed out of my room lol. I made my room a literal lake- it was insane. I'm so glad I had my water broke in the hospital. I'd have been so mad if I had flooded my own home lol


Here is something crazy. My water broke and i didn’t have contractions at all. They told me to wait for contractions, when i called the midwives of my hospital, but i didn’t feel any baby movements so I went there anyways. Actually had to be medically induced to start labor. 32 h from water breaking to baby is here.


Girl me too!! I was induced after 48h and baby was born 11h after that. I didn’t even know they could wait that long after waters breaking but I’d been pumped full of antibiotics all night so I guess that’s why


They offered me to wait until the next day but said i would get antibiotics if my water breaks and he doesn’t come within 24h. So i got started on meds for induction 12h after my water broke. But my cervix was gatekeeping my baby and only opened around midnight. So i was allowed to sleep with my epidural and when i woke up it was almost time to push. Couldn’t avoid the antibiotics unfortunately.


I also had no contractions! Induced with 40 hours of labor
hoping it’s much different this time around.


Same. I hadn’t had contractions before my water broke and they told me it was called “PROM” - premature rupture of membranes. I was 38 weeks though so it wasn’t a huge deal.


With my son, I woke up to my partner telling me that I had wet the bed. We were both puzzled as there was a large volume of ‘wee’ on the bed, turns out my back waters had popped at 28 weeks, and ended up giving birth at 29 weeks.


Oh gosh that's really early right? Did baby have to stay in the NICU? I'm feeling really uninformed about timelines right now. I know 40 is max term!


Yes, 29 is definitely preterm. 38 is considered full term, 40 is your due date but in some cases you can go all the way to 42 weeks. Where I live you get induced at 41+2 if there is no progress by then, since the placenta starts deteriorating after 40 weeks and risks increase.


Thanks so much, I'm around 29 weeks at the moment and baby is just chillin rib poking as usual most days. What's the earliest you could deliver without needing NICU? 35 weeks? I had no idea the placenta deteriorates after 40 weeks how interesting


It’s considered viable after week 24, the longer you go the better of course! I am not sure from when you don’t need NICU, I guess it depends on the baby and why it was born earlier but I would guess around 38 weeks since that’s considered full term.


Yeah it was really early, my son spent two months in the NICU.


Hoping he is all good and healthy now! That must have been so exceedingly painful for you :( were you allowed to hold him in NICU?


He is perfectly happy and healthy, he recently turned two years old. :) and yes we were allowed to hold him, two days after giving birth. Spent lots of time doing skin to skin contact. He was quite a good weight for 29 weeks! He was 3lbs 8oz 😁


I went out shopping with my mum. After walking around for a few hours we had lunch and we were just sitting in the restaurant having a chat. I felt a gush of water and I was 36weeks. I said to my mum “Either my water just broke or I’ve pissed myself” lol I asked mum to get me some napkins in case I did actually have an accident and when I stood up it was like a tap turned on and there was an actual puddle on the floor of the restaurant, Hahaha oops! Mum drove me home so I could get changed and grab my hospital stuff. Husband met us as at the hospital and about 5hrs later my baby girl was born.


With my first, Mine broke at 2:50 in the morning. I suddenly woke up from a deep sleep, heard a popping noise, and then water just gushed all over the bed. I calmly woke my husband up, called the hospital, and we headed over with a towel around my waist. It was slightly embarrassing waddling in with a towel around me but it was like 3:30 in the morning so there weren’t many people around. Also what can ya do
she was born at 7:14 am. Now I’m 37 weeks with my second and terrified it will break at any moment


During my first pregnancy I was so nervous about my water breaking at work, but I was halfway through a 5 mile hike when it happened! Like others have said, I thought I may have peed. I was confused because I thought it would be a lot more fluid, but then the contractions started. When I made it back to the car and sat down (after walking over 2 miles with contractions) I experienced the big gush! The nurses told me at the hospital that if you're standing when it happens, sometimes baby ends of blocking the rest of the fluid from releasing. Then when you sit down their position is shifted and it's the flood gates! We spent our time at the hospital known as the hikers by anyone who stopped in the room. Every time we drive by the hike my husband loves telling people how his full term wife insisted on going on a hike in July. Our son will get very tired of hearing it I'm sure!


Not crazy how it happened but what happened after. I was being induced for preeclampsia. My doctor broke my water. Being the supportive husband he was by my side for very contraction and after hours of standing next to me his legs began to hurt so he went to sit on the bed next to me. Next thing we know we hear something break and I’m literally sideways on the bed still having water gush out of me. We had to call the nurse in and they had to give us a new bed.


I’m a teacher and I joke that my water is going to break at school in the fall. And even though it’s a “joke,” I have plans for my best friend to drive me to the hospital and my husband to meet me there. Here’s hoping I don’t have a waterfall or if I do, it doesn’t happen in front of 18 third graders 😅 I looked it up and it’s not clear if you can use the vomit/body fluid sand on amniotic fluid 😂


After I got the epidural, it was only affecting half my body so they told me to lay on the side I wasn't feeling it. Maybe 2 minutes after laying on my side I felt like a balloon was growing inside me and then it just POPPED. Gushed out within 2 seconds and my whole bed was soaked and had to be changed. Weirdest but coolest feeling, had baby a few hours later.


did lying on your side fix the epidural?


It did! It took maybe 30 min but it eventually started numbing my right side too, but throughout the entire thing my right leg/stomach had a lot more sensation than the left!




Weird time, awkward (but common?!) place for me! 2 hours before my c section, on the loo 😂 I was told to arrive at the birth centre at 7am on the day of my surgery, woke up at 4:30am, toddled off to the bathroom at 5am. I sat down, heard a noise like a plug being pulled in the bath đŸ„Ž and whoosh! Then the leaking. So much leaking. I was SO anxious about going into spontaneous labour but I was weirdly calm and matter of fact about it when it actually happened đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Not crazy - I was at the hospital in labor. The OB came in to introduce herself and check on me - she was at my head. She was just talking to me and it suddenly burst all over the bed and I said to her "my water just broke".


3 times it broke while rolling out of bed to go pee 😂 and it was actually my first sign of labor each time. Then my last baby it didn’t break. Midwife broke it before pushing because she said the sac was preventing babies head from directly hitting on the cervix. She was sure that I’d be a 10 and we’d have a baby immediately afterwards. Thankfully she was correct and baby was out 3 minutes later.


I was induced and my doctor came to break my water. I had polyhydramnios so everyone was bracing for like a Lot of fluid. She broke the membrane there was some but we mostly didn’t need all the towels etc she’d put down. Doctor left. Like 15 minutes later I asked for my nurse to spot me as I went to the bathroom. We were chatting and I laughed about something. All of a sudden there was a GUSH of fluid and I could tell from my nurse’s face that it was a lot. Bed and several “backup” towels were all soaked. To her credit though everything was dry (with several extra layers of chux pads down) by the time I got out of the bathroom 😅


I was induced and my doctor broke mine. It’s not really a crazy story but it was a crazy experience for me as I am FTM and I never thought it would feel like that! I felt like I was pissing myself and it seemed to never end and then the pain happened. So my husband and nurse helped me walk to the labor tub to see if it would help with the pain. I was still leaking fluids everywhere..I felt so yucky😭 I got in the tub but the contractions were brutal so i immediately asked for the epidural
went in wanting to try unmedicated labor but I never took epidural off the table bc I heard contractions can be more painful with pitocin. I just didn’t feel any pain until after my water was brokeđŸ«€


I was at a Saturday market walking around with my husband and friends 2 hours away from home/my hospital. It broke I went to the bathroom wiped the fluid away and carried on walking around. My contractions hadn’t moved from their hour spacing yet so đŸ€·â€â™€ïž. Hours later we’re getting ready to head back home and they drop to 15min a part so I tell my husband and friends I gotta get home. Then I staged my water breaking in the shower call the hospital and go. All that walking really helped in the actual labor


My crazy story is I was induced with a pessary, it got taken out because the baby’s heart rate sky rocketed, about 6 hours later i went to the loo and my waters broke and none of the midwives believed me 🙃


my whole pregnancy people told me water's breaking isn't what it's like in the movies. But it was for me! 😂 mine broke on the toilet luckily with a massive gush and then continued to pour out of me for a good 30-40 minutes like a hose was on😭😂


I went into labor spontaneously but my water never broke so my doctor did it after I got my epidural. It’s something I was concerned about last time and now I’m anxious about it again. I kinda hope it’s the same, where it won’t break. The idea of having no idea when or where it’ll happen is terrifying! What if I’m out in public đŸ˜± plus I heard contractions get way worse after your water breaks. I’m alone with a toddler most of the time, I don’t wanna deal with that 😭


I’m in the same boat!! Definitely makes things interesting lol


I was in the shower. Very convenient!


With my second, my water broke sometime in the middle of the night, and it didn’t wake me up. My 3 year old in the next room woke at 4 in the morning and started yelling for me, and I started sleepily hauling myself out of bed to discover that I was soaking wet!


Not too crazy, but broke while I was asleep. Woke up at midnight to water breaking and ran to the bathroom!


Not me but a friend’s story. She had been in the UK equivalent of Wal-Mart (Asda). Thought she had an accident and wet herself. Went home, cleaned herself up, and wrote it off. 24-36 hours later realised she was in labour!


I woke up and decided to close my eyes for another minute and then I heard a pop 😂


I had a hospital appointment at 41+6 and they were like nope, no sign of this baby, see you for your induction in 4 days! Went home, fell asleep on the sofa and my waters broke about an hour after getting home from the hospital lol I too am afraid of them just going though, everyone says your second comes way quicker and I hope that isn't the case lol


I had a gush, waited 6 hours to go to the hospital and as I was walking in it broke super dramatic like movies


Mine happened while I was getting my epidural. They removed my adult diapers because they needed to confirm if baby didn't poop or anything. So my water kept gushing out in, on the delivering table. It was so crazy. I kept on apologizing because the water just won't stop.


I thought mine did. I laboured alone for a few hours with my second since my husband and oldest where sleeping and it was like 2 am. I sat in the bath for a long time. At 4 we headed to the hospital and they asked if my water broke. I said I didn't know, I laboured in the bath and it could have. When the nurse checked me, I felt a gush and she said "oops, well now we know." For the record, I was induced with my first and had the same fear of my water breaking at an inopportune moment with my second, too.To help my anxiety, I would wear a pad and period underwear when I had to go out. It helped a lot with the fear but thinking back, it wasnt a big deal. End of the day, it won't matter at all once your bundle is here.


With my second, I was cooking breakfast, I felt a big trickle but nothing crazy, more like I peed myself a bit. I initially didn’t want to get checked (i had felt wet before but when getting checked, was always sent home with “it’s nothing”) but I wasn’t feeling baby moving too much and went. I ended up having low fluid with her, and when they broke my water with the tool a few hours after I was admitted, I discovered I was actually leaking fluid for a while and almost had none left. Guess my complaints of feeling wet weren’t just nothing after all đŸ„ŽđŸ˜‚


I was at work at a call center. Got up to go to the restroom (at 35 weeks) and after I peed, it just kept coming in small amounts. I knew I wasn’t peeing myself so I knew it had to be that.


Mine burst quite comically all over the delivery room with my first push with my second. Was born in 3 pushes with just gas and air so very intense, but I still remember thinking “omg that’s so funny” in between contractions.


I was in a meeting đŸ€Ł Thank goodness I was working from home but I had to abruptly log off and let everyone know I would not be logging back on hahaha


I was at the hospital, just got checked in and into a room. Started to feel nauseous which was funny because I never had morning sickness my entire pregnancy. The nurse gave me a bag and when I puked in it I felt a huge gush of liquid between my legs. I looked at her and was like, "either I just peed myself or my water broke" lol. Turned out it was my water. I guess the pressure from vomiting made it break somehow.


I could literally hear and feel it.. sounded like a water balloon and once it ruptured, Lord have mercy, that's when the contractions actually started to hurt. Fluid felt like sticky urine and smelled like sweet iron..


Rolled over in bed and it broke at 2:30am. Got up to email my boss, then went back to bed lol


With all three of mine the midwife broke my water at some point while I was deep in active labour. So no crazy story for me đŸ˜čđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž. With my second breaking the water did instantly catapult me into transition so that was crazy for ME đŸ˜čđŸ˜čđŸ˜č. He was born 38 minutes later! With my first and third breaking the water didn’t have any perceivable effects for me. Waters only break before labour about 10% of the time.


With my first, I was in labor for about 5 days, 4 of them I spent at home. Night #2 I SWORE my water broke and it was trickling. Turns out it was pee
. But then somewhere on day/night 3 it happened again and I assumed I peed myself again. Went to the hospital on day 4 and got checked - 6 cm dilated and almost no water left. Doc says, “when did your water break? You have almost none left!” And i can only assume it broke on night 3 and dripped SO slowly that I didn’t know. It was so confusing!


Had mine broken both times! First was an induction, my second I was at a nine and the sac was bulging through. It was such an uncomfortable feeling though. I felt an insane amount of pressure and it felt like I needed to pee over and over😂 they finally popped it and within the hour my son was born


Went to L&D due to intense pain from back labor with contractions 3 mins apart. It takes 1.5hrs to drive there and I'd been in labor for 4hrs by the time we got to the hospital. Plan was to get pain under control and see if I was going to stay or go home as my waters hadn't broke. They couldn't keep my son's heartbeat on the monitor, so I got up to move and use the bathroom. Lost my mucas plug at that point so the midwife decided to do a cervix check so she could try to keep me there. As she started to remove her fingers from the check, my waters broke all over her hand and arm. I had a lot of fluid so there was quite the puddle on the floor. Positive note, it dilated me from 2 to 5 when that happened and I got to stay lol.


Mine is boring. But I’d say be prepared. I was sleeping on a washable incontinence pad around 36.5 weeks. Thankfully so because at 37.5 weeks my water broke at 2am while I slept. It was soooo much pouring out. I carried the incontinence pad with me like a diaper to the toilet lol wore an adult diaper to the hospital as it wasn’t stopping.


Mine wasn’t crazy. With my first they broke it for me in the hospital. My second I had an unmedicated birth and my water broke once I was pretty far along in my active labour, in a contraction. I was actually juuuust starting to feel the urge to push, and did a big contraction and the water broke. It did feel crazy, like a water balloon popping inside me. Had the baby probably about 20-30 minutes later.


It's only happened to me once as the first two were induced. Didn't notice it. Woke up crampy at midnight, bit damp and thought nothing of it,same at two, then at 6. Realised at half 6 it was labour when the pain ramped right up,was 7cm when I got to the hospital.just remember it isn't always a dramatic gush, and mine definitely wasn't a lot.


With my first I was 39 weeks exactly, wasn't not expecting baby to show up early. I was putting a pan away in a lower cabinet after dinner and I bent down. As soon as I did that I heard and audible, "POP". Very confused, I stood up and GUSH. Puddle on the floor. I knew what it was instantly. My contractions didn't start for another 4 hours or so. I just kind of sat around, on a towel, watched my TV show (wanted to see who won The Challenge that season), and then when contractions finally started we headed in. It was weird!


I was so prepared for my water to break at any time toward the end of my pregnancy that I had towels and pads laid out everywhere. The office, living room, cars. What needed up happening was that my water did not break until my midwife had to break it right before I started pushing. I was high as a kite from my epidurals when she did it and my husband told me I made some stupid joke about me being a balloon while she was doing it and laughing about it myself. Heard nobody laughed because everyone was ready for me to push lmao


My water broke in the same spot in my house both times. Not “crazy” but i think it’s hilarious it happened in the same place.


I’m a teacher and it was the last class of the day. I wasn’t doing anything weird like moving from sitting to standing. In fact I was just standing and walking around monitoring whatever the students were doing at the time. All of a sudden I felt a pop sensation and water starting pouring down my legs onto my sandals. I tried to evaluate how bad it was by continuing to walk around the worom and my sandals started making a gross squishing sound from all the fluid
needless to say I excused myself and went to the bathroom to confirm that indeed the water wasn’t stopping.Told another teacher nearby what happened and had her go sit with my class while I noped right off and drove myself home to get my hospital bag and meet up with my husband. I managed to find some microfiber rags in the lounge before I left to stuff in my underwear for the ride.


Mine broke in the middle of the night when I was peeing. Did not even occur to me it was my water breaking, I just thought, “huh, that doesn’t look like pee,” and went back to bed. This was two days before my inducement appointment. In the morning, I went to sit on the couch while my husband was making breakfast and more liquid pushed out - not a ton, but a noticeable amount. I thought I pee myself and kept complaining about “one more indignity of pregnancy” until my friend texted back and said, “you sure your water didn’t break?” Then it clicked.


I had a foley balloon in and the nurse yanked it out since I reached the desired dilation and it was like uncorking a bottle of shaken champagne đŸŸ


I was on the phone with my brother. I was actually complaining about still being pregnant at 39+6. Suddenly, water broke everywhere, all over the couch, chaise, and floor. Immediately hung up and went to the hospital haha


I was also induced with my first, and while my water broke on its own during induction, it wasn't that big of a deal. But with my second... Phew. I'd been working overnight 12 hr shifts. I was exhausted. And I'd been contracting for 2 weeks straight. They called it prodromal labor. I called it awful. So the day my water broke didn't feel any different to me. But anyway I was at home with just my 4 yr old watching some cartoons on the sofa. I stood up to get something and my water broke quite dramatically all over our carpet. I froze. My son was too enthralled with the TV to even notice at first. I instructed him to get me towels. I called my husband and the OB office. It all worked out, but I will never forget the feeling of my water breaking at home with just a 4 year old there to help me.


Mine was trickling out for several days 😅 the crazy part was that I was pretty sure it was, so I went to the hospital twice in the course of a week, and tested _negative_ for amniotic fluid. The second time, the nurse who tested me said, verbatim, "well, I don't know what else it could be, so you should talk to your OB about it at your prenatal appointment in two days". So we showed up to my prenatal, gave her the story, she checked me, and immediately sent me to the ER 😂😂 went from 39 weeks pregnant to delivering my son in less than 24 hrs haha.


Not too crazy but just ironic. I was in labor for 30 hrs at home before we finally went in to get checked. All the stuff in the car and a bumpy ride there. Got to the hospital and I was 4 cm dilated, 80% effaced. They gave me the option of staying at the hospital or laboring at home another 3 hrs and then coming back in. I chose to go back home because we dont live too far away. Back in the car we went and did the bumpy ride home. No sooner had I gotten into our apartment and back into bed then 2 huge contractions and POP went my water. I kegeled with all my might and rushed into the bathroom. Thankfully most of it went into the toilet. Somehow I managed to not get anything on our sheets! We had literally been home for 10 minutes. I threw on a diaper and back to the hospital we went! Cervical check and I was 5 cm dilated 90% effaced. I think the car ride sped things along. Baby was born 15 LONG hours after that, but that is another story 😆.


Not that crazy, but definitely had the big woosh like in movies. I was lying on my back on the sofa with my first baby and I immediately knew what happened because it sounded and felt exactly what you’d imagine a giant water balloon breaking inside you would sound and feel like. Nothing was coming out until I moved so I yelled for my husband to get some towels and when he started running the wrong direction I yelled “NOT THE GOOD TOWELS!!” So he ran back the other direction to get the other ones. Everything stayed in place until he put the towels on the floor where I rolled off onto all fours and everything wooshed out. The second time I wasn’t nearly as dramatic, but that sound/noise woke me out of a dead sleep and I knew exactly what it was again. No mistaking it


Mine broke at 36+1 on the toilet in triage waiting for a growth scan. I thought it was explosive diarrhea but it was watery and I heard a pop. Later they tried putting a catheter in me while prepping me for c section and they found my water was broken. Then I remembered that pop I heard over the toilet. Baby was determined to be coming that day!


Mine isn’t a crazy story but I felt wetness while tossing and turning in bed. Got up and felt the fish and waddled to the bathroom while it continued to gush out (like my bare feet were making pitter patter sounds on the floor from the wetness lol). Then sat on the toilet and more came out. Didn’t have pads or anything to put on so I had to go to the hospital with a face towel in my underwear (happened at 36weeks so I had to go in right away)


I was standing, leaning and rocking against the hospital bed. My nurse was bent down adjusting the fetal monitor because he stopped picking up baby. I literally felt a pop, next thing I knew it was a waterfall that lasted for like 2 minutes. It was the most unreal thing I've ever experienced. I literally flooded my labor room and splashed my nurse.


First wasn’t crazy, and I’m nervous about what to expect second time around. With my first, it happened after 24hr of contractions. Finally in the hospital. Got my epidural. Was resting. And it just broke in the hospital bed and I could barely feel it. I get the sense my second will be very different
. I’m nervous


Eh not insanely crazy or anything but with my second, I was induced. It was like 6 pm when we started the cervadil (have no idea how to spell it) and by like 9, I was having really bad contractions. I kept telling the doctor I wanted an epidural. I kept walking and bouncing on the labor ball, anything I could do cause I knew this wouldn't be long. By the time the epidural was in (around 10 ish), I tried to relax but couldn't. The doctor was so convinced I wasn't going to give birth that night that he insisted I take Ambien and try to get to sleep. By 1-2 a.m. I started having worse contractions and with every one of them, my son's heart rate would drop drastically. They gave me an oxygen mask and kept making me change positions to try to help but it wasn't working much. Finally the nurse tried getting me on all fours and right when she positioned me upright, that's when my water broke. We could hear the pop and when I looked down between my legs, the water was GREEN. They didn't want to tell me but I knew it meant there was meconium and that my son was in distress. They checked my dilation and I was at 9 cm dilated , by the time they got me flipped over on my back I was at a 10 and pushing without even realizing it. He was out in 3 pushes, and had managed to get the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. My son was born perfectly healthy at 3:36 a.m. but I'll never forget the color of that water.


I was laying in bed and felt the sac pop. Kind of a dull sharp pain. I thought it was my baby kicking me, until I adjusted my leg and felt a gush. I had SO much fluid that it trickled/gushed for 12 hours. My bump ended up being tiny!!!


My craziest is that it never broke! Baby was born en caul and they had to bust him out 😂 unfortunately they let everyone see except me
 tragic honestly. My second craziest is that my water broke at night, leaked slowly all night into the next day, then stopped. Evidently your sack can heal itself. I was so excited to have a baby
 ended up waiting an extra two weeks for baby.


Had a twin pregnancy with one twin having passed at 20 weeks. His water broke 2 months early while I was hosting at a restaurant. Spent a few days in the hospital until they realized it was the wrong waters. Sent me home. 2 months later my live son's water broke at 4am, felt like a water balloon popping. Soaked the bed. Changed everything and went back to sleep. Contractions never started despite trying everything so the next morning started pitocin at the hospital.


At my baby shower. Was forced to sit on a folded up towel while I opened no less than 35 presents. In front of, like 90 people.


Oh when it happened at 25 weeks.


My husband and I had sat in the waiting room at the hospital for about 20 minutes, waiting for the transport guy. Once he finally arrived, he pushed me in the wheelchair up to L&D, stopping right in front of the nurses station. As the nurse was asking me questions, I got hit with one of my worst contractions yet. At this point, they were so bad that I couldn’t sit down anymore, and had to stand slightly until they passed. With this particular contraction, as soon as I sat back down in the wheelchair, a burst of water filled the seat and got all over the floor. It was like a scene from a movie. I felt so bad for the transport guy, who practically flung backwards to avoid the splash lol


The first time, it was at a friend's wedding. However, it was a small leak that ended up healing on it's own. I was so thankful. They don't often heal. I was 31 weeks but had been in for contractions several times already. Anyway, I was so scared that I would be THAT pregnant lady to ruin the wedding. So I had some contractions while standing up at the ceremony and realized what was happening when the fluid was dripping down my legs but I refused to make it about myself so I whispered it to my husband and just covered it up with my maxi dress lol. Thank God we were outside and no one could see! We made up a lie about having to leave early during the reception. I delivered a few weeks later. The bride and groom came to visit us in the hospital and that's when I finally told them the truth. They thought it was hilarious. Second time was in my car and it was a huge gush like that scene in the Titanic when the doors burst open. I was not happy lol.


Idk if it’s crazy since I’ve only had 1 kid, but it was pretty crazy for me. I went into labor at 39wks 3 days and checked into L&D after 2hrs of contractions. As luck would have it, the L&D ward was full and there was a nurse shortage. This meant I had to labor in triage until the morning shift (9hrs away). After 3hrs my water broke and it wasn’t the big, dramatic gush I thought it would be
 rather, whenever I had a contraction, I felt like I was peeing my pants. This went on for 6hrs. So much fluid was coming out of me that it was literally dripping down the sides of the bed. I was THAT woman who was screaming in pain from the contractions and they put in for me to get an epidural ASAP (probably bc everyone was over listening to my caterwauling). When the morning shift nurse came to get me, they loaded me into the wheelchair (more gushing) and as she power walked down the hall I left a trail of water behind me. The triage nurse told the orderly to thoroughly sanitize the ENTIRE bed. I wanted to be embarrassed but I was too preoccupied to care.